Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 31, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, Jan. 31, 1941
About People You Know
was visiting relatives here Sun­
• The health unit met at the
home of Mrs E«l Robison Wednes­
day The afternoon wax »pent sew­
ing for tin IW < i » hh Th«- nexf
meeting will be held at th«- home
of Mrs Clarence Holdrige
• The infant non of Mr and Mm.
Ralph Weibum was admitted to
the hospital In Ashland Monday
for medical care
• Our community is saddened by
the death of John Robison, who
passed away at his home Wed­
nesday afternoon
Mr. Robison
spent his entire life in Jackson
county and has been Janitor of th«-
Talent school for many year».
• Mis Hazel, who hnx b«xn visit­
ing her parent» and aunt, hun re­ TALENT NEWS
turned to her home In Klumuth
• The Talent benefit basketball
• Lt Col. Clyde Young whs In game played at the high school
A m I i I uih I over the week-end. HI» gymnasium Wednesday night net­
wife and daughter Marilyn re­ ted >1M. The game between the
turned with him to Seaulde where Talent team and Phoenix B ««juad
was won by Talent 8-6.
they will make their home.
Mattle Hotchkiss and
• Ml and Ml» William Ford are • Mrs.
the puicnts of u non born Hunduy mother, Mrs. Guy Hamilton, made
night at the Community hospital a business trip to Tule l^ake Wed­
• Attorney I ion It Newbury of nesday
Medford wax a busini-xx visitor In • Mr and Mrs Lyle Russell of
Ashland were cullers at the home
A»hlan<l Monday morning
• Adam Beagle who »pent the of Mia. Russell'» parents, Mr and
week end In A»hlun<i with hia Mrs Guy Stager, Thursday.
family returned to Hhastu Vulley, • Howard Homes recently pur- • E V. Morrow is seriously ill at
Calif , Monday afternoon
I chased a 20-acre tract of land four the home of his daughter, Mrs
• Mr and Mrs Frank Davison miles east <>f Talent lie plans On John Mann
of Cherryvale, Kan air visiting building in the near future and
in Aaidand with their cousin», Mr making Improvements for a home • Mr. and Mra. Joe Wade were in
and Mrs O F (.'arson and Mix» • Mr and Mrs Oscar Gross and Medford on business Monday.
Eugenia Carson.
family of Medford were Sunday • Kenneth
• Mr and M in Reggie Htagg and visitors at the home of Mrs Dora Young of Oakland, Ore were din-
n< . guests at the Walter Hash
daughter of Medford were Hunduy Smith.
They are
visitor» at the home of Mra • Mr an<l Mis Al Sherard at­ home Monday night.
Htagg'» patent». Mr and Mra. A tended a birthday dinner in Cen­ cousins of Mr. Hash.
F Hat ruclough
tral Point Hunday at the home ot • Mr. and Mrs. George King of
• Mr and Mra W H Htennett Mr. and Mrs Frank Stevenson. Greenspring» were dinner guests
visited In Cold UJII and Grant» Mr. Stevenson was honored, It be­ of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Martin.
• Mrs Beth Hamaker spent Fri­
l*a»» Holiday
ing his birthday
• Harvey Walker made 11 buai- • Mis l.llv l>ay of Red Bluff day evening with Mr and Mra. A
neaa trip to Han Francisco the Calif. Is visiting Mr and Mrs Ed R. Kincaid.
• Walter Hash and Ben Bowers
flrat of the week
Davidson thi» week
• Bill Huwkln». Max Gulley and • J G. McReynolds of Grants are spending a few days at the
Anita Cooke were skiing ut Crater Pass spent Sunday in Talent call­ Hash mountain ranch with Fren
laike Monday
ing on old friends He and his
• Keith Mclaiin from Kansas fathe> w. ie K.ndent» of Talent • Mr and Mra. Walter Davis and
daughter Lydia Catherine and
City. Mo, wax a week-end viaitor for several years.
at tho home of Mr and Mr». J W • Mrs Glen Brown and children Mrs Haynes were dinner guests
Hunday at the home of Mr and
Mcl-aln and family
. of the Shaw-Bertram camp in
• Mr and Mra L It Hawley of , Klamath county were week-end Mra Barker in Ashland.
Aituia.i. OaMf are visiting in Axh guests of Mrs. Brown's parents, • Mr and Mra. Charles Robinson
spent th«- week-end with Mr and
land with Mr. anil Mr« Frank . Mr. and Mis. Ben Clark.
Mra. F E Russel They were on
• Mr. and Mrs Claude Williams their way to their home at Grants
• Charles Kinraid returned thin
week after a two week» visit in moved Saturday from the Frink Paas from a five weeks visit to
Methodist southern California. Mrs. Robin­
and Mrs son is a daughter of Mrs Russell
• Mr» F II Crow»on 1» In Weed
Frink, who have been at Everett, • Mr and Mra. D F Korth and
thia week visiting her daughter,
Wash for the past winter, are son Jimmie returned to their home
Mrs ii i> B umi
at Burney. Calif. Sunday after
• Ronald Weibum who is In the expected back soon.
hospital with pneumonia is re­ • Kenneth Keniston of Talent and spending several days with Mr
Miss Ella Shelby of Bonanza were and Mrs W O. Martin and J. H
ported to be improving,
• Mrs .lack Robertmm of Hiskl- united in marriage at 3 o'clock Williams.
you was stropping in Ashland Saturday afternoon at the home of • Mr and Mrs Cliff Bartol of
Mr K>-nl«ton« parents Rev. Fre­ Talent spent Sunday with Mrs
• H C Galey made a buxine»« denberg, pastor of the Baptist Barto!'» parents, Mr and Mis. G
church, officiated. Only close rela­ W Willis
trip to Grants Pass Tuesday.
• Mra John Arnold returned Sat­
• W J Chipman 1» «pending sev­ tives were present
eral days fishing on the Illinois • Mrs Irene Kreygier of Port­ urday to Marshfield after spend­
land was a guest of Mr and Mrs ing a week with the Willis Byrd
• Mix Leonard Kali wax in Ash­ l.vle Tatnr lust w«-«k Mr». Krey­ family and Mr and Mrs Albert
land Monday and Tuesday The gier was formerly Irene Alcocks Arnold. Mr. and Mra. John Arnold
Halls are now at Reedsport, but and was a resident of Talent for are moving to Portland where
John has been transferred.
plan to locate In Charleston in the several years.
• The city fire department was • Faith Knight of Phoenix spent
near future.
• Guy Applewhite, Elmer Blegel, called out to a flue fire at Edith the week-end with Barbara War­
Marshall Woodel and Fred Tayler Cofman's home Thursday night. ren.
• W E McMinn Is building a new
werr business visitors In Klamath There was no damage done.
• Mrs
Waybum Kenyon and brooder house at his home. He
Falls Tuesday
• Mr and Mrs Sam Jordan left children of Ashland spent Mon­ aim» has purchased an automomat-
Tuesday to »(tend a few days fish­ day with her parents. Mr. and ic incubator holding 7200 eggs.
• Girls of the Bellview school or­
Mrs Al Sherard
ing on the Illinois river
• Mrs Anna Hi'heldereiter visited • Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Moon who ganized a 4-H club for sewing this
in Medford Tuesday with her live one mile south of Talent sold week and chose Mra. Hess Boe as
«laughter, Mr» O. A McKinnon, their property to Mr. and Mrs. leader. The girls elected officers
a» follows: President, Edna Yock-
Simeon Griffith of California
who 1» ill.
• I>r Walter Redford, president • Mt and Mrs. Walter Gingrich el; vice president. Beryl Flynn;
of Southern Oregon College of and family left Thursday morning secreUry-teasurer, Clarice Brant­
Education, has returned from for Dorris, Calif, to visit Mm. Gin­ ley; reporter, Inez Yockel, Other
Monmouth where he attended a grich's parents, Mr and Mr» members include Eleanor and Bet­
ty George.
meeting of the State Borad of George Knott.
• Mrs Ed Davidson who was in­ • Mr and Mra Robert Brantley
Higher Education.
jured in an automobile accident recently moved from Roseburg to
last fall is able to be out again the home of his parents. Mr and
with the aid of crutches Mrs. Da­ Mrs R L. Brantley Robert is
vidson plans on leaving Sunday employed with his father in the
evening for Detroit. Mich . by Rogue River Produce company.
• Dale Williams is employed at
train to visit relatives
Members of the Jackson and • Mrs George Pheifer made a the Hamaker-Brower service sta­
Josephine County Bankers' asso-
business trip to Medford Tuesday tion in Ashland.
(intlon met at the IJthiu h<»t«-l morning.
• The Bellview basketball teams
Tuesday evitilng
New officers • Mm Roy Parr attended the played the Wagner Creek teams
were elected and I. E Staples,
lecture at the court house Thurs­ at the Ashland high school gym
manager of the Conrad-Bruce day afternoon.
last week. The girls won 18-15,
company of Medford, gave an il­
• Talent basketball team added and the boys won 16-14.
lustrated talk on “Investing in another win to its string of vic­ • Miss Nancy Briggs is spending
America's Future."
tories Tuesday evening by defeat­ this week with Miss Veda Will­
The following officers were I
ing the Eagle Point five by a iams. Miss Briggs' parents are
elected: Frank Holmes Jr. of
away for a short time.
score of 37 to 12.
Grants Paas, president; Vem Rawl • Mm Everett Bailey of Tule • Rev and Mra. J. Z Walker
of Medford, vice president .and Lake, Calif, is visiting friends and returned Sunday evening from
Karl Hammerbacher of Grants relatives here this week.
Roseville. Calif, where they were
Pass, secretary-treasurer.
• Alva Smith made a business called by the death of Mra. Walk­
er's sister. Mrs James Frazier.
trip to Medford Tuesday
• Sam Hamilton was shopping in • Friday of last week Miss Jac­
queline Brier spoke at the Bell­
Ashland Wednesday.
Ix-cver Motor company, local • Mr and Mra. Clarence Homes view Extension Unit on financial
planning. She also told the mem­
Dodge and
Plymouth agency, of Ashland called on relatives
ber» interesting accounts of the
moved into the new location at here Wednesday.
the comer of North Main and • Mrs. E. E. Diamond returned Home Interest conference to be
held next month in Corvallis.
Church streets the first of the from China and will make an ex-
Thursday and Friday a clothing
hnded visit with relatives in Tal­ clinic was held tn Ashland at th«*
Although interior decorating lx ent. Mrs Diamond was formerly , unlor high school, with Miss I^ane
not yet complete, the show room Martha Breese.
of OSC as instructor. Friday. Feb.
promises to be very attractive, • The Talent extension unit spon­
7. the unit meets again, discussing
with ample daylight from the! sored a play Thursday night at
the subject of household aids, with 1
large windows and supplementary the city hall. The play wax given
Mrs. Montgomery as leader. Mrs. i
light from the fluorescent fixture«. by the public speaking class of M. A. Ring and
Mrs. George
Tlie company will still maintain the Talent high school. Mies Jean Helms will be hostesses.
their service department at the I^arson directed the play.
• Miss Carrol McCollum who is
old location at Granite and North • The council of the Townsend attending business college in Port­
Main streets.
club met at the city hall Tuesday land spent the w«*ek-end with her
evening at the regular meeting.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mc­
N B. Milton of Chicago report­ • Mrs. Fred Goddard and Mrs. Collum.
ed the theft of his car to police, Tory of Wagener creek were din­
------------- •--------------
of the machine was a package ner guests of Mr. and Mra. Joe
See The Miner for all your
and stated that on the back seat Tryon Wednesday.
printing needs.
containing two tarantulas and 10 • Jack Hamilton, son of Mr. and .
black widow spider«.
Mrs. Loy Hamilton of Medford, |
Bellview News
Bankers Elect Heads
At Bi-County Meet
Prompt Service on Out-of-Town Orders
Snell Reports Drop
In Bike Fatalities
Reversing a nine-yea: upward
trend, Oregon bicycle fatalities
showed a «jecreax« of nearly one-
half for the yea: 1940 a» compar­
ed to 1939, with eight fatalities
listed In 1940 against 15 tor the
year before, a drop of 46.6 per­
cent, it was revealer! this week by
Earl Hnell, secretary of state.
Hix of the eight persons killed,
or 75 percent, met death on rural
highways, the accidents resulting
in most cases when bicycle riders
rode onto the highway from a side
road or a private driveway an I
cut across the path of an oncom­
ing motor vehicle.
"The substantial decrease in bi­
cycle traffic fatalities in 1940 is
significant of the success of th«-
recent movement for bicycle reg­
ulation in this state,” Snell de­
clared. "During the past two years
many Oregon cities an«l commun­
ities have set up bicycle control
programs, based on local ordinan­
ces designed to eliminate danger­
ous riding practices and to empha­
size the importance of obedience
to regulations. In addition to im­
proving bicycle riding practices,
this safety program unquestion­
ably implants in the minds of the
younger generation the import­
ance of applying these principles
of safe operation to the driving of
automobile» as they become older."
More than 20 Oregon cities and
town» now have official bicycle
regulatory programs. Most of the
ordinances adopted during the
past two years prohibit such un­
safe practice» as riding double,
which resulted In two of the eight
deaths In 1940; riding two or
more abreast, cutting across traf­
fic. turning in the middle of th«
block and riding on the left side of
the street.
They require proper
lighting equipment and provide
that bicycle rider» must give pro­
per hand and arm signals when
making turns. Obedience to traffic
control signals is streesed in all
these programs.
In some Oregon cities, riders
who violate provisions of the bicy­
cle ordinance are haled before a I
special bicycle court. sorAetimes
presided over by youthful Judges
with Juries of boys and girls to
hear evidence in the cases. Punish­
ment in many instances includes
impoundment of the offender's bi­
cycle for a period of a week or
programs for bicycle regulation
received at the office of the traf­
fic safety division of the state de­
partment indicate still further ex­
pansion of this program during
the present year, it was said
------------- •----------
Page 5
sent free to all those who request
it, says E. R. Jackman. extension
farm crop» specialist at Oregon
State college
About 3000 acres, the most ever
entered for certification, were in­
spected, in spite of the increase«!
fees for the work. Of the total
area, 2054 ar:«» pa»»«-«! the field
inspection for certified seed.
Nette«! gems le«l with 834 acres,
Dr. ( laude E. Sa.» re, Virar
the largest acreage being in Kla­
math county. White rose followed
Holy Communion 8 a. m
with 655 acres, the bulk of which
Church school 9:30 a. m.
were in Multnomah county. Bur­
Sermon an«l Holy Communion banks followed with 476 acres,
11 a. m.
and miscellaneous varieties con­
Holy Communion, Wednesday, tributed the remaining 89.
9:30 a. m.
leading counties in acreage were
Choir will meet Friday. 7:30 p. Multnomah. Klamath, l-ake, Clack­
amas ami Deschutes.
You are cordially invite«! to
worship with us.
Our Churches
Trinity Episcopal
Methodist Episcopal
Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister
Sunday sch«x»l 9:45 a. rn. Each
class gives an ample opportunity
for discussion an«i the exchange
of ideas with the Bible as a guide
and textbook.
Morning worship at 11. A 10-
minute meditation, "This <*o in re­
membrance of me.” by the pastor,
followed by the communion »e/v-
ice. The adult choir led by Miss
Maxine Conover will sing an ap­
propriate anthem.
Vesper service 5 p. m Sermon
topic, "A Vision of God.”
young people’s choir under the
leadership of Mis Cora Bruce will
sing “Savior, Like a Shepherd.”
by Lillenas
Epworth and Wesley leagues I
6:15 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednenday eve­
ning at 7:30. Scripture lesson, the
11th chapter of the book of Reve­
Church of the
Bertrand F. Peterson, Pantor
Fourth and C Street»
Church school 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship 11 o'clock.
Sermon: "When is it time to have
a revival?"
Junior meeting 6:30 p. m.
Young people's meting. 6:30 p.
Peoples meeting (adults) 6:30
p. m.
Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m
Beginning Tuesday evening at
7:30. Feb. 4. and oentinuing each
evening except Saturday, revival
services with evangelists Rev. and
Mra. George M.
Galloway of
Springfield. Ohio.
------------- •-------------
Tlie list of Oregon growers of
“The Gates are Open. Dad,” is certified seed potatoes in 1940 has
the message being transmitted to just been compiled and is being
fathers of University of Oregon
students living in Ashland and
other Oregon towns this week.
Plans to make the official slo­
gan for the Dads' Day celebration
more than a theme are progress­
ing rapidly. It was annouced by
Chairman Stan Staiger. Vancou­
ver. Wash.
Center of the celebration to be
held Feb. 7, 8 and 9, as the adopt­
ed slogan suggests, will be the
formal presentation and dedication
of the wrought iron gates pre­
sented to the University of Ore­
gon by Oregon dads
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She's got that extra »onw-
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