I Friday, Jan. 3, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER I About People You Know! ] ' — ■ — — - — ■ - TALENT NEWS Methodists Incorporate • Articles of incor|s>ration of the First ........................ Methodist church of Talent were filed with the county clerk Thursday The incorporators ate the mlniatcr of the church, I C. Wlllbiiir. M | . Er Foss and Ml and Mil Clarence Holdridge The article« act forth the church bus property to the value of approxi­ mately »fi.OOO and ».'Mki cash • liM i !■ WoU utd Mrs (Mth erine Neal and daughter Joan of Aahland visited Mr. and Mrs C day. • Mr. amt Mm George Phelfer spent (.'hriatmaa duy In Rogue River with friends • Mr and Mrs Earl Allen moved , onto their ranch recently purchas­ ed at the foot of the Siskiyou mountains, Saturday The Allens have been residents of Talent for the past eight years \ • Mr and Mrs Harvey Tb.mip son spent Christ mas day with Mr and Mrs Nobel Green • Mi and Mrs Joe Spitzii are the parenta of an eight-pound boy bom Monday morning at the Community hospital in Ashland • Ralph Hamilton and Kenneth Harris left Wednesday evening for Vancouver isirracks where they will join the army • Mr and Mrs Floyd Goin and Mr. and Mrs Harold Rloper and daughter lairetta of Prospect and Mr and Mrs John W'cbstrr and Hen W. n . r weie glMStS of Mt and Mrs Hob LogM < 'hr lit n.as • Mi in.I Mm l.yle Turn.- re reived word Sunday evening that Mr Tame's mother. Mrs Frances Tame had passed away at Sparks Memorial hospital. Fort Smith. Ark Mr Tame left Monday morn­ ing by stage for that place. • Mr and Mrs Glen Brown mov­ ed to the Shaw Bertram camp In Klamath county Mr ami Mm George Clark moved on the ranch vacated by the Browns - - ------ • lunloi Hamilton, who Is In the flist year studying in the techni­ cal aviation department of the US army, arrived home Sunday for an 11-day leave, to visit his parents, Mi anil Mrs. Sam Ham­ ilton. • Mis Elizabeth Palmer and daughter, Mrs Bertha Hungate, were dinner guests of Mi und Mrs. Walter Davis and Mis Haines in Bellview Sunday • Mrs Wil! Rush, who has been confined to her home of illness, is able to be out again • Mi and Mrs Neal Tripp and daughters Lynne and Sally re- turned home Monday from Glen­ dale. Ore where they spent a few >ng Beach, Calif, with Mrs Decker's parents and other rela­ tives Mr. Decker reports that their visit was somewhat hamper­ ed by the weather conditions as Ixnig Beach was undergoing one of the worst coastal storms and a portion of the city was under water. • Mr and Mrs. Don Maygard called at the home of Mr and Mrs L H. Hughes in Fem Valley on Christmas day • I.eRoy Hill of the Dead Indian country was a business caller in Talent Saturday. • Will Bates who has been ill with flu was taken to Medford A PHONE CALL When you start won­ dering shunt Insurance, or have some quest Ion you'd like answered, just give us a ring and we'll I m * glad to help you any way we can ... our Imslness is in­ surance, our pur|M>sr is to help you! We de- |M*nd on the value and protection Oregon Mu­ tual Fire Insurance Company's famous Di­ vidend Policies give for sales, not high- pressure . . , may we help you ? Are you planning to buy a new or new used i ar soon ? Then you'll I m * glud to know that we can save yau Im­ portant money In your car and liability Insurance . . . just ask us for full Information, without obligation, of course! I. C. ERWIN 240 East Main Street Phone 3701 1 1 Hunday where hr is receiving medical treatment. • Mr and Mrs. Joe Tryon were guests of Mr and Mi, < ')> u Collins in Medford Christmas day • Mr and Mrs Will Lamb of near Butte Falls visited Mr. and Mrs Tom Ijinib and Mr. and Mrs Roy Estes Friday • Mr and Mrs Wayne Cowdrey and children are spending a days In Seiad Valley visiting at I ven this week • • Jay Cochran and mother Tillamook were guests of Mr Mrs. Walter Enberg during holidays. • Mr and Mrs Guy Hamilton were hosts Christmas to a group of relatives and friends at an elaborate dinner Covers were laid at the attractive table for the fol­ lowing guests: Mr and Mrs Wil­ liam Hotchkiss and son Douglas, Mr. and Mrs laiwrence Burnett and two children Mr and Mrs Ijoys Hamilton of Jacks« nville and Mr and Mrs. Bob Srniti of Phoe­ nix and Nate Hamilton • victor Anderson who is an rolled in th«- 149th Coast Artillery spent a few days last wisk with his mother, Mrs Bernice Ander­ son • Mr anf Mr and Mrs. Ben Anrience and disposition for mechanical work that's right! Our paint and body department also Is a popular service to motorists in this area, and our Weaver Safety luuie welcomes you any time for a FREE brake and wheel alignment test. Drive In today and consult with us and ask for quotations on any car or truck service need! Phone 5311 CLYDE L.CATON GARAGE AT THE KLAMATH JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street) M. T. BURNS On the Plaza A QUART EACH DAY 19c ISC MATCHES—Carton CELERY CLOVER LEAF DAIRY Phone 6732 1C GRAPEFRUIT-6for 15c ORANGES-Each Snowdrift—3 lbs 47c TOM,ITO 10c Hot Sauce-3 for SUN KIST SHOX Royal Club COFFEE ROYAL CLUB Dainty Dimple Peas 15c GIANT SIZE 19c LEMONS-Dozen 5c Fels Naptha Soap 1 pound « FOR Crystal White Soap 23c I FOR TENDER SWEET Pard Dogfood PABLUM Royal Club SPINACH No. 2| tin 13C 39C WELCH’S GRAPE JUICE 1 Quart Bottle 45c One Pint Bottle FREE -PHONE SPECIALS—SATURDAY ONLY r VEAL ROASTS—lb VEAL STEAKS-lb VEAL STEW-lb. 15c 23c IOC COUNTRY SAUSAGE-Pound Sliced and De-rined She's got that extra some­ thing that It takes to put It over. Possibly she gets that sparkling brlllliuice from drinking MILK! 5C 10c BANANAS—lb HOME-CURED BACON Betty Always Wins! 5C LETTUCE DEPENDABLE NON-CANCELLABLE, NON- PRO-RATABLE Health and Accident Insurance Also Life, .Automobile and Fire Insurance 49e SC (Lean) Pound 24c IOC COTTAGE HAMS - Pound 20c Picnics-Pound 16c SIRLOIN, RIB STEAKS-Pound HAM HOCKS-Pound - - - 20c 15c