Friday, Feb. 14, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER /------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------- NKWH FROM About People" You Know | • Mi and Mrs Paul Bears were business callers in Mi>i U m next io weeks. • Tile Rev. and Mrs Darnell of . manialii rails conducted sei vices ui the Ashland Tabernacle Mun­ day • Mr ami Mrs Eurnic Childreth and Jack Stevenson were vlsitms in lliil .Siinduv • veiling • Byci I'utinaii, un Instructor In toe aiyttlc Clerk schooia, spent tin- Willi l-nil in Aahiand viaiung his puieuts, Mi. und Mm. Jainca i'utinaii • Mr. and Mrs. R C. Simmers and daughter Eleanor of Kluniath Fulls weic week-end visitors al the home of Mi and Mrs. J. F. Waybrant. • M ims Charlotte Wolters of Al-, sea, Or«., whs visiting with Ash­ land friends over the week-end. • Mr. and Mrs. C. L Richardson are Uic parents of a son born reb. 11. • C. W Forliniller of Santa Mon­ ica, Calif., a former resident or Asiiland, is spending a lew days here on business. • George Goa wick of Ashland, mis J. H. Goswlck of Medford and Mis Ed Sholln of Grants l'uss wrie Sunday visitors at Cave City with Mi. and Mrs Davis • Ait CMPM wim down fioiii Weyerhaeuser camp Tuesday eve­ ning to attend iJons club He re- jhh ta tjulte u bit of snowfall dur­ ing the week but not much of it leinaiuuig becauae of warm wind ■ and rain • Mrs. Caroline Tetherow of «iianta Paas is in Ashland visiting ’ her daughlei, Mrs H L. DeAr-I mond. • Barney Gunter was a business caller tn Kerby Tuesday. • I ii i t Davis is again at work at tn«- siitiv CbcvroMt company ai-| ter having' been absent several «lays because of illness. • E C Walls, local real estate man, moved to Medford Wednes­ day. where he will continue In Die same line of buMncM. • Mr. and Mrs Floyd Clark of Harbor art visiting with Mm C lark's sister. Miss Lottie Bea- wick. —— NEHM FROM Washington School Hy SCHOOL KTI'DENTH very Interesting lesson Room 5 Wednesday, Feb. 5, the sixth Room 6 vlaiti <1 the public libra- glade held a room meeting. An ry this morning. Miss Mason election was held The new pies- showed us how to usi' reference I blent is Mary Atkins, vice presi­ bkn. We brought each several dent, Maryrtta Baughman, and books about New England. secietary is Gary Christlleb, The! 'I hr sixth grade presen ted class decided to have a valentine "Abe's Cupboard" for Room 5j la>x and a party Wednesday afternoon. The charac- j lucst Wednesday afternoon the ters were Jerry Kerr as Abe Lin­ pupils of the sixth grade were coln and Mariya Wilcox as Nancy invited by the second grade to a Hanks Room 5 held its regular busi­ piogram They told about their | trip to the float office. It whs a ness meeting Tuesday, Feb 11. very interesting program The dictionary race was won by The fourth giade made some Robert Fowler and Thelma Wink- health fMiatrrs Home of the chil­ ieman. The Chickagami Camp Fire dren made pMrta of teeth and some mads the different kinds of vege­ girls sang "'The Call of the Fire " j Roger Flaharty's row won the tables we eat Miss Margaret I Htialn and Miss Huldah Rose are. letter race. Mariya Wilcox, president teachers for health The fifth grade presented "The Miss Huldah R om , a student I teacher of the fourth grade, had Lincoln Cabin" Wednesday after­ un operation for removal of her noon Virginia Clary was Nancy appendix on Friday, Feb 7 The Hanks and Melvin Morgan wax children will be very giad when Abraham IJncoln. We made red, Miss Rose can be liack with thimi white and blue pins for our pro­ On Monday .Feb. 10, the boys gram. Everyone sang "I Am an and girls of room 0 made some American " valentine verses They are very Virginia Clary brought us a good. The poems will be shown cal la lily which was given to her down In the hall. The children by a friend. It came all the way wrote the ¡meins on wall ¡taper to from Crescent City, Calif. Several students from Washing­ make them look prettier. Miss Hhlrley Willard, a student ton school attended the Rubinoff teacher of IJncoln school room B. concert in Medford Wednesday has been absent for two days be­ afternoon. Room 4 cause of Illness. Several people are absent in the IJncoln school has a new pupil fourth grade with measeies or in the fifth grade His name is chickenpox. J Wray Hodgen from the Wash­ Room 4 has made a valentine ington schiMil box and will have to make another The second grade has a lovely because there have been so many valentine box The children have put In It is red and white with valentines in it. large red hearts on each side. The second grade has a new j Room 5 is making posters for postman, Charles Culmer Washington's and Uncoln's birth- Page 5 day* We like doing this very WATER PROHPEfTS BRIGHT much Summer water supply prospects Room .1 in Oregon are much better than We have a pretty valentine box. It Is in the shape of a house and at this time last year and better is covered with red and white than for the past three years in crepe paper We already have most pa rm of the state, according many valentines in the box. to a forecast just received by the Wf have many new interesting Oregon S’ate college experiment pictures and toys which have been station. Measurements from 87 added to our collection for trans­ portation Edward Roske is a new pupil in Room 3 He entered from Lincoln school W<- are glad to have him Bonnie Frohreich was one of a small group who played their vio­ lins at the Civic club house Wed­ nesday afternoon. It was the com- blned Parent-Teacher asociatio; < of Ashland. We are very happy to .lave Bonnie in our room. The second grade has a new pupil Ardith Brophy came here 'rom Eagle Point The girls and boys are very glad to have an- rther girl in this grade The second grade boys built a Tost office from orange crates. There are 3« post office boxes vhich are enough and one extra. The children are mailing valen­ tines to their friends. Room I Aleta I/Uchterhand and Carolyn Kelts have birthdays to celebrate •.his week i courses in Oregon showed that for the moat part the snow water con­ tent is greater than a year ago • • Arthur Icenhower from Fort Lewis has been visiting this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Icenhower. He re­ cently underwent a major opera­ tion from which he is recovering. NOW is the time Before the spring rush Y’ou’ll nerd that storage tank! . . . There’s that welding job that you’ve neglected! . . . The old car needs repairs! . . . The pump is on the blink! . . . These and many more necessary repairs if done now will save you a lot of grief in the busy spring and summer season.................... $51° PHONE 4586 OR SEE OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND PHONE 458« Pays for three years in* surance on $1,000dwell­ ing or household goods in Ashland. BIG RANGE CAPACITY Lincoln School By SCHOOL HTl'DENTH On Thursday, Feb 6, the school nurse, Miss Patricia Geiser, told! the children ot room 6 about first. aid The class learned how to ban­ dage all kinds of cuts and to putI splints onto a finger. They le«m- j ed that the triangular bandage is I very useful The children used ( each other as patients. It was a i I. C. ERWIN Phone 8751 240 East Main Street Where C m I Get a Good Deal an a New STAKE TRUCK fa Gt my Hauling Jeb? B I o YOUR DODGE DEALER! Chuse from ELEVEN sizes and types •• % -fan to 2-ton Capacities Convent.,ial or Cab-Over-Engine Design e CHOOSE FROM 11 STAKE MODELS! WHKKLBABK OPACITY LINOTH S-Ton . . • 1-Ton ... • 120’ . 1-Ton . . . • 133’ . 1 i-Ton . . . • IMA* 11-Ton . . . • 160’ 14-Ton C.O.E.. • a li-Ton C.O.E. . • . 120’ . WIDTH . 72’ . 884’ . 0 . 881’ . • . *72’ • . 1064’ . • . *72’ • . 1061" . • . 82’ . • . 1421’ . • . 82’ 105’ . • . 1064’ . • . 82” 129* . • . 1421’ . • . 82’ • • 2-Ton . . . a 136’ . • . 1064’ . a . 82’ 2-Ton . . . • 160’ . • . 1421’ . a . 82’ 2-Ton C.O.E. . • 105’ . • . 1064- . a . 82’ 2-Ton C.O.E. . • 129’ . • . 1421’ . a . 82’ ’oec*' ’S* 50 Hot water by gallons, the instant you want it—day or night, hot or cold weather. A luxury, yes, but also a NECESSITY to MOD­ ERN housekeeping and family life. Here’s an opportunity for YOUR family to enjoy CONTIN­ UOUS HOT WATER at surpris­ ingly little cost—RIGHT NOW. j®#* DEPEND ON DODDER Zfez^TRUCKS '7 TO 3 ION CAPACITIES 112 STANDARD CHASSIS AND BODY MODELS ON 18 WHEELBASES •(CAUSI Of CHRYSLER' CORPORATION ENGINEERING ASHLAND, OREGON Hot Water Heater $595° or your COPCO Store «2.33 Down SI.«2 Monthly CITY ELECTRIC COMPANY