N Univ of Oregon Librarv Pap&i ^Jltai o M q ¿ Sam+ikùiy *7a £ay--/l"¿t $^4 ft! gentleman stopped in The Minei office Tuesday and inquired about "Commodore" Hall Inform­ ASHLAND. OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1941 ed that the "Commodore” had left Volume X Number 3 inc iiihii tuloth’s of punting fr r / * •oo lounus or sub-cabbie practice Frank J er. kins, publisher of the Time is a big factor in war; earlier in the week and Grizzly >s completed. Tne sub-calibre prac­ Kiama<.n rails News and Herald, Mentor Gaatineau and his squad tice drileis from service practice given mechanized eup|>ort a month •u mat on.y one-pound shells are nas accepted an invitation to ap­ ago the <»reeks would have finish­ nave promised vlctury tonight The Indians boast the tallest used, Wrier eas tn service practice pear ax principal speaker, Litwil- ed the fight with the spaghetti me shells weigh 108 pounds. This ler said. Jenkins is known as a eaters After driving them Stead­ prep team on the Pacific coast tuo-caume practice, wuich is con­ versatile and pleasing speaker and ily back the poorly equipped and are paced by Royal Denton six-foot, seven-inch center Esch ducted first in order that the men has gained wide-spread promin­ Greeks now find themselves in coach will employ all the tricks in may become acquainted with the ence tor his ability. due need of the equipment prom­ Tentative date of the dinner is the bag to win tonight. Roseburg working fundamentals of the gun, ised from the United States last needs the mu i gln of victory to re is carried on at Fort Stevens March 14, probably with the Bell­ month. main the only unbeaten confer- ' where the shots may be fired into view grange. Committee appoint­ 1 e e ence team while Ashland must the Columbia river. However, in ments will be taken up at the next It's quite amusing to see what have the win to stay in second service practice the gun range is meeting of the directorial board, loyal supporters President Roose­ place. about 10 miles, so it is necessary which probably will assemble A preliminary game at 7:30 p velt now has in the many dailies to fire from Fort Canby into the within the next few days. Meanwhile, Litwilier urged all ocean who harangued him at every turn tn will start things going and the before election That's "freedom of Ashland high school girls' drill Everyone in Battery B Is still members who have not done so, to the press" free to change oui 'earn will fterform during rhe half­ in good health with the exception complete their "suggestion sheets'' minds at every turn of the wea­ time intermission along with the of Bennett Loftsgaard who is con­ and return them to the chamber ther vane What corkscrews some pep band which will be on hand fined to the hospital with measles. office before Jan. 20. A number of editors would Ixicome if elections hroughout the evening A daily check is kept on the rest chamber members already have Funs who are planning to at­ wete held every year of the company in order to catch complied but still others are out­ tend this outstanding conference any new cases that might develop. standing. From the complete list err lash between two teams which All maneuvers now are carried of ideas will come the new work Public sentiment is gradually have been selected by Portland on in the battalion phase of train­ program for 1941. Chamber officials will meet lending its support to the Presi­ papers as possible state champion­ ing which will continue until the shortly with a committee from the dent's defense movement. Many ship materia) are advised to get regiment is transferred to Fort who formerly opposed furnishing there early to secure good seats Stevens. There the training will city council in connection with the aims and war materials to the be­ A probable starting lineup fol- progress to the regimental phase. proposed ordinance designed to sieged democracies also are look- lows: The whole regiment was involved check the activities of house-to- lug upon the matter with more Uhluiid ItoM-lxirv Pos. in dummy warfare last Thursday house magazine and solicitation crews. With no existing ordinance favorable consideration. F Willard Provost < Under new slogans—"Help the Youngster Around Your Own afternoon and several of the boys in effect, solicitors are allowed to F Goodlow Jandirau had a good cry when tear gas 1 1 1 canvass un-curbed at the present O Denton Corner”—and—"Enlist in our National Defense Against Infantile bombs exploded near them. Strange as it seems, while driv- Smith Paralysis ” — this boy and girl are marching forward in the 1941 “ Fight time and the new statute is slated G Weaver Finlay Ing through the valley last Sun- Fowler to define examples of "nuisances" Hughes Infantile Paralysis’’ campaign. Kr.own to millions, this picture is . G day we saw tress in. bud Thls again being used by the Committee for the Celebration of the Presi- whereby control can be exercised. I dent's Birthday on posters, birthday cards, coin collectors and buttons with the green hillsides la very ------------- •-------------- as the emblem of the appeal for funds to fight the crippling disease, different from other parta of the infantile paralysis. country with sub-zero weather and many long cold months ahead before the robins appear Work on many fronts, prepara­ 1 1 1 Something of a scoring record tory to ushering in the US depart­ Don Spencer, secretary of the The Front Pages: An Italian ment of agriculture's food stamp was made at Grants Pass Monday local board of civil service exam ­ newsfiapcr recently claimed that plan into southwest Oregon by night when Al Simpson's junior Paul Revere was an Italian The iners, has announced that the ex­ the latter part of January, is pro­ high basketeers defeated Grants editor probably figures that any­ amination to fill the position of greasing rapidly according to a Pass high Frosh 11 to 7 and the one who goes around frantically Ashland jmatmaater will be held statement made today by Blanche Frosh reserves won over the jun- sei raining, ■•The British are com­ in the city hall Saturday Many national celebrities ha rls of our- own country. The D. Lyman. Jackson county welfare lor high reserves 8 to 6. It is reported that there are ing " must have come from Italy. pledged their active cooperation in ‘••aid com containers and coin box- administrator. The junior varsity jumped into seven candidates for the position, the 1941 fight against infanUle es of the campaign ‘ 1 have * become "We have begun to compile re­ a quick 4-0 lead and for the rest 1 1 1 but it is not known how many One movement of great import­ actually will take the test. Lead­ paralysis, according to word re­ familiar in every city, town and cord cards for all families in the of the game they kept the ball [village. I county eligible to purchase food and stalled as much as possible. ance Is being presented to con­ I ing contenders are Millard W. ceived by Dr. E T. Hedlund, Ore­ I "Tms year we are confronted by stamps and according to word re­ According to Coach Simpson, the gon state chairman, from Keith gress at this time by the WCTU Grubb, assistant postmaster for new difficulties and supported by to abolish liquors from the prox­ many years; V. D. "Bert" Miller, Morgan, national chairman of the new strength. The nation has suf- ceived today from M. Louis Be- Frosh were so much bigger than imity of all training camps real estate and insurance man. committee for the celebration of :• rad its nfth worst attack of in­ langie, area director of the sur­ the juniors that any other type of plus marketing administration at ball playing might nave resulted Herb Moore, deputy sheriff; Mrs. President Roosevelt's birthday. 111 As in previous years, one of the fantile paralysis. And to meet this Portland, organization of a county in defeat. Lew Reynolds and C. B. Adams. challenge, we have the united sup ­ THE Lindberghs again are on the Dick Kerr played a fine floor coordinating committee of food re­ most spirited features of the drive ------ ------- «------------- 1 "wave” of unpopularity Mrs will be the “March of Dimes of port of Americans in every field of tailers will be completed within game for Ashland and took high Lindbergh's book "The Wave of I the Air," under the direction of endeavor. We shall certainly real­ I the next week or two," said the scoring honors with six points. the Future," appears to be more Riggs, who also turned in a good Eddie Cantor, supported by scores ize the hope expressed in our slo­ administrator. the "Wave of the Fuehrer." It was pointed out that after account of himself, scored four of celebrities of the stage, screen, gan: 'Help the Youngster Around tour Corner'." full instructions have been sent points while Winfield Roberson 1 1 1 Revocations of drivers' licenses | radio, musical and literary worlds. I Millions of coin cards and hun­ public assistance families, and accounted for the only other jun- Tlie drive also has full support A card from the Halls out on following conviction for driving j dreds of thousands of coin boxes ior tally when he converted a free the coast informs us that the for­ while intoxicated totaled 61 during of business organizations, indus­ have been sent out across the food stamps have been purchased throw. mer editor of The Miner was pain­ the month of December in 1940, try, labor, churches and Institu­ country to be distributed. The by them from the welfare depart­ The juniors missed enough _ free ment, the next step in the success­ fully blistered while trying to an increase of eight percent over tions of all kinds. cards, with coins inserted, may be ful operation of the plan rests en­ throws to give them a good mar­ spread a jellyfish on a sandwich. revocations for tne same offense Among the “big names" who mailed directly to the White tirely with the grocers. gin of victory, they converting one I during December of 1939, accord­ already have pledged support are House or to the headquarters of 1 1 1 Belangie stated that the county out of nine attempts. ing to a statement from the office Bing Crosby, Crosby. Ezra Stone. Fred state or local committee. In spite of their defeat at the Ahead 4 to 3 at the half, the committee would work with the In 1940 the "March of Dimes” state surplus foods committee in Freshmen reserves went on to win hands of the Nazis, the French ’ of the secretary of state issued Allen, AmJn 'n' Andy, , Clifton Fadiman, Edward G. I Robinson yielded a total of -263,670.39, of getting information to the coun­ over the Jpnior reserves in an ex­ still maintain their heroic right to this week. Revocation in such cases is and Kay Kyser. which $133.060.35, or slightly more ty’s retailers through folders, mer­ ceptionally close-checking fray. change their cabinet whenever i mandatory under state law, said they feel like it. we have than 50 percent, was retained in chandising material and a county­ Talbot took high honors for the after year, “ Year | Earl Snell, secretary of state, ex- watched the March of Dimes’ the communities in which it was wide mass meeting to be held just game with four points and Griffith 1 1 r plaining that apparently there ex- raised to be used by local chap­ That the heart of Italy's sol- isted a misunderstanding in the grow into one of the great human­ ters of the National Foundation prior to the inauguration of the was top scorer for Ashland with three counters. dier is not in this fight is clearly minds of many persons on this itarian movements of America," for Infantile Paralysis. The rest plan. ------------- •-------------- “With the extension of the plan seen when we read of eight Aus­ point. He stressed the fact that Morgan wrote Hedlund. "Millions was sent to the national head­ of people in every field of our na- , to southwest Oregon more than tralians capturing 2,000 of them. revocation was not discretionary tional life have learned to look i quarters to be used for its nation­ I on the part of the convicting judge forward to it as one means of I wide, year-round war against the 15,250 persons receiving public as­ 111 sistance will be entitled to obtain nor the secretary of state, the law helping the afflicted boys and crippling disease. one-third more of healthful, whole­ There is the editor who heads clearly stating that the license some foods through their regular his column "The Editor's Last must be revoked upon receipt of Evangelist L. A. Meade, who is neighborhood stores," said the Word," and we thought him a the record of conviction. holding meetings at the Methodist welfare administrator. married man. I In actual practice, Snell reveal­ “Studies have been made to de- churcji. will give a free lecture in ed. this revocation usually runs termine 7-t“howmuch cash pub- aA3 «'c ock Sunday for a period of three years. Nine­ lie assistance families spend for OREGON PRESS CONFERENCE ty-four percent of the drivers who Two dangerous driving practic­ food. Under the stamp plan the ^^1/” * EIJCCT8 HOYT PRESIDENT es. recently called to the attention lose their licenses in this manner, the Bible. same amount of cash is used to , of the state traffic safety division Rev. Meade has given much At a meeting in Eugene Jan ll, are unable to regain them before by Oregon residents, need correct­ buy orange colored food stamps thought and study to this subject Palmer Hoyt, publisher of The the three-year period expires. If, and for every dollar so spent the ing in the interest of grea er high­ and will offer something worth Morning Oregonian, was elected during the first year, the convict­ I way safety, according to Earl purchaser receives 50 cents in blue while. ing judge so recommends and the Plans for Ashlund's polio ball president of the Oregon Press surplus food stamps free. Foods Snell, secretary of state. Is the persecuted Jew respons­ Conference, succeeding Vem Mc­ driver can furnish proof of finan­ got underway at a luncheon Mon­ bought in local markets with One is the practice of following stamps are the same in quality, ible for his present position in the Kinney, publisher of the Hillsboro cial responsibility, he may apply day noon attended by represent­ Without the the center stripe on highways so brands and price as when bought world? Is the Jew only a shrewd, Argus. George S. Turnbull was for reinstatement. judge's recommendation, he is not atives of various local organiza­ closely as to invite a collision with for cash." : grasping person ? ’ Will the Jews be re-elected secretary. tions. I finally restored J to Jerusalem? an approaching car and the other Several good speakers held the entitled to apply till after one Foods which are surplus at the I .. Purposes of the President's spotlight during the session and year. At that time and any Urne birthday ball were reviewed by the is failure to dim lights when driv­ present time—such as eggs, but­ Who should offer the Jew a home­ during the ensuing two years, the land in these present days of trou­ ing directly behind a vehicle at many vital questions were dia- ter. apples, potatoes, pork and 14 driver may apply for reinstate- county chairman. Dr. A. E. Mer­ night. ble? Are the Jews really the cho­ cussed, it is reported. other commodities — have always kel, who also stressed the tact Several accidents have been been stocked by food stores. Under sen one of God, favored above all The summer conference will be ment providing he is able to file mat 5U percent of the money real­ proof of financial responsibility. caused by cars driving too close to the stamp plan the food retailer other people? held June 26, 27 and 28 at Gear­ Proof of financial responsibility ized from the bail will remain in the center stripe, particularly in continues to purchase these foods You are invited to come and hart. may be given by the following al­ tne county for local cases. fog. it was said. Under such con­ from his wholesaler in the same hear what the evangelist has to ternate methods, according to Or­ i The following committees were ditions .drivers wefe warned to manner as he always has been say on this subject. No admission egon law: either by filing proof named with l