Friday, Feb. 28, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 Fun for the Whole Family CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT NURSERY STOCK 200,00V fruit and nut trees. TOO varieties Free 40 pa«e catalog. Roses, flowering, shade treea, eta Tualatin Valley Nurserlsa. Sherwood. Oregon. STOCK FOR SALE BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN ABEIt DIJEN-ANGU« BULLS AND COWS. J A. Hcollard, Chehalis. Washington. OPPORTUNITY Grow Muahrooms. cellar or shed Wo buy. Guaranteed Market. Free Rook. Bona Fide Mushroom Co. I>ept-A. 4944 Foster. Portland. OLD GOLD HELL your old jewelry and dental gold direct to oldest and largest re­ finery In Northwest. You will profit. Hpeyer Smelting A Refining Co.. 220 Medical-Dental Bldg. Seattle. Wash­ ington. SEEDS IDAHO GROWN ALFALFAS AND CLOVER SEEDS Quality has never been better. Prices are lower than for several seasons. Write for our 1041 list of BEAKON BRAND FARM SEEDS the goodihg seed comfaxty Gooding. Idaho LALA PALOOZA RABBITS By RUBE GOLDBERG A Perfect Housekeeper : Poultry, rabbits, rabbit skins. Get highest prices. Ruby A Co >16 8. W. Front, Portland, Oregon REGISTERED KARAKUL8: LITERA­ TURE and prices on request. Glm- llns Karakul Farm. Pomeroy, Wash. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR ■ OUI SIBVICI iiKooiCawo Bfiif 81 Bail Tait Platea inr Btpaif-CIEDIT Extended D r . H arry S emler , «IDG • >•=• •’’tyllAND ORI That Full, Choked Feeling— after eating and drinking usually oomes with acid indigestion and heart­ burn. Have ADLA Tablet« handy, they contain Bismuth and Carbonate« for quick relief. Your druggist has them. S’MATTER POP—Pop Would Be Handy on the Picket Li QUINTUPLETS CHEST COLDS use MUSTEROLE for . That’« All It Take* MESCAL IKE Mother! Give YOUR Child U m S un Expert Car« At the fispt sign of a chest cold—th« Dionne Quintuplets' chests and throat« are rubbed with Children’s MUd Mus- terole—a product made especially to promptly relievo the DISTRESS of children1« colds and resulting bron­ chial and eroupy coughs. Relief usually comes quickly because Musterole is MORE than an ordinary “salve." It helps break up local con­ gestion. As Musterole is used on the Quints you msy be sure you are using just about the BEST product made. Also in Regular and Extra Strength for those preferring «stronger product. Similes Prov« Nothing Similes are like songs in lovo: they must describe; they prove nothing.—Prior. W-COLDS 666 LIQUID TABLETS SALVE NOSE PSOM COUCH U«OM By J. MILLAR WATT POP—It’s Easier t Fisht Than to Sneeze Self-Punishment Heat not a furnace for your foo so hot that it do singe yourself.— Shakespeare. DONI BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVC-REUKVS CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY • When you feel gassy, headachy, logy due to cloered-up bowels, do as million» do —take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning — thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day fall of your normal energy and pep, feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mint doesn’t disturt» your night's rest or interfere with work the next day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the chewing gum Htxative, your »elf. It taste* good, it*■ handy and economical... a fa tnily supply FEEN-A-MINT To« __________________________ Increasing Evil The love of pelf increases with the pelf.—Juvenal. Lingering Good-Night That Nasini Backache May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with Its burry and worry. Irregular habits. Improper eating and drinking—its risk of exposure and Infec­ tion—thro«-* heavy strain on the work of the kidney*. They are apt to become AVer-taxed and fail to filter •loses acid and other impurities from the life-giving blood. You may suffer nagging backache, headache, dlsxinees, getting up nights, leg pains, swelling—feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder era some­ times burning, scanty or too Ircqusnl urination. Try Doan'» Pill». Does'* help the kidneys to pass off harmful excess body waste. They have had mor* than half a century of public approval. Ara recom­ mended by grateful users everywhere. A*k your seiyMerf By GLUYAS WILLIAMS 0 •‘I don't think he’ll do for the hosing team, but he’s got possIblllHes for traekl" HAONT SHE SÈTTER , KISS THEM 60W-NI6HT ILL8VW A6MN.HEMIS , FATHER'S REPLY AMP ¡0E$ HMTIÚ.UP D oans P ills WNU—13 »—41