Friday, Feb. 14, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 llll/r NEWS Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND. OREGON ♦ Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. ★ TELEPHONE 8561 CHAS M GIFFEN WILLIAM SAVIN Publishers ★ OUR DEMOCRACY Service Group Meets At Mt. (’rest Ranch FREEDOM OF THE PRESS 'il I ___ [ over here CONGRiSS SMALL AUG AK7L4M.. A&AIDÓ^Nti TN£ HUÍ POM CU TMÍ Pit £ SS.' -•<11. OraXHTS CONSTITUTION or THS UNITSP STATI*, AMCNDMCNT I SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR...... $1.50 SIX MONTHS....... 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) THE TRl'TH WILLZ HERE THE PRESS IS FREE AND EVERY MAN ABLE TO READ.ALL IS SAFE. After the Emergency, What Then? NEW - THOMAS JEFFERSON. i Q)UR REPUBLICAN INSTITUTIONS CAN BEST • Tlic Women's Society for Chris­ tian Service met Thuisday after­ noon at the home trf Mrs Nelson Watts at Mt Great ranch. Mrs Watts and her mother, Mrs Rich­ aid Williams. were hostess«** Others who attended were Mrs- dames John De Witt, T. Quainine, Harry De Jarnetl, T Andersen, Lloyd Clark, Frank Ward, Walter Bray and daughter Judith, lx>y Waid and daughter Diane, Wil- liani Gran, John Kaivett, I Enzh* The Wright and W. Holmberg meeting _ was opened with i the reading of th«* first Realm. Mre lx* Jarnett, president, conduct«*«t the meeting iuuI announcement whu made of th«* World Day «>f Prayer to lie held Feb 28 Mm De Witt, treasurer, reported on return« from the oyater supper ami movies given by the mn-lety Jan 24 Refreshments were served • Fred Bayliss motored to Med­ lord and Central Point Monday • John Duy of Medford was visit Ing al Mt. Greet ranch Monday. • Mr and Mrs Ben Oiiom return- 1 At this time, when national defense is the primary BE SUSTAINED SY THE DIFFUSION OF concern of all. it is perhaps not out of place to attempt KNOWLEDGE.. AND DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC to see further than the immediate emergency and to EVENTS THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF THE give some thought to our national well being in post PUBLIC PRE5S* LINCOLN. war years. Adequate defense has made increased debt inevit­ |A FREE PRESS IS ESSENTIAL TO US AS A PEOPLE AND TO able, therefore an effective plan for economy in non­ ■ ■I Holin* Io-in San Ki iiii'i.«n> Sat- THE MAINTENANCE OF OUR FORM OF GOVERNMENT. “ unlay morning with Mr. Ollom' defense expenditures coupled with rehabilitation of much iinprov«*d in health after —FAANKiJN.O. ROOSEVEL T. our tax system, seems imperative. five weeks treatment in a hospital there 'REGULATIONS ARE NECESSARY ru In the first 27 weeks of the current fiscal year the I OVER THERE • A number of Hilt folks wer«> in GOrEAN THE PRESS. " - nazi deficit was 6.2 billions. Next year’s deficit is estimated Yreka Tuesday. Among them weie I* Mrs Arthur Pedersen, Mrs. Lloyd' at 9.2 billions, making a total debt of 58.4 billions. Clink, M in Florent Van E GERMAN PRESS — Weghe, Mrs. J. Hulvestto, Mis. G There is only one possible way in which these stag­ Zanotto, Mra. Aldo Cecculto and ‘ A PIANO ON WHICH THE gering expenditures can be prevented from bringing Mra. ix>ria Ceccatto. GOVERNMENT CAN PLAY.* • Mm Peggy Miller and Mrs M. chaos to this country and to every individual living -PAUL GOEBBELS. F. Geroy were In Medford Tues­ within its borders; that is for every person to become day, .. O nly me ( hitler ) fully conscious of his share of the burden. Economy in • Mm Jlni Sawyer relumed hum«* Monday night after spend­ CAN DECIDE CORRECTLY non-defense spending will remain an idle dream as long ing a month in Oakland. ON THEIR (THE PAPERS) as millions of people live with the lie that government • Miss Margie Clark of San Ra- CONTENTS.* 1 fact and Mias laicille Thomae ami can give them something for nothing. Direct taxes on Miss Opal King of Yreka were -DNB all must be made to drive home the fact that the peo­ | visiting Mrs Florence Clark at -OFACrM GtAMAM /news M/8CX. j Mt Crest Tuesday. ple, all the people, are the only ones who dig up every | • Mr and Mm Harry De Jarnett nickel that government spends. Only in that way can 1 visited relatives in Jacksonville over the week-end. we save this nation from destruction from within while • j.'iin I Jay of M«*dford, accom­ our military strength preserves it from those who panied Fnxl Baylis* on a busin«*«* TALENT NEWS • Henry Currie who underw«*nt a trip to Fort Jones Wednesday. would destroy it from without. major operation at the vet«*rans ★ * * MANAGEMENT ; Student* iuuI < iilldran’* 25e Haircut* MlliltOK BARBER SHOP Ith Street : Ashland — „ - N » -, —H 1111*1 I. . * PLUMBING — HEATING SHEET METAL Day mid Night Hrrvlcr Any »» here 1JTH1A PLUMBING and HEATING Ph. 4561 Kes. Ph. H5U6 - V , - Come in and See our EVERY-DAY BARGAINS MOSELEY’S GROCERY Phone 4131 145 E. Main Ml. FOR MONUMENT WORK of Itrouily and quality. In nmrtilr, griuillr or limtiar, or «-«Hiibinuhon* of ih«**M* ma­ terial«. ut honrwt prk*«**, ***** M. T. BERNS Nest to P. <>. rtionr I IM VOCK PRESENT UFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE7 STEVEN IL hospital in Roseburg several . • Dr anti Mrs Georgr B Hull (¡range Observes weeks ago, returned home Tues returned to Ashland Tuesday day. night from points in Washington Lincoln’s Birthday PHONE 4731 • Mr. and Mm Jason Ottinger They were called to Tacoma early • Talent grange met Thursday have as their guests this week last week by the serious illness of From far-off Manila comes a statement by a man night with Mr. and Mrs. Archie' ,Mr. and Mrs. Del Hughs of San Mia Hull s father ■ W Hoag, METROPOLITAN IJFE Walker, visitors from Pomona | Francisco. INSURANCE (X). who ¡>aas<*d away the evening of eminently qualified to speak on the subject of aid to grange at Tualatin, Washington 1 • Mrs Al Sherard was shopping Feb. 6. The Hulls also*visited Dr Britain. In reply to a request for a military opinion on county. Mrs. Walker is Pomona and calling on friends in Ashland Hulls ¡tarenta. Mr. and Mr« A A there. Harry Weagant, Monday. Hull, at their home in Chehalis. the question of all-out aid to Britain, General Douglas lecturer was appointed business agent fori Mr and Mrs Ira Reeder of MacArthur, former chief of staff of the United States Talent grange. The program for j • Ashland called at the home of' evening opened by singingA Mr. anti Mm. Will Rush Friday to 27 at the local gym Tuesday1 army, now retired, but still active as head of the Philip­ the evening The Talent grades won Battle Hymn of the Republic, fol-| the St Mary's juniors 20 to pine army, wrote the Manila Daily Bulletin as follows: lowed by a reading on the life of evening. • Ray Lewis is busy assembling over 11. The high schl drill team as Lincoln. A short skit on ladies' a sawmill on a lot adjoining his “You have asked my military opinion as to whether hats was greatly enjoyed by all as tn the evmng'a entertain­ here. Considerable historic ' siatr«i ment. The drill Imm band la to la*' the time has come for America to give continued and was a game of truth or conse­ home interest is connected with the mill ' highly commended and not many1 quences, Mra W. W. Robison won as it was in use at the Pennsyl- ! further aid to England in the fight for civilization. Unbeatable the prize for the best consequenc­ vania mines for quite a number of 1 sch«x>ls of a much larger attend- ! “The history of failure in war can almost be sum­ es. The program closed with a years, having been moved there ance can boast of a better set-up solo by Mrs. Howard by packhorse in 1905 and was op- - in the way of entertainment. med up in two words: Too late. Too late in compre­ piano Holmes. Mr and Mrs L. H. Gal­ erated by waterpower The output I • Reverend Deacon left Tuesday hending the deadly purpose of a potential enemy; too latin and Mr. and Mra. Milo Kays of lumber was used by miners In for a visit with his brother in serve on the hospitality com­ that vicinity. As .*«n as weather Pasadena, Calif. late in realizing the mortal danger; too late in prepar­ will mittee for the next meeting. Lewis will move the mill i • J W Bradford of Moiford has edness ; too late in uniting all possible forces for resist­ • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Unruh of permits. taken charge of the Talent barber to his timber on Little Applegate. shop. ance; too late in standing with one’s friends. Phoenix were business callers here • A dance was given by the • The Townsend club met at its afternoon. young grangers at the grange regular meeting at the city hall “The greatest strategical mistake in all history will Tuesday • Talent extension unit met at hall Saturday night. evening be made if America fails to recognize the vital moment, the city hall at 10 o’clock Friday • C. S. Jacobson of Medford was Tuesday • Mrs Ralph Hilkey and daugh­ at an all-day meeting. The topic if she permits again the writing of that fatal epitaph: for discussion was "Household a business caller in Talent Tues­ ters Cornelia and Mrs. Allen Clark day. Mtxlford were visiting frfiends Too Late. Aids," given by Mra. Lloyd Lacy • The Talent high school basket­ of (’lover Leaf Dairy here aftemexm. Bertha Hayman. There was ball team received a setback in • L. Wednesday “Such co-ordinated help as may be regarded as and C. Jones of Anderson creek a covered dish luncheon at noon. its string of victories at the hands PhiMir 673'* was transacting business in Talent proper by our leaders should be synchronized with the Many members and visitors were of St. Mary's to the tune of 29 Wednesday. British effort so that the English-speaking peoples of present. • John Murphy of Eugene arrived the world will not be broken in detail. The vulnerabil­ Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McMahan ' ity of singleness will disappear before unity of effort. and accompanied Mrs. Murphy' Not too late; not tomorrow, but today.” home after spending last week with her parents. • Harold Thompson left Wednes­ The schools of Ashland have many times proved day for Chicago where he will themselves to be a big asset to the city and have been take a course in air conditioning, electricity. directly responsible for many of the worthwhile events and • L. W. Tame spent Sunday at his that occur here. One of these has been the class B ranch on Dead Indian. • Victor Anderson of Camp Clat­ basketball tournament held at the Southern Oregon sop visited his mother, Mra. Ber­ College of Education which this year will be a state nice Anderson, over the week-end. • Talent ladies of the ODO club wide contest. There is no doubt but that the city and met at the home of Mra. Lyda| the school will benefit by the hundreds of young people Oatman in Medford Thursday at all-day gathering. At noon a attracted here and it is only reasonable that they may ar. hot dish luncheon was served. expect the enthusiastic support of the townspeople and Those present were Mra. May Withrow, Mrs. Lloyd Lacy, Mrs. business men in making this tournament possible. Hazel Fems, Mrs. Myrtle Jacobs, Mrs. Charles Holdrige, Mrs. L. O. ABRAM JAMES BARNES - WILLIAM F. DARBY Funeral services for Abram Funeral services for William F. Miss Bertha Hayman, Mra. Edyth James Barnes, who died Feb. 8. Darby were held Wednesday after­ Penland, Mrs. Chase Gardiner, were held Tuesday afternoon at noon from the Litwiller Funeral Hayman, Mra. Glen Withrow. Mra. Clarence Mathes. Mra. Earl Dun­ the J. P. Dodge and Sons Funeral home. can, Mrs. Fred Rapp, Mrs. Ed chapel with the Elks lodge in ------------ •------------ charge. • Mr. and Mrs Clark Thomas Foss. Mrs. Walter Enberg, Mrs. Goddard and Mrs. Ed Robi­ ------------ •------------ were Medford visitors Tuesday Oma son. JAMES HENRY WILLIAMS evening. • Mrs. Margaret Peters of Trail Funeral services for James • Happy Golding of the Illinois visited her parents, Mr. and Mra. Henry Williams, 75, who died Jan. river is visiting with Ashland H. E. Morgan, Saturday. 9, were held Wednesday afternoon friends. • Mra. Elizabeth Palmer is suf­ Happy is the housewife who has the conveniences of an at the J. P. Dodge and Sons Fune­ • The Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Young fering from a fall which she re­ electrically equipped home. ral chapel Interment was at the and family of Medford were Ash­ ceived last week. She fell from a Mountain View cemetery. land visitors Tuesday. door step and has been unable to Her working hours are shorter and easier ... her leisure time walk, being confined to her bed most of the time. longer and more pleasant . . . She goes about her household • The home economics club of duties with a song. the grange met at the home of REMEMBER WHEN Mra. W. W. Robison in Ashland women’s hats were held in place by two or three The husband, too, after a long hard day in shop or office, en­ Tuesday. hatpins? Long affairs they were, some with large • Mr. and Mra. Lem Frink and joys the easy chair and his paper under the soft rays of the fancy heads, jewel studded and ornately decorated with family returned home Saturday metal work. Putting on and taking off a hat was a electric lamp from Everett, Wash , where they real feminine art that required a mite of patience spent the winter. Mr. Frink has a along with the skill of adjusting the pins. Remember? pear orchard here. • l»gF decked on a lot adjoining Ours is the “Art” of pleasing you the railroad are being removed to DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Medford this week by Charles Skeeters and crew. Skeeters start­ LITWILLER ed part of his crew on logging op­ rations in the Prospect area FUNERAL HOME Thursday. • Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hackler (We Never Close) were entertained at the home of “Your SERVICE Department” Phone 4541 their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Lacy, Thursday in honor of Mr. Hack­ ler's 79th birthday. "Too Late” Means "Too Bad” ★ ★ ★ ELECTRICITY IN THE HOME Ashland Light Department