TALENT SEWS Program Ends Grange Year Tyrone Power “MARK OF ZORRO” Saturday! Friday, Dec. 27, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 • The Talent Grange met for the last meeting of the year on Thurs­ day night, Dec 19 Five members of the Grange have not missed a meeting this year and as a reward each recefved a gift from the lec­ turer, Mrs. E S. Robbins. The program for the evening opened in singing "It Came Upon a Mid­ night Clear." This was followed with a receitation by Carl Borg The men s trio of the Grange sang •Silent Night. Holy Night" and "Joy to the World." Rawley Hart­ ley gave a recitation which was greatly enjoyed by all. Earl Jones sang a solo, "The First Noel." The program ended with a gift ex­ change and each one also received a bag of candy and nuts The hos­ pitality committee for the next meeting will be Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Borg and Mr. and Mrs Harvey Walters. • Paul Scofield arrived in Talent Saturday to spend the holidays with his parents. He is located at Camp Murray. • H. E. Morgan, who has been confined to his home for the past two weeks with the flu, is able to be out again. • Mr. and Mrs. Bob Locke and son Gerald are spending the holi­ day vacation in San Francisco. • Clyde Moffatt and daughter | Sally of Medford called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Pheifer Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Pool of Taft, Calif, called on Roland Parks who was visiting in Talent Monday morning They were en­ route to Grants Pass to visit rela­ tives over Christmas • Mrs Alice O'Byrne and Mrs. George Thurston who are teaching school in California arrived here Monday to spend the holidays at their home • Mr and Mrs. Lyle Tame spent Sunday at Rogue River, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rupe. Mrs. Rupe, an elderly lady, suffered severe in­ juries recently in a fall at her home Mr and Mrs Rupe are for­ mer residents of Talent. • Roland Parks, principal of the Sprague River school, spent a couple of days visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. R F Parks Mr. Parks reports the thermometer registered 12 degrees below zero several mornings last week in Klamath Falls. • Mr. and Mrs. Holden of Ash­ land visited Mr. and Mrs. Al She- rard Monday. • Mr and Mrs Bert Nichols have purchased the lunch room recently operated by Mr and Mrs. O Car­ ver. They took possession Wed­ nesday The Carvers have made no plans where they will reside • Mrs. Anna Dickey left Satur­ day for Jacksonville where she will visit relatives over the holi­ days. • Miss Edith Clark, teacher in the school, is spending the holi­ days in northern California Miss Jean l-arson left Friday for her home at Holden, Ore Miss Fran­ ces Fitzgerald went to her home in Sams Valley and Miss Bugar left Monday evening for Eugene. • Bert Summers, city marshal, is recovering from an attac kof flu. • Mr and Mrs. Elmer Inman and son Ivan left last week for Valle­ jo. Calif, where they plan to spend the winter. the winter. • Mr. and Mrs John Hamilton, former Talent residents, are visit­ ing relatives here Mr. Hamilton operates a service station m Tule laike • The serious illness of John Byrd of Follet, Tex . has resulted in a visit by Mrs L. C. Hill Mr and Mrs Willis Byrd ami Mrs Feguth to that city. Mr. Byrd is a brother of Mrs Hill. Mrs. Hill will visit her sisters. Mrs. Asa Slough, Mrs Ruth Wood. Mrs Florence Wood and Mrs Velma Swing of Elk City. Okla, and San Antonio. Tex. • Friends of Owen Batea, former Talent boy. have received news of his arrival in Peurl Harbor, Ha­ waii. after a nine-day voyage | Bates is a government empi working on the compressor of a large construction company. • Mrs. Sue Clayton os reported to be rapidly Improving from a recent illness. • Bill Crosby is spending the hoidiays with his daughter, Mrs Gladys Steward, and son Luther at Orland. Calif • Mrs Ben Webster left Friday for Kimberly. Ida to spend Christ mas with her mother and other relatives. • Minnie Dobbins. Talent high school girl, is suffering from a I cracked elbow, suffered recently I when a swing baton struck her I She was leading the Talent girls' drill team when the accident oc­ curred. • Mrs Irene Wells sold her hom in the south end of town to Mr | and Mrs. J. J. Schumate Mrs Wells moved to Ashland • The Methodist Sunday school held its Christmas program Sun­ day morning at 10 o'ckx-k There was a good attendance The usual Christmas ,reat was distributed • The small house in which I Maxon lives caught fire Sunday night from an over heated stove Neighbors saved the building The firt department was not called j out • Mr and Mrs Roy Fates enter-! tained at dinner Mr. and Mrs IIILT NEWS Christmas Tree Draws Many • A large turnout attended the Community Christmas tree and program presented by the Hilt elementary school Thursday eve­ ning The program was entitled "Christmas Around the World" and consisted of a pantomime pre­ sentation of the Nativity, accom­ panied by songs of manv lands, including "Oh Come, All Ye Faith­ ful," "Christmas Carol from leap­ land." "As Joseph Was a-Walk- ing," "The Friendly Beasts," "Si­ lent Night," "The First Noel." "Carol of the Shepherds," "O, Come Little Children," "Carol. Children, Carol," "March of the Kings." "Sleep My Child Jesus," "Cantique de Noel," and "Oh Thou Joyful Day," sung by a chorus of the grade school chil­ dren under the direction of Miss Lucilh Gansburg. The entire con­ gregation joined then in singing "Oh Come. All Ye Faithful,” "Si­ lent Night" and "Hark, the Her­ ald Angels Sing" Following the program all enjoyed the Christ­ mas tree, the arrival of Santa Clau? and the presentation of candy, oranges, nuts and pojicorn balls to the children under the: auspices of the Hilt Community Ladies club. • May Emma Geroy, who is at-1 tending beauty school In Medlord, spent the Christmas holidays with her parents and family. • Billy Bernheisel, who is in training with the National Guard, arrived home late last week to spend the holidays with relatives and friends. • Mr. and Mrs Earle Temple of Sacramento arrived in Hilt Tues­ day to spend a week with friends in Hilt and Hornbrook • l-awrence Sowell of Merrill is visiting at the James Purvis home where his mother has been a guest for some time. They leave for Portland Friday • Gino Ceccatto suffered a brok­ en arm recently when he fell on a slippery sidewalk. • Mr and Mrs Frank Ohiund and son Bob left Monday to spend the week In Portland. • Gordon Alphonse is home from the College of the Pacific to spend his Christmas holidays. • Donald Hord of Seiad CCC camp is spending the holidays with his family here. Foursquare Church Vourth and It Streets Rev. Edward G. Skultetj, Pastor Sunday school 9:46 a. m Sunday services: Morning worship II a. m Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m„ the Rev Skultety speaking on the subject, "A Gain for a Loss." Every night at 7:30 p. m., ex­ cept Monday and Saturday, Rev Lloyd Johnson will be speaking Each service Is different and inspiring. • Mrs Jack RobertNon of Siski­ you was un Ashland visitor Mon- ‘lay. United States Department of the Interior, General Land Office, O. and C. Administration, Port­ land, Oregon. Sealed bids, marked outside "Bid for Timber", and ad­ dressed to the Chief Forester, O and C. Administration, 410 Cus­ tom House, Portland, Oregon, will be received until 10:30 A M., I’ m - cific Time, Jan 7, 1941, for the purchase of timber upon tracts hereinafter described, each bld must state the amount per M feet B M , which will be offered foi each species and the total consid­ eration which will be paid for the timber. No bld for leas than the appraised value will be consider­ ed. Each bid must be submit ted in duplicate and be uccnm|>anied by a deposit in the form of a certified check in favor of the Chief For­ ester of the O. and C. Administra­ tion. The deposit "of any success ful bidder will be credited on the contract Payment in full at the time of filing the contract is re­ quired in sales amounting to >2.- 500 or less For copies of the form of proposal, form of contract and ■ bond, terms of payment, amount of deposit required with bid. amount of bond required with con­ tract and other information, appli­ cation should be made to the ad­ dress shown above. In Jackson County: T 37 8.. R 3 W . Bee 15. all merchantable timber designat­ ed for cutting on NE^SE1« and a fractional portion (10 acres more or less) In WSSE^NE1«, estimated for the purpose of thia sale to be 50H M. feet Ponderosa Ihne No bid for less than $3 00 per M or a total purchase price of 31,524 00. will be consider <•