Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 10, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, Jan. 10, 1941
Washington, D. C
Washington, D. C.
There is about to issue in Wash­
ington an executive order recreating
The most important question dis­ something very close, in form at
cussed in inner administration cir­ least, to the War Industries board
cles before the President made his of 1918.
While it will not disturb the re­
recent defense speech was that of
using American warships to convoy cent quadumvirate of Stimson for
supplies across the Atlantic to Irish the army, Knox for the navy, Knud­
or British waters.
This question sen for industry and Hillman for or­
probably was in the President’s ganized labor; Knudsen will be the
mind also when he wrote the speech. actual working member and the
show will center around him. Like
The problem has been deba ed
the 1918 organization, there will be
among some of Roosevelt’s close ad­
departments for priorities, comman­
visers ever since British emissaries
deering and price control. Some of
brought word that while England
the latter will not be the central or­
could withstand airplane bombard­
ganization. Neither were they all
ment it could not withstand the con­
there in World War I.
tinued sinking of its merchant ves­
The price-fixing commission was
sels. The British also made it clear
then a separate organization, housed
that more ox er-age U. S. destroyers
with the War Industries board, the
would not do the trick, because the
chairman of which was a member.
royal navy was running short of
The commandeering section was
trained crews.
composed of officials of the various
So far, the President has shied purchasing departments and. while
away from any such drastic step as its orders had all to be signed by the
using American naval vessels to chairman of the big board, its or­
guard supply ships across the At- ganization was separate.
According to the Rome caption on these photos, they were made
lantic. Some of his advisers have
Of these three key departments, during a recent naval engagement between the British and Italian fleets
leaned toward the idea, but Roose-
only the priorities commission was south of Sardinia. Top Is a view of the British salvo falling wide of Its
veil has argud against it. He main­
an integral part of the big board. mark. Below, the Italian warship sigiagging isee wake) as It Urea at
tains, first, that it would be in vio­
In practice it made no difference. enemy. British claim Italians ran away. Italians claim vice-versa.
lation of the Neutrality act and
They all worked in perfect harmony.
could not be done without an act of
This is the general pattern of the
congress; second, that if an Amer­
ican naval vessel were sunk it would new proposal with Mr. Stettinius
probably at the head of the priori-
mean asr.
I ties division. Mr. Sidney Hillman
Some of Roosevelt's advisers con­
conducting labor relations and Leon
tend that the last thing Hitler wants
Henderson presiding over prices. If
1« to bring the United States into the
this happens, priorities and price
war; that the effect on the German | control will both be outside the pro­
people (who remember how the
duction office of the four-man control
United States tipped the scales in
and in the advisory commission.
the Inst war) would be devastating.
If there is a disagreement between
However, the President hasn't fallen
for the idea yet, though he is watch­ these two, the army and navy sec­
ing carefully the effect of his speech retaries will have the deciding votes.
on public opinion
This is unfortunate. These gentle­
Note—One of the British Emis­ men want ever-increasing produc­
saries who put American entry into tion and are bound to be impatient
the war bluntly up to Roosevelt was with delay. The most obvious de­
the duke of Windsor. However, the lays will be labor strikes and dis­
President replied that he had given putes. If the army and navy side
a firm pledge to the American peo­ with industry (Mr. Knudsen) the
ple not to take them into war and welkin will ring with complaints not
he did not intend to be another only from labor but from every rad­
ical element in Washington, none of
Woodrow Wilson.
which like this arrangement any­
way. and all of whom think busi­
ness men should not be in it.
Although the Roosevelt Good
So the armed services will come
Neighbor program has been about 99 in for a hail of epithets—reaction­
This picture shows the wreckage of the engine and three freight cars
per cent successful in Latin Amer­ ary. Tory brass hat, martinets, dic­
ica. there is one contrary spot which tatorial and even Nazis or Fascists. after a northbound Santa Fe freight train struck a “mushy" spot In the
is causing army and navy officials
This is too bad. Neither the army rain-soaked roadbed and crashed off the ledge into a sand bed. at Drl
genuine worry. That spot is the nor the navy should be put in a Mar, Calif. Three of the train crew were killed.
most strategic of all countries below position of having to decide such dis­
the Rio Grande—Panama.
Panama is now governed by a agency should do that and this or­
president who has all the earmarks ganization does not provide such a
of leaning toward the Axis and who tribunal. The split in the ranks of
is holding back on the granting of organized labor makes Mr. Hill­
impvrtant emergency landing fields, man’s position doubly difficult.
anti-aircraft and searchlight posi­
tions on Panamanian territory to
the U. S
Early in this new year, there is a
■Hie president. Arnulfo Arias, lot of talk about bringing a new or­
ser*. ed for six years as Panamanian der. This new order seems to be
minister in continental Europe, and some kind of regimented society­
now fetes Italian and German con­ socialism.
suls in Panama while ignoring the
In England, Mr. Winston Churchill
British and Americans.
tells his people, there will be some­
He has also chosen as his secre­ thing new—that more people will
Far be it
tary a near-albino named Antonio have more privileges.
Isar.a, who served as consul in Ham­ from this column to depreciate the
burg and whose fair hair and blue prime minister.
We might not agree with Churchill
eyes have caused bim to be a great
rooter for the Nazi theory of suprem­ but we must admit that, whether it
acy of the Aryan race. Isaza seems is his American blood or the British
firmly convinced that Hitler is sure blood of one of the greatest of sol­
to dominate the world and has had diers. the duke of Marlborough. Mr.
great influence with his chief in the Churchill is a force in the world.
presidential palace.
This is not intended to be a critique
It is a criticism
It is important to remember that of war strategy
in order to defend the Panama ca­ of economic strategy. Do we have
nal. army operations outside the ac­ to remake our world on some sort
tual Canal Zone, on territory of the of regimented pattern of human ef-
Panama Republic, are necessary. fort? The idea on which America
This was provided for by the first was built was half Thomas Jefferson
treaty negotiated by Secretary of and half Adam Smith.
Their greatest works came out in
War William Howard Taft, and gave
the U. S army the right to use Pan­ the same year—1776. We don’t hear
so much about Mr. Smith. We hear
amanian sod during emergencies.
However, the Panamanian govern­ a lot about Mr. Jefferson. Both said
ment under President Arnulfo Arias the same thing in different ways.
is now talking about ousting U. S. They said that if we release the
forces from the vital U. S. army energies of millions of people to in­
air field at Rio Hato, which is on vent their own fortune and future in
Remember how the railroad tracks seemed to meet in the distance?
Panama soil, and is holding back on their own way the human race will Well, nowadays a string of airplanes has the same effect. The Imaginary
progress much faster than if we try
granting various emergency airports
to tell people from some central fort line of the wing tips Is drawing towards a point In the distan ce. These are
and anti-aircraft gun e placements.
of knowledge and goodness how to some of the training craft at the “West Point of the Air,'* Randolph Field,
So pronounced are the Nazi lean­ be prosperous, free and happy.
Texas. The planes will be used for training the 500 flying cadets.
ings of the president that his broth­
It is doubtless true that, in our
er, Harmodio Arias, most influen­ more crowded communities, more
tial newspaper publisher in Panama, regulation is necessary. But there
has quarreled with him. Harmodio is still no man sufficiently smart
Arias gave Panama four years of to be smart enough for ail men.
excellent government as president There has been no man since Jesus
from 1932 to 1936 and is one of the good enough for all men. What we
chief boosters of Panama-American need is to continue our trust in the
co-operation. His opposition, howev­ mass of us. After all, what went
er, has brought threats that his pa­ before democracy was effort regi-
per, the Panama-American, would mented by some king or tyrant.
be closed by the government,
There is nothing new in these new
Meanwhile, the state department, ideas. The question is simply wheth­
worried o*'er the situation, soon will er regimented effort is better than
shake up its embassy staff in Pan- free effort. What we have done in
ama, put one of its skilled trouble­ this country by free effort speaks
shooters on the job.
for our system.
• • •
• a
Three Killed in West Coast Train Wreek
Despite the tact that the Interior
of this infants* home In London waa
badly charred, this hobby horse la
carried out seemingly Intact by the
volunteer firefighter. The building
was struck by a bomb.
(I by Ju
VI7 ILL the little tots bo proud of
’’ these warm slippers! They
come in three sizes. You can use
angora or another wool for the
dots that arc embroidered on.
Pattern MM contains directions lor
making ulliqirr« In 1. ♦ and 8 year slas;
Illustrations of them and stitches; niale-
risla required, photo ot pattern stitch.
Send orders to:
Sewing t'ircls Nredleeraft tiept.
New York
Kncloss IS cents in coins tor Pat­
tern No.................
Name ...................................... ............... ..
Address ...................................................
Flag Display
Corp. Francis Barber, of Dorches­
ter, Mass., onr of five V. 8. msrlnes
held 17 hours by Jsp police at Pei­
ping. China. Four of the five were
beaten up before release.
According to the United States
Flag association there are Hires
known places where the ting flies
both day and night. They are:
The World War memorial in Wor­
cester, Mass.; the Grave of Fran­
cis Scott Key, Frederick, Md.; the
east and west entrances of the
United States Capitol.
The only written statute or rule
concerning the 24-hour display was
set forth in the report of lite
capitol architect for 1938, whiah
stated that the flag was to fly in
all weather, all times over ths
I^esson in Perspective for Prospective Pilots
First Picture on Greek War
Few people know that in his pri­
vate life the man who stands at the
head of the expanding army air
corps is an author of books for boys.
Maj. Gen. Harold H. (“Hap") Ar­
nold, chief of the air corps, has
written six books that read like the
Rover Boys and bear such titles as
“Bill Bruce and the Pioneer Avia­
tors," “Bill Bruce Becomes an Ace,”
and “Bill Bruce on Border Patrol.”
The father of three boys, General
Arnold used to write aviation sto­
ries tor them as a fireside hobby.
The American formula of democ-
racy—of leaving every man not only
free but dependent on nothing but his
own efforts—is what our fathers
thought would produce a maximum
result for all people.
"Shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in
three generations,” means nothing
more. Whether men are dependent
on what their fathers have saved or
whether they are dependent on a
government — which
means on the rest of us—the result
is the same. They simply are not
any good.
ussy sffeet the Hesrt
Oas trapead In ita stonaca .« gullet mar set liha a
hair Ulager on Ita taarl ai eta
alga af unis ass
ewart tan and woatea dotaM an Hell aaa TakUta ta
■« gas tree No Isa al lee but la.-le or ita «—-e-
ta.1l.ln*. Stata for a-14 l»<llgeolta> If the
rUtMT IHini doma i gross tall ana tatué.
tattle to ta and Italie LHIt'lLLX hltag Staat, gâa.
Needed Religion
Without religion, genius is only
a lamp on the outer gate of a pal­
ace. It may serve to cast a gleam
of light on those without, while th*
inhabitant sits in darkness.
44. it
HUH tutors
Past Is Gone
Lopk not mournfully into the
past; it comes not back again!—
r 1
Today's popularity
of /I mk ' s PiUt. after
many years of world­
wide uae, surely must
lie aceepted as evidence
<>( talii/aclory uae.
And favoraMe publie
opinion aupporta that
of the able physicians
who test the value of
Doan's under erecting
laboratory cooditiona.
Ttieae physicians, too, approve evrry word
Of advertising you read, the objective of
which u only to recommend lloani Pill,
•• a good diuretic treatment for disorder
of the kidney function and for relief of
the pain and worry It causes.
If more people were aware of how the
kidneys must constantly remove waste
that cannot stay in the Mood without in­
jury to health, there would be better un
derstanding of’why the whole body auffere
when kidneys lag, and diuretic ruedica-
iion would be more often employed.
Burning, scanty or too frequent urina­
tion sometimes warn of disturbed kidney
function. You may suffer nagging back­
ache, persistent headache, attacks of dis-
sinesa, getting up nights, swelling, pnfl-
ness under the eyes—feel weak, nervoua,
all played out.
Use /toon’s Pith. It la better to rely on
a medicine that has won world wide ac-
claim than on aomrthinir kaa favorably
known. A th your neighbor I
Here is Col. Edwin Halsey, senate
secretary, receiving the presidential
electoral voles of all states. Just be­
fore the new Heventy-seventh con­
gress convened. Election Is not “of­
ficial" until congress actually opens
and reads these votes.
Close Harmony
if ?U1 H
L k 8
D oan spills
The first picture of Greek and British soldiers together In the war
against Italy. This picture was made on the strategic Island of Crete.
Greek soldiers watch English soldiers man an anti-aircraft gun. The
British use the island of Crete as a base for air raids on Italy.
German Ambassador Von Htohrer
(right) with Ramon Hcrrano Huner,
brother-in-law of General Franco,
on a tour of Madrid. Huner Is said
to be very Axis-minded.
• Advertising creates new
wealth by showing people new
and better wa ya of living, and
as it creates new wealth it con­
tributes to the prosperity of
everyone touched by the flow of money
which is set up. In this way, don't you
see, advertising is a aocial force which ia
working in the intereat of every one of us
every day of the year, bringing ua new
wealth to uae and enjoy.