Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, January 10, 1941, Image 1

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    VX« A^s«* *1kat
IUIXHNG from the fate of other
"saved" countries, the worst ca­
lamity to befall the Italians to
date Is the fact that they are go­
ing to be saved by Germany.
Money is the root of all evil
and we're all digging for It.
Ashland will soon have an ain-
pie supply Ot li vsh fish, for "Hkij»
per" Hull and wife left Thursday
for the coast where they will
make arrangements for a suitable
location ami where Hall will get
his boat In readiness for his blitz­
krieg on the marine life of the
It Is said that no two people are
alike, but we have found that the
Ashland people we have mrt have
at least one common characteris­
tic. That Is their enthusiasm for
Ashland and southern Oregon,
More power to you Huch enthus­
iasm la contagious and makes for
a community spirit not found in
many places.
Italian war communique: "All
our planea returned." So has the
at my
Hitler: "'nils war will be car­
ried on to its ultimate consequen­
ces until the re«|>unsible crimmals
are eliminated.” Adolf is reading
the handwriting on the wall
From all reliable source« come
favorable reports for good buai-
nrsa throughout the year Just
ushered in. Yet the cloud of war
hovering over our own country
and the want, suffering and mls-
ery in Europe dims thia welcome
and long awaited new».
It would seem to us while the
youth of our nation arc being
called tn preparation for what
might happen, that ths distribu­
tion of "totalitarian propaganda”
and bund activities are going
along unrestricted, striking at the
very core of Americanism. We can
sec no possible room for any re­
"American-Germanla", the "Od"
men, or anything however remote­
cloaked by any high-sounding pa­
triotic name. Any and all nazi de­
monstrations should be stoppe«!
and action taken against *11 such
Prof. McNeal Returns
After Study at UC
( heck Artist Has
Brief Career Here
Rosa Alma Sloan was taken
into custody as a "rubber check”
artist Tuesday a few minué» after
local police received reports that
a check artist had been working
in Roseburg and probably was in
this vicinity. Patrolman Parker
Hess made the arrest and Chief of
Police C. P. Talent soon had a
signed confession covering the bad
checks passed here.
Unable to
raise the *l 000 ball required, Mrs
Sloan was committed to the coun­
ty jail.
Local business firms receiving.
bad checks were J. C. Penney !
company, Betty Jane Dress Shop
and a rooming house managed by
J A. Kifer.
AT THE first regular meeting of
** the new year, the city council,
short handed by the absence of
Muyur T. 8. Wiley, City Recorder
J. Q
Adams and Councilman
Ralph Kcarzer, awarded the gaso­
line contracts to three major
companies. The Standard, Asso­
ciated and Hhell Oil companies
will shaie the business at a price
of 14 90, 13 23 and 12 73 cents per
gallon for the three grades. These
new prices will mean approximate­
ly a saving of one and a half
cents per galkin as compared with
last year's prices, and on the an­
nual estimated total of 12,000 |
Ions will result in a saving
The council also approved a five
percent increase to all city em­
ploye« as advocated by the citi­
zens' planning committee last
At the close of the fourth day
of registration for the winter
Personnel of the 1941 commit­ quartet at the Southern Oregon
tees was named earlier this week college of Education, enrollment
by Mayor Wiley, who will make is sllu light as com (aired with that
his annual report and attend to of last year. However, late regis­
appointment of department heads trants are coming daily. Many
when he returns to the city. The students apparently are taking ad­
membership in the committees vantage ot an extended holiday
will be as follows: Finance Koo-
pay a
period and are willing
"" _ to
Mr. Crandall, Apple white, light
late registration fee for this addi­
Crandall, Koozer. Carson; water
Koozer, tional vacation.
It Is interesting to note that
steer Carson. Woodell, Crandall;
the number of men registered re­
realty Woodell, Carson, Tayler;
mains higher by comparison than
fire Applewhite, Tayler. Woodell;
the number of women registered,
board of health- -Dr. H A. Woods,
although both groups show a de­
Dr. C. A Haines, Dr W J Cran­
crease over last year.
The de­
dall, Guy T Applewhite, Marshall
crease for women students is sev-
|®i times the decrease of the men
SOCE Gym Chosen
Site for B Tourney
The Southern Oregon College of
Education gymnasium in Ashland
has been chosen by the Otegon
High School Activities association
as the site for the first Oregon
high school class "B" basketoall
tournament, according to an an-
nouncement by Secretary Troy
Walker Monday. The dates set for
the tourney are March 6, 7 and 8.
Jean Eberhart, college athletic
director, is supervising repairs to
the gym which will be ready in
lime for the meet. These repairs
will consist of remodeling the
basement and installing showers
and dressing rooms in previously
unused parts of the gym base­
R. W McNeal, assistant profes­
sor of geography at the Southern
Oregon College of Education, has
returned from the University of
California at Berkeley where he
haa been studying for the past
term. Mr. McNeal has been on
Plana for Ashland's gigantic
leave of absence from the college
football field project, which will
here during this term.
replace the present granite field
Herbert N. Cowles, who has with a new turf and provide mod-
been serving as instructor in geo­ etn grandstand facilities along I
graphy during the ab«ence of Mc­ with a baseball field and track,
Neal, is shortly to cooperate with have been sent to Washington, D.
the extension department of the C. for final approval. The plans,
Oregon State System of Higher which are complete, have met
Education in organizing a series with official approval of the local
of class«*« for the study of ele­ WPA district office and now
mentary military history and gen­ await final word from Washing-
eral defense principles.
'I’WO houses located on the
purchased are being moved. One
has been sold an dthe other will
be moved to another location for
A traveling examiner of operat­ reconstruction as part of a man­
ors and chauffeurs is scheduled to ual training project at the high
lie at the city hall in Ashland from school.
1 p. m. to 6 p. m. Friday, Jan. 17.
All those wishing permits or 11-
cense« to drive cars should get in
touch with him at this time.
Shriners Install New
Group of Officers
Officers of Hillah temple for
your the coining year were installed at
a Shriners' meeting here last Fri­
day night. Election followed a ban­
at the Llthia hotel, at which
Harold Baughman and quet
the local club was host to the out-
of-town Shriners.
The newly elected officers are:
Are Invited to Be Guests of the
Millard W. Grubb, Ashland, ll-
lustrious Potentate; George I’.
Southern Oregon Miner Tayloi,
Klamath Falls, Chief Rab-
To See Their Choice of
ban; Paul B. Rynning, Medford,
the Following
assistant Rabban; Alonzo Q. Bish­
op, Medford, High Priest and Pro­
Varsity Theater
phet; Elbert L. Lennox, Medford,
Programs :
Oriental Guide; George W. Dunn,
Ashland, treasurer; Rufus E. Det­
( Friday and Saturday )
rick, Ashland, recorder; Ray C.
I Noyes, Grants Pass, First Cere­
monial Master; F. Lawrence Ber­
tram, Klamath Falls, Second Cere­
monial Master; Puul D. Green,
Eugene, Marshal; E. C. (Jerry)
(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
Jerome, Medford, Ceremonial Di­
rector; Don Hensley, Klamath
Falls, Orator; Earl T. Newbry,
Ashland, Captain of the Guard;
Pleas« Call at The Miner Office
W. H. McNair, Aahland, trustee,
for Your Guest Tickets
■i and W. F. Loomis, outer guard.
See The Miner
printing needs.
Number 2
Volume X
I »st: Our sense of
hete In Ashland.
Wunted a compass
*7* ¿ay-And
To Sponsor Training
A CTION on the proposed classi­
fication and establishment of
departments wihin the directorial
board of the Ashland chamber of
commerce was deferred until the
next meeting by vote of the board
members, who met Wixinesday
noon for their first session of the
new year.
Reason for the deferment was
given that with less than two
months remaining in the present
fiscal year, it was believed best to
withhold adoption until a later
date. Possible changes in the ad­
ministration of the chamber also
would enable new officials oppor­
tunities to revise arrangements to
better serve the organization's in­ I
terests It was decided however to
bring the matter up at the next
board meeting as one of the prin­
cipal items of business.
The directors also voted to
take an affiliation with the Better
Business bureau of Portland in
connection with moves to provide
better control over the activities
of solicitation crews, fly-by-night
promoters and fake advertising
schemers which regularly prey on
business concerns.
Through this
membership, the chamber will re­ l
ceive regular reports from the 1
Portland agency and in turn will
provide items of note through reg­
ular press channels and also In the
The Ashland Radio club an­
nounces that it will sponsor a
radio training course in the near
future providing there U sufficient
Members of the club will act as
course does not pretend to turn
out professional radio engineers,
it does provide a sound back-
ground in the fundamentals of
electricity, radio transmission and
reception, and other subjects per­ '
taining to the maintenance and
operation of an amateur radio sta­
tion. The course is especially time­
ly because of the need for men
with radio training in the national
defense program.
Further information may be had
by sending an inquiry to the Ash-
land Radio club, P. O. box 44,
Girls who take part in the Shas­
ta-Cascade Wonderland associa-
tion's forthcoming campaign for
the selection of a "Miss Shasta-
Cascade-Alice in Wonderland” to
be theme girl of the Wonderland's
1941 Fun Festival, also will have
the opportunity of becoming the
association’s official hostess in
Prospects of complete elimin­ this county with the title of Miss
ation of the present out-of-state Jackson County, according to an­
registration system were frowned nouncement today by Treffle R.
on, the directors taking the stand La Senay, association publicity di­
that registration in providing a rector, who will be in charge of
valuable state tourist contact, the fun festival and "Miss Shasta-
The number enrolled in lower should be maintained only at bor­
Cascade” publicity and advertising
division or Junior college remains der communities or stations.
I campaign
Primary purposes of
exactly the same on the fourth
Approval of the secretary's De­
day this year as it was last year, cember activity report, together the new promotion project for the
Wonderland scenic region of nor­
while the teacher education divl-
sion shows some decrease. This’ past
with four
a financial
for the
the thern California and southern Ore­
months, resume
was made;
can be largely explained by the membership resignation of P. R. gon. according to La Senay are,
fact that many men and some Hardy was accepted and an invi­ first to co-ordinate and widely
women who are enrolled in the tation authorized to be extended advertise ail of the festivals, re­
lower division or Junior college to Frank Jenkins, Klamath Falls gattas. rodeos, fairs, snow sports
work are now taking civilian pilot newspaper publisher, to be guest and other events in communities
training or are completing a year speaker at the coming chamber of the region into a continuous
1941 "Wonderland Fun Festival”
of junior college in order to be forum dinner.
as an additional attraction for va­
eligible for enrollment in the ci­
cationists, tourists and week-end
vilian pilot training course next
tripsters to visit all sections of the
Students may register up to and
Eitan J. _____
Craig of
Klamath _____
Second—to select some young
including Saturday. Jan.18, ac-1
__ _______
lady who lives within the bound­
cording to Marshall E. Woodell, cal
took Safeway
over management
- - -
aries of the Wonderland who shall
He formerly was manager of the be the theme girl for our scenic
Dorris outlet of the organisation region Fun Festival with the title
Mrs. Peter and has been with the company of Miss Shasta-Cascade-1941 Al­
Drainer sues husband who a year for seven years.
ice in Wonderland." She will re­
ago ran away with a street car.—■
present the association at events
lecture caption in the Chicago
of the Fun Festival and at other
functions, events and ceremonies
the association takes part in or
In 1939, within a period of 13 NAVY TRAINING STATION
I conducts during the year. All ex­
months, three of his plays were
Kent Ashcraft departed Thurs­ penses in connection with her per­
produced on
Broadway. — Ufe. ' day evening for Pensacola, Fla.,
sonal appearances will be paid by
That interminable old 1939.
where he is to become a cadet in the Wonderland association. She
also will be featured as Wonder­
K Supreme Court decision has
Ashcraft recently completed the land Theme Girl in stories and pic­
settled the long argument as to
the powers of the state and na- civil aeronautics instruction with tures prepared for newspapers,
tional governments over rivers, a class from the Southern Oregon magazines and pictorial services
Any stream is now federal if it is College of Education. He finished to publicize events of the Fun
his army primary course in Med­ Festival and attractions of our
New Yorker.
ford and took the secondary scenic region.
course in Portland under the Civil
A third purpose of the campaign
Aeronautics Authority.
is to select a young lady from this
Organizations in Oregon cities
county who shall bear the title of
and towns will send four-man MAYOR WILEY ON TRIP
Miss Jackson County and officiate
teams to Portland to compete in
Mayor T. S. Wiley left Ashland for the Wonderland association as
radio traffic safety quiz programs Tuesday morning for Kansas City official hostess and theme girl in
during the year 1941, it was dis­ where he expects to spend about publicity featuring the scenic at­
closed today whan Earl Snell, sec­ two weeks attending the annual tractions and events of this par­
retary of state and sponsor of the meeting of the executive board of ticular county.
program, announced th^t the first the Church of the Nazarene. May­
Young ladies who may be in­
teams to compete were in the or Wiley is a lay member repre­
terested in taking part in the
Portland and Salem junior cham­ senting Oregon, Washington. Ida­
Shasta-Cascade Wonderland asso­
bers of commerce. These teams ho, Montana and the Dakotas.
ciation Fun Festival for the selec­
met Thursday evening. Jan. 2, at
tion of Miss Shasta-Cascade-1941
9:30 o'clock in the studios of sta-
Alice in Wonderland and a Miss
tion KOIN.
Jackson County may secure cop­
------------- •—
They have nothin^ •
except that they both
er's Digest.
His life is an open bor
likes to read of it. R;
’ *hodist Episcopal
Bruce, Minister
ASHLAND'S second annual gala
basketball Jamboree, featuring
Jerry Gastineau's unbeaten Ash­
land high Grizzlies, the aebut of
Al Simpson's junior high five, all
decked out in their new uniforms,
and a vast array of sparkling en­
tertainment is all set for the Jun­
ior high gym tonight, Jan. 10.
The full evening of entertain­
ment will begin at 7:30 p. m. when
the Juniors take the floor against
the Roseburg junior high Papp-
pooses. Simpson, employing a fast
break, will have 10 men in suits
for the clash. They will be Riggs
and Kerr, forwards; Bartelt, cen­
ter, and Roberson and Kannasto,
guards for the starting five and
Griffith and Wordsworth, for­
wards: Landing, center, and Sam­
uelson and Garrett, guards on the
reserve list. Most or perhaps all
of these will see action before the
game is over, according to Simp­
The junior high band will be on
hand to provide entertainment
throughout the program.
Downtown Quarterbacks will stage
a comic basketball game between
i the halves of this game.
An effort is under way to get
the following men to participate
in the stunt: Clyde Dunham. Theo
Norby, Carl Elhart, Fred Tayler,
Ebe Dunn. C. M Litwiller, Hollis
Beasley. Dorn Provost. Leighton
Blake, Bill Snider, I. F. Andres,
Marshall Woodell, Sid Reed. Bob
Gilmore, Clyde Caton, Dr. R L.
Burdic and John Daugherty. Dr.
G. B. Hull and I. C. Irwin will act
as coaches and Jean Eberhart will
Immediately following the AJH-
Roseburg game the newly-organ­
ized Grants Pass high rchool girls'
drum and bugle corps will perform
and this brilliant show will be
followed by a flag salute and pre­
sentation of colors by three high
school lettermen.
Then the Ashland high Grizzlies,
undefeated in six games and being
spoken of throughout the state as
potential champions, will open
their 1941 conference schedule
against the Grants Pass Cavemen.
At this writing, no news of the
Cavemen has drifted into Ashland.
Head Coach Gastineau of the
Grizzlies plans to use the same
stellar lineup which swept the
four-game barnstorming tour, that
is. Jandreau and Provist. forwards.
Smith at the center berth and
Fowler and Weaver at guard po­
Between the halves of the final
game Miss June Brasted will pre­
sent her Ashland high girls' drill
team, which will be led in a spec­
tacular drill by Drum Majorettes
Corrinne Croft, Jeanne Moseley
and Yvonne Christlieb.
The city is being thoroughly
canvassed by high school and Jun­
ior high students with tickets
which may be reserved at the
company for an addi­
Ingle Drug
tional lo cents to assure good
Bv Our
ies of the rules and regulations at
The Miner office.
-------- •--------
hool meets at
Funeral services for Mrs. F. D.
McGee is the
jn«.. Evangelist Swingle, who died Jan.9, will be
.. .«s will say a few held at 2 p. m. Saturday at the
.ne children's depart- Christian church, with Rev. C. A.
Brostrom officiating.
Funeral home is in charge of ar­
rhe morning sermon is at 11 rangements.
o'clock on the subject, "The
------------- •-------------
Scales of Jehovah.”
Dr, Claude E. Sayre, Vicar
Epworth and Wesley Leagues MARY L MATHEWS
meet at 6:15 p. m. for worship.
Holy Communion, 8 a. m.
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary
At 7:30 p. m. the sermon subject L. Mathews, who died Jan. 7, are
Church school, 9:30 a. m.
Sermon and morning prayer, 11 is "Back to Bethel.” A male quar­ being held today (Friday) at the
a. m.
tet will sing two numbers. Evan­ Peri “
Funeral chapel in Medford.
Holy Communion, Wednesday, gelist Meade will lead the song
Mathews was a former resi-
service at all services and will
9:30 a. m.
dent of Ashland.
Choir will meet Friday, 7:30 p. pi-each both morning and evening.
The revival meeting will continue
The annual parish dinner will through all of next week. There is
be held immediately after the ser­ no better place for anyone to NEW DEPUTY CORONER
C. M. Litwiller, manager of the
vice Sunday morning. The various spend an evening than here. Each
organizations will give written re­ I morning of next week, except Litwiller Funeral home, has ac-
ports of the work done the past ( Monday, at 9:45 to 10:45, the cepted the post of deputy coroner.
evangelist will give a —
Bible expo- The former deputy
i i *.»**■■
_ was Will M.
You are cordially Invited to sition on some phase of the sub- Dodge, also an Ashland funeral
worship with us,
I ject, "The Quest for Ufa."
I director.
Trinity Episcopal
• —
the bows as mayor this last
ED BRIGDEN proudly strut­
ting around loaded down with
Cig’ll ES
DEAN PIEPER with newly-
purchased skis chasing around
in Thursday’s heat wave in a
vain attempt to find a patch
of snow.
PARKFR HESS’S eye for the
ladies landing him in the head­
lines after a speedy arrest.
PETE NUTTER looking for
an adding machine upon which
to figure his income tax.
TED LOCKHART still mut­
tering that "money isn’t every­
thing" after his Alaskan ad­
W. D. JACKSON happily
slapping out hamburgers as hs
does his turn in the Palac«