Friday, Jan. 24, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 Rloomin Parrot JI'as Passing Its Lesson On Fun for the Whole Family BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN ALTA RACED ACROSS THt MENAaeRlE T?NT AFTtR'SILK RowLFR AMD CRA’iHF D INTO TPE TiaFR'-S CAGE JU GT AS THE EQUESTRIAN D irector managed id scramble under the canvas THE END OF THE TTHT COLLAPSED ON ALTA TUCT AS "SILK" CRAWLED OUT - - Bert had spent hours trying to teach his parrot to say “Hello, Uncle,” ready for the visit of his wealthy relative. Uncle came—the parrot was dumb. Bert seized the bird by the throat. “Say ‘Hello, Uncle,’ or I’ll wring your bloomin’ neck,” he roared. And when silence continued he twisted the bird’s neck and threw it into the fowl pen. Queer squawks drew him to the fowl pen next morning. On the ground were three dead hens. The parrot had a fourth by the neck, shaking him and shouting: “Say, ’Hello, Uncle,’ or I’ll wring your bloomin’ neck.” SJOlirTlMt POPCORN^ >1 A itwotÄ \ LALA PALOOZA HERE I AM LAID UP IN A NEW YORK HOTEL ALL ON ACCOUNT OF MY S A Nervous Wreck \\ ] By RUBE GOLDBERG YOU MUST ' QUIET YOUR NERVES, MISTER BOGGLE THE MASTER OF ME MAKE CEREMONIES ON SPEECHES IN MY . YOUR BOGGLE DOUGHNUT AMATEUR CONDITION' HOUR IS SICK - YOU’LL HAVE TO pills ! TAKE CHARGE my » YOURSELF MY I In Turmoil In seasons of tumult and dis­ cord bad men have most power; mental and moral excellence re­ quire peace and quietness.—Taci­ tus. pills ! S’MATTER POP—Cavalry Casualty! One Steed Beaned! By C. M. PAYNE .j The Smoke of Slower-Burning Camels gives you— MESCAL IKE An Apple for Teacher ByS-LHUNTixY EXTRA MILDNESS EXTRA COOLNESS EXTRA FLAVOR «ND- POP—Successful Failure By J. MILLAR WATT NEVER THERE WHEN I'M WANTED WHEN I'M there - • than the average of the 4 other largest-selling ciga­ rettes tested—less than any of them — according to independent scientific tests of the smoke itself. The Second Shoe By BUHAS WILLIAMS 0 **Wk«r«*B Ik« *k«t»|rapk«r wk« la«k Ike«« «l««««*« «t Ike k««k«y <■■•***