Friday, Jan. 3, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 4 Friday and Saturday! LLOYD NOLAN «LYNN BARI ir., T*' ■ i ^iii ~~ei GRIZZLIES TAKE BARNSTORMS BY WIDE MARGIN with hla parents, the Archie Kin­ caids The Kincaid family en­ tertained al Christmas dlnnei Mt and Mrs Henry Stenrud, Mrs Sorensen, Mr and Mrs .1 C Ha- Arthur Hamaker, maker, Mrs Earl Warren and Mr mid Mis Leslie Kincaid • Mt and Mrs. Donald Koi th mid Jimmie returned to their home at Burney. Calif Sunday. They spent the holidays at the W O Martin home • Mrs Moore and Barbara were Medford visitors Monday • Mr and Mrs Gates King of California visited Christmas with Ills mother, Mrs Malinda King • Mrs J W Riwil who hits been III is up again. • Mr and Mrs E A I.rr le turned recently from a visiting trip to Eugene • M is Floyd Nmnford returned Friday from Phoenix, Ariz. where she visited her parents I • Mr and Mis Willis Bvrd re turned from Oklahoma where they recently visited relatives • Tuesday afternoon Mr and Mrs Claire Henderson and daugh ter Jane of Seatile. sister and brother-in-law t<> Mr Kincaid, Mrs Charlie Howard and Den vet Kin­ caid, were visiting at the Archie Kincaid home • Mr and Mrs Dean Horne of Ashland were dinner guests at the Kincaid home Monday evening. • Santa Monica's High Birth Rate Proved rpHE Ashland Grizzlies are start X ing out the New Year in a big way on their five-game barn­ storming tour. I In the first game Monday night Jerry Gastineau's men romped over Albany for a one-sided 46-25 score. The Grizzlies, led by Pro­ vost and J&ndreau, took an early lead which continued to climb until the final whistle. Moving on to Chemawa for a New Year's eve game, the t Grizz- lies pawed the Indians around for a 48-29 victory. The reserves found the going somewhat more than tough, but in the last minute came from behind to win by a three- point margin the final score be­ ing 47-44. Varsity Ashland (18) P m Chemawa (29) Jandreau 14 F LaRogue 10 Provost 12....... F Brendible Smith 14 C Williams Weaver .... G ............. Davis 2 Fowler 6 Reserve* Ashland (47) Pos Chemawa (44) Davis 8 Warren 8 F. Whitford 8 F Monroe 6 I ...... C ........... Demo 6 Green 8 L........ Dunn 12...... ... G Walters Elan»-13.. G Tissidemit • WED & THUR MID-WEEK SPECIAL! Mults 15C Kiddies a Dime! Apparently in the groove, the Grizzlies again took the Indians When Link Anderson, Pontiac dealer at Santa Monica, Ca'if., announci I into camp Wednesday night, this that he would give a used car—absolutely free—to the largest fumily in tin time to the tune of 55-15. The Santa Monica Bay area, he brought many large families to his used car kl varsity had the situation well in as contender, for the award. The winners were Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Wulki hand by end of the first quarter of 6S7 Indiana Avenue, shown here with their 12 children as Aiuleism. with a 12-point margin. At the present, certificate of title to the "Volume Production Champion Puna." half their lead had widened to 24 points and by the third quarter the evening they enjoyed the had jumped to 32 Once more the BELLVIEW NEWS Christmas tree and gift exchange reserves had difficulties, but again A 6 o'clock dinner was an attrac­ the final whistle found them on tive feature of the evening Those top of a see-sawing score. present were Mr and Mis Gow- Vanity land, Mrs Wallis. Mr. and Mis. I»uis Pankey, Mrs Sorensen. Mr. Ashland (55) Po*. Chemawa (15) and Mis Henry Stenrud. Mr and Provost 18 F. Barchum 2 • Mr and Mrs. Homer Moore and Mrs. Walter Davis, Mrs Haines, Jandreau 17 F ...... Brendible 2 I Barbara returned from Portland Lyda Catherine Davis. Earle Smith 13 C Demo 2 Friday after visiting a week with Mias Warren. Eunice Kincaid. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Pinney and Mr and Weaver 5.......... G ......... La Roque 3 Mrs Archie Kincaid and Mias Fowler 2........... G............... Joseph 2 Mrs. Karl Moore. Walker. • Mr and Mra. Daniel Farmer and Dolores. Mr. and Mrs. Miles • Walter Seitz returned Wednea- Reserves Farmer and Betty Lou. Mr. and day to Portland to resume hla Ashland (37) Po». Chemawa (3?) Mrs. Curtis Byrd and Mr. and army duties. He spent the holidays Warren 1 F Davis 4 Mrs John Arnold were Christmas here with his parents F Woodfo Monroe 15.. .. dinner guests at the Clarence Byrd • Mrs. Allen Miller returned to Walters 4 home in Ashland. Green 7 . . ..C . ... Seattle Tuesday. She apent a week Demo 4 • Mr. and Mrs Roy Dunham, Mr here wtth her mother, Mrs. R E. Dunn 11....... G Elam 3............ ...G........ Jackson 2 and Mrs. Fred Pierson and Mr. Bell. and Mrs. Strube of Nebraska were • Mr and Mrs Gilbert Brock and • Subscribe for The Miner today guests at the R. D. Reynolds home Robert returned Thursday to Ta­ this week coma after spending a week here • Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Parks of visiting Mr. and Mrs Martin and Central Point were at the Emil J. H. Williams WORKED Gassman home Christmas day. • Melvin Willis returned this MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY • Victor Lanini of Eugene spent week to Los Angeles where he at­ the holidays here with his parents. tends school He spent the holi­ Mr. and Mrs Vincent Lanini. days here with hia parents. • Ted Huff, who has been Hi for • Donald Marsh who has been ill some time, has returned ta his with flu is able to be out again work. He, with Mrs Huff, bpent • Evelyn Willis la confined to her rrts OV«WO«KIDT Do they «mart last week-end at Dorris visiting home with illness and bum? Murine brine, quick relief. her sister, Mrs Elmer Sroback. • Earl Hamilton returned thia Try two drop, of Murine night end The Ted Huffs also entertained at week from a bumness trip to Loa morning and whenever your Eye, are Christmas dinner Mrs. Delmar and Angeles. irritated and reddened or feel tired. Kenneth Huff • Mrs. Ben Chriatlieb entertained • Mr. and Mrs Donald Travis, members of the Friedly class of Mr. and Mrs Emil Gassman and the Presbyterian church at her James and Elizabeth Walter were home recently. in Medford Tuesday evening • Mr. and Mrs. Mark True spent James Waiter is from California the day visiting In Medford Mon- Murine i, alkaline—pure and gentle, and is visiting at the Gassman day. economical, too. Try Murine today. home. He is a nephew of the Gass- • Mr and Mrs Charles Howard, mans Frances Howard and Denver Kin- • Mr. and Mrs. William Turner caid were Sunday dinner guests entertained Christmas eve at a at the Archie Kincaid home. party, the guests including Mr. • Janelie Dankworth of Medford and Mrs. G. W. Myers, Mr. and spent the holidays at her home Mrs. Emil Gassman. James and here. and • Mr and Mrs. Leslie Kincaid Elizabeth Walter and Mi Mrs Charles Russell. returned Monday to their home at • Mr and Mrs. Robert Rosen­ Tacoma after spending Christmas baum returned to Willow Ranch, Calif this week after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hash • The extension unit meets at 11 o’clock a m. Friday. Al) those members who have not been soli­ For real, quick relief from distress of cited are asked to bring a salad sn aching chest cold and its cough­ or rolls. Mrs. Hash will demon - ing—rub on Muaterole. a wonder­ strate dessert making. fully soothing "COUNTZH-IHKITANT". • A New Years dinner for the Better than a mmtard plat tor to club members and their families help break up painful local conges­ was served Wednesday evening at tion! Made in 3 strengths. j the Grange hall. • Mr. and Mrs. Gene Seitz, and baby of Hornbrook were Christ­ mas guests at their parents' home. ounce» tor Mr and Mrs V. Seitz. ■ Manufattursd by btltinf |xwd«r II • Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lusk and iiptcialntt wteke bwt daughter of Glendale were visit­ ing Tuesday at the Archie Kin- ehamiili •< ««iianalfl caid home. • The birthday club met recently MILLIONS OF POUNDS HAVE BEEN at the home of Miss Marie Walk- USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT er for a Christmas party. During Visitors Here For Holidays SOOTHE Wet Feet? gargle LISTERINE Prompr action may forestall trouble Wet feet . ., cold feet . . . drafts . . . and fatigue, may lower body resistance so that colds develop and germs in the throat get the upper hand. After such exposures, why not help Nature to combat such germs on tissue surfaces by gargling promptly and frequently with Listerine Antiseptic. Tests showed that regular users of Listerine Anti­ septic had fewer colds and milder colds than non-users. Lambert Pharmacal Co., St. I mu it, Mo. EYES! • Caroline Sander returned to hri .studies at O8C Thursday She has been visiting here during the holi­ days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G Sander. X HOME OWNED THEATRE Phone 7561 Friday, Saturday “FRIENDLY NEIGHBORS” with Elviry and the Weaver Brothers Johnny .Mack Brown AIJ4O NEWS Sunday, Monday and Tuesday with i • Mr and Mra Darrell I^eavens <»f Medford visited here Wednes­ day with Mrs Ida Crandall. • Charles Mitchell and Charles Jr of the Greensprings visited with Ashland friends Wednesday • Mr and Mrs R A Miller vis» Ited with relatives in Gerber this week • Herbert Davis returned to his medical school in Portland Tues- 1 day following a visit here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Davis MIRACLE LITHIA “A LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN Iff • Mr and Mrs Earl Jones and Mr. and Mrs R J Shaw visited with friends in Medford New Year's, Gloria Jean and Robert Stack AIJ4O NEWS AND SEI.EtTKD NIIOKTN AFTER JAN. 5 MATINEEN ONLY ON NATI UDAYS AND 'NUNDA YN. Wednesday and Thursday Everyone 10c In a Hurry? Then you'll really appreciate our snappy service that makes no Mu rlflce of quul- ity! Our chili enjoys a re|Hi- HEST COLDS hest . .. oui lieef »lew I miwh to none other! Drop In today for ■r/» BAKING HV powder Same price today i as 48 years a{o i I 25 254 I A FLAVOR ALL ITS OWN THAT MILLIONS PREFER Pete's Lunch EARL I». (PETE) NUTTER IB •! YES, WE’VE BEEN ‘DOWN ON THE FARM’! v wriini n ■ inni WHAT A DIFFERENCE MIRACLE WHIP MAKES IN SALADS! flavor is so lively! So zestful! THIS DELICIOUS CHEESE FOOD — digestible as milk it st If I • Ruth Hardy returned to school in San Francisco early in the week billowing a visit here with her parents, Mr. and H Hardy. DON’T FORGET TO SEND THE • Subscribe for The Miner today with • Mr and Mrs John Novak and Mrs John Eilers of Portland visit­ I ed here recently at the home of Í Frances Sander. • Frank DeIJsle of Fort Stevens | visited here during the holidays s' the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs A. J. DeIJsle. • Mr mid Mia Viggo I •mown mxl son returned curly in the week from Fresno where they visited during Christmas with relatives “BURY ME NOT ON THE LONE PRAIRIE” • Everett Nance left Wednesday for Corvallis where he will enter OSC. • Clarence Woods Tuesday re- turned to the North Pacific Dental college in Portland where he is a student He has spent the holidays here with hia parents, Dr. and Mrs E A Woods ■ • Mi and Mix Reggie Stagg and ■ laughter visitisi here New Yem’s .it till' limile Of Mi and Mis A !■' Bm rai'luugh. also • John Hawkins of the Green- springs was an Ashland visitor Tuesday • Mr and Mrs Rube Montgom­ ery and Gordon of lx*aburg. Ore visited here New Year's at the home of Mrs. Emma Hager • I lei bel t Davis left Tuesday foi Tort land where lie Is a student He has been visiting here at the home of his parents. Mr mid Mis (■'ranks I »avis 'TM.tUiono prefer i± WE MAKE STORAGE TANKS! Farmers and ranchers who have machinery re­ pair or parts replacement problems, or bbuksmlth- Ing to lie done will find that we've "been down on the farm" when It comes to helping solve their tough jobs,.. our weld- Ing, bhtcksmlthlng, ma- chlnery repair services are given by men ex|ier- lenced In the “ lisca and ms-ds of farm machinery ... If you have a machin- ery or metal problem, consult iin . Our prices arc reasonable, our service complete and our equip­ ment Is always ready! • OAK STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP OAK STREET, ASHLAND PHONE 4586 I