TX# Medford the school census Just completed reveals a majority of 106 more girls than boys May- be that's why Ashland boys go to Medford so frequently. 111 Not until some great calamity, such as now harasses England, la-falls us will this nation unite In one common belief. 1 1 1 Ruin is reported in I»s Angelen That's strange Volume X SOCE TO HOLD PRE-TOURNEY OPEN HOUSE Pop** *1ka¿ Jlai *7a £ ay--Anet £ay¿ 9tt ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1941 C rizzi i e s Pre p a re 'Blitz' For Medford Number 9 FLAHARTY NEW C-C PRESIDENT Ashland chamber of commerce directors have elected R I. Fla- harty, owner of the Pine Box company, as the new president for the 1941 fiscal year beginning March 1, succeeding C. M Lit- wilier. Dr R. E. Poston was elected vice president, replacing W. A. Snider, and Dean Pieper was re­ elected secretary to succeed him­ self Directors, however, voted to incorporate both the offices of secretary and treasurer under one head and then change the title to that of manager The new president has called a session of the new board for Wed­ nesday, March 5. The department­ al classification plan is expected to be adopted at that time, mak­ ing each director resjxrnsible for the operation of a separate defrag­ ment Apjrointment of sub-com­ mittees also is expected. a ------------- •------------- 1 1 Friends of the Southern Oregon Il I nice long will remember College of Education are due for Halle Selassie us "the worm that a pleasant surprise when they at­ tend the pre-tournament open turned." house in the physical education 1 1 1 When the axis «taita throwing building Tuesday evening and ace mud at Roosevelt, it’s a sure sign for the first time the extent of our president is t reading ou thrlr recent improvements and additions to the gymnasium. toe*. The open house is scheduled for 1 1 1 7:45 p m. Mur 4 and every friend way a Medford From down of the college is Invited to attend woman reports the theft ■>f ihre« not only for the inspection lour of diamond rings stating that only new Improvements, but also for she and her husband were present. the interesting program which has Kind* places the old man in u been arranged by the school and suspicious light. No? various civic organizations Events of the program have been outlined err This |>ait of Oregon is present­ a* follows: 7:45 p m Registration and re­ ing spring previews with orchards of pink and white almonds in ception of guests and preaentatlon bloom. Valleys and sloping hills of visitor badges by the Down ure clothed in a riot of color with Town Quarterbacks club 7:45 p m Conducting of a background of emerald forests und an occasional snow clad peak, guests by the Mons club through the latter to remind us of winter's the newly constructed additions to the gymnasium. reluctant departure, "The Magic Nutcracker," an op­ 7:45 p m Various physical eretta which is oeing presented r r r games ami social entertainment J* by Lincoln school Monday after­ .Ibat the British arc can- sjxmsored by the Activians club noon and evening, March 10, at no ring all X's from the soldiers' 8 30 p m. to 9:15 p m Open the SOCE auditorium, is woven let tel H because of the danger of house program Greetings by around the music of the Nut­ coded messages is causing some Mayor T 8 Wiley; comments by cracker Suite by Tschaikowsky. worry here what if it should ap- Dr Walter Redford. president, i It tells the story of a small ply to the National Guard. Southern Oregon College of Edu- small child. Marie, receiving a ration; remarks by D Virgn.ia 111 gift, a nutcracker shaped like a Front row—Coach Jerry GasUneuu; Bob Weaver, guard; Bud Provost, forward. Back row­ a nie* handsome young prince, from her K worker on a construction Hales, director women's physical ■•duration; remarks by Jean F. smith, center; Chet Fowler, guard; Chuck Jandretu, forward. gang at an army camp in Mis­ grandfather. Her brother Johnny souri resolves to quit complain­ Eberhart. director men’s physical tries to snatch the gift from her ing about the mud that has plag­ education; vocal solo, Mrs S E. and in the struggle the nutcrack­ I ued the workers for some time Epler; address, R, W McNeal, as- er’s leg is torn off. Grandfather geography. sistant professor of He was run over by a large t.*uck promises to fix it and all are und when his friends rushed to who was "father" of the basket- happy. his aid they hail difficulty finding ball tournament. Marie puts the nutcracker in her Residents of Ashland and vicin- 9:15 p. m Light refreshments him in the mirs more than doll crib and starting to sing it ! ity who are registered at the will be served by the Istdiea ’ Civic slightly soiled but uninjured. | chamber of commerce for employ­ "On to Salem" seemed to be the to sleep, she falls asleep herself. club. 1 1 1 ment are advised that after March general sentiment of those gath­ Then things begin to happen, for 9:45 p. m Frolic dance in the 1 the present listings will be de­ ered at the high school auditorium nutcracker is a magic nutcracker. "Twould seem as if England has administration building, program AU the toys around turn life­ Team W L Fct. stroyed and new records started Wednesday evening for a "pep turned thumbs down on Herbert to be arranged by Ashland iJth- Kameiairg 8 4 .667 Approximately 75 cards are on supjjer” in honor of the basketball size and come alive; gingerbread Hver's proposal to feed 70,000,- lans Ashland .686 .7 4 file at the present time The ser­ team. In attendance were students, children, tin soldiers, candy fairy, < mjo Inhabitants of German-occu­ Patrons and patroneasee will be Medford .636 7 4 vice is available to local residents faculty members, dads of the Chineses boy and the reed flute pied nations He still can fool Mayor and Mrs T 8 Wiley. Mr Grants Pana 1 11 .0X3 without cost and may be used by players and several business men children, who dance and sing. Also some people in America, but Eng­ and Mrs O F Carson. Mr. and The gam<- .x-au^g the most im- both prospective ejnployeez and and enthusiastic optimism was ex­ the reed flute children dance as land seems to know the ’boy’ from Mrs Ralph E Koozer, Dr. Mxl While full and part pressed by ail as they discussed t>? wtnd ’fairy sings. jurat exjierienee* • Mrs W J Cramlall. Mr and Mrs portance of any southern Oregon employers. The mouse king and his brigade conference clash takes piace to­ time employment has beqn rather the big game with Medford this Mrs Fred A. Tayler, Mr. and 111 enter and start a battle with the Marshall E Wixsieil, Mr and Mrs night on the local junior high slack during the winter months, Friday, which will be the first VVillkie has caused considerable gingerbread children. But the tin Guy T Ajxplewhite and Dr. and court, a 7:30 preliminary starting this situation is expected to be step towards the state tourna­ unhappiness among the isolation­ soldiers hurry to help the ginger­ the evening off Medford's Tigers increased with the coming of ment. Mrs. Walter Redford. ists. NeWs Meek tells of .Senator and the Ashland high Grizzlies spring and summer. The program, which was pre­ bread children with the nutcracker Members of the attendance and meet in this important encounter Bennett Clark, one of the oppo­ ceded by a student dance, consist­ prince as their leader. Marie saves The files were revised last in sition leaders who was expected publicity committee are Dr Wal­ with thè winner being tied with September of 1940 Under the pre­ ed of short talks by Coaches Gas- the nutcracker by hurling her to undermine Winkle's testimony, ter Redford, Marshall E Wood'll, Roseburg for first place, a play- sent plan, the listings will be re­ tineau and Blake, B. C. Forsythe, sliprer at the mouse king, killing who became flustered and called Fred Home», H. G. Ender», J H off being necessary Hal McNair. Theo J. Norby and him. vised every six months or less. The nutcracker is now a real VVillkie "Mr. President" and never H.ndy. Guy T Applewhite. Mr» In their three games to date. several of the Down Town Quar­ Will M Dodge. Mrs Fred Wag got going again, Ashland has won two and Med- terbacks. Highlighting the eve­ Prince Charming, fpr the mouse ner, Mrs E. Pell, Mrs A. C. Joy, ford one. The Tigers have im­ ning were clever rhythmic toasts king was a wizard who had en­ 111 Ralph Billings. J W McCoy. Ar­ proved greatly over early-season read to members of the team and chanted him until such time as a News correspondents recently thur Taylor, 8 E Epler. Geo M jierformances while the Grizzlies to the coaches. Following the maiden should love him more than were requested to withhold naval Green. Theo J. Norby, Homer Bill­ definitely are an in and out team she fears a mouse. Marie broke Fee scholarships for 96 high toasts the boys' quartet sang two the spell by killing the mouse king secrets One such request was ings. Mrs Louis Dodge. Wm Sav­ Since the loser will be out of school and university students will numbers and the program was sent to the correspondent <»f DNB. in, Herbert Gray, Moore Hamil­ any play-off for the state tourna­ concluded with a spirited cheering and thus all are happy. They all official nazl news agency which ton. O. H Wenner. I. C Erwin. ment trip to Salem, this contest be available for 1941-42 through session led by Sue Parkinson. gather around Marie and the gives one a general idea of the Mis Hal McNair, John Dougherty, promises to be hard fought from the University of Oregon, it is an­ Prince Charming as he thanks her Girls reading the toasts were Hedberg, Dr. Harvey beginning to end. Every indication nounced by President Donald M effectiveness of such a "gag rule." Elwood Sue Parkinson, Betty Dunn, Leia for her rescue and promises 'to ------------- •------------- Wtxxls, W A. Snider, Wayne jiointa to a caj>acity crowd to be Erb, whose office is handling the Griffith. Emmy Lou Smith, Peg take her to his wonderland. Wells. Otto Wilda. C. M Litwiller, on hand for this major hoop clash applications. REBEKAHS INITIATE Whittle, Margery Newton, Celene Jean F Eberhart. Dr. George Applications will be due by Apr. Morgan, Judy Silver, B. J. Dunn, MASON A. DORAN THREE CANDIDATES Bruce and Dr. R. E Walker. 1. Of the scholarships offered, 48 Margarette Barnthouse, Eunice Funeral services for Mason A. The regular meeting of the He- or more will be given to high Kincaid. Babs Cary. Shirley Cush­ Doran were held Thursday after­ Members of the executive board iM'kahs wan held Tuesday evening and officer« of Southern Oregon school graduates who have never ing, Erlene Norberg, Mary Ann noon from the Litwiller Funeral St QM Fellows hall with a very College association who also are attended any institution of higher Delsman, and Marilee Erwin. home. Mr. Doran, a World war fine number in attendance. The as.xisting with the program are: Dads of players present were veteran, died Tuesday morning fol­ Among students at the Univer­ education. The remaining scholar­ degree staff held initiation for Mavoi T S Wiley, Dr. W. J. ships will be awarded to under ­ three candidates and also conduct­ Crandall, councilman and Legion; sity of Oregon to sing in Handel's graduate students of graduates of Weaver, Provost, Jandreau, Green, lowing a heart attack, He was bom Feb. 28. 1897 at Wilmer ed a memorial service. A Past Frank J. Van Dyke, chamber of Messiah." the second annual per­ the University of Oregon or any Dunn and Adams. The f>ep supper was sponsored Minn. Surviving are his widow; Noble Grand pin was presented to commerce, J. H. Hardy, Down formance of the university choral other accredited institution of by the Girls League under leader­ three children. Robert, Richard Alma Slennet by Gladys Robbins. Town Quarterback«; Wm. Briggs. union, are seven students from higher education. i ship of Miss Cornelia Hulst and and Gerald; his father, Frank Do­ Refreshments were in charge of Li thians, Irving Vining, Pioneer Jackson county. They are Dale Undergraduate scholarshipshave I the exceptionally fine meal was ran, and sister. Alma Doran, both the men. On the serving commit­ association; Fred Tayler, council­ Kaegi, Lolita Pierson, both of a value of $66 and graduate schol- 1 prej>ared and served by members of Oakland, Calif. tee were Messrs Robbins, O'Harra, man anti Lithiana; J. H. Fuller, Ashland; Janet Mann, Jerry Vaw- a rah ips a value of $64.50 to be of the domestic science class. ter, Joyce Freed, Audrey Brugger Rice, Hazelwood and Gowland. |x>stmaster and Uthians; H. L applied toward the total fee $102 The Past Noble Grands' club Claycomb, Elks; Fred Homes, and Eugene Bennett, all of Med­ for undergraduates, $101 for grad­ ford. will meet at the home of Mrs. SOCE alumni; Henry Enders, Basis for awarding the The choral union, which now uates. Jobbin», corner of Mountain ave­ Tuesday club and Masonic lodge; scholarships will be grades and IX JUSTICE COVET nue anorter’s name •MYSTERY SEA RAIDER" gains for the ladies wish to dis- ROSEY of "Pete's Lunch” A sensible girl is not as sens­ and address. Four were re­ Phelps, who has spent many pose of the large supply of years in the grocery business in ible as she looks because a sensible counting her proposals. turned giving Omaha an hon­ (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) I. C. ERWIN trying to be any clothing carried over from the the middle and mountain states, girl has more sense than to look esty rating of 6«»j percent. "WATERLOO BRIDGE" place but home now that mov­ winter season. sensible. This week Don Plnth, an states that he plans to enlaree “U>NIX>N CAN TAKE IT" —Bernstien 1 ing time is here. Further donations of clothing his present establishment to in­ SOCE student, reoorted losing A bunch of SOCE students will be appreciated and arrange­ clude a dining room before sum­ a billfold containing many pa­ USED CLOTHING SALE Sat. | Mar 1, at the Lithia hotel i trying to figure how much 10 lters of value to him. We are Please Call at The Miner Office ments may be made with Mrs R. mer. building Sponsored by American percent of 3000 would amount wondering what Ashland’s L. Burdic who is acting as chair­ for Your Guest Tickets ? to. Legion Auxiliary. honesty rating will he. man. • Subscribe for The Miner today, Lincoln.Pupils To Present Operetta GRIZZLIES GET I TITLE CHANCE IF WIN TONITE C-C Revises Files of 'Employment Service PEP MEETING FETES PLAYERS I U of 0 Scholarships Offered Students 2 Ashland Students To Sing in Messiah Committees Turn In $487 For Tourney Sons Split Series With Humboldt Five • ------- •------- Court Proceedings