Friday, Feb. 21, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Household News ' ¿-¡X, WoRtPM Cri \ WNI, wo« M,.M WNU ! HIG CITY BLACKOUT The move for a blackout test of New York continues, but this de­ partment Is against it. More people would get hurt by the blackout than by any enemy attack New York­ ers, as Elmer Twitchell pointed out today, can't even get around safely with ail the lights on. • • • And then, too, there's the question of morale. What would a New York- er do if he couldn't be seen by anybody? ■al---- Agreeable Prof. Bjorn—Mr. Dzudi, what is your idea of civilization? Dzudi—It’s a good idea, Prof., and I think somebody ought to start it. Still Feeling First Draftee—You know, I feel like I’d like to punch that hard- boiled top sergeant in the nose again. Second Draftee—Again? First Draftee—Yes, I felt like it yesterday. quickly and simply you can finish it. Design No. 8840 is easy for even a two-year old to get into all by herself, because it goes on like a coat and buttons all down the front. Its princess lines are ac­ cented by sweeps of ric-rac up and down, the neckline is finished with a little notched collar, and panties are included, of course. • • • Pattern No. 8840 la designed for sizes 2, 3. 4, S and 8 years. Size 3 requires, with long sleeves. 3 yards of 33-Inch ging­ ham, percale or linen; with short sleeves, I1, yards; 8 yards of ric-rac. Send or­ der to: What would happen to a genuine Manhattanite if he suddenly found !•>. there wasn’t a SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. •Hi !“ light on him or 119 New Montgomery Ave. San Francisco Calif. near him? "No l • ■ Enclose 13 cents In coins for ■ir, it would nev­ ! • Pattern No........................ Size.............. er work in a city Soon to Know Name ......................................................-• like New York.” Sergeant -Hi, you can’t go in there. i Mr. Twitchell in­ Address ..................................................... Private— Uhy not? ; sisted. “Think of “Ilrciuat thal't the generaTt hut.” 0 what would hap­ “I h<-n uhy hat hr got private on the — pen to the stamina of those thou­ door ?” 1 î ■ “Stop atking uhy. Do you think I’m sands of New Yorkers who live in Ba 0 night clubs If this blackout comes! S fool?” *1 don’t know yet, I only came here If they couldn't find the night clubs, THE ANSWER TO A HOSTESS* PRAYER I yetlerday." they ’ d be in a bad way. And what (See Rtilpes Below) The housewife was showing her would be even worse, suppose they new maid through the upstairs For His Comfort TAKE A PERK AT YOUR PAHTRY en stiff with sugar. Brown in mod­ got into a night club and then rooms. Finally, they came to a Stranger (savagely)—You’re sit­ erate oven <325 degrees Fahrenheit) couldn't be seen in ’em by the col­ staircase leading down. ting on my hat, sir! Many a cook who shines brightly for about 15 minutes. Decorate top umnists!” "Now, Mary,” said the house­ Old Gentleman—So I feel, sir! wife, stepping on to the landing, at cake-baking sadly admits that of pie with sections from orange. And I hope in the future you will Mr Twitchell was terribly worked she doesn't have Peel fruit with sharp knife, remov­ “when you wish to pass down to "Take the matter of photo­ wear soft hats, and not these hard- the knack of mak­ ing skin and inner membrane down up. the garden, go down this way.” brimmed abominations. “Pictures ing flaky, melt-ln- to juicy meat Cut out on each side graphs," he continued, At that moment she slipped, and thc-mouth pastry. of dividing membrane and lift out can’t be taken during a complete with a great bumping noise she Wading In blackout, There must be a coupla She feels that it section by section. was precipitated to the bottom. “Can I tee Mr». Dobton?" atked the million New Yorkers who lose Is something she "Good gracious, mum!” gasped Orange Pastry. charity collector. weight and go into a decline if they can’t help, like 1 cup aifted flour the maid, "Are ye hurt?” “I’m tarry” replied the maid, “but ain’t photographed wherever they Mrt. Dobton can’t tee you now. She it the color of her 2 teaspoons sugar "No; it’s nothing,” replied the go. eyes or her hair. in the middle of a plate of toup. dishevelled mistress as she arose. 4 teaspoon salt Uut a careful look 1 teaspoon shredded orsnge peel "Then ye’ve got down it fine, "If they have to leave their apart­ at her pie crust fl tablespoons shortening mum!” declared the girl. “But if More Carefully! through a magnifying glass or mi­ 2-3 tablespoons orange juice (about) ments without being seen, travel to that’s the way I’ve got to go down, He was rather small, and had the theater without being seen, and croscope often gives a clue ns to the job’s too strenuous for me!” Sift flour, sugar, salt. Add orange even enter it and leave it without been used to sleeping with a night- what ia the matter. light in the room, but his parents \’O WONDER there's a prideful peel. Cut shortening in coarsely. Flaky paatry is made up of many, Add gradually just enough orange being noticed or photographed, can had decided that he must start ■L ' prance in this youngster’s you imagine what would happen to many thin layers of dough separat­ juice to bind dough together. Roll sleeping in the dark. When his step as she goes forward to more ed by long, thin air pockets or spaces pastry out thin and line pie plates. their morale! • • • mother put out the light, he asked, and better playtimes. It’s the formed when the layers of fat and Bake in hot oven (450 degrees Fahr- frock she’s proud of—any little girl "I tell you there are tens of thou­ plaintively: flour are separated by steam dur­ enheit) for 15 minutes. (Makes B- will be proud of it, and there's no "Must I sleep in the dark to ­ sands of New Yorkers who can't ing the baking. reason why your own daughter inch pie shell.) even sit at a dinner table and have night, mummy?” f p £>M£0'* shouldn’t have half a dozen just Part of this flakiness dej>ends “ Yes, darling, ” was the reply, Individual Chess Pies. a cocktail in complete happiness un­ such, because it’s so easy to make. upon the manner in which the fat "you are getting a big boy now. ” less a snapshot is taken. Ask al) (Makes 7 tarts) POPS ih ia cut into the flour and part upon "Well, may I say my prayers Take a look at the small diagram these classes to go a night in com­ gMORMOUSi 4 cup butter drawing, to convince yourself how the handling of the dough. If a plete oblivion, and what will they over again?” VOLUME 1 cup sugar part of the fat Is rubbed in with the do? Revolt, that's what. And there's • egg yolks Angers or a pastry blender, until it NO hard no telling how far a revolt in New 1 whole egg tit wets. is in very small particles and Is York by people who demand the 1 cup raisins (coarsely chopped) A Quiz With Answers evenly distributed throughout all of spotlight might go. It might spread 4 cup nuts (coarsely chopped) the flour; and if the remainder of all over America. Offering Information 2 tablespoons lemon Juice A Good Name the fat is cut in so that It ia In 3 egg whites fairly large pieces about the size Good name, in man or woman, on Various Subjects “ And there's the matter of some of 4 teaspoon salt of navy beans or peas, then the is the immediate jewel of their our big personalities. What would fl tablespoons sugar crust has an excellent chance of be­ souls —Who steals my purse steals be the reactions of Elsa Maxwell, Cream butter until soft and light. ing both tender and flaky. The large 8. How does the moon compare trash; but he that filches from me The Queationa Billy Rose, Jimmy Walker, Dot pieces of fat aeparate the flour into Add sugar gradually, creaming until with the earth in size? my good name, robs me of that Parker. Tom Dewey or Mayor La­ • layers, while the small particles mixture is fluffy. 9. What was the highest price which not enriches him, and Guardia in a blackout? They'd curl 1. Who fixed the mean length of tend to make the dough more Beat together egg per ton of gold ever paid? makes me poor indeed.—Shake­ right up and expire. the year at 365% days and de­ 10. What are the three theological speare. yolks and whole tender. creed that every fourth year virtues? If all the fat is distributed in egg with rotary "The same thing goes for the rank should have 366 days? small particles the crust is apt to beater. Blend with and flic. What do New Yorkers live 2. How much of the world’s rail­ creamed mixture be "crumbly" rather than flaky. The Anauiera on? Delicatessen way mileage is in the United and then add raisins, walnuts, and To this fat and flour mixture ia products. Where States? added the water, a procedure which lemon juice. Place mixture in top of do they get ’em? 1. Julius Caesar. 3. Who holds the record for the ia best accomplished with a fork. double boiler and cook over boiling Delicatessen and 2. Thirty per cent. longest cabinet service? water, stirring constantly until thick, The dough ia worked lightly to­ drug stores How 3. James Wilson, who was sec­ 4. How large was the Continental about 25 to 30 minutes. gether into a ball so that it can be would they find retary of agriculture from 1897 to army in the Revolutionary war? When Alling has thickened All in­ rolled out. Overhandling at thia these stores with­ 1913, under McKinley, Theodore 5. How many Presidents died on dividual baked pastry shells (34 point foreshadows a tough crust, yet out all those red. Roosevelt and Taft. inches in diameter across top). Beat July 4? the dough must be kneaded enough green and yellow 4. Army records show that 528,- egg whites until foamy, then add 6. Does the starfish travel far? lights on ’em? Why. they’d starve so that it will stick together and 274 regulars and volunteers fought salt and sugar gradually, and con­ to death in 48 hours. Blackout of form a smooth sheet under the roll­ 7. Which of the following is a in the Revolutionary war. tinue beating until meringue will New York! It’s a crazy idea. Why. prime number—7, 10 or 22? ing pin. A slightly richer formula— 5. Three Presidents—John Ad­ stand in stiff points. Place tarts in the enemy could locate the city by a proportion of 4 cup of fat to 1 cup ams, Thomas Jefferson and moderate oven (350 degrees Fahren­ of flour instead of the usual 4 cup of the loud squawks, wails, protests James Monroe. heit) for about 10 minutes or until flour to 1 cup of fat, makes it pos­ and letters to the editor.” 6. The farthest distance ever lightly browned. • • • sible to handle the pastry dough traveled by any starfish is ap­ Make pastry using one cup flour more without toughening it appreci- Tent poles and broom handles for proximately 5,000 feet, and this OUT OF WORK for tart shells. ably. Silken frills and all their glory the British government are to be trek took 10 months’ time. Horn o' Plenty Pie. Deep Dish Apple Pie. Have changed their former cate- made square in the future—not so 7. Seven. It is divisible by no (Makes 2 B-incb pies) that they can be put into round number except itself and one. gory. (Serves fl) 1 9 ounce package mincemeat For now milady's lingerie holes, but because the experts as­ 8. The moon is one-fourth in 14 cups sugar 14 cups water Is made of fiber from a tree. sure that this will save the coun ­ size. Its diameter is about 2,000 apples (sliced thin) 2 cups 3 tablespoons sugar try at least $8,000,000 a year. The miles, the earth’s about 8,000 4 cup water 1 cup canned pumpkin Her stockings, too, from top to toe, timber controller of the ministry miles. % cup raisins 4 teaspoon salt Are coal and air and H2O; of supply says that round handles 9. In 1907 the Selby Smelting 1 teaspoon ginger 4 cup orange Juice Alas, the erstwhile busy worm and poles waste about 10 per cent Works of San Francisco paid the 4 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon orange rind (grated) Has nothing left to do but squirm. of wood, and require special ma­ Mohawk Mine of Nevada $574,958 Feast-for- the - Least 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon cinnamon —Kathryn Walter. chines for shaping. for 47% tons of gold ore, this price 3 eggs • • • 4 teaspoon cloves Recently all matches in Japan of $12,041 per ton being the high­ 1 IS-ounce can condensed milk 1 cup walnut meats (chopped) Uncommon Sense “ WANTED — Musician, teacher, ar­ were shortened by 0.029 inches, ef­ est ever recorded in the history of 4 cup water Common sense is not so com­ % cup general purpose flour ranger. I compose songs daily. Pop­ fecting an economy of $240,000 gold mining. Break mincemeat into pieces, I mon.—Voltaire. 10. Faith, hope and charity. ular, patriotic, sentimental, sweet, worth of timber in a year. 1 teaspoon baking powder place in saucepan, add water and I hot, sad. glad, comedy, unlimited 4 teaspoon salt sugar. Bring to a variety. Offer small part home, 1 egg boil boil and meals, for spare, time. Beautiful Combine 1 cup sugar, the apples, 1 minute. I Cool, private estate exchange arranging water, raisins, orange juice, orange Thoroughly mix my music. Male, female or couple rind, cinnamon, cloves and cook pumpkin, salt, may form band, opportunity, near over a low flame for about IS min­ spices, eggs con- Brooklyn, 6001 Neck Road.“—Ad­ utes, Remove from Are and add densed milk : and ' vertisement in Down Beat Maga- nuts, Pour into a shallow greascu water. Add cooled zine. baking dish. Mix following ingredi­ mincemeat and • • • ents lightly with a fork: the flour, blend thoroughly. Pour into unbaked Would you mind running over it remaining 4 cup sugar, baking 0-inch pie shells. Bake in hot oven again on the zither? SWELL TO GET THAT powder, salt, and the egg and sprin­ (450 degrees Fahrenheit) 10 min­ • • kle over apple mixture. Place in ■ utes, reduce temperature to moder­ SUBWAY HATES moderately hot oven (375 degrees ate (350 degrees Fahrenheit) and I’d turn the heat IN A SMOKE AS TASTY Fahrenheit) and bake for approxi­ bake about 35 minutes longer, or un­ Upon the guy AS A CAMEL. THERE’S mately 30 minutes. til filling is set. Who keeps his seat Toasted Coconut-Butterscotch Pie, Orange Meringue Pie. But gives the eye. NOTHING UKE 14 cups light brown sugar 1 cup sugar —Evelyn Bligh. r A CAMEL FOR 1 • • • % cup bread flour B tablespoons cornstarch < FLAVOR J 4 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon salt Ims Dodo thinks that “Random % cup cold milk 1 tablespoon shredded orange peel House” is a story of a five and ten 2 egg yolks 2 cups orange juice cent store. 24 cups scalded milk 3 egg yolks • * • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon butter THESE CHANGING TIMES Coconut 2 tablespoons lemon juice Mussolini now feels so small that than the average of the 4 other Orange pastry pie shell Mix sugar, flour and salt. Add he stands on a table in order to largest-selling cigarettes tested —less than 3 egg whites cold milk slowly. Blend until whisper in King Victor Emmanuel’s any of them — according to independent fl tablespoons sugar smooth. Beat egg yolks slightly and ear. scientific tests of the smoke itself. 1 orange • • • add to first mixture. Add the scald­ Mix sugar, cornstarch and salt. ed milk slowly. Place mixture In A rabbit was found scampering add orange peel and juice and cook double boiler and cook, stirring con­ around London in an air raid the in double boiler until thickened, stantly, until the mixture thickens. other day. That's easy to under­ THE about IS minutes. Add beaten egg Remove from heat Add vanilla ex­ stand. Al) the underground room yolks and cook 2 minutes. Remove tract and pour into baked pie shell. was occupied. SLOWER- J • • • from heat and add butter and lem­ Cool. Just before serving top with BURNING on juice. Cool. Pour into B-lnch whipped cream and sprinkle with Mussolini is reported thinking of Orange Pastry pie shell. Cover with toasted coconut CIGARETTE undergoing an operation to have big (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) strut removed. meringue, made of egg whites beat- Mary Was Looking for Another Way Out! MM POP CORN ASK ANOTHER Square Broom Handles Van (amps Pork, nd BEANS THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS GIVES YOU tXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR it S ANO EXTRA MILDNESS LESS NICOTINE THE SMOKE’S THE THING I I CAMEL