Friday, Feb. 21, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Paqe 7 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT NURSERY STOCK 100.000 fruit and nut trees. TOO varieties Free 40 page catalog. Rones, flowering, shade trees, etc. Tualatin Valley Nurseries, Hherwood. Oregon. STOCK FOR SALE BIG TOP ABERDEEN-ANGUS BULLS AMD COWH. J. A. Heel lard, Chehalis. Washington. By ED WHEELAN OPPORTUNITY Crow Mushrooms, cellar or shod. We buy. Guaranteed Market. Free Book. Bona Fide Mushroom Co., Dept-A. 4944 Foster, Portland. OLD GOLD 8EI.G your old Jewelry and dental gold direct to oldest and largest re­ finery In Northwest. You will profit Hpt.y»r Hmelting & Refining Co.. Î1» Medical-Dental Bldg. Seattle. Wash* ington. LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG A Stooge for a One-Man Band same expert care used when QUINTUPLETS CATCH COLD At the first sign of • chest cold—the Quintuplets’ throats and chest« are rubbed with Children*» Mild Musterole —a product made to promptly relieve the DISTRESS of children’s colds and resulting bronchial and croupy coughs. Belief usually comes quickly because Musterole is MORE than an ordinary “salve.” It helps break up local con* restion. As Musterole is used on the Quints you may be sure you are using just about the BEST product made. Also in Regular and Extra Strength for those preferring a stronger product. By C. M. PAYNE Courage and Faith There is a courage which is only another name for faith. Many a battle is lost before the soldier leaves his tent. The first step to victory is to believe that the battle need not be lost at all.—Hugh Black. INDIGESTION assy sleet the Heart G«i trappMI la the guxnach or gultot may act Ilk» a hair trigger un the heart. At the first sign of diiLreaa •mart men aod women depend on B«U ana TabUta to Mt gag free No laxative but made of the fiKot acting medicinej krxwrr. for acid tndlgevtton. If the riBST DOSE dueWt prove 1^11-an» bettor, return bottte to m and «ton IMACBUB Money BadL 39a. Join in Hand rhen join in hand, brave Ameri­ cans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall. —John Dickinson. /MIDDLE-AGES WOMEN [£S] HEED THIS ADVICEII Thousands of women are helped to go smil­ ing thru d is tress pecul­ iar to women—caused by this period in life— with Lydia B. Pink­ ham's Vegetable Coru­ na pound — famous for years. Pinkham's Compound —made especially for women — has helped tliousands to relieve such weak, nervous feelings due to this ^^unctlonaJ^dUturbance^TryMlt^^^ By J. MILLAR WATT POP—Food for the Sergeant Major * INCENDIARY . BOMB MES a I FIRE EATER ? Our Best Teachers Instruction does not prevent waste of time or mistakes; and mistakes themselves are often the best teachers of all.—Froude. Watch Your Kidneys/ Help Them Cleans« the Blood of Harmful Body Waste Tour kidneys are constantly filtering waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes lsg in their work—do not act as Nature intended—tall to re­ mov. impurities that. It retained, may Cison th. .ystem and upset the whois dy machinery. Symptoms may be nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dinissss, getting up nights, swelling, puffin — under ths eyes—a feeling of nervous sniiety and loos of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder dis­ order are sometimes burning, scanty or too frequent urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use Doan’e Pills. Doan's have been winning new friends for more than forty years. They have a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the country over. Ask your neighbor/ I NUMBER, PLEASE STARTS LOOKING UP BILL WIMPLE’S NUMBER AFTER A GOOD DEAL OF PAGE TURNING FINDS RIGHT PLACE AND RUNS FINGER DOWN COLUMN GETS TO BOTTOM OF COL­ UMN AND TURNS PAGE. GOES ON RUNNING FINGER DOWN COLUMNS UNTIL HE FINDS ME TURNED TWO PAGES AT ONCE TURNS BACK TO RI6NT PAGE AND FINDS BILL WIMPLES NAME BUT CAN'T BE SURE OP NUMBER BECAUSE PRINT IS SO FINE D oan spills WNU—13_________________ 8—41 MORE FOB YOUB M Bl GLUYAS WILLIAMS 0 «•He’» * new man. We’re giving him a »cream test!” LEAVES «RECTORY OPEN ON KNEE ANO PVTS GLASSES ON, DIRECTORY SLIDING DOWN BETWEEN KNEES SOME LITTLE TIME LATER FINDS THE RIGHT PA6E A- 4AIN LOCATES THE NUMBER AND AS HE CLOSES DI­ RECTORY KEEPS RE- PEAT.N6 IT, 10 IM­ PRESS IT ON HIS MIND TAKES UP TELEPHONE, WIFE,WHO IS ADDIN6 1 • Read the advertisements. They are more than a selling •id for business. They form an educational system which is making Americans the best- educated buyers in the world. Th« advertisements ar« part H of an economic system which 11 to giving Americans more I for their money every day. I o N E T