Friday, March 7, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 Bq B en A mu W illiams BEN AMI 3 WILLIAMS Sarv i c e —-------........................... ... > Objecting The sounds over his head kept | He pushed her aside, and she was draw in to just the slimness you Mother Baby's crying because George's attention fixed on the com­ thrown three or four steps back­ wunt, by inruns of the sash belt in he’s getting his first teeth. Peter was in danger, and the men panion. No movement in the main ward against the wall and fell. He the back. Little Mary—What's the mat­ hunting for them would be in dan­ cabin warned him; but it was from thought: Why. I must be strong, The high-cut skirt is very slen­ ter? Doesn't he want them? ger. As much to protect these oth­ that quarter that the attack came. really strong, to do that! Too bad! derizing to the hips and waist. The ers as to save himself. Richard de­ Rannels. Gee, Hurd, and Peter Poor Mary! gathered bodice gives you a nice cided to dig his way out The rain rains mostly upon the He went through the after ’tween I were united by the greedy hope round bosom-line. Make this of Just. The unjust keep borrowing He had for tools the stout club, of reward. Peter had won them by decks. He moved briskly, the re­ percale, calico or ginghtitn and his umbrella. about four feet long, two inches promises, playing on each accord­ volver in his right hand, his left trim with bright ricrac and but­ thick, one end shod with iron: and ing to his appetite. For weapons, arm hanging. He remembered to tons. Untrimined, it'a a gotxi style he had his pocket knife. He whit­ they had the edged tools of the cock the revolver before he started In the Name of Safety for runabout, If you make it up in tled the end of the club into a flat, whale fishery; harpoons, lances, to climb to the deck. He could not "What’s making you ao ungryt” flat crepe or spun rayon. Send for chisel-shaped blade, not too sharp, spades. It was only necessary to help himself with his left hand, be­ "Nothing much. I cut myself the pattern today, and be among with a safety razor, burned my­ not sharp enough to break easily. cause it would not do what he want ­ find a chance to use them. With the first to wear it! Then he began to dig steps up the this in mind, Peter planned to draw ed it to do; and he had to hold the self with a safety match, and e e e side of the pit For the first few George's eye in one direction, to revolver ready in his other hand; nearly got run over while reading Pattern No. M7S Is aMaak er fol Ut aaar a>l Mka a ion. George saw him. George did The driving instructor was kal> (■I,«« Ifca b—H Al Uw •<« ala» .uuxwa been able to climb ten feet above aed ■■■■> 1 u— t m M-ll •»• TabMa <• When the others were in position not see Hurd. Hurd was on the teaching the awkward fellow to aman Mt <*• f»««. Nu l«aBti*« Iw« « m 4 b «f «*• the floor of the pit; but then the the Negro went below. Peter him­ port side, beyond the door of the artin« E mmw t i tee m M ii>4l«wMlim If drive a car. FIIUÌT |M*K Hell AIM Uttar, »wtu«« light failed and he worked in dark­ self would take no active part In the galley, where old Willie Leeper, as UttAe ID M tad rwalra DUl’BXJI Maw JK "Put out your left hand to sig ­ ness. Some time later, the shelf on affray. Gee was barefooted, and he though blind to all that went on nal that you are about to move which he lay broke off under hi* moved silently. He was accustomed aboard here, persistently banged off. Then with your left foot step weight, and he fell, rolling down to use an axe left-handed. The door and clattered at his work. Hurd In Ignorance in the clutch. With your right into the water again. He guessed he had to attack swung into the after had a boat spade too. Nothing is so firmly believed aa hand put the gearshift into first. that he bad reached a point where cabin, the hinges on the port side. But George did not see him. He what we least know.—Montaigne. Gradually ease up on the clutch, the walls of the pit began to slope Gee stood on that side when he saw Peter, and Peter saw George the while stepping gently on the inward; so that there was nothing and leaped toward him. George fell swung the axe. accelerator with your right foot to support the gallery he excavated He delivered that blow with a on his face and rolled on his side “When the car has gathered so laboriously. and lifted the revolver and shot nervous violence which proved his speed, again step in the clutch, He would have to tunnel upward , Peter ducked and dodged; and own destruction. The axe hit the shifting with the right hand to sec­ through the solid peat and reach panels just beside the bolt, and the suddenly he screamed like a wom­ ond. Then with the left foot slowly the surface somewhere to one side an. Panic fear broke him down. He flimsy screws flew out and the door let out the clutch, accelerating of the hole. turned to run aft toward the com ­ flew open so easily that Gee by his ’T'HERE'S something guileless with the right foot. Then repeat He began to do so. Almost at once Crromulston relieves promptly be­ own" weight was pulled forward, the panion, squalling as he ran. * and appealing about a yoke to shift to high speed. Keep your cause It goes right to the scut of tit® the texture of the peat became George thumbed back the ham­ axe and his swinging arms drag­ dress like this that will make you eyes on the road ahead all of the trouble to help loosen and expel tougher. Till now he had worked in ging him off balance, into the door­ mer of the revolver and shot again. germ laden phlegm, and aid nature stuff half-burned, the life baked out Peter seemed to trip and fall, and look as fresh and bright as a little time.” way. There was a long pause; the to soothe and heal raw, tender. In­ of it by the heat of those old fires; girl all dressed up in a new he no longer screamed. George, ly ­ flamed bronchial mucous mem­ George, when the Negro struck, but now it began to have substance starched frock I It's very becom­ pupil appeared to be thinking. branes. Tell your druggist to sell you was standing at the foot of the com­ ing on his side, his cheek against and cohesion, held together by grass "Well, what are you waiting ing and youthifying to misses and a bottle of Creomulston with the un­ panionway, looking up, the bomb the deck, the revolver flat on the roots dead centuries ago. His task women alike. Yet design No. 8876 for?” asked the instructor finally. derstanding you must like the way it gun in his hands, the door into the deck at his arm’s length, pulled the became increasingly laborious. Us­ ’’There's nothing useful I could quickly allays the cough or you are hammer and shot again and again, offers you the makings of a very to have your money back. ing the chisel-shaped end of his club main cabin ten feet away and be­ slowly, laboriously aiming through comfortable home style, with do with my nose, is there?” in­ like a narrow spade, he drove it hind him. At the crash of the axe eyes half closed. waistline that you can comfortably quired the beginner. blow, he whirled and saw the Negro upward, cut around blocks of peat, After a space, the hammer clicked for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis in the doorway. Gee bawled in dis­ and then with his right hand clawed may, trying to leap clear, as George on an empty cylinder. He could do these blocks free nothing more. He rolled on his back lifted the bomb gun and fired. He burrowed like a mole. The As Our Works Are A Quit With Anawera I and loeked up; and then his eyee At the sound of the axe. Rannels tunnel he dug was no larger than Everyone is the son of his own stepped to the top of the companion­ opened wide in clear recognition ot Offering Information necessary. If be could wedge his works.—Cervantes. way above George. At the foot of the what was about to happen to him. body through it, and have room to on Varioua Subjecta companionway be saw George swing Hurd, the little Cockney, stood over use his club, he was content There e to face Gee. and as George lifted him in silhouette against the sky and was now some moisture in the peat the bomb gun, Rannels stabbed the web of rigging. Hurd was lift­ through which be tunneled, and not downward with the long spade. He ing his boat spade to strike. He like musty hay; and tear gas like TAe Queationa much dust; nevertheless thirst har­ aimed at the nape of George's neck. seemed to stand there motionless; apple blossoms. assed him. fl. Twenty. If the blow had struck fairly, it and time had stopped, and Instants 1. What is the only state in the Once when he went down to drink, would have decapitated the man be­ were eternal. 7. Some diamond cutters have JUST A Union which is bounded by one he saw that there was light in the low; but the recoil of the gun become so expert in cutting very 0AÍH I* state alone? hole at the top of the pit The short knocked George off balance back­ CHAPTER XXI 2. Which of the following is a small diamonds for mass settings southern night was ending. Dawn ward. He was already falling when natural magnet—Capstone, thun­ that they produce regular 58-facet was near. Rannels struck, so the harpooner Behind Hurd—George could see stones so small that as many as A long while after that he realized missed his aim. The spade that him under Hurd's upraised arms— derstone or lodestone? Art of Hoping 3. What are known as cardinal 800 weigh only one carat. by the tougher fibre of the chunks he would have caught George in the Willie Leeper was holding upraised 8. Ulysses S. Grant (inaugural Patience is the art of hoping. tore away that he had reached live neck, instead slid over his shoulder a heavy cleaver. Before Hurd's winds? Vauvenargucs. 4. When was the boundary be­ address March 4, 1869J. grass roots. The realization, even and down his left arm. It bit into spade stopped going up tor the down­ though it proved he was near the his forearm just below the elbow. ward blow at George, the cleaver, tween the United States and Can­ surface of the ground and promised It sliced the flesh like a razor, grat­ already lifted, began to descend. It ada finally determined? ' 5. What are the odors of the an early end to his labors, did not ed on the bone. came slowly against Hurd's neck, on speed them, He worked slow and George, thrown backward by the the side under the ear, at an angle principal gases that are used in war? slower, tired without knowing it, recoil, fell on his left side. The inward. The broad keen blade went 6. How many shillings are there sluggish with weariness. He thrust smoke of powder from th* gun's far in and in. M.1V Warn of Disordered Kidney Action. Don i Neg I cc f It 1 j the pointed club upward with a thunderous discharge had instantly The spade in Hurd's hands In a British pound? 7. How small can diamonds be heave of shoulders and back, his filled the cabin; but through this dropped to the deck. The blade of Symptoms of disturbed kidney reaction ty be naggins bar bar be, perniatami baad- feet braced hard. smoke as he lay on his side he saw it brushed against George's side, cut? l, getting up nlghla, awrlllng, 8. Who said: “I know of no Presently one of these thrusts sent Rannels at the head of the compan­ and stuck in the planking; and the trAaiMi. kwpo doctor* busy, ruflineea under the eyee — hoepi tab crowd«!. Th« after a leafing ot nervoue analMy method to secure the repeal of the club through into open air. There ionway recovering the spade to spade stood erect for a moment, rffrrta ar« disturbing to •nd loaa nt Mreagth and was still the mat of grass roots to strike again. He rolled on his back, and then fell over sidewise as the bad or obnoxious laws so effective th« kidnejB and oftentimes energy. (Xhee eigne of kid­ paopl« «uner without know­ ney or Madder diaiurbaaaa as their stringent execution”? rip apart; but five minutes later dodging that blow; and he dragged blade, for lack of any deep hold, ing that disordered kidney • ometlmea are burning, Ricnard dragged himself like a crip­ the revolver, already cocked, out broke out of the planking. The han­ action may eauai the •eanty or loo frequent urinn- trouble. lion. pled mole through the.opening he of his belt and fired it upward blind­ dle fell across George's body. The A newer a After colds, f«r«r and In neeh e now II la bettor had made, and lay prone. similar Ills ther« la an in- ly. The heavy slug struck Rannels to rely on • medicine that Hurd fell the other way, making ereaas of body Impurities baa woe world-wide ap­ It was Corkran, following the bro­ in the breast bone. He slid feet choking sounds. Willie Leeper looked the kidneys must filter from proval than on oonwthlag 1. Maine. ths blood. It ths kidneys ken trail through the tall grass, who first down the companionway and down at him. Willie said in a pip­ faaa favorably known. Uao 2. Lodestone. aro overtaxed and fall to remove eioaoa I Do hours later found him there. lay in a huddle on the cabin floor. ing, thin voice to Hurd dying on the acid and other harmful waate, there la I frl< 3. Winds blowing from due poiaonlng of the whole ayatam. | to Aboard the Venturer, George and The thinning smoke made George deck: north, east, south or west. Mary kept their vigil; George by cough. He heard a faint sound that 'There, drat ye!’’ 4. The boundary between the the desk with the revolver and the seemed to be far away, and realized George laughed. That was funny. United States and Canada was not bomb gun ready, Mary at the cabin it was a voice, and saw Mary on her He had never heard Willie speak be­ completely determined until 1925, window through which she could see knees here beside him. fore. Willie had a thin, squeaking or 142 years after our country the boats on shore. After a long Mary was trying to hold him. He voice that was completely absurd. signed the treaty with England. . time, George heard a voice on pushed her away. He had not meant George was much amused. Two Tragedies 5. As nearly as can be described, desire, the other Is to get it. And deck, a sudden cry; so he knew the to do this violently; but under his Then he forgot Willie, for here There are two tragedies in life I the latter is the greater tragedy.— truth before Mary spoke. thrust she staggered backward till was Mary. George rolled his head mustard gas smells like garlic; She turned with glowing eyes; she she collided with the corner of the sidewise to look at Peter lying on lewisite like geraniums; phosgene —one is not to gel your heart’s | Oscar Wilde. whispered; “They've found him! desk. He shook his head regretfully. the deck aft; but Peter had not ¥ He's walking. Two of them are help­ Too bad to hurt her; but he had moved, so everything was all right. ing him. George, Richard is alive!" business in hand. He told her so. He said carefully: George nodded. "Then they’ll be He looked for Gee, and saw him “Everything's all right, Mary." He at us,” he reminded her. He knew with a calrr. surprise. Geosge had tried to nod, to reassure her. "It’s what to expect Since the men had not heard the bomb explode; but it all right, Mary,” he repeated. found Richard, Peter must hold the had exploded. There was no doubt She said fiercely; “Hush! Oh, my Venturer and escape in her, or be of that. Gee was in the main cabin, brave dear!” damned. To hold her against the on the floor by the table. Something "It’s all right,” he insisted, and men in the boats, he must have had flung him backward; but what smiled. Something was running out rr's the guns. lay there had been Gee. It must of him. His life. It was running SWELL TO GET THAT George did not stop to consider have been. The skin was black. out through his arm, fast; but he what means Peter had in hand. He Mary was here again, ripping at must be sure Mary understood, so EXTRA MILDNESS meant to hold the cabin against any his coat, trying to tear away the that she would be happy, afterward. IN A SMOKE AS TASTY odds. If he could. But he might sleeve, trying to tend the terrible He tried to tell her that he knew fail. In the sudden imminence of wound in his arm. Weakness swept she loved Richard, that he knew she AS A CAMEL. THERE'S crisis now, like a revelation, he real­ over George in a slow, sick wave; and Richard were fine, that it was NOTHING UKE ized that even if he failed, he could yet his mind was clear enough. Ran­ all right, that She was not to feel still leave Peter weaponless. nels was dead, and Gee too; but in badly about him, or about anything. A CAMEL FOR He spoke to Mary, sharply. “Take a minute now he, George McAus- But so much of him had already FLAVOR all those cartridge boxes, the pow­ land, would collapse from loss of run out that there was not enough der, everything. Break the window. blood, and lie helpless here, and of him left to say what he wished to Throw it all overboard.” then Peter could come down and get say; and while he lay happy in She began to throw out the boxes the guns. Mary’s arms, the rest ran out in a of cartridges. Someone on deck That had to be stopped. He must dwindling little stream. heard them splash in the water and kill Peter while he could. than the average of the 4 other On a day almost four months lat­ looked over the rail and saw what George decided to go through the er, under all sail, the Venturer largest-selling cigarettes tested —less than she was doing, and shouted a warn­ main cabin into the steerage and moved serenely upon a white-capped AMERICA’S No. 1 SKIER. •ny of them—according to Independent ing. thus reach the deck. Mary was try­ sea. Richard had for the moment DICK DURRANOB scientific teste of the smoke itself. "Stop that down there, you!” ing to hold him, but he put her gone below. Mat Forbes was aft, -s. George shouted back: aside. Whatever she was saying Tommy Hanline proudly taking a twp' "I'll shoot the first man who shews did not matter. It could not matter. turn at the wheel. Corkran and himself!” Looking up through the He must reach the deck somehow, Mary stood together by the star­ companion he could see nothing ex­ and manage Peter Corr. Mary hin­ board rail amidships; and the par­ cept the sky, and a segment of the dered him. He said to her in an rot nibbled at Corkran's ear, and elaborate whisper, loudly, so that whispered wheedlingly. Two or three rail. Mary kept at her task, working she would be sure to understand: miles away, a whaler, bark-rigged, fast and without pause, till it was “Stay here. Talk. Make them was outward bound. think I’m here.” done. (TO BE CONTINUED) CHAPTER XX Beginner Didn't Jf'nnt Possibility to Be JFasted INDIGESTION Relief At Last For Your Cough CREOMULSION ASK ANOTHER Black Q3D NAGGING BACKACHE DOAN’S PILLS THE SMOKE OF SLOWER>BURNING CAMELS GIVES YOU EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR NICOTINE THE SMOKE'S THE THING I CAMEL =