SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, March 7, 1941 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE NURSERY STOCK 000,000 fruit and nut trees. ?*0 varieties. Free 40 page catalog. Rones, flowering, shade trees, eta. Tualatin Vnlley Nurseries. Sb'Twood. Oregon. Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young | STOCK FOR SALE ABEftDtJEN-ANGUS BULLS AND COWS. 1 K. Hcollard, Chehalis. Washington. By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP OPPORTUNITY Grow Mushrooms, cellar or shed. Wo buy Guaranteed Market. Free Book. Bona Fide Mushroom Co.. I>e»t-A. 4044 Foster, Portland OLD GOLD SELL your old Jewelry end dental gold direct to oldest and largest re­ finery In Northwest. You will profit. Speyer Smelting A Refining Co.. 221 Medical-Dental Bldg. Seattle. Wash­ ington. FILM SERVICE- Excellent work and fast servloe. Any I or 3 exposure roll developed. I sparkling prints and one 1x7 enlarge­ ment. (Your choice). 25c ooin. Free film mailer with every ordeu Out work must please you or money re­ funded. The Picture Mill. Box SIL, Portland, Oregon. LALA PALOOZA SPECIAL By RUBE GOLDBERG The Major Get» the Gong BLANKETS, Army rejects, »«»44.4 lb. 100% virgin wool, kakkl ootor. Pries fl SO postpaid any place tn U. 8. Many other bargains. Portland Wool- •nmant counter. 6B3S Io. kve.. Portland, Ore. FOR SALE FOR SALE—400-ACRE DAIRY AND wheat ranch, stock, machinery. M. Blackwood, Sprague. Wash. CHICKENS CH IX Hanson W. L. and New Hamp< Circular. Gehring's Poultry Farm, Silverton. Ore. RABBITS Poultry, rabbits, rabbit aklna. Gel highest prices. Ruby A. Co >35 S. W. Front, Portland. Oregon PROFITABLE selling of rabbit skins to Wemple A Law. TA. 2031, 1301 S. E. Washington. Portland. Ore. SPECIAL By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP—Mountain Skirmish Work REGISTERED KARAKULS: LITERA­ TURE and prices on request. Glm- llna Karakul Farm. Pomeroy. Wash Fur ‘Lapin’ Fur Lapin comes from a rabbit Both Congressmen Congress consists of two branches — the senate and the house of representatives. Thus a member of either the house or the senate may be correctly called a “congressman,” says Pathfind­ er. But in popular usage, “con­ gressman,” is generally applied to a member of the house, and “sen­ ator” to a member of the senate. A member of the house is official­ ly and correctly called '.‘represent­ ative.” MESCAL IKE Handy Gadget at That By S.L HUNTLEY “THEY CALL ME ‘DOC’" “When someone complains of add stomach I hand them one of my ADL A Tablets”—wrote Mr. M. of Penn. If “Doc” met yon he’d probably hand YOU one. Ask your druggist today for ADLA Tablets and see how quickly they relieve acid indigestion. Our Vanity Hurt K l That which makes the vanity of others unbearable to us is that which wounds our own. — La Rochefoucauld. nrA rNervous Restless Cranky? Restless? Can't (leap? Tire easily? Because of distress of monthly functional disturbances? Then try Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com­ pound. Pinkham's Compound is famous for relieving pain of Irregular periods and cranky nervousness due to such disturbances. One of the most effec­ tive medicines you can buy today for this purpose — made etpeciaUf tor women. WORTH TRYING! By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Pop’s Right Onr Angels Our acts our angels are, or good or ill, our fatal shadows that walk by us still.—Fletcher. %COLDS SUBURBAN HEIGHTS (piickftj aa I s LIQUID TABLETS SALVS soil OlOM COUCH OIOSS WATCH Specials You can depend on the spe­ cial sales the merchants of our town announce in the columns of this pa per. They mean money saving to our readers. It always pays to patronize the merchants who advertise. They are not afraid of their mer­ chandise or their prices. * *