Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 24, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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    F ridgy, Ian. 24, 1941
F arm
B en A mes W illiams
M. >_>. Krvict
—14' -
T opics
safe aboard by dark that night; and I to understand that Peter—or any
a great moon rose to silver the i other man—might love her; and she
Peter’s boat in fact drew near; slippery, stained decks and pale the i was woman enough to forgive Peter.
•nd when he saw them watching. glare of the fires under the trypots.
But she was sure at last that,
Peter called: "Well. Mary, you saw
They had buoyed the whale which loving her, he would never have
"Washington—A martini <»( thr Hr-
I Iona I Hrslauranl < oinrnlluit waa l<»ld
something today!"
sank, and while they were cutting stolen her p arls.
by B|H*akrrB hrrr that restaurant own
She felt suddenly pity for him. in and trying out this new kill, they
era »hould arrvr foodw which would
Who, then?
help national ••curlty.
thinking how crushed he would be stayed near the buoy. On the sec­
Feik might have taken the pearls
men should put thrlr knowledge of
when he knew the truth about his ond morning they saw the dead before he and Barbo left the ship
nutrition and dirt to work In thr rausr
fatherhood, knew himself disowned whale afioat, swollen with gases. at Talcahuano; and Mary hoped he
of defense,' a »peaker said. ‘They ran
brlp Improve thr »lamina of Amer­
by Captain Ira Corr.
They brought it alongside too. De­ had! If he had them, they and the
ica.' "—Newt item
"That was fine," she told him. spite the steady work, everyone thief were gone. But of the men ( K«t*iui«e Dtirymtn. Rutt*n Utiorilfy.)
Cows that are properly fitted and
•board was in good humor; for one still aboard, there remained only
"Wonderful I"
Elmer Twitchcll was much inter­
managed during the dry period may
"You have to know how to han­ more whale. Richard said, would fill Rannels.
Mat Forbes' harpooner produce as much as 25 per cent ested in the above item. As an old
dle 'em," he said complacently. their last casks. They finished try­ was a fat young man. with a decep­
restaurant man himself, the Idea ab­
"There's more to whaling than bull ing out, stowed the oil scrubbed tive fatness that had strength be­ more milk and butterfat during the sorbed his interest. "1 think there's
luck. Dick isn't the only man aboard ship, cruised daily to and fro.
something in It," he declared. "You
hind it There was something shifty
During the lactation period, espe­ take a hamburger . . .
can kill a whale. Where is he!"'
But their luck did not repeat It­ about Rannels.
cially during the first six months,
"Gone to change his clothes," self; they went day after day vigi­
The reporter reached out to take
Thinking of Rannels made her
Mary said; and as the boat came lant and yet without success. On a suddenly afraid, and as much to re­ the animal's body reserve of min­ one. but Mr. Twitchcll explained he
steady westerly they moved down assure herself as from any real erals. protein and fat becomes de­ was speaking figuratively.
alongside George added:
"His arm's bruised. The flukes again toward Juan Fernandez, work­ conviction, she decided that Peter pleted. And the cow does not have
“Take a hamburger. There are
ing offshore for a while; and inac­ had found the pearls and had put an opportunity to build up this re­ hamburgers and humburgers.
hit him."
Peter laughed.
"Probably rub­ tion began to weary them and fret them in some place of greater se­ serve again until the animal is giv­
don't know how they rate
bing liniment on it," he said. He the patience of every man aboard, curity, But when she asked him
Iti the matter of stamina,
swung up to the deck. George called till at last Richard decided to put in whether this were true, he shook prior to the following calving.
but the kind many restau­
to Talcahuano.
Neglect on the part of the owner
to Cork ran:
rants serve today certain­
his head.
"We might strike oil at the Cape
ly make a man want to
"Great job you did!”
"I’ve never seen them »¡nee you regarding proper feed, care and
management of dry cows may cost fight."
Corkran shook his head apologeti­ Verdes," he said. "And if we don't, showed them to me.’’ he declared,
"What ■bout all-hots?" he w«i
cally. "I went in too high with the we've done well enough. It's time “Where were they hidden?" She the owner the value of one ton of
told him, and he listened, frowning milk. The loss in dollars and cents asked.
lance, sir. Over his shoulder blade. to be getting home."
There was. Mary would find, a soberly. "I’d have thought they'd may be computed by using the mar­
"The all-hot rates about B plus In
If I’d got him right he wouldn't
surprising lot to be done by way of be safe Xhere," he admitted. "Did ket value of one ton of milk under a defense program." explained El­
have sunk."
any known market condition.
mer solemnly, consulting
"Good job, just the same.” George refitting. Richard warned her that Richard know about them?"
The amount of hay and grain his charts. "They are not
Insisted. He and Mary went aft with rounding Cape Horn they were sure
"He knew I had them, but not
of cold weather; and she saw the where they were." She added: "I which should be fed during the dry only nutritious, but they
Mary told George: "I’m worried sailors in their spare time on deck hope it was Feik. I hope he’s got period depends upon the condition are a national habit They
of the cow at the time she is turned •re a part of the American
about Richard. I'll see if he's all busy with mending and patching, I them, hope they’re gone.”
right" George nodded, and she went preparing warm clothing for the
Peter chuckled. "I don’t," he pro­ dry. Animals that are in fair condi­ system. Take our frankfurters and
high latitudes. And in the land­ tested. "I liked the look of them. If tion may be properly fitted on a lib­ rolls away from us and our morale
Richard was in the common room, locked harbor of Talcahuano the anybody gets them. I’d like to be the eral allowance of quality roughage, would undergo terrific damage."
• • •
by the desk; and he had stripped off ship herself put on a new dress. Her one.
I’m betting they're still including pasture, hay and silage.
"How does the combo or ham and
Other cows may require some grain
his shirt When she appeared, be old sails, patched and repatched and aboard.”
looked across at her in an abashed dingy with smoke, were unbent The
“I think we ought to tell Rich- in addition to all the roughage they egg on rye rate in a national defense
way. She saw his bewildered eyes, rigging was tested and repaired ard," she decided.
"If they're will eat. A dally grain allowance of program’"
"Our tests have shown,” replied
and then he said as though ashamed where repairs were needed, and aboard, whoever has them, it might six pounds Is usually ample.* Thus
freshly tarred. Richard bought beef
of his own weakness:
mean trouble.
But I don't want not more than 250 pounds to 350 Elmer, “that a man cannot remain
an adequate fighting unit
"Darned arm’s broken. Mary!
George to know about them unless pounds of grain in addition to one-
as long on the combo as
quarter ton of hay, is needed to
"Broken?” she echoed.
he has •o.”
he can on a three-decker
He extended his left arm for
Later she reported the disappear-
liverwurst with lettuce and
to see.
Figure the cost of 250 to
ance of the pearls to Richard. He
mayonnaise, but he is
She saw that it was swollen
said good-humoredly: "Shucks, you
within one point ten of being as
tween elbow and wrist, already
probably took them yourself, hid of hay and compare it with
durable as a man who prefers a
ginning to show a dark, discolored
them somewhere else; and now value of one ton of milk. The
bruise. Also it was twisted in an
ure proves that a rest period of salami on a hard roll.”
you’ve forgotten where."
"What about the minute steak?"
unnatural way. the hand in the
six to eight weeks along with proper
"You must think I’m an idiot!"
"This minute steak business de­
wrong position, as if put on by an
She was at once hurt and angry.
awkward workman,
Her breath
riod, really pays dividends.
"Sure you didn’t?"
snapped Mr Twllcheli. "It
caught with pity, and she touched
“Of course I’m sure.”
covers too much territory.
his arm lightly. His eyes followed
"Then it was probably Feik." he
I ordered a minute steak
her fingers as they approached; but
decided. He frowned. "Now. I’m
sandwich in a fairly good
when they touched his skin, his eyes
wondering if that barrel of amber­
restaurant last night. It
leaped to meet hers, and for a long
Seed treatment is one of the most unfitted me even fur draft purposes
gris is still in the cabin stores. I'll
moment their glances held, as
have a look and see."
by loosenir.g all my front teeth."
though each had been startled by
The ambergris was safe, and noth­ Not only can the crops be disease-
some distant sound.
free, but In most cases freedom
ing new happened to alarm them;
She tried to speak, and shook her
“How about chicken salad as an
from disease results in increased
head without knowing she did so,
■ id to national security?"
ad led vigilance in Richard's man­
and ran to the foot of the com­
"I understand there are places
ner. He kept a more watchful eye quality treated seed is a big step where chicken salad is chicken sal­
panionway and called: "George! Pe­
upon the men, and went out of his forward toward success.
ter! Richard’s arm's broken. Come
ad.” replied Elmer, "but
Now is the time to make prepara­
way and outside any real need to
I have not been able to lo­
keep them busy. He was forever tion for treating wheat, oats, and
George was beside her in an in­
cate 'em. There is nothing
barley for smut There are several
shifting sails, trying this way and
stant Richard was leaning against
In the chicken salads I
that to get greater speed out of the materials on the market that, if
the desk, grinning in rueful apology.
have ordered that would
properly used, will give good re­ sustain a man through a minor skir­
"Makes me kind of faint," he said.
sults. The first important step la mish with a platoon of Singer midg­
In the end It became necessary
"Takes the pith out of me." His
to tell George about the pearls Mary to learn exactly the method recom­ ets.”
lips were white with pain. Peter
and Richard and Peter were apt to mended. If instructions as to the
came below, asked sharply:
‘What about the cheeseburger
discuss the pearls whenever two or proper method of treatment are not sandwich? Could the nation put its
"What's the matter?”
Peter laughed. ."Secret?
all three of them were together and followed, lt is a waste of time and trust in that In time of war?”
George said: ”His arm's broken.”
can't keep a secret aboard ship.
out of reach of other ears; and a material.
Richard tried to laugh. "Funny,”
“The war and navy departments
Copper carbonate and mercurial have the cheeseburger under con­
he said. "Joke on me.”
cattle and had them butchered and man less sensitive than George must
Peter took the arm in both bands. the meat salted down; he bought have seen that he was excluded dusts are suitable for the control of sideration at this moment. Messrs.
' feeling it, pressing with his fingers. biscuit and molasses, tea and cof­ from some secret which they seed-borne diseases in a wide range Stimson, Knox and others had a spe­
"It's broken all right," he decided. fee; and fruits and vegetables were shared He was for a while too proud of seeds, because they control a cial session to determine the prop­
"I can feel the ends scrape togeth­ brought aboard.
large number of seed-bome diseases er place of the cheeseburger in any
Richard himself to confess that he saw this.
But in the end he questioned Pe­ besides smut. For this reason they defense program,” said Elmer.
went to a physician, who found it
Richard drawled: “So can L Don’t necessary to break his arm afresh ter. "I’ve had an idea you, Mary can be used with crops of wheat,
"How about beef stew
play with them unless you get a and reset it to prevent a malfor- and Richard have a secret between oats, barley, beans, and others.
special lot of fun out of it Peter, mation; and in the reaction from you. ”
“Now you're talking sense," con­
Formaldehyde is still popular with
It’s no fun for me.”
that ordeal, and in a rising im-
Peter laughed. "Secret? You can't many farmers but this material cluded Elmer. "No matter what the
They all smiled. Mary could not patience to be at home, he decided keep a secret aboardship. No. Don't must be properly applied to give restaurant man or the de­
speak. Richard was so strong and to forego the chance of another you worry. George!” he urged.
good results. The placing of a tea­ fense bodies may suggest,
splendid, to stand thus weak and whale. So the bricks of the try- “Richard's all right, and so's Mary.
spoonful of formaldehyde in the top stew and beans are what
broken now. Her eyes burned with works were thrown overboard, the Of course, it would go to any man's of a sack of grain and then turn­ the fighting forces will get
unshed tears.
pots stowed below, the sheathing on head the way she looks at him; but ing the sack upside down for treat­
. . . and past perform-
George reflected helplessly: ‘•AU deck and at the gangway removed; they’ll be all right once we're ment is ineffectual. Formaldehyde anees show it ain't half bad."
• • •
I know about broken bones Is to and early in December, stripped and ashore.”
when exposed to the air vaporizes
keep them quiet till you get a doc­ fit, the Venturer was ready.
George said after a moment: ”1 as a gas; this gas is heavier than Reaction to the ASCAPRadio War.
Feik and Barbo left them at Tal- trust Mary, and Richard too, of air. The above procedure prevents I cannot get the old sweet songs;
Mary whispered: “Can't we go cahuano. Feik's illness had passed course. Only I’ve wondered, some­ the formaldehyde from coming in
Somehow it strikes me funny
into port somewhere?”
within a few days; but the two is­ times."
That those who write of “love and
contact with the seed.
No one answered her. Their minds landers found a chance to sign on
"Here, I'll show you you’re
were dulled by this emergency. It the Nancy Drake, a bark bound wrong.” Peter spoke easily; he took
Can think so much of money.
was Richard who suggested calling westward, which had put in here for George by the arm. led him across
Isaiah and Hiram. Isaiah volubly as­ repairs after a rough time off the to the other side of the deck and
Well, anyhow, thr han on all thote
sured them that he had set more Hom. So Richard paid them off, forward, so that they would ap­
iong hill on thr chain rtuiint hat killed
broken arms than you could shake and he did not fill their places. To proach Richard and Mary unseen,
of] the fellow uho wot alwayt aiking
Horns, at one time, were a nec­
for reqneit numbert.
a stick at
work ship he had men enough. Soon from behind. "We’ll get near enough*
• 00
essary part of a cow's equipment.
“You go make a splint, Hiram,” after noon one day the Venturer put to hear what they’re saying.” he
The best slogan for America In
They were necessary for protec­
he told the carpenter. "What we to sea.
the present crisis is reported on bill­
tion, but under present modern
want is a couple flat pieces of ce­
The next morning Mary rose and
But George stopped.
"No,” he
boards in Miami:
methods of management, cows do
dar, ’bout so long and 'bout so went on deck to view the day as said curtly. "I'm not a spy!" Be­
not need horns. Homs may be
though it were something new and fore Peter could urge him, he called
taken off when the calf is a week
Hiram went to obey, and Mary to beautiful, never seen before. She to Mary, still some distance from
Germany has gone to the rescue
old withou. jny loss and not too
tear some of her own garments into was completely happy; but before them.
of Italy. This may turn out to mark
much discomfort to the calf. Do
bandages. When they set the broken the day ended, her world bad
He called her name, and there
the introduction of a new type of
the job of dehorning as soon as
bone, she bit her lip, watching Rich­ changed.
was a note of warning in his voice.
German warfare: Rescue with pur­
the horn button can be found;
ard’s mouth twitch as they tugged
She was in her cabin alone, That call startled her, made her
clip the hair around this tiny
at his arm. Isaiah and Peter held George and the others all on deck; turn with guilty cheeks; for when
• • •
bump and place a ring of vaseline
the arm stretched in position while and she began to put her things in she had followed Richard forward,
on the lower side to prevent any
Hiram laid on the splints and bound order, as though it were already she was thinking of his forbearance
Misfortune, friends, befell me.
drainage into the eye itself.
them in place; and when the thing time to pack to go ashore. So do­ toward Peter, and when they were
I hate to walk an inch;
Roughen the spot gently where
was done, Isaiah nodded in satis­ ing, she remembered the pearls Ja­ alone, on sudden impulse she said:
I let some salesmen sell me
the horn Is starting with a com
fied approval of his own work.
rambo had given her.
"Isaiah told me Peter’s not really
A pair of shoes that pinch.
cob or by scraping it. Moisten a
“There ye be!” he said. "Month
And looking for them, found they your brother, Richard."
• • •
from now. Cap'n, you won’t know it were gone.
He said in a low tone: "I'd have
any New Year’s
ever happened.”
Isaiah whipped for that, if he
resolutions yet?
Use gloves on your
Richard protested: “A month?”
weren't old enough to be my grand*
• • •
hands and let no liquid from the
“A month anyways. Yes, sure.”
a year when a
Mary asked: "Shouldn’t he have
The loss of the pearls did not in
“Everyone will know when we get
good slogan for anybody is, "Never
the calf’s eyes—it's dangerous.
a sling?”
itself grieve Mary; but the manner home.”
change skis in mldairl”
Isaiah shook his head.
of their going had alarming implica­
Richard shook his head. "No, they
• • •
Richard grinned at his own plight tions. Whoever had stolen them was won’t! Not even Peter, If Isaiah and
"Well, a fine lot of use I’ll be by the very fact of his guilt made Hiram keep their mouths shut I'm
around here for a while,” he said. potentially dangerous to the ship and going to have the lawyers tear up
("New army camps are at least a
The "stitch in time" adage applies month behind schedule."—News item.)
"Peter, you’re going to have to han­ to them all. Peter knew of the ex­ Father's will, or else I’ll take Peter
dle things.”
istence of the pearls, knew they were in as partner. He can run things forcibly to machinery care, accord­ Last night I saw most everywhere
ing to Ray W. Carpenter of the Uni­ An army camp that wasn’t there;
Peter nodded carelessly. “Sure,” somewhere aboard; and he could ashore.”
of Maryland. He says that I It wasn't there again today—
he agreed. "I’ll look out for you.” not be surely crossed off the list
"I haven’t even told George.”
I hope the foe will keep awayl
Before noon they sighted whales of suspects. Certainly he held him­
"Don’t,” he urged. "If Peter knew
• • •
again; and Peter lowered, and Cork­ self to no strict rule of honorable about it, it would knock him all to the machinery is in storage, spent
ran got two Irons home handsome­ conduct, since Mary came aboard pieces, Mary."
To II Duce is "pizon.”
ly. Peter himself lanced this whale the Venturer be had wooed her who
“I won't, of course. I noticed in vent rust, repainting bared wood
• • •
as easily at killing a chicken, and was George’s wife.
the log one night that your father parts, and checking, ordering, and
Yet this consideration, which never called Peter his son; but he
he came back to the ship drunk
Marshal Graziani's report, boiled
with swaggering with a new sense might have damned him, actually always did you. He was pretty proud parts will avoid delays, aggravation,
and hours of valuable time when down, would read, "I shoulda stayed
persuaded Mary at last that he was of you, of course.”
of power.
In bed.”
the spring season rush is on.
The blubber and the bpDe were innocent. She was woman enough
Special Care Assures Bet
ter Production.
Seed Treatment Proves
Good Crop Insurance
Week-Old Calves
Can Be Dehomed
• • •
• • •
Repair Now
Wanted! Welders, Aviation Medíanlos
and liadlo Operaturn.
We train at
lowest coat. Ask for Booklet M, Heat-
tln YMCA Nchsois, »0» 4th, H.attla,
llravy*duty Motor».
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a irla,
10th * H K. Hawthorne.
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"Caterpillar" SR l»l«s«l and doser
“Caterpillar“ t><) lik-iiel and doser
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A <• Model ••HO" and Carco doser
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W7UH Mallon Ave.
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5 clrla to work In Portland li««uty
Hcliuol for pert paymeat on tuition.
Writ« for pnrtli'iilnr«. only Sth grade
education necessary.
430 ■. W. Washington
Portland. Oro.
Airplane factorl«». shipyards sn<l hun­
dreds of Industrlrs am tn nood of
■ »irrt metal workrr». Write tor fr««
1, Arleos Trade Hclioot,
237 N. K. Ilroarlway. I'ortland. Ora.
The Front Pages; An Italian news­
paper recently claimed that Paul
Revere was un Italian. The editor
probably figures that anyone who
goes around frantlcully screaming,
“The British are coming” must have
come from Italy . . The no foreign
war group has endorsed Lindbergh
because they believe he is a great
lover of peace. Perhaps they didn’t
see the ..ingazlne article Lindbergh
wrote. In which he urged that we go
to war against the Asiatics ... In­
cidentally, that bunch has expressed
high regard for two people who are
proud of getting medals from Hitler
. . . Any other questions? , . .
Add coincidences: The same week
Hitler warned us against further aid
to Britain, a group of anti-aid to
Britain organizations sprang into
prominence , . . The Overseas Press
Club forced the resignation of
Oeorge Sylvester Viereck, It was
explained, because he fetched Bund-
Ists and Gestapolrcata to meetings.
The other members, perhaps, were
afraid of being judged by the com­
pany they kept
ThoiiMnda of women
to ■<> .nut-
liig thru dl.trraa pecul -
lar to women—caused
by this periiMl tn life -
with I.v<lln K. Pink-
ham's FegataMB Com­
pound- .famous for
. Pinkham'» Compound
— made especially for women — has
helped thousands to relieve such
weak, nervous frellmcs due to this
Our Merit
There is scarce any man who
cannot persuade himself of his
own merit. Has he common sense,
he prefers it to genius; has he
some diminutive virtues, he pre­
fers them to great talents—Sew­
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Gaa pains due to delayed bowel ac­
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Calm in Danger
True courage is cool and calm.
The bravest men have the least
bullying insolence, and in the time
of danger are found the most se­
rene and free.—Shaftesbury.
COUGH onori
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represents the leadership of
a nation. It points the way.
We merely follow—follow to
new heights of comfort, of
convenience, of happiness.
As time goes on advertis­
ing is used more and more,
and as it is used more we
all profit more. It's the way
advertising has—•
of bringing a profit to
everybody concerned,
tho contumor included