Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, February 07, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, Feb. 7, 1941
_______________________SOUTHERN OREGON MINER
■ ■
., —
J About People You Know
• F. B Sweeny of Medford whs
a buaiix-aa caller III Ashland Tuva-
diiy evening
v i*tank Moore who hits l»een
»pending several day» with hie
«.»inlly here, left for Madras, Ore.
I ueailay
Hall of Honibiook wan a
• U. C “
business visitor In Ashland Tues-
• Earl Nutter inaile a business
trip to Grants Puss Monday
• Guy Applewhite attended ii
business meeting of the «haft
boat«! In Medford W«lnesday.
In Medford Wediuslay.
• Mi J F M.-Ikl«- l. ft W. <ln<«
day evening for San Francisco
where she will visit her daughtei
Mia. Mrlkle hits tieen a guest ut
the home of Mr. an<! Mm P S
• la'thu Hvasclgrude, a student
at Southern Oiegtai College of
Education, Spent the week-end at
her home In (,'entral Paint.
• The Rev Adrian Hla* arxl fam­
ily of CiMjuille huve moved to Ash-
land Mia Hlaa and family Will !!■-
main here while Mr Sius, who Is
dislilet religious director foi the
CCC, is away working among the
• Mis L O. Penland returned to
her home in San Francisco after
a six weeks' visit with her «laugh-
ter Mta M O, Grove
• Mis Will Ihxlgr left for Beat-
tie where she ex|MX'ts to N|x-nd
several weeks visiting with rela
• Mrs P S Provost and Mr*
J F Meikle were Medford visitors
Monday afternoon
• Mia. Hoy I twin and son Torn
my of Klamath Falla are visiting
Mrs l.ix v Dunn
• Mrs Harold Ixmg and Mrs
Robert Trine* of Hilt were shop­
ping in Ashland Tuesday
• Mr. und Mrs Howard Jandn-au
are the parrrUs of a boy. born
Monday night.
• Mrs D D Day of Red Bluff
Calif visited with her daughter
itoee Winkelman, several day»
this week
• TH Simpson rrturn«! home
Tuesday after spending several
«lays at the northern hardware
convention In Portland.
• Mr and Mia H M Yancey of
Fresno are visit Ing with Mrs
Yancey’s sons and «laughters-in-
law, Mt and Mrs. Bill Van Vleet
and Mr und Mr* Bob Van Vl««t
• Sam Kennedy of Greensprings
wm a business «-idler tn Ashland
Scouts Prepared for* Emergency Service
First Methodist
Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister
IJvcHtock Earms
In ('oast Region
Prove Successful
Establishment and inalnlenan«'«-
of [mature on property adupled
cut-over and brush larxls in C oon
mid Curry counties arc ii-lutivcly
profitable a* a tmsis for un ex
panding sheep and cattle industry
in that region, according to de­
tailed studies by federal and rrtate
agricultural economists over the
|iuat few years.
Detailed findings of these econ­
omists, Harold II H«x*hmuth of
till- HSDA and Wlllx.iii W Gorton
of the farm management depart­
merit at Oregon State college,
have just been published as sta­
tion bulletin No 381. rli tit led
"Ranch Organization and Range
!<and Uwe in (Axis and Curry
Counti«-*. Oregon."
Although many hazard* exiet in
thia livratia-k enterprise, returns
are sufficient to warrant such haz­
ards over a pcriial of year*, pro­
vide oprratora with a satisfactory
income ami at the same time in­
crease the general taxable wealth
nl the region.
The Invcatigatora found that
expansion of the Uveatock indn try
in thia area in recent years la
due to three factor» These are
improved trana|a>rtation. cooper­
ation of forestry official* In the
burning of logging slash and
bruah. and the Introduction of Im-
proved varieties of grass«-* It wan
found that improv«! grows are
an especially Important item, not
only for that r«-gion but through-
•rut western Oregon, where one of
Boy Scouts here and
the major needs is improvement
the country are
of pasture growth in cut-over
lands and In other )lvest«x-k graz-
now training in Scoutcraft and
Ing areas,
outdoor lore with new vigor
Operators in Coo» and Curry
to be better prepared for any
counties who have been maintain­
sprt of emergency and dis­
ing three Improved pastures the
longest reported to the investiga­
aster service. Scout troops
tors that the amount of feed pro
are forming units of Emer­
duced now is on the lncr«-a-i-
rather than decrease This gra«l- j gency Service Corps (see em­
blem, upper right above) and
ual Improvement In the pastures
la being accomplish«! at litth-
being trained in firefighting,
coet aside from the Ivbor of the
aid, rescue work and other
operator and his family
connected with emer­
It was found that the "theoret- ■
leal average" ranch In that regioti . gencies caused by storms,
runs 500 sheep, make* a ranch in­
floods, hurricanes, earthquakes
come of $1533. a labor income of ' and any type of catastrophe.
$708 and returns five percent on I
an Investment of $33 per sheep.
(nice. Mr an^l Mrs Louis Pankey. husband. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Mr. and Mrs Ed Gowland, Mr. | Conley, who accompanied her
and Mrs Walter Davis and Lyda 1 home and spent the week-end.
Catherine. Mrs Haynes, Mrs Ella
Th«- 1941 campaign to raise True. Mias Marie Walker. Mrs • Mr and Mrs. Walter Hash
the week-end at Willow
funds for the benefit of infantile Ai'.ene Kay of Ashland. Mrs. An 1 j ­ | spent
Ranch. Calif., visiting with Mr.
[Mualysis sufferers came to a suc- drew Sorenoen nad Mrs Stenrud. arid Mr«
RiMinnhoiim M IS
cesaful conclusion with the large During the afternoon a lovely buf­ and Mrs. Robert Rosenbaum
attendance >«t th< i'reaident's ball fet luncheon was served, after Rosenbaum returned home with
• Tlie Talent Community club held in the Elks temple Saturday which Mr. Stenrud was presented them for a short visit. She is their
held its regular meeting Wednes­ night.
with a gift from the members of • The Bellview 4-H sewing club
day afternoon. The club joined the
Executive secretary, John Mur­ the club
■late federation of clubs and Dis­ phy, reports that more than 200 • Mrs I. E Deadmon.Y left Tu«-s met Thursday with their leader,
first lesson
trict President Mis
Stott of couples attend«! the dance and day morning for Modesto, Calif Mrs. F Boe Their
Grants l*aaa conducted the Instal­ that total proceeds including con- | where she will visit for several wits making tea towels Clarice
lation Many members were pre­ tributions to the
"March of days with her son-in-law and Brantley and Inez Yockel served
sent Mrs Charles Long Is presi- Dimes." would be slightly over: daughter, Mr and Mrs Melvin refreshments.
dent of the local club.
$100 This is said to be more than Crow The Crows are former resi­ • Edwin Dunn and Richard Joy
attended a meeting of the national
• Mr. and Mrs George Connoi twice the amount raised last year dents of Bellview.
defense training committee at the
have moved from th«- Spitzer
• Miss Kathryn Young of Ash­ junior high school in Ashland last
place into the Richfield station BEIXV1EW NEWS
land was a guest of Miss Veda week.
Williams over the week-end.
• The Embroidery club met with
• Mrs Edwin Graham and little '
• Miss Nickoil of Colorado, who Mrs. Edwin Dunn Tuesday. Mrs.
is spending the winter here with Fred Engle of Neil Creek was a
son Melvin returned home Wed
Ann.|j.| (¿»fhorintr
nesday from the Ashland hospital ^AIII1U<1I
her daughter. Mrs Ring, and fam­ guest
All members, Mrs. Ben
• I.
vi I m
M u . Hjivlur
Baylor underwent
underwent B p^UPP^ Van^ Community ily, is spending two weeks with Christlieb, Mrs. Claud Conley.
an emergency operation at the club will meet Wednesday. Feb Miss Betty Ring at Umpqua.
Mrs. Herman Helm. Mrs. George
Community hospital Tuesday af­ 12 al the grange hall for their • Merle Talent of Beagle. Ore., Helms and Mrs. Roy
Crow, were
spent Sunday night at the R. E. ■ present.
• Mrs Mary Furrer waa an A ah meyer and Mrs Victor York are Bell home.
• Mrs Vincent Lanini. Mrs. Al-
on the program committee and • Mr and Mrs. Robert Bell and bert Arnold and Mrs Carl Henry
land shopper Tuesday
• Dale O'Harra of Ashland and i Mrs Archie Kincaid. Mrs J E Sam Harper of Klamath Falls attended the clothing clinic held
Olive Hill were visiting in Yreka Gow land and Mrs Vai Inlow will were guests Sunday at the R. E in Ashland Thursday and Friday
be host esses for the afternoon
of last week.
Bell home
• Mrs. L Boyer and sons have • Mrs R E. Bell and daughtei • The extension unit met Friday • Mrs B W Bowden ar.d daugh-
built an additior to their green­ Rosemary were in Medford Sat­ in an all-day session. A covered ter Reta returned Saturday from
house They have built up quite urday on business
dish luncheon w i - -ci ved at iiooii , a week's visit with her parents at
a business from a small begin­ • Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Bartol of with Mrs M . A. Ring and Mrs Hornbrook.
ning a few years ago and find a
George Helm as hostesses. The • Mrs. Daniel Farmer and daugh­
demand for their pianta and Bartol's parents, Mr and Mrs. G. topic was "Household
Hints." ter Delores are spending several
W Willis
Principal business was selecting days with her parents. Mr. and
• A birthday party waa held at • Kenneth Bel), an employee in a delegate to the homemakers Mrs. W. G Byrd.
the home of Mr. an«i Mrs. Frank a Klamath Falls I mill, was visiting conference to be held in Corvallis • Mr and Mrs. P. H. McKennois
Holdrige Tuesday evening In hon­ at the home of his parents, Mr the last of February.
have had a telephone installed in
or of Rev Edwin Deacon, it being and Mrs. R. E. Bell, over the • Mrs. R D. Reynolds went to their home Their number is 8747.
hla 80th birthday. A large group week-end.
Dunsmuir last week for a few Bert Peachey did the work.
gathered at the Holdrige home • Miss Vtlma A thanas, a former days’ visit with her daughter and • Miss Jane McCoy of Ashland
and spent the evening in games, Bellview resident, has enrolled in
singing and visiting Refreshments a Medford beauty college.
were serve«! and a fine electric • The Flurry mill which cloned
clock was presented Mr. Deacon. down for several days resumed
operation the first of the week.
• Roy Coffman Is building a dou­ • Mrs. R. E. Bell entertained at
ble garage and workshop on bin dinner Tuesday evening in honor
NEAREST to everything
of her small son Sam's ninth
• Mrs. Imthan McDowell and birthday anniversary. The guests
children of the Phoenjx area vis- were Jerry Boe and Kenneth
ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Reynolds.
Hotel Manx is San
Rainbow's End • • ■ on
Clark, Wednesday,
• Members of the birthday club
• A new house is under construe- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hen­
the glamorous Feather
Francisco's best lo­
tion by Ray Garland and M. C. ry Stenrud Sunday, honoring Mr
River, Paxton, Califor­
cated Hotel. "Meet
Thorsen on Railroad avenue for Stenrud on his birthday annivers­
nia. A year-round re­
Ed Maxon.
ary. Those enjoying the day with
Me at the Manx."
• Mrs W W. Maxwell entertain- the honored guest included Mr.
tort... Summer and
and Mrs. Archie Kincaid and Eu-
(Continued on page 8)
Winter sportt...
Rates from
Dancing every
$2.00 tingle;
evening . . .
$3.00 double.
Special facilities
for private par­
ties, Very rea­
sonable rates.
Talent Club Joins
State Federation
Community Club In
Sunday school 9:45 a. m. "Train
up a child in the way he should go
and when he is old he will not
, depart therefrom.” The old sage
who spoke tho«e words gave wise
advice to parents of these mod­
ern days.
Sermon, ll a m. "Pathways to
God.” Anthem by the adult choir
under leadership of Miss Maxine
Vesper service 5 p. m Sermon
topic, "The Face of a Lion, What
can God do for Me that no Other
can do?’’ Song service led by
Mrs. Cora Bruce and anthem by
y«»ung peoples' cho«r.
Epworth and Wesley Leagues
6:15 p. m.
Prayer meeting and Bible study
group 7:30 p. m Wednesday. The
' scripture le'-son for this week is
the I2t.h chapter of the book of
( hurch of the
Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor
Fourth and C Streets
At camp and on hikes,
through games and other at­
tractive activities of the regu­
lar Scout program, they are
learning what to do in case
of crisis and how to fulfill
their promise to help other
people at all times. Through
demonstrations, displays and
exhibits, in cooperation with
established disaster relief
agencies, they are doing their
part to teach the American
people to be prepared.
I is visiting a few days this week
with Mrs. Malinda King.
• Mr and Mrs. Wade Wallis were
at Applegate district Sunday visit­
■ ing at the home of their son Lee
' and family. At dinner, they hon­
ored the birthday anniversary of
their grandson. Bobby Wallis
1 • Emmett Lee is farming the
Jesse Neil ranch. The Lees lived
on the ranch two years ago.
• Miss Alice Wright moved into
her new house Saturday.
bought a small tract of land from
J. Z. Walker and had a nice house
• Mrs R D. Reynolds went to
Medford Tuesday to get supplies
for the hot lunches, furnished by
by tne Federal Surplus Commod­
ities Mrs. Happy Davis prepares
the lunches and a balanced meal
is served to all school children.
Church school 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship
Sermon by Evangelist George M.
Junior meeting 6:30 p. m.
Young People’s meeting 6:30 p.
People's meeting iadults) 6:30
p. m
Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m.
Evangelist George M. Galloway
will preach.
Revival services each evening
at 7:30 o'clock except Saturday,
with Evangelist George M. Gallo­
Trinity Episcopal
Dr. Claude E. Sayre. Vicar
Holy Communion. 8 a. m.
Church school, 9:30 a. m.
Sermon and morning prayer,
11 a. m
Holy Communion, 9:30 a. m.
Choir will meet at 7:30 p. m.
You are cordially invited to
worship with us.
----------- •------------
Primary ballots for election of
six new members to the board of
directors of the Ashland chamber
of commerce have been mailed to
the membership in preparation for
the end .of the fiscal year, Feb. 28.
Twelve members will be nomin­
ated on the first ballots and six
new directors will be voted into a
two year term within a short time
after the tabulation of the pri­
mary votes. New administrative
officers also are to be elected by
the board itself, following installa­
tion of the new directors.
The annual chamber of com­
merce has been definitely set for
Friday evening, Mar. 14 with the
Bellview grange. Tickets and pro­
grams are being worked out at
the present time. The dinner itself
is slated for 7 p. m. at the Bell­
view grange hall. Frank Jenkins
of Klamath Falls is to be the
principal speaker.
Errands done... dates made... con ven«
ience in a thousand directions when
you have a telephone! Our pledge
823 Siskiymi Blvd
Page 5
to you is this: Friendly service, as de­
pendable, accurate and speedy as we
Hotel Clunie, Sacramento ...
Famous Coffee Shop . . Air­
cooled . . Famous for quality
food . . Moderate prices . ..
Rates from $1.50.
Hofei San Carlot ... By the
Blue Bay of Monterey and
world-famout Seventeen-Mile
Drive . . . Rates from $2.50.
can make it. Constantly improved
by research and invention. A value
to you that far outweighs its price.
Phone 6836