Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 17, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, Jan. 17, 1941
G eneral
Page 3
cent height, thus making you look
slimmer, and gathers beneath the
yoke portions, this dress is clever­
ly detailed to give exactly the ef­
fect that women’s sizes require.
The v-neckline is finished with a
deeply notched collar, the sleeves
are trimmed with narrow cuff­
points. And you’ll find it one of
the most comfortable fashions you
ever put on!
Washington, I). C.
A,UTOUTS like thin are n happy
idea to l)c used for plant« you
grow indoors. You cun add inter­
est to tile flowers you keep in the
house und to the uttructivenoHB of
your rooms us well if you use
boxes in clever designs like these.
Hits of plywood are cut out with
jig or coping snw, painted and
muled together to make the boxes.
Pattern ZU2C7, 15c, lirlng* tha kitten,
pup an<1 hen an<1 rooster iiaitlfa togrthar
with the needed dltecUuna. Send order to!
lloi IM W
Manta* City, Mo.
Kncloae 15 cent* tor each pattern
dcalred Pattern No.,,,,,............
Name ............................................. ..
Addreaa ........ . ............................... ...........
Water Added
Diner—Tuke this coffee, waiter.
It's like mud.
Waiter—Well, sir, it was just
ground this morning.
By this time the June bride
knows whether ahe married a fur­
bearing animal or a poor fish.
About Turn
"You do keep your car well
•'It’s only fair. My car keeps
me well cleaned, too.”
Benefltted at Last
Mr« t'lanagan' I tirar yrr huihanJi
in fail.
Mri. O’Hrdly Ye*; an* il't about
tinto. Urrà ur bran piru hin' unrtrlfri
for yrari to pay latri to krrp il gola.'
an' ihn it ihr firil chanta av'u alar
had lo ut» it.
The First Time
Little Mary—I'll bet you can’t
guess what sister said about you
just before you came in?
Dinocan — 1 haven’t a single
idea, Mary.
Little Mary—Oh, you guessed It.
Mother—Qive Yow CHILD
This Same La pert Carol
At the firat *lgn of the Dionne Quin­
tuplet* catching cold their cheat* and
throats are rubbed with Children'*
Mild Muatemle— a product made to
promptly relieve thu DISTRE88 of
children'* cold* and rcaultlng cough*.
The Quint* have always had the
beat of care, *o mother — you may bo
assured of uaing ju*t about the BEST
aroduct made when you u*e Muaterole.
lOliE than an ordinary "aalve”—
warming, soothing Muatemle help*
break up local congestion. Also made
in Regular and Extra Strength for
thoae preferring a stronger product.
Indispensable Supports
Of all the dispositions and habits
which lead to political prosperity,
religion and morality are indis­
pensable supports.—Washington.
trying to get a little sleep. Stomach
upset. Since using ADLERIKA I
feel so good! Am 64 years old and do
my own work." (E. P.-Okla.) If gas
in stomach or intestines bothers
YOU, try ADLERIKA today.
WNlT—13____________________ 3—41
Expensive Schooling
Experience is the best of school­
masters, only the school-fees are
with backache ?
W/HEN kidney* function badly and
W you (uffsr a nagging backache,
with dizxintt*, burning, scanty or too
ireauent urination and getting up at
night; when you feel tired, nervout,
alf up*et... ute Doan'* Pill*.
Doan’s are etpecially for poorly
working kidney*. Million* of boxe*
are uted every year. They are recom­
mended the country over. Atk your
D oan spills
On the must debated questions In
the public's mind, the President's
speech on the state of the Union
didn't suy much that he bus not said
before. It Is fur more significant In
what It did not say Ona thing it
did not say were the words "short
of war" In promising nid. Many of
our most belligerent unofficial arm­
chair strategist» who alao began ad­
vocating old but stressing "short of
wur" have now also dropped that
qualincution, und some want wur
> right now.
The President followed these only
In dropping the words "short of
war," which he was so careful to
j include in his campaign speeches
Nevertheless, he did Indicate that
definitions of "acts of war” In in­
ternational law are "out" so far as
he Is concerned, since the Axis Pow­
ers have disregarded these laws In
this he Is probably right, but most
of the opposition to his proposals
I as not rested on purely technical
(See Recipes Below)
act* of war, which are not physical­
ly acta of warlike aggression- like
When ready to
j trading the destroyers. They have i What if the .radio weatherman hours or longer.
does predict a 'drop to 10 degrees serve, spread a thin layer of
questioned our taking physically of­
below zero! That whipped cream over the top and
fensive action In foreign waters that
is no reason to sprinkle with additional nutmeg.
would automatically engage us In
put all hospitality
war like crashing a blockade with
Streusel Coffee Cake.
in cold storage,
a naval convoy.
(1 fl inch cake)
too. Not if our
On the whole list of questions in
114 cups general purpose flour
grandmothe r s
this category, the messuge Is re­
3 teaspoons baking powder
could have get-
soundingly silent. Are we to repeal
togethers even when they had to
¥« teaspoon salt
the Johnson act forbidding loans of
drive the horses through the snow
% cup sugar
money to defaulting nations, or the
and stay the whole day!
% cup shortening
Neutrality act which keeps our ship­
And so, no matter how blustery
1 egg
ping and our people out of danger
zones? Are we to permit shipments the weather, clubs will stiU have
H cup milk
of contraband of war tn American their afternoon meetings, there will
1 teaspoon vanilla
vessels or convoy shipments to bel­ be cheerful leas In church parlors,
Sift flour once before measuring.
ligerents with the Implied threat of and friends will drop in informally Then sift flour, baking powder, salt
naval action against any belligerent
and sugar together. Cut in shorten­
Inside and there is fragrant, invit­
blockade of them?
ing with two knives or a pastry
ing food in the offing, the sharpness
All that part of the message, its
blender (or rub it in with the fin­
of the wind won't matter.
silences as well as these suggestions,
gers) until the mixture is like coarse
You will want to have a few new cornmeal. Blend in well-beaten egg
remain to be cleared up. With Its
main part, all-out and greatly speed­ recipes at your Angers’ ends to mixed with milk. Then stir in va­
ed arms production and defense, the make such cold weather hospitality nilla and beat just enough to mix
whole country will follow him. Some easy. If you are feeding the club, well. Pour the batter into a well-
of It has been ahead of him for using the bridge table method, you greased 0-inch layer cake pan.
years. It is lust possible that the might serve beef creole in individu­ Sprinkle with streusel topping. Bake
unexpected obscurity of the other al rice rings, a plate of celery 25 to 30 minute* in a moderate oven
part Is a matter of necessary or hearts, carrot sticks and stuffed ol­ <375 degrees).
prudent timing controlled by some­ ives, together with hot rolls of your
Streusel Topping.
thing that Is happening or Intend­ own making Let the dessert course
*4 cup brown sugar (firmly packed)
ed abroad, and which Harry Hop­ be coffee and an eggnog pie—a
kins Is going over to explore. On creamy yellow chiffon pie with a 2 tablespoons flour
the main questions of Immediate thin coverlet of whipped cream and 2 teaspoons cinnamon
policy we must wait and see. The a dusting of nutmeg over the top. <4 cup chopped nuts
message is not revealing.
If you're planning a tea, remem­ 2 tablespoons butter (melted)
ber that hot Russian tea is super­
• • •
Mix flour, sugar and cinnamon to­
fine with cinnamon doughnuts, split
gether. Blend in melted butter and
and toasted. For informal evening
Nothing more necessary and con­ affairs at your own fireside, hot cof­ stir in chopped nuts.
structive than the Federal Reserve fee cake with currant jelly and cof­
Pecan Confections.
anti-inflation recommendations has fee will be enough to serve. If you
(Makes 2 dozen 2-inch cookies)
come out of government in a long have a wooden cheese board or a
time and nothing more hopeful handsome plate, shew it off with a 1 egg white
than the President's apparent ac­ collection of cheese and crackers 1 cup brown sugar (firmly packed)
1 tablespoon flour
ceptance of them at least in part.
and a bowl of assorted fruit like that
1 cup chopped pecans
Early in his first administration. shown in the picture above.
Mr. Roosevelt was "sold” a cluster
Beat the egg whi e until it will
Russian Tea.
of schemes to increase deflated
stand in stiff peaks, then gradually
(Makes 14 servings)
prices by monkeying with money,
beat in with a ro­
debasing the nation's currency 1 cup sugar
tary beater the
brown sugar. Stir
Among them was the authority 1 cup water
in flour, salt and
granted to the President to debase 1 3-inch stick cinnamon
chopped pecans.
the value of the dollar by buying % cup orange juice (3 oranges)
Drop the mixture
gold and paying for it as much as 6 tablespoons lemon juice (2 lemons)
twice as much as it is worth, and 1 12-ounce can pineapple juice (1% from the tip of
a spoon onto
to buy silver also for much more
greased cooky
than it Is worth and issue dollars
lVi quarts water
sheets, spacing
against that phony price at a still
the cookies at
higher figure. Another, more dif­ 1 cup strong tea Infusion
least 2 inches apart. Bake In a
ficult to explain, was the plan and 1 lemon (for garnishing)
Boil 1 cup of the water, with sug­ very slow oven (275 degrees) for
practice of sending billions mure
money than government had, paying ar and stick cinnamon for 5 min­ 25 minutes. Cool somewhat, then
remove from the tin onto a cake
for it by bonds sold to the banks utes Add juice of
cooler covered with waxed paper.
(rather than to individuals) and let­ oranges, lemons,
ting the banks pay for the bonds and pineapple
Cheese Board.
simply by crediting government juice. Boil orange
cream cheese
with the price of the bonds Without and lemon rinds
quart of the
going into too much detail, the tend­ in
ency of this is exactly the same as water for 3 min­
1 8-ounce package Swiss cheese
printing bales of irredeemable money utes. Strain and
4 lH-ounce wedges of Camembert
unless some limit is put on the combine with the
bank's power to use this swiftly in­ fruit juice mix­
12 radishes
creasing mountain of credit exactly ture. Add the re­
as though it were actually money maining 1 quart
deposited by their customers from of water. Set aside. Just before
Arrange as desired on a large
their earnings or tale of goods. It serving, heat the fruit juice mix­ plate or wooden cheese tray.
expanded the amount of "bank” ture and combine with the tea in­
Rice Rings.
money to fantastical heights just as fusion. To make the Infusion, pour
3 cups cooked rice (hot)
printing truck loads of flat paper one cup of rapidly boiling water
money expands the currency. The over 4 level teaspoons of tea. Let
% teaspoon salt
effect of either kind of expansion steep 3 minutes, then stir briefly
1 tablespoon butter
will sooner or later be to make the and strain. Serve the tea hot in
2 egg yolks
people afraid of the value of money tall glasses or cups (4i cup to a
3 tablespoons cream
and start an upward spiral of prices serving) and garnish each with a
Add salt and melted butter to
or downward spiral of the value of slice of lemon.
rice. Beat egg yolks with
money, which is the same thing and
Eggnog Pie.
cream and stir into rice mixture.
both are "inflation.”
1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin
Grease 6 individual ring molds and
Briefly, the Federal Reserve rec­
pack rice in firmly. Place in pan
% cup cold water
ommends putting a limit or a com­
of hot water for 8 to 10 minutes.
plete stop to all these authorities
Remove from molds and fill centers
1 cup sugar
and practices and also to put a limit
with beef creole.
H teaspoon salt
to the amount of our vast gold hoard
that can be used as a basis for fur­
H cup milk
ther increases in the volume of
teaspoon nu’meg
either bank or actual money. None
1 teaspoon vanilla
of these authorities was used in full
14 cup whipping cream
If Sunday morning is the oc­
and none actually produced the real
Let gelatin soak in cold water for
casion for a leisurely family get
inflationary effects for which all
5 minutes. Beat egg yolks until
together, why not make it the
were designed, but the danger of
light; stir in H cup of sugar and
high spot of the week with a
those effects exists.
salt Gradually add milk and cook
fresh-from-the oven plate of hot
It never has been controlled be­ over boiling water until it is the
muffins? You'll find recipes for
fore but it must be controlled this consistency of custard, about 5 min-
delicious fruit muffins, spicy ten­
time. If it Isn’t, It will double or utes. Stir constantly during cook­
der cinnamon rolls in Miss
treble the costs of living, of govern­ ing. Add softened gelatin to custard
Howe's Cook Book "Better Bak­
ment and of war itself. If that is mixture, stirring until it is com­
ing.” There are dozens of other
permitted to happen, in view of the pletely dissolved, then add nutmeg
recipes for quick and not-so-quick
tremendous debt we have and the and vanilla. Chill the Alling until
cakes and cookies in this booklet,
even greater expense we face, it it is partially congealed. Beat egg
all of them tested and approved
could possibly bankrupt this nation whites until frothy. Add li cup of
their goodness.
and it certainly would increase the sugar gradually, beating until the
To get a copy for your recipe
burdens on our long suffering people meringue stands in stiff peaks and
shelf, send 10 cents in coin to
to the breaking point
will not flow when the bowl is par­
"Better Baking” care of Eleanor
What is at stake here Is a matter tially inverted. Fold meringue into
Howe, 910 North Michigan Ave­
of scores of billions of dollars, per­ partially congealed custard mixture,
nue, Chicago, Illinois.
haps more than the cost of two or pour into a baked 9-inch pie shell
three world wars.
and chill in the refrigerator for 2 (Released by Western Nawipapar Union.)
• • •
Pattern No MM la designed for sizes 34.
36 . 38. 40. 42. 44. 4« and 48 Size 36 rar
quires, with short sleeves. 4’4 yards of 30-
fnch material without nap; with l<<g
sleeves, 4'* yards;
yard for contrasting
collar and cuffs. Send order to:
it* New Montgomery Ave.
San Francisco
Enclose 15 cents for each pattern.
Pattern No........ ....... &iza..........
Name .................
Address ..................... . ........................ ..
Immortal Character
Think of human life in terms of
eternity. Realize that what you
are today in process of becoming
determines your character forev­
er. Because you learn to love
and to trust God through the shad­
ows, you will be able to rejoice
His support and guidance in the
sunshine. Strive to do your duty
well when days are dark and you
will develop capacity for joyous
service when your heart sings
again. Indeed, earnest endeavor
discovers sunshine amid the shad­
ows.—Frederick G. Budlong.
QNE special beauty of this de-
sign (No. 8836) is that you can
make it up in household cottons
for home wear, cutting the sleeves
off short, and in spun rayon or
thin wool for runabout, cutting the
sleeves longl And it’s so easy to
make that you’re certain to repeat
it many times.
Belted only in the back, with
lengthening bodice panels that ac-
Biscuits need a preheated, hot
oven. Then you have to bake them
only 10 or 15 minutes.
• • •
To get all the Juice out of a
lemon, warm it before squeezing.
The jorróos I ke.d ir\
my yovtk,
H oa ? vt-trh tkuay seem
now tkvt tkeyre pt-st !
It rrv^ke^ nrse
to think
WNU Service.
• When you feel faaay, headachy. logy
due to clogged-up bowel», do a» million»
do —take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next
morning — thorough, comfortable relief,
helping you *tart the day full of your
normal energy and pep, feeling like a
million! Feen-A-Mint doesn't diaturb
your night'* reat or interfere with work the
next day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the chewing
gum laxative, youraalt It taate* good, it*»
handy and economical... a family auppiy
Grease can be removed from an
iron by rubbing corn meal over it.
• • •
Gold or silver cloth shoes will
not tarnish if they are wrapped
in black tissue when not in use.
A black stocking pulled over the
shoes may be used instead of black
tissue paper.
• • •
Onion or fish odors can be re­
moved from the hands by rubbing
Simple Greatness
them with dry mustard or salt and
Nothing is more simple than
then rinsing them in clear water.
greatness; indeed, to be simple is
• • •
Cider jelly is an excellent ac­ to be great.—Emerson.
companiment for turkey. Or mold
it in ring shape, fill the center
^H«lp to Rfcliava Distress sf^
w’ith chilled diced fruit and sur­
round it with salad dressing. Serve
as first course salad.
• • •
As potatoes get old add a little
sugar to the water in which they
are boiled. They will taste as good
Try Lydia E. Pinkham'» Vegetable
as new ones.
Compound to help relieve monthly
• • •
pain, headaches, backache and
ALSO calm irritable nerves due to
Overstirring and mixing causes
monthly functional disturbances.
Pinkham's Compound la simply
muffins to rise in peaks and burst
marvelous to help build up resist­
ance against distress of "difficult
• • •
days.” Famous for over 60 years I
Hundreds of thousands of girls and
Always wrap a rubber hot water
women report remarkable benefits.
bottle in soft cloth before placing
in a patient’s bed. Place the bot­
tle near, but not against the pa­
Free to Do
tient’s flesh. If placed too close the
No man must be compelled.—
patient may be burned before
realizing it.
't cough in public places. Carry with
• box of delicious Smith Brothers Cough
Drops. (Black or Menthol. 5f.)
Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the
only drops containing VITAMIN A
Vitamin A (Carotene) raises the resistance of
mucous membranes of nose and throat to
cold infections, when lack of resist­
ance is due to Vitamin A deficiency.
The merchant who advertises must treat
you better than the merchant who does
not. He must treat you as though you
were the most influential person in town.
As a matter of cold fact you are. You
hold the destiny of his business in your
hands. He knows it. He shows it. And you
benefit by good service, by courteous treat-
^menLbygoo^alue—<md by lower price«.