Friday, Jan. 24, 1941 ________________________ SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know College Play Scheduled Page 5 T Quamme. Frank Ward. Walter I Bray and daughter, Frank Bcm- heisel, O. Bernheisel, E. Richard- I son and daughters, W Gran, W Holmberg' and L. B. Clevenger. Gingerbread and coffee were serv­ ed. 0 Mr. and Mr*. Iriamond New­ man are the proud parents of a boy, born Thur.vday morning at the Yreka General hospital. • Dr K. F Schlappi went to the city Thursday to be with Ben Ollom when he underwent a ma­ jor surgery Friday morning. He returned Saturday morning ac­ companied by Mr* Schlappi who Just returned from the east where she wax called by the death of her brother about three weeks ago. • Mi and Mrs. Fay Russel and family moved away Friday, and -Mr and Mrs. Walter Bray moved in to the vacated house Saturday. • Mur. Aldo Ceccatto drove to Ashland Thursday. • Mi and Mrs. W. Gran and son were in Medford on business Sat­ urday. • H Clevenger suffered a heart attack Sunday morning and was taken to the Yreka General hos­ pital where he was given oxygen and treatment. He is recovering rapidly and lx expected to toe home in a few days • Wright returned home from southern California where he ha-- been staying with relatives since before Christmas • Iver Andersen left this week for I>»s Angeles where he is to be employed. • Horton Geroy and Billy Gran attended a party Tuesday eve­ ning in Yreka given by the bas­ ketball coach. Mr. Doolin,, for the B basketball squad. ------------- •------------- Canyon Scottish driver contest, with William Knopp at the wheel. The distance driven from Gilmore stadium in Hollywood to Grand Canyon, Ariz. via Boulder Dam wax 599 3 miles. Cars entered in this run were strictly stock cars and no trick driving wax permit­ ted Entries were in divisions A to J inclusive, according to price range Mileages for Ford cars were: Ford class "B" 23 05: Mercury, class "D" averaged 23 35 miles per gallon and Lincoln Zephyr 22 96 • Mr. und Mi» Homer Culbertson • Kenneth Bell, who 1» employed lire the purent» of u daughter | In Klnmath Falls, »pent Hundav at . born Monday afternoon at the the home of hi» parent* here. Sat­ urday he visited with Merle Tai Community hospital • C. R Jester, »tute meut inspec- ent ut Beagle, Ore. tor, was in Ashland Monday on • Mr und Mm. Clifford liurtol of Talent viaited Sunday at the home I buaineaa • Mia llomer Killing» returned of Mm Bartol'a parent*. Mr und Sunday evening from Portland Mm G. W Willi» where »he ha» been been visiting • Fieri C Homes returned Friday with her son-in-law und daughtei, from Corvallis where hr attended the Oregon will conservation meet­ Mr. und Mr». K H Wds • Subscribe for The Miner today. • Mi and Mm Fannie t'hlldieth ing ut DSC were Sunduy evening visitor* In • Mia* Evelyn Willla »pent a few Medford at the home of Mr Chib day* thia week ut the home of her dieth’v parent», Mr und Mr» G. sister and brother-in-law, Mr und Mra Cliff Bartol of Talent E Chlldieth. • Ml»» Leia Anderson of Medford • Mm Henlnger la viaitlng ut the' viaited with Ashland friend» Mon­ home of her daughter, Mm. Theo-I dore Wenuux. She will leave soon day, • Mr and Mr» C J liuughmun for Colorado, where »he will vlait were In Klamath Falla over the relative». week-end viaitlng with Headrick • The Bellview basketball team» Baughman and Clifford Bromley played Friday, the girl» winning • Mr. and Mm Arnold Gosnell and the boy* losing Member» oil and family were In Aahland Sun­ tile girl*' team Include Eleanoi j Ola Grimm. iiattlij day viaitlng relative» and friend* George, Mr and Mm Goanell now ure liv­ Wright, Et• i Axhland to the home of Mr» Will have returned from u 10-day trip Lindsay. to honor her on her Into aouthem California where birthday anniversary. they viaited with relative». • Mr. and Mr* Dexter Wood­ • Mr and Mm <’ V Fiamla <4 worth returned recently from M rd ford were business vial tom In southern California where they FORD WINS IN LONG Aahland Monday afternoon viaited her parent* ECONOMY DRIVE • Mr. and Mia P D McDougal • Bellview P-TA met Friday with Phone 4151 —We Deliver und family of Lakeview viaited in Mrs Davia, who served luncheon A Ford stock sedan won in Aahland over the week-end with at noon During the buxine»» meet­ Class "B" division, Gilmore Grand their aon»-ln-law and daughtera, ing, Founders’ day plan» were Mr and Mrs Carl Fehige and Mi made uml Mi* Byrd wax apjeilnt- und Mm Kelly Parnona McDougal ed chairman for this latter, Mm. formerly wax with the Southern Byrd. Mrs R L. Brantley and "The Sight of January 16" Bjorn Falkner met a violent death and HOTEL MANX Oregon Miner He la now press­ Mr». M A Ring reported on the the event» following the trugedv Hill tie |Mirtra.veent several day» In Aah­ left Saturday for their home In of the book of Revelation as the Frar.k Graves. Arthur Pedersen, Alton, Kan after viaitlng with scripture lesson. land viaitlng with friend* Harry De Jarnett, John De Witt, a alifornia institution serving you • Rev and Mm Edward G Skill- Mm. Anderson's brother, W L. tety are the jxirent» of a »on born Moore. They also viaited Mr. Moore'* son and wife. Mr. and Wedneaday morning. • Clyde Huffman wan a buaineaa Mm. Harry Moore, in Portland. • Wade Walll* is steadily im­ caller in Medford Wednesday. i proving from a long Illness Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor --------------•------------- • Mr and Mrs Hart of Medford Fourth and C Street» BF.IJ.VIF.W NEWS were guest* Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mm Walter Davin Church school 9:45 a. m Mm. Hart and Mr*. Davia are Morning worship 11. Sermon: sisters. "When is it Time for a Revival?" • Mm Zuda Balch and Calvin Junior meeting 6:30 p. m. Owens of Eugene and John Owens Young People’s meeting 6:30 p • A cooking club 2 wax organized and Mm. James Owens of Medford m. thia week by Bellview achixil girl» were at the Mark True home Sat­ People’s meeting 6:30 p. m. with their leader. Mrs Boe. The urday They are aunts and uncles Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. girla elected officer» as follow»: of Mr*. True. Lubrication Practically Under Driving Conditions Week of prayer, Monday to Fri­ Preaident. Joan Helm; vice preai­ • Sam Rector is continually im­ day at 7:30 p. m. dent, Hattie Wright; secretary- proving from a recent operation. Evangelistic meetings postponed treasurer, Ix>uiae Yockel, and re­ ------------- •------------- to begin Feb. 4 on account of porter, Charlain Byrd. Other mem­ HILT NEWS sickness of evangelist. ber* are Inez and Edna Yockel, Marie Greaham, Clarice Brantley, and Beryl Flynn. • A group of ladiea honored Mm Joseph Walker with a shower laxt I VVE Pull the spring leaves WE—Locate that HIDDEN week at the home of Mrs Mo- i • Mrs. Frank Bemheixel was Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar back into their natural BODY SQUEAK; we dreen. Dining the Jtemixm guinea guest of honor at a surprise lay­ curl—we call it "Tem­ detect impaired parts. were played and at the close the ette shower Wednesday afternoon. Holy Communion 8 a. m. porary Re-arching." honoree opened many lovely gift» | Those attending were Mesdames Church school 9:30 a. m. WE— Lubricate "Knee - Ac­ WE—Put the proper lubri­ und the hostesses, Mra. James O. Bernheisel, John DeWitt. Frank Sermon and morning prayer 11 tion" cars. See it work, cants where the AC­ Metcalfe and Mm. Black, with Ward. Donovan Ward, Walter a. m. it's perfect while the TUAL WEAR takes Mm. Modreen, served refreah- Bray, Russel Harris. Harry De Holy Communion 9:30 a. m. parts are all in mo­ menta. Other guests included Mes­ Jarnett, L. D. Clark, Frank Ohl- Wednesday. place — the highest tion—“floating action” points of friction. dames Jess Walker, J. /. Walker, und, W. Holmberg, Arthur Gil- Choir will meet 7:30 p. m. Fri­ WELubricate and free Claude Kessler, R. D. Allen, Rich­ berg, Elmer Jackson, W. Dutro, day WE Permit 100% lubrica­ bearings even in win­ ard Joy, M. A. Ring, C. Anderson, Arthur Pedersen, Richard Will­ tion, apply grease You are cordially invited to ter so snow and water K. B. Poyer, Earl Hoadley, Jerry iams, M. Self, T Quamme and worship with us. while car is in motion won’t rust them—also Flynn and Mr* Belle Hexa and Enzie Wright. The afternoon was and while weight of spent opening and admiring the FORCE OLD LUBRI- Miaa Mary Walker. the body is on the C A N T OUT and MOTOR-SWAY FRESH LUBRICANT WE - Spread spring leaves IN. even inside the covers to actually put lubri- WE Make old cars ride like new ones, keep new cants between leaves riding like NEW —We —not just smear on the outside. prove it. • YOU DON’T HAVE TO WAIT until Saturday to find Specials in our store. Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables MOSELEY’S GROCERY Our Churches Methodist Episcopal Church C Church of the Nazatcne MOTOR SWAY COOKING CLUB 2 ORGANIZED SWAYS SQUEAKS AWAY MRS. BERNHEISEL SHOWER HONOREE INCREASES THE LIFE OF YOUR CAR DECREASES REPAIR BILLS Trinity Episcopal Church AT NO EXTRA COST ☆ ☆ DEPENDABLE R. L. CROSBY NON-CANCELLABLE, NON- PKO-KATABI.K Health and Accident Inaurati tie .A I no Life, Automobile and Fire liiMii ranee Cdriifled TEXACO Sarvice M. T. BURNS On the Plaza MARFAK LUBRICATION MECHANICAL SERVICE Phone 3811 Main and Helman