Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, February 28, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, Feb. 28, 1911
j. About People You Know
Page 5
Miss Rector Bride
Of Harry Farmer
Our Churches
• George Bate» of Mountain View in Klamath Falla, spent the week­
• Miss Dorothea Rector and Har­
was a business visitor In Ashland end here
ry Farmer weie married at Yreka
I* ilday
USED CLOTHING 8A1JC Bat last Monday They weie accom­
• Di C. A Haines went to Bo­
Mar 1, at the Lithla hotel panied my Miss Mary Rector Af-
nanza on business last Friday.
building S|x>nsore<i by American the ceremony they returned to the
• Mr and Mix Ira Hart und two
1-egion Auxiliary
Dr. George W. Brace, Minister
uuugntcrs and Mrs Paul Cai Ison • Mra J H Harker and Mrs home of the bride where a wed-
and son of Nampa, Ida. visited Henry Doom» attended a home ding dinner wa» nerved, Guest»
Mr» Hairy Farmer.
several days with Mayor and Mrs. interest conference In Corvailia i were Mr. and
Allen O. McGee is general sup-
Mr and Mrs. John Farmer. Don-
T C. Wiley this week
eiintemlent of the Sunday church
thia week
• Rev. and Mrs E G. Hkultrty
school which meets at 9:45 a in.
were Granta i*aas visitors Monday • Mrs Mary Shidler of Seattle lai and Berniece Rector, and the host Someone has said, "Rest is not
• llolnei Killings weld to M«d- visiting with Mi ami Mrs. Will 1 and
Rector. Mr and Mrs Farnwi will quitting the busy career; rest is
ford Friday on business
the fitting of »elf to one'» sphere.”
• Walter Planks of llllt transact­ • Mr and Mrs. Ixiuis Pratt of later go to Nubieber, Calif, to Tne chuich school is endeavoring
ed business In Ashland Saturday Kluinath Falls visltrd with Mr
mer has employment in a Nubie­ to help folks fit themselves as
Ch rial Ians to live in their sphere
• Mrs Susie Alford wax guest of and Mrs C. E. Prall and Mr and ber sawmill.
honor at a birthday dinner at the Mis J Sewell Monday.
Morning sermon 11 o'clock Sub­
• The extension unit will meet
home of Mr and Mrs J. A • Guests at a thrater party Hat- Friday, March 7 in an all-day ject. "Jesus Gives the First Les­
Rhoads Sunday Guests Included uiday afternoon given by Mi»» meeting The main topic will be son About the Cross." The adult
Mt and Mis. R A. Moore and Cozette Harmsen included Janie intestinal hygiene, conducted by choir, under leadership of Maxine
sons of Day's Creek, Miss Nettle Simpson, Kama Henderson, Earl- Miss Brier, county home demon­ Conover will sing an anthem.
Moore, Roseburg. W F Morgan ens Roger», Bonnie Moseley, Helen stration agent. In the afternoon
Epworth and Wesley leagues
and D It Bellamy of Medford. i Flaherty, Joan Brown, Fern Jac­ the ladles will hav.- a plant ex­ 6:15 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs C. A Rhoads and oba, Margaret Ha rah Wagner, change Mrs F. H. Koble and Mrs
Evening sermon 7:30 o'clock '
Mias Wiletha Hutchinson of Ash­ Joyce Reinbold, Sheila Schuerman, Isaura Montgomery will be host­
"The Sinner's Friend." I
and Barbara Kent
esses for the day.
The young peoples choir under
• Mr. and Mra Carl Stowe and • ixtinle Scroggins haa left for
Miss Dorothy Misire of Salem Alaska where he will work on a • Mrs Carl Henry left Tuesday leadetship of Mrs. Cora Bruce will
with a group of county delegates sing the anthem Come and Rest,"
xpent the week-end at the II 1. naval base
• Mi ami Mrs. E 8. Robbins at- to attend the home makers' con­ by E K. Heyser
Moore home
Prayer meeting Wednesday at
• Mia Ned Mars ami Mia N W tended a mail carriers' meeting in ference which was held Wednes­
day, Thursday and Friday. Mrs 7:30 p m. Scripture lesson for
ijale entertained ut a bridge lunch­ poitiand lust week
eon last Friday Guests included • Mr. and Mrs. Garver Gepford Henry represented Bellview unit I next Wednesday is the 13th chap­
Mcmlamea R. E Walker, Marcus und Mrs. E. V. Draper of Etna. and will give a report of the con- I j ter of the book of Revelation.
ference at the next meeting.
Woods, B B King, Ralph McCul- . Calif were shopping in Ashland
• Mra. Vincent laudni. Mrs Ches­
look, Henry Meta, Bernie Young, I Monday
Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Brootrom ter Afiplegale and Mrs. Albert Ar­
lion Sears, Wes Allln, VanVieetJ
Gordon Trip. Jerry Giistineiiu. J. attended the National Christian nold spent Wednesday with Mrs.
H Hardy. i*aul Finnell, Ivor Er­ mission in Portland the first of Walter Hash and worked on quilts
for the Salvation Army.
win, John Wilkinson, Sumner tllr week
Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor
Parker, H E. Poston and Mina • Mias Flora Provost of Los An­ • Miss Evelyn Miller from Klam­
l-ourth and C Street»
Yvonne Parker. Prises were won geles is visiting with her sister, ath Falls spent the week-end with
by Mrs. Jerry Gastlnenu, Mrs Ben
Church school 9:45 a. m.
• Mrs. C. M Haynes returned
King and Mra Bernie Young
Morning worship 11 o'clock.
Bunday from Centra] Point where
• A all la nd friends have been ad­ ATTEND LINFIELD MEETING
she spent several days with her I Junior, Young People and Peo­
vised of the death of J. K Thomas
A Student leader»' meeting son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and ples meetings 6:30 p. m.
of Burlingame, Calif Mr Thomaa, with representatives from all col­
Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Wed­
Mrs Floyd Parks While there,
before his retirement from the leges in the state ia in session to­
they drove to Yoncalla and spent nesday.
railroad. was an Aahland resident. day and tomorrow at Unfield col­ three days with Mr. Parks' par­
• Mix Jack Koliertaon of Siski­ lege McMinnville In attendance ents
you shopped in Ashland Monday. from Southern Oregon College of • Mr and Mrs. Robert Rosen­
• Jack and Jim Espy were guests Education arc Chuck Sturgill, stu­ baum returned to their home at
of honor at a birthday dinner on dent body president. Tommy Hen- Willow Ranch. Calif Sunday after
Saturday at the home of their sler, vice president; Corinne Har- spending the week-end with Mia
Jumee II. Edgar, Minister
g landparent».
Mr» wood, secretary, Leslie Seg»worth, Rosenbaum's parents. Mr
(’harlea Pruitt
Guests Included Rosemary Dolan and Kenton Rob­ Mrs Walter Hash.
Mix E E Dcnnia, Mr and Mrs bins
Sunday scnool 9:45 a. m.
• Mr and Mrs Verne Boe left
------------- •-------------
Denni» Espy and three children
Worship service 11 a. m. Dr.
Tuesday for Olympia, Wash, to
from Dunsmuir; Mr. and Mrs • Mr. and Mr» Carl Smith of visit Mrs. Boe's parents.
John K. Howard, guest minister.
Jack King of Siskiyou, and Mrs Klamath Falla, former resident» of • Stanley Grosball from Camp
No evening services until fur­
Ashland, are visiting Mrs Smith's Canby spent the week-end at the ther notice.
Anna Frazier
• J C Hamaker, who Is working mother, Mrs A. McMillan
............... •----------- - -------------
Herman Heim home.
• A seven-pound son wan bom
Sunday night to Mr. and Mrs.
Donald F. Korth at the Comriiun-
ity hospital Mra. Korth has spent
the past two weeks at the home of
Dr. Claude E. Bay re. Vicar
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
Mr Korth retumed to
Sermon and Holy Communion 11
their home Sunday night after
Church school 9:30 a. m.
spending the week-end here.
Holy Communion 8 a. m
• Mr and Mrs. Claud Thomason a. m.
and son and daughter from King
Holy Communion Wednesday
Cole's on the Greensprings moun­ 9:30 a. m. and Thursday at 11
tain, have moved into the house a. m
of the late J. H. Williams. The son
Choir meeting 7:30 p. m. Friday.
and daughter will enter Ashland
You are cordially invited to
high school.
worship with us.
• Mr and Mrs. George were bus­
iness visitors in Medford Monday.
Henry Carter, Walter
• Miss Bernice Rector who has Henry,
been sick and out of school for Davis, Vai Inlow and Harry Henry
took part, directed by Albert Ar­
several days is some better.
• Mra. Mary Cabler arrived Mon­ nold. Ashland male quartet, com­
day to spend several weeks with posed of Bert Miller. Harry Yoe,
Doctor Tilton and Mr. Lyttle, sang
her sister. Mrs. Malinda King
• Mr and Mrs. R. E. Newbry two numbers. Jesse Walker play­
and sons Tom and Albert were ed a saxophone solo. Mr. Ensel
dinner guests Sunday at the home and his band gave several accor­
of their daughter and family, Mr. dion numbers at the close of the
and Mis. Erf ord Pool at Granta program. A pie social was enjoyed
by all and netted the P-TA $16.
• Mrs F E. Russell ia seriously The March meeting will be Dads’
night and the men will be in
ill at her home.
• Walter Hash who has been con­ charge of the evening.
fined to his home from an attack • Mrs. Herman Helm entertained
of flu is able to be out again.
a group of young friends recently
• Bellview P-TA met in regular in honor of the birthday anniver­
session last Friday evening. After sary of her daughter Joan. The
the regular routine business Mra. guest list included Patricia Bell,
Homer Elhart. Jackson county Eva Moore. Charleen Byrd, Hattie
council president, gave a splendid Rice, Beryl Flynn, Eunice Wenaus,
talk on founders' day and a silver Margaret Walker. Barbara Helm,
offering was taken. A play was and the honoree. Joan. The eve­
given by a group of men from ning was spent in playing games.
240 East Main Street
Phooe 1751
Bellview grange entitled "Bellview At the close refreshments, with a
Ladies Sewing Circle. A. R Kin­ beautiful birthday cake.
caid, Chester Applegate, Carl served.
First Methodist
Church of the
First Presbyterian
• John Day of Medford accom-
panted Fied Bayliss to Sacramen­
to Saturday to attend a stock sale,
leturning Tuesday
• Mr. Badgley of Hornbrook, em­
ployed in the yard, was severely
injured Monday and was given
emergency treatment at the Hilt
hospital, then was sent to San
Francisco on the night train. He
suffered numerous cuts and bruis­
es and a ¡Kissible concussion.
• Dr. R F. Schlappi spent Sat­
urday in San Francisco visiting
his brother.
• Margaret McNamee and Betty
May Walker of Medford were
week-end guests of Doris Clark
• Funeral services were held I
'ihursday afternoon in Yreka fori
Mrs Mary Weisenback of Klam-
ath Falls, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Vieira She leaves to
mourn her passing her parents,
her husband, David Weisenback,
two sons, four brothers, Andy, Joe.
George and Ray, and a sister,
Anne Leazier and their families.
• Mis Fied Bayliss and son Bil­
ly, Doris Ciai k and her guests,
Margaiet McNamee and Betty
May Walker, attended the ski
meet at Mt. Shasta Sunday.
• Mr. and Mrs Walter Foster
welcomed the arrival of a baby
daughter Tuesday, only to have
her leave them again the evening
of the same day. She was laid
to rest Thursday morning.
• Mr. and Mis. Joe Rossi are the
parents of a son, born Tuesday in
Yreka General hospital.
• Mrs. M Seif was a Yreka vis­
itor Tuesday
• Mrs. George Goodwin and Mrs.
George Wright were in Ashland
and Medford Tuesday.
• Gay Nebeker and a friend were
visiting at the home of his bro­
ther Vernal over the week-end
• The sawmill started operations
Monday morning.
• Mrs. W. Gran and son drove
to Yreka Tuesday.
• Mrs. A. Gilley of Hornbrook
was in Hilt on business Wednes­
Dr. A E. Merkel, assisted by
County Nurse Helen Parish and
School Nurse Patricia Geiser, con­
ducted a baby clinic Thursday of
last week in the Civic club build­
ing There were 21 babies with
their mothers in attendance Mrs.
C. L. Brown weighed and meas­
ured the children and the school
nurse wrote the histories of the
• Mr. and Mrs Glen Johnston of
San Jose are visiting in Ashland.
• George R Carter, county clerk,
wax a business visitor in Ashland
• Roberta Green is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs Paul Green,
in Hornbrook
• Mrs Duke Lorton of Klamath
Falls is visiting her mother, Mrs.
F. J. Ahlstrom.
It’s high
time everyone
heard the good news of our
Extra Delicious
Juxt the thing for a quick
Pete's Lunch
Trinity Episcopal
Pays for thrt‘e years insurance
on $1,000 dwelling or household
goods inside Ashland city limits.
!x>wer rates if building qualifies
gLg V REP^'0 money »or
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e when need
Phone 888«
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the family ironing was done with those old fashioned
lions beateli on top of the cook stove? The handles
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You were lucky to get the job done without burning
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f,»TÏniÏÏÎ. B&NK