Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, March 07, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    Page 5
Friday, March 7. 1941
i About People You Know |
• L O. Ahlatrom of McCloud, BEU.VIEW NEWH
Calif warn in Aahland Monday
• Bob Yeo of Granta Pnaa vlall-
ed with hla parents, Mr and Mia
Jarnea Yeo, over the week-end
• Mr ami Mia Fled Pierson, who • Mr and Mrs. Dan Farmer are
took an extended trip to Oklaho­ the parents of a baby girl bom
ma, other atalea In the aouth and Feb. 27 at the Community hoa-
I am Angeles, hae returned home pi tai.
• Til. It. a E E Cox Of Medf..i.| • Mr and Mra. Archie Kincaid
visited in Aahlaml Monday eve­ and Mrs Beth Harnaker were at
the courthouse In Medford Mon­
• Born to Mr. and Mra George day on business
Frohrelch, Sunday, March 2, a • MraiJames Wade Wallis,
Chrtstlieb, Mark True. R E Bell
• M ra J H Hardy wax hoateax and Miss Lyda Catherine Davis
to Chapter BN. PEO, Saturday at attended the church dinner Fri­
her home Flection of officers re­ day night at the Ashland Presby­
sulted In the following people be­ terian church
ing elected: Mrs Henry Ender», • Mr and Mrs' Ernest Htannis
Mrs ft L
president; M
* Hurdle, vice iinddaughter of Dorris, and Mrs
preaident; Mix j <• Hamaiwr, T A Morris of Ashland were Hun­
i ecording secretary, Mrs
Don day guests at the home of Mr Mrid
Hinthorne, corresponding sec re- Mis. Archie Kincaid
tary Mra J H Hardy, treasurer; • The Reverend Young of the
Mra O. H Wenner, chaplain. Mrs izitheran church in Medford con-
W. E Bartell, guard, and Mta H ducted services at the Ed Grimm
Q Emli-ia and Mia W E II.<rt. lt home Monday evening
dclegutea to the atate convention • The Dead Indian 4-H club
• Pick McKIhoee of M rdf ord waa mrmbera will be guests of the
Fern Valley club Friday evening
a buaineaa caller here Monday.
• John Billlnga of Klamath Falta Carl A Henry la leader of the
viaitrd wit hhia parenta. Mr. and Dead Indian club, with Mra. Hen­
ry in charge of the mewing club
Mra Ralph Billlnga, Hunday.
• Mra W H Reed of McCloud and Mrs. Chester Applegate lead-
Ing the cooking club They have
waa whopping heir Hatuiday
• Mi and Mra 1-awrence lx«e of organized the 4-H stock, poultry.
Yreka were in Aahland Monday. cooking and sewing clubs
• Hom to Mr ami Mra Cliff Cul- • Mrs Carl A Henry returned
from Corvallia Friday evening
mer, Saturday, March 1, a non
• Tile Queen Esther girls of the where she had been attending a
Methodist church gavr a silver tea home makers conference
■Hatuiday afternoon at the home • Born to Mr anil Mrs Joe Wal­
ker Hunday night, March 2, an
of Mia lairen E Messenger
• The dial anniversary party of
Alpha chapter of the Eastern Htar
was held Tuesday evening Aftet
a covered dlah dinner, a buaineaa
meeting was held followed by a
social time of dancing, checkers
and cards Mrs F F Whittle waa
head of the dinner committee and
Mra William Rice chairman of
the entertainment committee
• Mr and Mrs
William Me-
Ixiughlin of Columbia. Calif have
purchased a home in Ashland
• Musi Patricia Hastings, who
has been attending business col­ (V»rt<x. Nalaxwl farm Youth foundation
lege in Portland has arrived home
and will attend college here
• Born to Mr and Mrs. Don Far­
mer Feb. 27 a daughter.
The most glaring »car on th<
• Winston Hotel), a former resi­
dent of Ashland but now of Med­ face of American life, which ha
ford. was visiting with friends in > exulted from the great depression,
has been the activities of individ­
Ashland Tuesday
• Mrs l^rona Troxell of Carnali. uals and groups with their own
Wash is visiting with her tiri . i special ax to
Mra Mabie Brumblc and her aia- grind. No mat­
ter what may be
ter. Mrs Allan Brower.
• Mr and Mrs George Ward of the n.dure of a
Almeda. Calif have moved to Aah­ public problem,
land and are living on Alida vou find pressure
at reel They are former reaidenta being applied by
groups with self­
of thia city.
• Mr and Mra W A Gran of ish interests.
.Some of these
Hilt were Ashland visitors Satur­
groups are com­
• The Civic club benefit tea waa posed of ama­
held at the club house Wednesday teurs. while oth­
afternoon An Interesting program ers are profes­
waa given and a nice display of sionals with no other source of in­
handwork and artcraft waa ex­ come They would have you be­
Host ease a were Miss lieve that their coats were made
Grace Chamberlain, Mrs Koble of sack cloth. But the truth is
that they wear coats woven from
and Mra William Rice.
• W W Taylor of Weed wax in the fibres of high-sounding ideolo­
Aahland Tuesday attending to gies. and beautiful words with
twisted meanings. They give the
business matters
• Mr and Mra McCullum of Kla­ outward appearance of innocence
Remove the
math Falla were guest» at the and high purpose
outer covering of innocence, and
Ward home over the week-end.
• Mr and Mra Fred Gilmore and ! it is a safe bet that you will lind
grandson of Klamath Falla visited their own personal little ax
Mr. and Mrs Orson Coleman Sat­ brought along to be ground. When
opportunity presents itself, out
urday and Hunday
comes the ax and the grinding be­
gins. When public opinion grows
weary, the coats go on again and
we hear high-sounding phrases
that make ux forget the little axes,
to be ground again at the first op­
Intrigue of this nature had its
beginnings in Europe. The favor
of the court or the ear of the dic­
tator was gained in this manner.
Ax grinding was a custom of Eu­
ropean politics at its worst. France
is a shining example. It stands
today a victim of the ax grinders.
More important, this pastime is
unAmerican and undemocratic.
Fern Valley Invite»
Dead Indian 4-11 Club
eight and one-half pound boy. He
are dryin gtheir tears on hundred
has been named Thomas Emerson
• Mix A Emery Of Boise, Ida
spent last Wednesday night with
her sister, Mrs. Vai Inlow. She
was enroute home from Sacra­
mento where she had been visit-
• Mr and Mrs L E Moore from
Mt Shasta spent Monday with
Mra. Clestia Rogers and Mr
Ida i B
Moore's mother, Mrs
Moore The latter la quite ill.
• Mr and Mra Harry Farmer
left Monday for Nubieber, Calif,
where they will apend a few daya.
• I tonaid F. Korth returned to
him home at Burney, Calif Hunday
after spending the week-end with
him wife and two mone
• Bellview grange held regular
meeting laat Thursday evening.
Carl J. Harry. Pearl Henry, Ver­
non Kruger, Betty Nichola, Her-
nice Rector ami l.yda Catherine
Davis were given the third and
fourth degreea
Griffen Creek
grange waa guest for the evening
and put on a splendid program
• Mi and Mra II M (tlaon left
laat week for Corvallia where they
apent several daya tranaacting
buaineaa They aiao made a trip to
• The Upper Valley club will
meet March 12, Wednesday, at
which time election of officers
will be held. Mrs. York and Miss
Marie Walker will be hostesses,
with Mrs Herman Helm and Mrs.
Koble planning the,program.
• Mrs
Applegate ia
much improved following a several
days' illness
• Mr and Mrs Robert Rosen­
baum and friends, Mr and Mrs.
Clyde Phillipa, spent I ant week-
end at the home of Mra Roaen-
baum'a pa rents, Mr and Mra.
Walter Hash
• Mr and Mra Ray Corbett of
Yreka spent last week-end at the
Archie Kincaid home.
Dally we are told that democ­
racy ix at at.ike. If it is. then let’s
quit grinding axes and start
sharpening »words. We have a
great task ahead it we are to pre­
serve democracy. In fact, it is
one of the most gigantic tasks ever
to face a nation. Our task is
twofold; first, to produce the arms
and ammunition to make the Unit­
ed States sate from the attack of
any nation or group of nations.
■Second, to decide the proper poli­
cies to ire carried out with regard
to aid to Great Britain and carry
them out with the utmost effi­
ciency. When are these things in
need of accomplishment?
obvious answer is NOW! Can this
uphill task of producing billions
of dollars worth of ammunition
.nd equipment, with so little time
left in which to do it, be accom­
plished with the handicap of peo­
ple applying the brake to the
wheel of uction because they have
an ax to grind? The answer is
again equally obvious. Not a min­
ute can we afford to lose. Every
hour is precious. This is no time
for log jams to stand in the way
of a supreme effort to preserve
democracy for a great people.
Maneuvering and devious ways
should be outlawed. Democracy
can only lie preserved by straight­
forward, frank and open methods.
Democracy was founded on the
basic premise that wisdom could,
be found in the composite think­
ing of the people of a nation. Un­
der true democracy you and I are
given credit for sound judgment
and practical opinions. Our ad­
vice and thoughts are to be sought
in a frank manner because all to­
gether we comprise what is known
us the American people. We have
a common will which is an Amer­
ican way of life. We have a com­
mon determination which is the
preservation of a democratic way
of life.
When government permits pres­
sure groups to sell it on the idea
that facts should be doctored or
withheld from the people because
they might not understand, or that
people should be regulated by law
■>r administrative decisions they
don’t want because a pressure
group decided it's good for them,
lhen it’s time to face the cold fact
that democracy has ceased to
Our Churches
Epworth Ijeague
Elect» Officer»
• The Hilt laidles club met
Thursday afternoon with Mrs Ed
Adams as hostess The afternoon
was spent playing bridge with
Mrs M J Bailey winning high
prize and Mrs M Bradfield low
Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister
(Mhi-rs attending included Mcs-
dames Harry I>e Jamett, Vernal
Nebeker, W. Pianka, Arthur Nel­
Sunday church school meets at
son, W Holmberg, Frank Ohlund, 9:45 a m. with a class for every
Fred Haynes, Ray Elliott, Antone age group. Allen O. McGee is the
Mendes, John Kalvett, Lloyd Lu- i general superintendent.
per, Florence Clark. Russel Har­
Morning sermon is at 11 o’clock
ris and T Quamrne Refreshments
on the subject, “Jesus' Second
were served at the close of the
lesson About the Cross." 'Matt
| 20:20-28).
The adult choir will
• The Junior Epworth League sing an appropriate anthem. Mrs.
met Thursday at the church Elec­ I .aw rente Powell will sing ’’Jesus
tion of officers was held and the Paid It All."
following were chosen: Betty Dun­
Evening worship is at 7:30
away. president; Marlyn Duna­ o’clock and the sermon subject is
way. treasurer; Jean Harris, sec­ "Fleeting Fancies and Permanent
retary; Bethel Bernhelsel, pianist, Realities"
The young people's
and June Vieira, chorister.
| choir under leadership of Mrs.
• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bayliss are Cora Bruce will lead the song
on a trip notth, with Mr. Bayliss service and offer an appropriate
judging at a stock show in Port­ anthem.
land and Mrs Bayliss visiting rel­
Epworth League meets at 6:15
atives in Spokane.
p. m. for worship, at which time
• Mrs. Warren Fox returned re­ Jerry Gastineau will give an ad­
cently from a visit with her sister dress. Wesley League meets at
6:15 p. m.
in Hollywood.
Prayer meeting is held Wednes­
• Plans have been completed and
tickets sold to the Scout banquet day evening of each week The
honoring Bud Ohlund, Court Rose. scripture lesson for next week is
Alfred Gilley and Curtis Gilley the 14th chapter of the book of
who will lie leaving for military ■ Revelation.
service March 13
The banquet
will be held at the Club hotel
Monday evening. Scout promotions
and awards will be given at a
court of honor to be held at that
Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor
Fourth and C Streets
• Mrs. T. Anderson returned
Saturday from Weed where she
had been having some dental work
Church school 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship 11 o'clock
Junior, Young People and Peo­
• Mrs Charlotte Robinson is ex­
pected to be home soon from the ple's meetings 6:30 p. m
Yreka General hospital where she
Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Wed­ '
underwent surgery last week.
• Mr and Mrs. W. A. Gran and ..................... ...... •------------ -------------
son Billy motored to Ashland and
Medford Saturday, visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Al Deer in Ashland and
attending a birthday party at the
Joe E. Kingsley home near Med­
Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar
• A Warren is visiting his fam­
Holy Communion 8 a. m.
ily at Durham this week.
Church school 9:30 a. m.
• Mrs. Poffs parents, Mr. and
Sermon and morning prayer,
Mrs. Slavens of Medford, and 11 a. m.
friends were guests at the Poff
Holy Communion 9:30 a. m.
home Sunday. Dwayne Poff went Wednesday.
home with them to stay until
Holy Communion 11:30 a. m.
Thursday. The Guild will meet im­
• Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doney mediately after this service and a
and daughter Elaine of Kerby, luncheon will be served, and Dr.
Ore. were overnight guests at the Sayre will give a talk.
W. A. Gran home Monday, on
Friday. 7:30 p. m. the Litany
their way home from Lakeview. will be read and a short talk given
Mrs Gerald Black and children by the Vicar, after which the choir
Ivan and Lois accompanied them will have its rehearsal.
to Kerby Tuesday morning for a
You are cordially invited to
visit with her mother and family.' worship with us.
First Methodi»t
------ »-------- ------
Church of the
Trinity Episcopal
First Presbyterian
James If. fAlgtr, Minister
Sunday senool 9:45 a. m.
Worship service 11 a. m. Dr.
John K Howard, guest minister.
No evening services until fur­
ther notice.
------------- •--------------
Church of Christ
Second and B Streets
Alton Brostrom, Minister
Bible school 9:45 a. m.. L. U.
Gresham, general superintendent.
Classes for everyone. G. A. An­
drews is Bible school platform
superintendent for the day.
Morning worship service at 11
o'clock. Special music by choir,
sermon by Evangelist John A.
Meetings of high school and
college Christian Endeavor socie­
ties, 6:30 p. m. Bethel Tilley ia
leader for the high school group
and Olive Davis is college leader
7:30 o'clock. Special music and
song service Sermon by Evangel­
ist Barney. Subject, "Rise Up and
Evangelistic meetings are held
each night of the week except
Saturday. The public is invited to
take part in these services.
------ •------
Evangelistic services began at
the local Church of Christ last
Sunday with a packed house at
each of the services. Fine crowds
have attended each of the evening
services, states Rev. C. A. Bros-
trom, pastor.
The meeting is led by Evangel-
ist John A. Barney of Roseburg.
Mr. Barney is minister of the
First Christian church of Rose­
burg He was educated in Pacific
university at Forest Grove; in the
Northwest Christian college of
Eugene and the University of Ore­
gon. He ha.» served as minister of
the Christian churches in Glide,
Santa Clara and Roseburg; is di­
rector of the Fir Point young
people's camp, the largest sum­
mer camp for young people in
southern Oregon.
Services will continue at the
church here for the next four
weeks and the public is urged to
attend and participate.
is led by C. Alton Brostrom, min­
ister of the church, and the choir
is directed by Mr». Stephen E.
Epler. Services are held each night
of the week except Saturday.
------ «------
• Dr Arthur Taylor went to Kla­
math Falls Wednesday on busi­
•Alon»/ for any purport, wh»n you want it*
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