Friday, Jan. 10, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 HILT NKWN Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND. OREGON ★ Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935. at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon. under the act of March 3, 1879. ★ TELEPHONE 8561 Church Group • I'he extension unit met Friday at the club house, Mrs Hash dem­ onstrated making desserts and Mrs Davis and Mrs Pankey serv­ ed the hot dish Mrs t’arl Henry resigned ax chairman of the ways means committee «luring the business meeting and the membeis decided to hold a food «ale to raise fumiB to send a delegate to the home makers* conference In Feb­ ruary At the next meeting Mr» Helms and Mix Ring will be h«.st- eaaea ami the topic for discussion will tie household aid • Mr and Mix Jeaa Walker have built a four-room house They re­ cently mover! Into their new home • George Thompson, who has re­ modeled hix home, bus made an addition of three room« PlfinC Uavaav* " ■esaAMsaM • Th«' Women's Society for ( mix tian Service met Thursday after­ noon at the home id Mix Elmer I' Jackson, with Mis Harry De Jar- 1 nett, president, conducting the meeting; Mix T. Quamme, secie- I tary, read reports on the last meeting, held at Mrs John De Witt's, and the business meeting held later at the quamme home Plans were made for giving an oyster supper thia month, and pro­ gress wax made in planning the bazaar to be hehl in March Those attending the meeting were Mrs- dames Harry De Jarnett, T Quamme, John De Witt, W A | Dutro, Elmer Jackson, Arthurf Pederson, Frank Humheiael, O. | Bumhelsel, Enzle Wright, Bert Mitchell, W. A. Gran. W Rich- | ardaon, W. Holmberg and Frank Graves. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the J business session • Don Purvis and son of Portland are visiting at the home of hlx brother Jim Ihirvls • Mr and Mrs Venial Nebekei recently returned from a holiday I A trip to Utah. • Mr and Mrs McCullough and daughter Donna of Klamath Fulls are guests of Mr and Mrs Frank War«! and family • Don Ward went to San Fran cisco Thursday evening for a check-up of his eyes and returned early this week. CHAS M GIFFEN WILLIAM SAVIN Publishers ★ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR 3150 SIX MONTHS 80c « Mailed Anywhere in the United States) SET YOU FREE" TIME TO RUSH All) TO BRITAIN IS NOW— ARGUE OVER ETHICS LATER Those people comprising the small isolationist group in this country should visualize what will hap­ pen to the United States if England fails to hold the line. Let them realize the futility of their course and direct their efforts towards averting a crisis at home. It is true that our government guarantees the right of free speech. It is likewise true that that right is abused. In the present case that minority can hope for nothing more than to delay the program for na­ tional defense and retard aid to Great Britain and her allies. There are signs that the totalitarian bigwigs are beginning to worry.* British successes in northern • Jlnirnlc Walters returned to hix school duties at San Rafael, Calif . Africa and continued progress of the Greek campaign last Friday after spending the hol­ have placed Mussolini behind the eight ball and caused idays with his uncle and aunt, ' der fuehrer to importune the Almighty to come to the Mr. and Mrs Emil Gaxsman and his grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth aid of the axis cause. Hitler has come to look upon | Walters Benito as a poor relation rather than an asset and if • Mr and Mrs la-e Wallis and sons of the Applegate district his innermost thoughts were given expression it might spent Sunday at the Wade Wallis be to the effect that he wishes il duce had not stepped home. in to stab France in the back. Then .too, the situation in the Balkans appears to give more comfort to the allies than to the axis powers. Turkey is avowedly with England and is arming to the teeth in preparation for In view of the contribution he made to American whatever may come her way. The firm stand taken by music, particularly in light of the present radio situa­ Turkey has bolstered the courage of a faltering Bul­ tion, would it not be appropriate to arrange a Stephen garia in resisting invasion by the Qerman hordes, and Foster week on our over-crowded “week” calendar— Russia stands prepared to take a hand if the situation or is this it? in Rumania gets too threatening. WWW With the tide slowly turning in favor of the allies Two recent and commendable moves to aid pan­ there is good reason for increased preparedness activ­ Americanism are the expansion of the two major radio ity in this country. The President’s “all aid short of networks into Latin America and the Spanish language war” aim should be given w*hole hearted support. Eng­ edition of the Reader ’s Digest. Both of these mediums land repeatedly has stated that an American army is not needed. Planes, thousands of them, tanks, muni­ should go far to counterthe effects of the flood of nazi tions. food and everything essential to prosecuting the and fascist propaganda that has swamped these coun­ war—these are the pressing need. Send the allies these tries for the past several years. • The Community club met Wed­ supplies and there will be no need of preparing for any­ BELLVIEW NEWS nesday afternoon, with a small thing more than national defense. This is no time to crowd. Three guests. Mrs Weils quibble over the ethics of loaning or trading. It is time of Medford, who gave an inter­ esting talk; Mrs R E Green and to give material aid. IM YOUR PRF.MF.NT LIFE INNUKANCK AHEqUATET Mee STEVEN IL SCHUERMAN PHONE 4721 e METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. Bi DRY FIR O Ixing Burning Minimum Moot S3.75 per load Dump Delivery Whittle Transfer Dial 3331 « Extension Unit Talks Desserts Mrs Elwood Hedberg of Ashland, | were present. Mrs Wade Wallis • Miss Ruby Turner was one of and Mrs Herman Helm served AMERICAN CALENDAR SHOULD INCLUDE refreshments At the next meet­ the mid-winter graduates for ing. Heilmeyer and Mrs. STEPHEN FOSTER W EEK teachers' training of the Southern York Mrs plan the program and Oregon College of Education. She Mrs. will Tnlow, Mrs. Gowland and Radio listeners have been treated to something completed her training last month. Mrs. Kincaid will act as hostesses • Mrs. Bert Peachey and daugh- , different in music the past week. Action of the Amer­ ter Josephine returned to their • Mrs. Happy Davis is cooking ican Society of Composers and Publishers in refusing home Friday from Eagle Point the hot lunches served to the ’ where they had spent the holidays Bellview students. to allow broadcasting stations to use music copy­ with Mrs Peachey s mother, Mrs. I • Charles Foran, who has been righted by it without payment of a royalty has all but Dailey and with George Peachey. ill. is improved. • The student body of the Bell­ eliminated music from the programs, particularly the view school reorganized Monday popular variety. and elected the following officers: President. Joan Helm; vice presi­ There is a measure of recompense in the situation dent, Beryl Flynn; secretary, Mar­ for many radio listeners. It is a relief to turn on the set garet Walker; reporter, Charlain sergeant-at-arms. Jennings and not be greeted with a blatant, tuneless swing num­ Byrd; Beers; song leaders Eleanor ber, a female baritone or a skim milk tenor. On the George and Ola May Grimm; yell Betty Hollingsworth and other hand, orchestra leaders and program arrangers leaders. Floyd Skinner. are being put to the test to carry out their schedules • Betty Gary returned from Dor­ ris, where she spent the Christ­ and in most instances the results are not displeasing. mas vacaUon with her father, Luckily for the broadcasting companies, the works Raymond Gary. • The members of the club met of Stephen Foster do not come under the ASCAP ban. at a New Year’s dinner party Jan. Consequently, “Camptown Races,” “Old Black Joe” 1. During the evening checkers and “Beautiful Dreamer” are occupying top spots on and cards were played. Mr and Mrs Roscoe Applegate many programs while “Jeannie With the Light Brown • Mr. and Mrs. Chester Applegate, Hair” has been so busy on the ether she has not had Ernest Applegate, Helen and Ver­ non Krueger were dinner guests time to meet her social engagements. New Year's day at the Leo Potter A few years ago a noted American musical author­ home in Medford. Mrs. Potter is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ros­ ity stated that there had not been a new musicaj theme coe Applegate. developed in America since the days of the Civil War, • Mr. and Mrs. Don Austin were New Year's day in Med­ meaning that modern tunes are developed from themes visiting ford with Mr. and Mrs. Harry prior to that time. To what extent this authority is Miller. Mrs. Miller is Mr. Austin's correct may be debatable, but the modern development mother. • Mr. and Mrs. John Bohn were with all its swinging and jitterbugging is far less dinner guests last Wednesday of son Harold and family in tuneful than the music of an earlier period. It is fortu­ their Ashland. nate for the radio folk that they have the Foster • Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Halbert I daughter Carrolee returned Preparation of special dishes for Sunday dinners, spe­ library and a few other oldtime favorites to fall back and Wednesday from Lindsay, Calif., on during this crisis. where Mr. Halbert has been work­ cial occasions is most satisfactory when the kitchen is ing in fruit for the past three | electrically equipped—with safe, clean electric stove months. • Twenty-four Bellview grangers with automatic oven controls, sootless burners ... all went to Griffin creek this week where they held a joint meeting. | REMEMBER WHEN through the house electricity serves in many quiet, The Bellview members presented —the family circle was an important part of the social the program economical ways to add pleasure and economy to living. order, and "Home Sweet Home” hung in a frame over • Mr. and Mrs Elmer Halbert the fireplace; There was always a bible on the parlor If your home is not fully equipped with modern elec­ and daughter Carrollee spent the | table, and "Gone With the Wind" referred to a cyclone week-end at Grants Pass visiting instead of a best seller. Remember? trical appliances, see your dealer and learn how much Mrs. Halbert's parents, Mr. and "Gone” is the old undertaking parlor. Our Mrs. L. J. Reed. this modern servant can do ... for so little! funeral home and equipment is up-to-date. • Lola Gresham has moved to the | DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Ralph Foster home on Palm street for he winter. She is employed at LITWILLER Wimj y’s. • Mr\ Harkey is in the Com­ FUNERAL HOME munity hospital recovering from (We Never Close) an at.ack of pneumonia. “Your SERVICE Department” ' • Miss Alice Wright, retired mis­ Phone 4541 C.M.UtwiUer sionary, bought acreage from J. Z. Walker and is having a small home built on the land. WWW Preparing a Fine Dish e Ashland Light Department 4