Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, February 14, 1941, Image 1

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    Another i nulle of intei national
I elation«: Thailand unii French
indo-Chlna fight the war. but Ja­
pan cornea out the winner.
The drunk who deposited him-
aelf on the court houae «tepa in
Rowburg the other evening evi
dentiy waa a believer in prompt
delivery. It seem» he swerved hia
cur from the atreet, aped up the
broad walk«, Irnnged up the atepa
and came to real at the entrance
However, the judge waa little in­
fluenced by the delivery aervice
and anlii *100 and 30 day«.
Plans ure being drafted by City
Superintendent Elmer Blegel for
an *8.500 fire station which Is
i ntatively placed on the city's
building program for thia year
The new building will be located
on the corner of First and C
streets, one block east of the
Uthla hotel. According to plans
it will be of two-story design, the
upi>er floor containing the living
(¡natters for the department and
a recreation room while the
ground floor will house the fire­
fighting equipment, heating plant
and chief's office.
Battery B Quartered
At Fort Stevens Now
FORT STEVENS. Ore , Feb. 10
The long awaited transfer from
Camp Clatsop to the new bar racks
at Fort Stevens was al last real­
ized by some 95 Ashland National
Guurdsmen when the last of their
equipment was moved Thursday.
Since the men have been busy
getting settled in their new sur­
rounding«. there han been little
drilling the past several days.
Much of the time has been «pent
in cleaning up and policing the
area, but everything should be in
readiness for intensive drilling by
next week.
Battery B does not drill any of
the draftee« and it is expected
that it will be some time before
they have any actual contact with
the unit However, about 40 of the
draftees now mess with the outfit.
Second class gunners examin­
ations will be held soon and med­
als will be awarded to those who
make the grade Promotions for
the following men were announced
Monday: Stanley B. Coleman and
LeRoy A. McNeil from corporal
to sergeant rank; James L. Beebe,
Fred C. Shere Jr. and John S,
Weaver from private first class
to corporal rank, and Wayne C.
Brown, Robert L. Burdic, How­
ard V. Parker and George R.
Engel from private to private
first class.
inlVIl Dill I IVll
Men’s Church Council
Entertains Hi-Y Boys
Members of the men's council
' "f the First Baptist church were
hosts to the Hi-Y boy« at a ban­
quet in the church basement
Monday evening.
V. D. "Bert" Miller acted as
toa«<ma»ter in presenting the pro­
gram which was highlighted by
i calks by Mayor T 8. Wiley. Chief
I of Police C P. Talent and Frank
VanDyke Chief Talent told of the
police department's work towards
crime prevention and of their
splendid record in handling the
cases that have come before them,
but stated that Christianity was
the only true foundation for the
prevention of crime. Mayor Wiley
also paid tribute to the church for
its contributions to a better life.
VanDyke gave a short character
description of Lincoln as revealed
by stories of little personal inci­
dents in his life. "A round-up in
review" was given by Pastor
Turnbull and others who were in
attendance at the recent revival
Musical numbers were furnished
by the high school quartet and
the Ashland male quartet. J. Man­
ning was easy winner in a relig­
ious quiz which was an interest­
ing feature of the program.
D«, i »Tr* . .
1 I > . «>4
■ ■ ■ L. I ■ «> L .
/ -1
Hoyt, » publisher
of the
Morning Oregonian, in an address
before the 27th annual meeting of
the Jackson County Uncoln club
Inola!ioniata who talk about a
held at the Uthla hotel Tuesday
"negotiated peace" with nazidom
evening, stated that Lincoln would
are at leant refreshing, aaya the
favor the lend-lease bill were he
Chiiatian Science Monitor Thry
bling buck memorise of that
alive today.
Taking an his subject, "Lincoln
chlldhiMMi limerick:
There wan u young lady of Niger
Wan Talking to U«,” Hoyt gave a
Who went for a ride on a tiger.
descriptive word picture of Lin­
"They returned from the ride
coln and suggested his reactions
With the lady inside,
to the vital problems facing thia
And a am lie on the face of the
country Unlay. "Were he alive to­
day," the Journalist said, "he
would tel) the 'apostles of ap-
p .aement,' ’You say I want war.
!4fe ia rather dark for the poet­
1 want no war. But I say to you
men, for the houae defeated the
that the peoples of Holland. Bel­
"biting dog bill" yenterday which
gium, France and England want­
Oregon’s unemployment com­
would make deep owner» liable for
ed no war.’ ”
pensation fund went over *11.000,-
their pet«' toothsome fun.
000 for the first time on the last
Club officers for the coming
day of January an contributions
year were announced as follows:
The big "back to the home baae" for the final quarter of 1940
Mrs Curtis Hopkins of Medford,
movement of Benito’« army can reached a peak The *11.063.473.
president; Homer Billings of Ash­
well tie attributed to the fact that a figure expected to go slightly
land, first vice president; Miss
many of hia cabinet miniatera higher during February, compares
Bertha Coy of Gold Hill, second
were in active nervice
with *9.235,552 a year ago, *6.-
vice president; Mrs. G. Q. D'Al­
------------ q.------------
bin! of Medford, third vice presi­
248,546 two years ago. and *6.-
dent, and Douglas Gardiner of
294 654 in 1938, when first bene­
The Hooeevelt-Wheeler feud re­ fits were paid
Medford, secretary-treasurer.
veal« the fact that dinner« at­
Indicative of prospective 1941
Many messages received by the
tended by our aenatora el al aerve demands on the funds, officials
club from high ranking repubii- '
noinething eo potent that conver­ believe, is the drop of more than
can« included telegrams from
sations are forgotten.
25 percent In initial claims filed
Wendell Wlllkie, Gov, Charles A.
The state B basketball tourna­
Of the 64.931 claims last year,
Sprague and Senators Charles Mc­
ment and the Southern Oregon
Nary and Rufus Holman.
Windy Wlllkie went to Europe 34.158 were on file before the end
College ot Education tournament
to stop a war "Hie only thing he of January. So far this year 25.-
will be held here March 6. 7 and 8.
«topped waa a bua driven by a 697 initial Claims are in. indicating
Plans already are under way by
woman and «he gave him a bawl­ | fewer than 50,000 fur 1941 under
Ashland business men and college
ing out for being alow in entering existing conditions Payments last
authorities to handle the 32 to 35
year were *4.099,925
her vehicle.
------------ •-------------
teams which are expected to par­
Speaking of Mr
Wiilkle, he
Plans for an occupational sur­ ticipate.
The Hons meet Mount An­
does have some bright new idea«
vey of Ashland high school grad­
gel college in another Oregon
This year for the first time the
lie nuggeeta we furnish England
uates were announced Wednesday state B school championship tour­
Intercollegiate basketball con­
with plane« that fly and gun« that
by Theo J Norby, school super­ nament will be held on the college
test on the KiM'E court to­
will go boom'
night, Friday, and again Sat­
campus The championship flight,
"This Is the first time I’ve ever
urday night with a prelimin­
Purpose of the survey will be to Composed of eight ot the strongest
done this but here's my "Strad"
ary preceding each contest.
contact graduates to learn of their B school teams in Oregon, will run
give me a number " With these
Southern Oregon College of Ed­ present occupations and of other parallel with the President's Cup
words the famed violinist, Rubin- ucation baskeleers dumped Ore­
work they have done since gradu­
off. handed his *100.000 Stradivar- I gon College of Education, Mon­ ating and also to discover the re­ division, composed of other B
basketball teams from
i ius to Harlaiee Wilson who then mouth. two straight games on the lation of their high school training school
Coo«, Curry, Douglas. Deschutes.
Oregon fell Just 187 short of played "Czardas” by Mentl. ac­ local court Monday and Tuesday
to the Jobs they now hold. Mater­
registering 400000 motor vehicles companied by lhanist Solito de nights The wins gave the Sons ial th uh compiled will perhaps be Crook. Jackson. Klamath, Lake,
Jefferson and Josephine counties.
during the year 1940, il was re­ Solis
a three out of four advantage in I used later in planning courses of Jean F. Eberhart, tournament di­
vealed today by Earl Snell, secre­
Wilson had Just been presented their four-game serie«.
I study and in advising students in rector. is now registering the var­
tary of alate, when he announced the gold medal for winning first I
Monday night the local colleg­ selection of courses.
ious basketball teams, and plans
that motor vehicle registration for place in the contest for violinists ,
The first group to be contacted are being made to accommodate
the year totaled 399,813 vehicles. of hia class held previous to ians turned the trick 55 to 45
Thia waa the first time in history, Rubinoff's concert In Medford with each coach sending 11 men will be graduates of the last five 350 visiting players.
This year the college has com­
however, that automobile registra­ Wednesday He ia the son of Mr into the fray. Bassman of the Sons or 10 years and when this is com­
tion in thia state came so near the and Mrs I-awrence Wilson and was high for the game with 12 pleted the survey may extend to pleted a new building program in
counters and Spayde. Crites, Fish­ Ashland and community will be the college gymnasium, which will
400.000 mark
pupil of R. H. Cooke.
er and Hoefs accounted for nine contacted
the better accommodate the visiting
------------ •------------
The 1940 registration ia an in­
each. DeAutremont added seven to earlier classes.
Those living in basketball
crease of 24,375 vehicles, or 8.54
th cause. Scott was high point others by correspondence.
dressing rooms and shower rooms
percent over the total for 1939
man for the Wolves with 10.
have been provided and a more
Fees for 1940 totaled »2,961,-
Halftime »core favored Sons 34
adequate syrtem of equipment dis­
636.83. com [»ared to *2.738,036.33
tribution has been developed. A
In 1939
The Ford Good Drivers league I to 24
large number of extraordinarily
There were 326.992 passenger
fine trophies have been ordered by
cars tegirtered in the state at the 1941 good driving contests, in
the tournament committee and
end of 1940. or one passenger car which *25,800 in scholarship« will to 39 after the Wolves led at the
they will be awarded not only to
fo i every 3.3 persona living in be awarded boys and girls of high half 25 to 17. Shaw of the Wolves
Considerable sentiment in oppo­ teams in the championship divis­
Oregon Only two states top Ore­ school age throughout the country. 1 and DeAutremont tied for high
The league wan started last year scoring honors with 12 apiece sition to an amendment to senate ion but also to winners in .he
gon in the ration of passenger
President’s Cup division.
cars per person California with a to promote better driving and in- I Other Sons scoring were Spayde bill No. 7 which would rob this
Associated Men Students of the
rate of 2.7, topped the nation, crease motoring safety among with one, Basaman eight, Hoefs section of a *4,000 monthly pay­ college will act as hosts to the
with Nevada second with 3.1 and youth, and this year it is expected 10. Fisher eight and Scheidereiter roll from one trucking company visiting teams and players and an
alone was shown at the Lions club
Oregon third with 3.3. U>we«t on to more than double its member- ' two.
dinner at the Plaza cafe Tuesday- elaborate program of college so­
the list ia Arkansas with a ratio ship for girls also will be allowed |
night. The club voted in favor of cial and recreational activities
of 11.3 The ratio of all registered
sending a telegram to Salem in have been planned.
motor vehicles embracing passen­ their own division and there will
opposition to the bill in its present
ger cars and commercial vehicle« be no mixed contests
As awards for the national win­
is one vehicle for every 2.7 per­
J. H. Williams, well known
Al Schneider of the California-
sons living in Oregon, one of the ners, Mr. Ford revealed that 98
highest rations in the United Good Drivers league scholarship« longtime resident of Bellview, was Nevada-Oregon
Dr. Walter Redford, president
States, The ratio for the nation would be presented as follows, fatally injured Sunday night near lines briefly explained the nature
as a whole in 1939 waa one vehicle with identical awards for both boy his home on the Pacific highway of the bill which would reroute of Southern Oregon College of
and girl divisions: first prize. by a car driven by Francis Slings- heavy trucks over highway 97 and Education, left Tuesday for At­
for every four persona.
the effects it would have should lantic City, N. J. where he will
Iteglstratlo nof light delivery *5,000 university scholarship; sec­ by of Weed.
Williams was returning home it be passed. The original bill was attend meetings ot both the Amer­
trucks for 1940 totaled 31,547 ve­ ond prize, *2,000 university schol­
ican Association ot School Admin­
hicles, an increase of 8 28 percent arship; third, fourth and fifth J from a Bellview store and after a step towards standardizing reg­ istrators and the American As­
over 1939 while trucks totaled
dently thought the road was clear the amendment calls for a definite sociation of Teachers Colleges
38,749, an increase of 5.41 percent. the next 44 winners. *100 each.
President Redford plans to re­
Contests are open to boys and and started to cross.
Slingsby route across the state and would
Corresponding with the total girls between 14 and 18; however,
shift Ashland's income from the turn to the campus in about three
motor vehicle registration Increase all entrants must be qualified and
trucking industry over to the Kla­ weeks.
of 6 54 |>ercent in 1940, was the legally authorized to drive a car in miss him and overturned in the math Falls territory. The bill also
increase in gasoline consumption the state in which they reside.
was struck by the side of the car would discriminate against several
in thia state, Snell’s figures dis­
Each state will have its own and died shortly after in the Ash­ small companies who do not have
closed There was an increase of elimination contest to select the
reroute privileges over No. 97.
7.4 percent in the amount of gaso­ boy and the girl state champion land Community hospital.
Lloyd Selby. Ashland garage
line consumed In the state, the driver, as well as a runner-up in I
operator, leads the list of nomi­
gnllonage fo rl940 amounting to each division. This state competi-j
nees to be considered for expiring
260 121,736 compared to 241,169,- lion will be between the 12 best
directorial positions of the Ash­
975 in 1939
drivers of the two divisions as
land chamber of commerce, a tab­
Tn the face of this increase in chosen by the league board of
Ashland business men pledged ulation of the primary balloting
Emergency crop and feet! loans
vehicles and their use on the high­ Judges on the basis of a road test
for 1941 now are available to far­ their support to the coming class has revealed. Returns were com­
ways and streets of th estate, the under a qualified observer, a let­
mers in Jackson county arqi ap­ B basketball tournament at a pleted by an election committee
traffic death rate, as expressed ter on the subject of safe driving,
plications for these loan«? now are luncheon meeting at the Uthia Wednesday night and general bal­
in persons killed per 100,000.000 and their answers to a question­
lots will be mailed to the mem­
being received at Eugene by V. N. hotel Monday noon.
miles of travel .dropped from 12.3 naire on driving.
Freeman, field supervisor of the
Dorn Provost announced that bership within a short time.
In 1939 to 119 In 1940
Each state winner, accompanied emergency crop and feed loan sec­ the ticket sales campaign would
Also nominated have been Paul
by a sponsor, will make the trip tion of the Farm Credit Admin­ get underway at once under lead­ Beare, Bob Flaharty, H. S. Ingle,
to the final contest at Dearborn istration
ership of ticket teams named at Elwood Hedberg, W. A. Snider
as a guest of the Good Drivers
Frank Van Dyke. Ralph Koozer,
These loans will be made, as in the luncheon.
league. In the finals more com­
Henry Metz. Walter Leverette,
--------- »---------
prehensive tests will be given both
Karl Nims and I. F. Andres.
cash requirements are small and SIX-DAY WEEK FOR ESPEE
mid Companion
in day and night driving
Six directorial posts are to be
Registration blanks may be ob­
filled within the next two weeks.
Are Invited to Be Guests of the
tained from Ford dealers or by
To keep ahead of growing trans­ New officers also will be selected.
writing to national headquarters duction credit associations, banks, portation needs of the national
Southern Oregon Miner of
the Ford Good Drivers league,
defense program. Southern Pacific
To See Their Choice of
Dearborn, Mich,
Elton Lloyd Aaron of Hitchcock,
As in former years, the money
the Following
lonaed will be limited to the appli­ all of its locomotive, freight and charged with driving without an
Varsity Theater
cant's necessary cas hneed in pre­ passenger car repair shops, it was operator’s license. Forfeited *5.50
paring and cultivating his 1941 announced today by J. H. Dyer, which was posted.
Ely Chrystal Minton of San
crops or in purchasing or produc­ vice president in charge of opera­
tions for the railroad.
Francisco found guilty of driving
(Friday and Saturday)
The Oregon board of higher ed­ ing feed fo rhis livestock.
The move, which became effect­ with void license plates, received
Borrowers who obtain loans for
ucation announced last Saturday
that the Southern Oregon College production of cash crops are re­ ive Feb. 1, will further speed the fine of *2 and costs.
Amos Franklin DeVore. Green­
of Education along with the state quired to give as security a first company's program of getting ad-1
modernized' springs, fined *5 and costs for
colleges of education at Mon­ lien on the crop financed or, in the ditional
mouth and I^a Grande will be case of loans for the purchase or freight and passenger equipment dumping refuse on highway.
(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
in the case of Charles Rugg vs.
granted the right to offer fourth ' production of feed for livestock, quickly into service, he said.
Nearly 13,000 employes of the State of Oregpn, complaint was
a first lien on the livestock to
year college work.
mechanical forces, including nhout | cleared by court order and Rugg
This ruling will permit South­ fed.
500 shopmen brought back onto found guilty of driving without red
Please Call at The Miner Office
' to offer work leading to a bache- formation are available at the the payrolls, will benefit by the I tall light. One dollar and costs
for Your Gu«st Tickets
extra day's work, Dyer stated.
| with fine remitted.
office of the county agent.
| lor degree In education.
----- •-------
Unemployment Fund
Reaches 11 Millions
High Schoo) To Make
Occupational Survey
Ashland Youth Plays
Rubinoff’s ‘Strad’
MO Auto Registration
Nears 400,(XX) Mark
Good Drivers to Get
Scholarship Prizes
J. H. Williams Dies
After Struck By Car
------- •-------
Redford Leaves For
Eastern Meetings
------- f-------
Selby Leads List
In C-C Primary
Crop and Feed Loans Business Men Pledge
Available to Farmers B Tourney Support
SOCE To Offer 4th
Year College Work
8 2
6 2
Medio rd
5 4
Grants Pass
0 11 .000
The Grants Pass Cavemen put a
third-quarter scare into the Grizz-
lies on the Junior high court last
night but Asnland Jumped into a
dangerous threat to Roseburg’s
league leadership when they fin­
ally came out on the big end of a
42 to 31 score.
It looked like just a workout
for the Gastineau men in the first
half and the Grizzlies led 13 to 5
at the end of the first period and
were out in front 23 to 8 at the
In the third stanza the Cavemen
turned on the heat and ended the
quarter eight points behind, 30-22.
Then in the fourth period the vis­
itors had the Ashland boosters on
the edge of their seats as they
crept to within four points of the
Grizzlies, but a quick basket by
Provost and another by Weaver
put the Grizzlies in a safe mar­
gin. The Cavemen put up a con­
stant threat to the lead but in the
closing seconds of the final quar­
ter the Grizzlies went out in front.
evened up the count with the
Grants Pass Reserves when they
won the preliminary 31-26
Main game:
Ashland, 43 Pos.
Gr’tn Pnm 31
Jandreau, 10.... F .......... 5, Davis
Provost. 17..... F3...
Smith, 4....... ....C____ 8, Bormuth
Weaver, 9
G............. 11. Gray
Fowler. 2
G.............. Everton
Officials: Hod Turner, George
Ashland's chances to take the
district championship were upped
yesterday with the report that
Earl Wiard, key man on defense
for the Roseburg Indians, had
taken down with the mumps. The
Grizzlies meet the Indians on the
Roseburg floor Saturday night in
the final game between the two
Kone burg
Favoring passage of senate bill
No. 7 minus the proposed amend­
ments, directors of the Ashland
chamber of commerce have wired
Jackson county’s representatives
at the state legislature to throw
their support behind this action,
following the regular board ses­
sion earlier this week.
Under the terms of the propoqpd
statute with its present amend­
ments. commercial truckers would
be unable to use the Pacific high­
way from Eugene south, and also
a portion of the Columbia gorge,
it was stated. A number of truck­
ing concerns now using this route
would be seriously handicapped if
the proposals and its amend­
ments were passed .directors be­
The board also favored re-estab­
lishment of the former non-resi­
dent angler’s license fee. *1 for
two days, and recommended that
the balance of the schedule be pro­
portioned similar to the charges
assessed in adjoining states, name­
ly Washington. California and Ida­
ho. County legislators also were
informed of this action.
Adoption of the proposed de­
partmental classification was de­
ferred until the new board has
been inducted into office. Six new
directors are to be selected, with
nominations having already been
completed. Final ballots are going
to the chamber membership this
week and will be counted within
a short time.
Administrative officers are to
be re-elected for the coming fiscal
year, prior to the end of this
month. C. M. Utwiller, retiring
president, has indicated that he
will not seek another term.
himself at a Plaza Cafe dinner.
AL SNIDER taking a bow
when his son BILL introduced
his (Bill’s) friend AL SCHNEI­
DER to the Uons club.
ing there was dirty work afoot
when he was suddenly awakened
from a comfy snore by choking
concoction of alka seltzer, shav­
ing cream, tooth paste, soap
and water.