Friday, Jan. 10, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 Ì hi in tx »Id t Siate college GRIZZLIES TRAP THE TRAPPERS Friday and Saturday! JLH&JEUIURIU 4eXS7F«?y zv »t VARSITY 21 MWSPfRS THl/HDER.' i’.Ulk HOME OWNED THE. Phone 7 .Ml I } ¿s’, w In an article in the Portland Oregonian, Ashland was mention­ ed along with Salem and Rose­ burg as teams to watch for the state championship. Roseburg and Ashland are in the same confer­ ence. **tT£g WAMGfR F "'"»'Í m ÍS. , J,lräln« Day PIu T A R.pAl« Fletar, I nfranger AND INE LADY «• JACQtTUXI WELLS 10 Grants Pass here. 14 Roseburg there. 17- Roseburg here 21—Grants Pass there. 24- Medford here. 28- Medford here. 31 Klamath Falls there. 14 Grants Pax here. 15— Roseburg there. 18- -Medford there. 21— Lakeview there. 22— Lakeview there. 25— Grants Pass there. 28- Medford here. Score« Last Week: Ashland 42 at Vancouver 24. North Bend 38 at Medford 3» Prospect 10 at Central Point 30 Giulie-, This Week I Jan. 10 Grants Pass at Ash- land. Jan. 10—Roseburg junior high at Ashland junior high. Jan. 11 SOCE at Klamath Falls All-Stars Jan. 10 Prineville at Klamath Falls Jan. 11 Redmond at Klamath Falls Jan. 10 Medford at Roseburg 11 Medford at North Jan. Bend Jan. 14 Medford at Granta Pass Drive a Clean Car Squeaking, muddy cars are ao fun in the winter or summer, and our special washing-lubricating value enables you to enjoy a clear, quiet car in winter, too! ALICE FAYE J Betty GRABLE ANY CAR Tin Pc? n WASHED AND VACUUMED MARFAK LUBRICATED JACK OAKIE JOHN PAYNE Yb ’ »’ A Real Bargain Improved Service The Southern Oregon College Education basket bal I team, idle over the Christmas holidays, will get back into harness Saturday, Jan. 11, when the Klamath Falls All-Stars will be met, with the Little Sons tangling with the Kla­ math high Pelicans in the prelim­ inar fracas. Coach Jean Eberhart was un­ decided early this week who would »tart against the Stars and had not definitely made up his mind as to who would make the trip The next SOCE appearance on their home court will be aguinst Rubenstein's Oregonians Satur­ day. Jan 18. Ray Corrigan and Dusty Terhune CALIFORNIA I a * uvc Ashland iluily ut: 12:11 a. m.; 6:15 u. in.; IO: