7X« Pap ** Then, cornea now from Colora­ do-New Mexico ii suggested idea to name dangerous mountain pass­ es "Cloudland Boulevard," ' Milky Hroudway,” etc. We wonder if thia means that all “Dangerous C u * rv- ea," "Hteep Grades,” "Go Slow," "Danger Ahead," "Bridge Out" and "Detour” signs also will tie removed. 111 Onion growers in Forest Grove arc drying their Irani on hundred dollar bills Estimated income for the paat season la approximately $315,500. 111 "No tatera for naughty Vichy," aaya Hitler A little atarvatlon ia modified punishment in compari­ son to some of hla acta of chaa- tiaemant. 111 Medford, long accuatomcd to "innocently" dictating to Aahland and allowing her Jealousies at times to run ahead of aound rea­ soning, seems to be slightly per­ turbed, whatever that meana, at the attitude of Aahland newspa­ pers great and aniall < they read all both) who rxprraaed opin- Iona contrary to Medfordltea in the matter of the tournament ver- aua won and lost percentage to determine baaketball champion- ahip In diatrict No. 4. Bring from Mlaaouri, wo haint' yet changed our mind, even 'ef we're wrong. Confidentially, folka, we don't know a thing about baaketball. "Baskets" in Mlaaouri were uaed to carry com tn. "Forward" to ua wax applied to a young lady a trifle bolder than the rest, one whom all the boya liked and the old ladiea cenaured. "Guards” were the fellers with shotguns that farmers stationed in their water­ melon patches But we just want­ ed to tell Billy Hulen of the Mail Tribune that the Aahland news- pajx-ni may miss a boat but they wall for the air clippers and ar­ rive long before his leaky galleon And we're not all crusted over with salty ideas of misinterpreta­ tion either Ball out your scuppers, Billy; steer the old tub with the breeze, not against it you'll make better progress. Volume X SOCE HOST TO BIG CROWD AT 44 OPEN HOUSE” *1kat Jtal *7a ZatpL 9t! ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1941 Indians End Tigers' Tournament Hopes Roseburg high school's Indians won the district No 4 champion­ ship and the right to play in the state tournament at Salem next week when they defeated Medford 32 to 29 on the Grants Pass court last night. The play-off was made necessary by Medford's defeat of Ashland and consequent tie for first place. • With a minute and a half-to play, the score was tied at 29«all when Findley, Indian guard, tal­ lied a field goal to put his team in front 31 to 29 As the game ended he was fouled and made good his free throw for a 32 to 29 win. Medford committed 24 personal fouls to Roseburg’s 15. Gunnette, Fawcett and Williams were foul­ ed out for Medford and Roseburg lost Goodlow. • I Steel Cavalry Bounds Into Action A large crowd including many visitors from nearby communities pre-toumament attended the Open House at the SOCE gym Tuesday evening to view the re­ cently completed improvements in the basement of the building. After Inspecting the new game rooms, shower rooms and other facilities which make the f&XTE gym one of the bent among Ore­ gon colleges, the visitors gathered | in the main room of the building for u program of speaking and music. With Bert Miller introducing the speakers, the progrum got under way with Councilman Ralph Koo- zer expressing appreciation and pride <»n the part of the city for the excellent facilities available at the college Koozer was speak­ ing in place of Mayor Wiley who wan unable to attend because of A near-record attendance from illneeg. more sections of the state than Speed shot at Camp Holsbird, Maryland, during tests on new Light Dr Walter Redford then dis­ usual characterized the 11th an­ Reconnaissance and Command Cars for United States army. They cussed the importance of a gen­ nual home interests conference at carry machine gun and crew of three men at approximately 60 miles eral physical education program Oregon State college as 1065 wo­ and rxprraaed hi» happiness that men from 27 counties spent a busy _______ an hour. ____ Can climb steeper hills than tanks. his "dream" of theae improve­ three and one-half days in getting ----------- ---------------------------------------- — ments has at last become a reality concentrated reports on the latest u_... VA Misa Virginia Hales voiced the appreciation of the Associated Women Students and Dean Ste­ The extension workers in home 1 phen Epler briefly "pinch hit" for economics, who with the school of Supt. Theo J. Norby of the Ash­ Jean Eberhart who was at a home economics sponsor this an­ land public schools is chairman tournament in Portland with the nual event, had expected this Within two months Ashland will of the committee on exhibits for Sons basketball team. Next the year's attendance to be somewhat audience was given a musical' below normal because of a num­ have a new drive-in market on C the annual state conference of city treat by Mrs Stephen Epler, ^so­ ber of interfering factors, but in­ street facing the Allin Lumber school superintendents to be held prano, who sang two solos, "The stead women were her from dis­ company, which will be owned in Salem on Friday and Saturday, Kias Waltz" and “Homing " She tant as well as nearby points in and operated by A. C. Nininger March 14 and 15, under joint aus­ pices of the department of super­ wan accompanied by Mrs. L. L. exceptional numbers. Clackamas and Gene Hopper. Ground was broken Tuesday for intendence of the Oregon State Huffman. county led with an attendance of The program was concluded 118, followed by Multnomah «nth the new 50 by 70 foot concrete Teachers' association and Rex building which is to be construct­ Putnam superintendent of public with an address by R W. McNeal, 116, lame 102 and Linn 101. ed by E. O. Smith, contractor, at Instruction. assist ant professor of geography Governor Charles A. Sprague an estimated cost of $9,000. The opening address of the con­ at the college. McNeal was one Both men are well known in ference will be given by Governor of the organizers of the first set the conference off on a popu­ SOCE invitational tournament lar note when, in his address at Ashland. Nininger was in the gro­ Charles A. Sprague and will be and he briefly reviewed the his­ tne opening banquet, he pointed cery and restaurant business here followed by an address by Rex tory of the tourney after which out tactors which he said are until recently and Hopper was Putnam, and by committee re­ ports and discussions. The annual he spoke of the importance and bringing a revival of the family as manager for a local chain store. banquet of the association will be The two courts of the Wlt'E values of American education to­ a vitally important social unit, The market will handle both '¡toe family is proving to be more gym have been kept busy the past day, groceries and meats and will be held Friday evening. A dance at the administration enduring than governments and easily accessible from the drive­ All general meetings of the con­ two days as the Invitational and class "B” tournament games point building followed the main pro­ other supposedly powerful groups, ways and will have the added ference will be held in the hearing he said. out the winners to compete in gram and light refreshments were room of the state capital. It is convenience of a parking lot. The conference had a distinct­ the finals Saturday. The scores up served by the Civic club. anticipated that approximately ive religious note this year by to press time were as follows; 150 supeiintendents and principals reason of the visit of Dr. E. Stan­ Wednesday: Talent 34 Sams will be in attendance. A Lecture ley Jones, noted missionary work ­ Valley ll; Central Point 37. lxx»k- on er, Dr. John T. Reisner, head of Ingglaaa 16, Gilchrist 25, Chilo­ the interdenominational rural mis­ quin 39, Gold Hill 47, St Mary's Interest and cooperation of stu­ sions board, and the presence on dents in the art classes In Ashland 41; Rogue River 25, Brookings 11; campus of a group of men and Entitled Butte Falls 45, Merrill 25, Gardi­ high school and the high schools ner 39, Henley 35; Powers 50. Christian Science: Its Prac­ women attending the first short ot other counties of the Shasta- Upwards of 100 children have course for missionaries. Sutherlin 23; Dayton 27, Elkton Cascade Wonderland region will been chosen for the cast of the tice and Proof 23. Bonanza 33, Phoenix 23; Ker­ Group sessions on two days be enlisted in the 1941 "Fun Fes­ Lincoln grade school operetta, by by 23. Eagle Point 22 brought the delegates the latest tival" publicity campaign of the "The Magic Nutcracker,” which Florence) Mlddiuigh, C. S. Thursday: Central Point 20, developments in such fields as Shasta-Cascade Wonderland asso­ is scheduled for Monday afternoon of I xm Angele *, California Talent 19; Chiloquin 33. Central family relations, food preserva­ ciation through an illustrated and evening at the auditorium of Point 24; Rogue River 37, Butte Member of the Board of Lecture­ tion, clothing and textiles, home poster contest to produce an ac­ the Southern Oregon College of Falla 25; Gold Hill 34. Rogue Riv­ ship of The Mother Church, The furnishings, recreation and flower ceptable poster design for use in Included in the list of principals er 31; Powera 49, Gardiner 33; First Church of Christ, Scientist, culture. One whole day was de­ the nation-wide publicity cam­ aie Leon Haynie as Prince Charm­ in Boston, Massachusetts. Bonanza 37, Kerby 19> Dayton 36, voted to nutrition, with emphasis paign. Prizes will be awarded to Marie, Juanita Schultz; The speaker discussed the fol­ on using natural foods instead of students submitting the winning ing; Bonanza 29. Grandfather, Wayne Wood; Little State championship tourna­ lowing points in the lecture on pills to obtain vitamins. designs and publicity and adver­ Marie, Leetha Middleton; Wind ment: Corbett 28, Lowell 23; Christian Science: The annua! home economics ex­ tising material developed there­ Katharine Grossman; Mankind is faced with problems tension council award of $25 was from will be used to augment the Fairy, Reedsport 26. Grant Union (John Mouse King, Carlos Schmidt, and today that only an understanding Day) 15; Westport 30, Jackson­ presented to Juliaane Wise of Je­ illustrated material for which of God, Spirit, can solve. The need rome, Ida., a senior in home ec­ "Miss Shasta-Cascade--1941 Alice Chinese boy, Curtis Vail. ville 28; Arlington 45, Alsea 24. Flowers: Diane Kiser, Barbara ------------- •------------ - for spiritual growth, instead of onomics. New officers of the coun­ in Wonderland" and "Miss Jack- Jean Lacy. Yvonne Black. Ellen material development, ia evident cil are Mrs Mabie Hughes, Grants son County" will be motifs. in the educational systems of Pass, president; Mrs.Joe From- Invitations for art class stu- Byrd. Barbara Shere, Virginia La training .as well as in everyday I melt, Troutdale, first vice presi­ dents of aii high schools in the Douceur, Barbara Jean Mitchell, living. Christian Science declared dent; Mrs. Lillie Tindall. The Wonderland, and rules and regu- Elsie Stolp, Beverley Haynie and The Sons of Southern Oregon that "the time for thinkers has Dalles, second vice president; Mrs. lations governing the contest Jean Hanseth. Ballet: Anne Fullerton, Colleen College of Education finished In come" (Science and Health with Mabel Wescott. Boring, secretary; were issued to principals of all second place in the AAU tourna­ Key to the Scriptures by Mary Mrs Elda Fletcher, Klamath Falls, Wonderland high schools by Tom Clark, Diana Salo, Loveda Hood- ment at Portland for small Ore­ Baker Eddy, Pref., p. vii), and ex­ treasurer, and Mrs. J. A. Jensen, L. Stanley, general manager of enpyle, Maxine Wood, Maxine plains that it is spiritual thinking, Ranier, historian. gon colleges. the Wonderland association. The Winters, Ellen Brower and Mar­ The local casaha playera got off the unfoldment of right ideas, and contest will start at once and will ion Thornburg. Mice: Bobby Broady, Warner to a good start in their first game not human reasoning, that the end March 25 co-incident with the against IJnfield and won 45 to 36 world so greatly needs today. close of the Shasta-Cascade Won­ Krinock, Jackie Morris, Ronald Monday night. Tuesday night Through prejudice or ignorance derland Fun Festival campaign to Balfour, Kenneth Landers, Dale Ashland looked like potential some may have formed an erron­ designate a "Miss Shasta-Cascade Landing, Gary Ritsinger,. champions as they swamped Port­ eous conception of the teachings 1941 Alice in Wonderland" and Tin Soldiers: Monte Wray, Kent civil Cornelius Bateson, field land university 41-31. Favored to of Christian Science, which are not service examiner, was in Ashland an official theme girl and hostess Boyne, Donald Hoodenpyle, Mel­ new, but baaed entirely upon the take the crown in a game with this week to conduct on behald of for this and other counties of the vin Rose. Frank Carter, Leroy Monmouth Wolves because of Bible, the Christianity taught in the US civil service commission region. Moore, Richard Hall and Francis three previous beatings admin­ both the Old and the New Testa­ the necessary investigation on the Morris. ment, and specifically upon the istered by the Sons, they lost out character, reputation, experience, Reeds: Virginia Lutz, Juanita ministry and teachings of Jesus toy a 56 to 35 score. activities, personal attributes and Howell, Katharine Decker, Lolita Monmouth will represent this That God is the only creator, is relative qualifications of the six Morse, Robert Dozier, James Rose, district in the national AAU fin­ one of the fundamentals of this candidates for postmaster at Ash­ Pearl Newman, Eloise Waybrant. als at Kansas City later this teaching; but , further, that thia land. Millard W. Grubb of Ashland, Mona Rae Taylor. Joce De Vora. month. creation consists only of good, that This is an office of the second potentate of Hillah Shrine tem­ Jimmy Salo, Elmer Biege). man was made in the image and class and the salary of the post­ ple, will be honored at the annual Chorus: Bill Starnes, Dwight • Sid Heed and Jack Young re­ likeness of God, Spirit, hence only master is $2800 per annum. ball which will be held at the Elks Vickers, Dorothy Kizer, Rena Rus­ turned Wednesday from a business good, is substantiated by the Candidates are James Q. Ad­ temple here Saturday evening. trip to Portland. Scriptures. The healing of disease, ams, Clinton B. Andrews, Millard Other officers of the southern sell, Ione Hile, Aileen Athanes, • Mrs. E. H. Wilson of Valley as a lost element of Christianity, W. Grubb, Theodore J. Guetzlaff, Oregon Shrine will receive recog­ Billy Dean Walters, Gerald Skib- View wax an Ashland shopper was restored In the discovery of Herbert M Moore and V.D. "Bert” nition also This will be a formal bey, Carla Sears, Betty Jo Black, Barbara Lee Dotson, John Bair, Tuesday. Christian Science, and its students Miller. party with Shriners wearing the Rosemary Knott, Bruce Srpith, have proved and are proving that Matters which the commission fez. Beverley Salo. Peggy Jean Way­ the healing power and presence of chiefly considers in grading appli­ At 9:30 p. m the Hillah temple R. E. STEVENS divine Mind, God, is just as ever­ cants are: kind, extent and suc­ band will entertain the group with brant, Margaret Bishop, Doris operative today as in Jesus’ time. cess of experience; extent of pub­ a concert, followed by the grand Miller, Charlene Roberson, Char­ and Companion Marilyn Beare, An infallible, perfect Principle, lic contacts and success in meeting march at 10 o'clock. After this lotte Crossen, Are Invited to Be Guests of the God, governs man and the uni­ and dealing with the public; indus­ there will be dancing interspersed Mary Jean Henry, Dick Morse, Maryen Roberts. Mary Louise Til­ in undeviating harmony, and try; resourcefulness; initiative, with entertainment features and Southern Oregon Miner verse mankind may rely upon this Prin­ and absence of disqualifying de­ a buffet lunch at 11 o'clock. Those ley, Don,thy Elhart, Billy Mont­ To See Their Choice of ciple to solve all of their problems, fects in character and physical who do not dance will enjoy cards. gomery, Wilma Smith, Mary Jane Coleman, Venita Roberson, Loret­ the Following with as much certainty as they condition. R. E. Detrick, recorder and past ta Rush, John Payne, Ned Starnes, depend upon the rules of mathe­ potentate of Hillah temple, is gen ­ Varsity Theater Bateson stated that the commis­ Ellen Swingle, Pat Schenwald, matics in whatever they attempt eral chairman. Committee heads sion gives careful and impartial Dale Watson. Harry Benhet, Dar­ Programs: to construct or calculate In their consideration to all applicants but are C. “Jerry" Jerome, master™ lene Stolp, Maryetta Baughman, human experience. (Friday and Saturday) will rate eligible only those who ceremonies; Carl B. Nims, music; This Principle Is Love, and it finds meet the requirements as W. H. McNair and Harry G. Tra­ Mary Louise Hahn. "THREE MEN FROM TEXAS" therefore man may claim and en­ set forth in the announcement of vis, refreshments; W. D. Whittle joy now the happiness, freedom, the examination. The investigation and H. H. Mayberry, buffet lunch, COGGINS MILL TO START "THEY KNEW WHAT THEY and dominion he seeks and de- is limited to ascertaining and re­ and Lester Weisenberger, J. Sam Arthur L. Coggins announced WANTED" (Continued on page 8) porting facts, and he will make Jordan and Glenn Simpson, decor­ this past week that lumber cut­ (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) no recommendation as to who ations. ting will get underway at the Cog­ • Miss Bertha Sutherland of shall be rated eligible or as to gins sawmill on East Main street "ARISE MY LOVE" Yoncolla is visiting friends on the grades to be assigned. The re­ According to the Life magazine, within a few days The mill was i • sponsibility of rating the appli­ Benito is still making speeches, tested out this week and reported Terrace street. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson at- cants rests exclusively with the this time his theme being that to be in readiness to handle about I Please Call at The Miner Office tended an engineers' banquet in United States civil service com­ aplmg will come with the Germans 30,000 board feet in a one-shift1 for Your Guest Tickets day. > mission in Washington. not far behind. i Portland the first of thia week. Home Interest« Meet Draws Many Women ¡ssjNEW MARKET TO BE BUILT HERE ----- •----- Christian Science Sons Finish Second In AAU Tournament Examiner Studies P-M Candidacies Shrine Ball To Honor Potentate Grubb NEW SAWMILL TO START HERE BY MAY FIRST The Sugar Pine Lumber com­ pany, headed by E W. Spalding of Grants Pass, announced Wed­ nesday that they expect to have a 50,000-feet capacity mill in op­ eration on the old Moon Lumber company millsite by May 1. The old mill will be completely rebuilt and new machinery install­ ed throughout, making it possible to handle 50,000 board feet of lumber per shift with an estimat­ ed total for the first year of ap­ proximately 10,000,000 feet of timber. Sufficient timber has already been contracted for in the Dead Indian, Greensprings, Wag­ ner creek and Trail creek districts to supply the mill for at least 12 years. With the exception of the mill superintendent, Ed Staggart and the head sawyer, local help will be used in the plant. Present plans call for two shifts which will mean employment for 50 or 60 men and it is possible that a third shift will be added in the future. ------- •------- Committees Plan For Norby Heads Exhibit Bundles For Britain Committee at Meet The American Association of H’S Quints Keep SOCK Courts Busy Fun Festival Prizes For HS Art Classes Number 10 Grade Operetta Casts Nearly 100 Children University Women and the Chris­ tian Science church are collecting clothing for England. There is ur­ gent need for warm clothing, es­ pecially for men and boys. Al­ though new clothing is preferred, used garments if clean and mend­ ed will be accepted. Cash for the purchase of materials also will be received. Knitting units headed by Miss Virginia Hales and Mrs. Frank Van Dyke have been working for some time. Miss Doris Hitchcock and Miss Dorothy Witcher com­ prise the committee for collecting materials. Mrs Lewis Dodge is in charge of shipping. Since the Christian Science church already is registered in Washington to send supplies to England the ship­ ment is being made through that church. ------- •------- Churches Observe World Day of Prayer Local churches united in a world day of prayer service last Friday afternoon at the First Baptist church, using the theme "Thy Kingdom Come” for the basis of meditation and prayer. Mrs. Carter read the scripture lesson; Mrs. G. W. Bruce spoke on The Ruler of the Kingdom,” and Mrs. Stephens on "The Way of the Kingdom.” Special Musical numbers were contributed by Mrs. R. L. Burdic, Mrs. Frank Wenzel, Mrs. C. M. Litwiller and Mrs. J. R. Turnbull. The group participated in congre­ gational singing and prayer at various times in the service. The ladies of the Presbyterian church have issued an invitation for the meeting next year. ------------- •-------------- DISTRIBUTES BOOKLETS The Miner office is in receipt of an instructive booklet entitled "Our Flag" which gives code rules and regulations and other bits of interesting information about the United States flag. Anyone desir­ ing this useful pamphlet may call at the Litwiller Funeral home for a free copy. ------------- •-------------- TAX AUDITOR AT MEDFORD An auditor from the income tax department will be at the court house in Medford from March 6 to 14, inclusive, and will be glad to help taxpayers in preparing their Oregon income tax returns, it is stated. SEEN IN A DAZE AL SIMPSON taking the count as the second half of the Reedsport-Grant game got un­ der way last night. (Al couldn't get out of the way after toss­ ing the ball and one of the cen­ ters ran over him). EVERYBODY but Medford- ites enjoying the returns of the Medford-Roseburg clash, as re­ ported to the large crowd at the SOCE gym last night. DEAN EPLER making a nice build-up for Mrs. Lpler’s solo Tuesday evening.