Friday, Jan. 10, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER • Mr. and Mrs. Leroy HUI of the ! I lead Indian country were shop­ ping here Monday. They report a ! great deal of snow at their place. • Mr and Mrs E Dudley of • Mr and Mrs Fred Pierson de­ • A party was given for Mrs j Yreka visited Mrs Lyle Tame parted Sunday on a trip which Duvls recently The affair was 'Sunday. will take them through several held lit her home and whs attend­ • The Talent extension unit met mid-western states They expect ed by Mr and Mr* Parka of Cen­ ' at the city hall at 10 o’clock to return via southern California tra) Point, Mr. and Mrs Henry 1 Wednesday with "Financial Plan Htrnrud, Mr and Mrs Archie Kin­ ning" as their subject Miss Jaque- • Mis George Phillips of Burlin­ caid and Eunice, Mr and Mrs | line Brier and Mrs Mabel Mack game, Calif returned home Tues- Louis Pankey, Marie Walker, Miss discussed the topic A covered dish * your RINSO A SPRY coupons RINSO—Large 19c SPRY-3 lbs. 49C JELLO—Each MECO NO. SOS CORN-3 for Miss Bork invited the intermed­ iate grades into her room to hear President Roosevelt's speech over the radio. The fourth grade chil­ dren didn't understand all of it, Miss O'Brien of Lincoln school but they enjoyed what they did gave a beautiful bouquet of flowers understand. to room six. Bobby DeLisle went The fourth grade of Lincoln to her office and thanked her for school challenged the sixth grade the flowers, which came on Mon­ of Miss Addy's room in a game of day, Jan. 6. soccer. The fourth grade won by On Monday, Jan. 6, the pupils a score of four to two. It was a of room six made diaies. Every close game. day they put down the interesting The second grade is studying things that happen. The children are having a lot of fun with them. about the post office. The fifth grade of room six LINCOLN GRADE SCHOOL NOTES elected new room officers on Jan 6. The president is Dick Morrison; • Mr and Mrs. Fred Blum re- THIS DELICIOUS vice president, Ronald Nance, and turned to their home in Tillamook CHEESE FOOD the secretary is Mary Jean Henry. Saturday after spending a week at itibl» at The boys and girls of room six the William Turner home Mrs. ¡Half have «»me new student teachers. Blum is Mr. Turner's sister. Ruby Their names are Miss Harwood, Turner accompanied them home I • Subscribe for The Miner today. Mr Mason. Mr. Deter. Miss Wil­ for a visit of several days. lard, Mr. Sage, Miss Bowron and Miss Ries. Ronald Sequin is a new pupil in room seven, Ronald has been at­ tending school at Grants Pass. women are ready at all times to serve j LETTDCE - - - 1 5c in lhe ------- •------ - $1.19 The sixth grade has student teachers. They Kerlinger, Mr. Ring. Mr. Mr. Clarke. Miss Mann Westfall. six new are Mrs. Marshall. and Miss Miss Ida O’Brien, director of training, gave the sixth grade a beautiful bouquet of flowers. They make the room look very attract­ ive. The children appreciate them very pnuch, For Goodness Sake TRY OUR POP CORN! Harry Chipman’s Dollar Lines Ticket Office