Friday, Jan. 17, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 SCHEDULED FOR ACTION AGAINST RUBE’S OREGONIANS F I i Methodist Episcopal Church Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Friday and Saturday! 1 E--- A a - <- '****■■<* - .... . ...J Pictured above are three out'.tanding member» of t lie SOCE Iraxketlmll varsity who will meet Ruben­ stein's Oregonian* on the local college floor tomorrow night. From left to right are Paul Lowery, starting forward, and reserves Bobby lloefs and Russ Werner, who undoubtedly will see action before this stellar clash is over. SONS AND RUBES IN REVENGE TILT Southern Oregon College of Ed­ ucation varsity hoopsters will en­ tertain the powerful Rubenstein's Oregonians in a revenge tilt on the SOCE floor tomorrow. Satur­ day night with Al Simpson's Jun­ ior high team meeting the Klam­ ath Falls Frosh in a 7:30 preliminary clash. The Rubes boast a powerful lineup with Tovio Pippo and Earl Sandness added to the list which already includes Wally Johansen, Ford Danner, Mat Pavalunas, Bobby Anet, Jack Butterworth and other famous names of for­ mer University of Oregon teams. Already this season Ruben­ stein’s have trimmed the Univers­ ity of Oregon in two games and only last week stopped Willam­ ette university by a good score. Jean Eberhart, Sons coach, says his team has overcome the confi­ dence which cost a 37-36 loss to Klamath Falls All-Stars last week and the entire 9quad is anxious for a chance to wipe out the pre­ vious loss to the Rubes. Eberhart said he probably will start Lowery and Mohns at for­ wards, Bassman at center and the guard berths will go to DeAutre- mont and Fisher. Henry Fonda Dorothy Lamour in The Technicolor Hit “CHAD HANNA” from the Famous Saturday Evening Poat Novel NEWS FROM I Lincoln School “RED WHEELS ROLLING” By SCHOOL STUDENTS The sixth grade has been study­ ing Great Britain's possessions. On Thursday, Jan. 9. they saw slides on the prairie provinces of Canada. They showed that the chief industries were wheat farm­ ing and sheep and cattle raising. Wednesday. Jan. 8, the sixth grade saw a slide picture show on Historic London. There was the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Parl­ iament Building and St. Paul's Cathedral. The class saw the pic- tures because they had studied Great Britain. Mary Louise Hahn of the sixth grade had the flu and was out of school all last week. She came back Monday. Last week Dr. Arthur Taylor of Kiddies a Dime! the Southern Oregon College of Education gave the fourth grade a • 1 t very pretty pictorial map of Ore­ gon. From this map the boys and Butter exported to South Amer­ girls can learn about the geo­ ica is reddish in appearance, be- , graphy and history of Oregon. It cause the people want their butter also helps to make the room at­ that shade. tractive. • WED & THUR • BARGAIN DAYS Adults|5C ANNOUNCING THE SH AST A.CASCADE WONDERLAND 1941 FUR FESTIVAL CAIDPRIGn TMGMf GHH. AHO OFFICIAL HOSTfSS OF TMf WOHOMLAHD FOR IMI end kk MISS JACKSON COUNTY” WHO WILL BE 1941 THEME GIRL AHO HOSTESS IN HER HOME COUNTY? Tho«« eke led wrH be featured in a nation-wide publicity campaign m nawapapert, maga- »inaa, pictorial publication« and sarvica« and m news reel movie« advertising the scenic and recreational attractions of the Shatta-Castade Wondoeland of Northern CUi- E omms and Southerr Oregon, and H»e event« of the Y941 FW FESTIVAL. THLHLUNC! High Honor»! Generous Coeh Reword» For AN Who Tobe Port SIND NOW FOR INFORMATION osrf seW common below end get full odwence deioidt by return moil. DON'T DELAY. DO IT NOW! Roseburg; Wins Over AHS IN Torrid Battle GRIZZLIES TOP GEEPEE 28-16 AT JAMBOREE Soil Improvement Is Short Course Topic q to; V, W' 7/// d Billings Agency COUNTY ■ A man must feel foolish when he buys Insurance AFTER "the horse is gone.” It is better to get protection then than not at all! Will people say “too trad” after your mishap or will they say "lucky you have Insurance”? INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main Church of the Nazarene “ONE MAN’S LAW” Church Bc-hiMil 9:45 a in. T S W iiey, superintendent. Morning worship 11 o'clock Sermon try the pastor. Junior meeting, 6:30 p. ill. Young People's service, 6:30 P m. People's meeting. 6:30 p. n> < Auuus). Evangelistic service, 7:'O p. ni. Prayer meeting, 7:30 p. in. Wed­ nesday Choir and orchestra practice, 8:30 p. m Wednesday. ------------- •------------- Trinity Episcopal Church Phone 75111 Friday, Saturday “BEASTS OF BERLIN Not a news reel, not it wur picture—Just it drama of limpien ruled by tynuiny. u Western with DON BARRY AI-HO NKWN Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “SPRING Dr. ( laudo L. rutare, V k-ar Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church school 9:30 a. m. Sermon and morning prayer 11 a. m. Holy Communion Wednesday 9:30 a. tn. Choir will meet Friday 7; 30 p. m. Feb. 2 this parish will take an offering for British missions. The church in the United States has pledged 4300.000 for this purpose an dit is hoped that many people will desire to make a contribution to this worthy cause. You are cordially invited to worship with us. DEANNA DURBIN ALNO NEHM AND NELE4TED SHORTS Wednesday and Thursday DIME NIGHTS Malinee« Saturday and Munday only BERTHA LAGENON Funeral services for Mrs. Ber­ - MN tha l^ageson. 79, who died Jan. 11, Finished cement is screened were held at the Perl Funeral home in Medford Tuesday morning. • through a mesh ao fine that II Rev. Father Herald Gardner of will retain water. Saint Mark's Episcopal church of­ ficiating Interment was in the Siskiyou Memorial park. ---------- •---------- — FRED BENDER Graveside services for Fred Bender of Portland were held here AGATES cut and mounted to or­ der. Agate cutting machines and Tuesday Interment was at the supplies. Blue white and brown Ashland cemetery with the Elks Zircons Choice arrow heads lodge conducting the services and wanted Santo's Agate Shop 425 J. P. Dodge and Sons in charge of East Main. Medford funeral arrangements. —•------------- BIKE RIDERS RENEW LICENSES THIN WEEK Bicycle riders and operator* have been busy renewing their li­ censes since the 1940 permits be­ came void Wednesday. The 25- cent fee charged includes the li­ cense plates and an operator's card. However, in some cases where there were several using the same bike extra cards were issued for 10 cents. It is necessary for all owners and riders to have permits and strict enforcement will begin next Monday. • WANT ADS • TAIJCNT BANKETBALL SCHEDULE COMPLETED The following teams have been signed to complete the Talent high school schedule: Jan. 10 Eagle Point there. Jan. 14 Prospect there. Jan. 17 Butte Falls at Talent. Jan. 21 Sams Valley at Talent. Jan. 24- St Mary’s there. Jan. 28 Eagle Point at Talent. Jan. 31- Prospect at Talent. Feb. 4—Butte Falls there. Feb. 7— Sams Valley there. Feb 11 St. Mary’s there, Both first and second teams will play on all dates except Jan. 17 when the first team only will play We MAKE STORAGE TANKS You Just can't brat our quick service and tasty foods . . . Our chili Is known as Ashland’s bent . . , and where else can you get those DELICIOUH Home-Made Plea Pete’s Lunch EARL D, (PETE) NUTTER Yes, sir! When it comes to heavy truck and trac­ tor jobs, only the best welding an dexperience are good enough ... that’s why the Oak Street Garage has become welding headquarters for southern Ore­ gon and northern California ... they have both stationary and portable electric and acetylene weld­ ing equipment, and worlds of experience in the know-how that means a lot i ntopgh spots! Truck­ ers, ranchers with far mmachinery and tractors will appreciate the competent, dependable welding service maintained by the OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP 97 OAK STREET, ASHLAND I SNAPPY SERVICE! EXPERIENCE HAS TAUGHT ME THAT ONLY THE BEST WORK IS GOOD ENOUGH ON HEAVY JOBS! it' It’s Just “TOO BAD” \ HOME OWNED THEA1 It» Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Fourth and C Streets The fourth grade children of room five had a play time during part of their club hour on Friday, Jan. 10. The girls brought many pretty dolls and the boys brought DISTRICT FOUR STANDINGS Pct. W I. games and toys which they re­ Roseburg .................. 3 0 1