Friday, D gc . 27, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 Fun for the Whole Family IlKAFT MAKIN MAJOR MIHIAKK Tlx draft army turned down a New York taxicab driver the other duy T’hix must ahow Uiut it docan't think there la any immediate need for fighting men in the army. • • • In thia cane the taxi driver waa turned down beciiuae he didn't paxa a 100 per cro' eye teat Imagine thul! Why, everybody know* from experience that a New York taxi man ia dangerous under al) condi­ tion« and twice aa much of a threat to friend or foe If hr can't aee. • • • For that matter, Imagine a taxi driver being turned down by the army for any rcuaonl By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP L eaving Reo’ watching alta irving io pull FLIP'. YOU’RE RIGHT ABO'JT\ S ilk " fc / wler . '- he usually GOES To THE MENAGERIE TENT WHEN MOST OF THE gang are at cook ., yvnst house • UP HCR STAKE, LET US GO ID ClJCNJH ALLEY /SAY. EAJTCH . I BONDER I WHY S ilk ' fowler goes I To THE menagerie “lEhiT \ SO OPTeN these days — SEAPCH ME. ’FLIP' \ X. • •• * J «• ____ - - • • • A taxi driver, particularly a big city one, la the country's beat bet in any war. He could even be Amer- ica’a "myatery weapon," if given any encouragement. • • • "If I waa with an enemy army," declared Elmer Twitchell today, "and I had to chooae between a »fMfik Joy M-.rkwy Syndic aGrh.c LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG It Works mesa with an average regiment and one New York taxi driver, I would dodge the cabbie and take on the regiment.” "Every time 1 think of the medi­ cal expert« turning down theae cab- biea it makea me sore.” continued Elmer. "Taxi driver« are the only group in American life who need no training to put up a tight. They are in constant training * nee By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP—Emergency Hookup! "I read in the pupera that Uncle Sam la abort of tanka Tanka are an urgent need in modern war. Okay, but what can a tank do that a modern big city taxi pilot and hla cab can't do, if it’« neceasary? • • • "What ia the chief advantage of a tank' fl la ita ability to get acroaa any kind of terrain, regardleaa of obataciea, and act aa if It didn't know they were there. Am I right? Of courae I am And ain't that where a New York taxicab Alls the bill 100 per cent’" • • • Elmer waa quite agitated. "The army not only should’ve welcomed thia driver, regardleaa of the fact hr wore glaaaea, but should have ad­ mitted his CAR!" he Insisted, pound­ ing the table • • • "If I was of draft age and had to get into a war, nothing would make me feel safer than if I knew a flock of taxis were advancing ahead of me. They would scare the hell out of any foe on earth, and that goes for Hitler, Goering and Goeb­ bels. A mere announcement that America waa recruiting a division of cab drivers would bring a peace movement at once, and I don't aee why Roosevelt don't appreciate It. • • • "Please, Mr. Roosevelt, rescind that ban on that nearsighted New York taxi pilot, throw down the gates to all taxi drivera, and then let Europe get the information that they are to be our first line of at­ tack and defense, and you will get peace in no time." • • • MESCAL IKE This Begin* to Look Like a Crime Wave By S. L HUNTLEY By J. MILLAR WATT POP—. . . And It’« • Lot Quieter ....... . ...... TO THE GREEKS '.........• SAME ! My bonnet Is off to the Greeks— They scorned big machines or a "plan.” And showed to a badly scared world There still can be fights, man to man; One terrible stiff kick in the pants They give to the law "Might makes right," And Hashed to a darkening world A steadying, rallying light. see ‘DUCHEH8* TOOTH WEEK* Miami and Miami Beach have had many curious backgrounds for the formal opening of the winter season, but this is the first time it's all been done around an Infected tooth. s • • The bathing beauties and Miss Americas upon whom Miami Beach has so long depended for publicity via press and newsreels are in a state of high indignation. The art­ ist's models have become the For­ gotten Mannikins. A shapely leg, a dimpled knee and the public strip have for the first time gone into the discard, believe it or not. The tooth is the thing! • • • No leg ever did as much for Miami and Miami Beach as Wally's jaw is doing this senson. • • • TOOL PASSER COMES OUT TO HELP FATHER WHO IS ON STEPLADDER M£ND- IN6 A SHUTTER. SAYS HE'LL PASS HIM TOOLS AS »IE HEEPS THEM iO THEY’LL BE HANDY, AMD A CALL FOR THB HAMMER SAYS HE P BETTER BRING IT UP IN­ STEAD OF PASSINB ff, FATHER SHRIEK­ INS TO STAY OFF THE LADDER,HE’S SHAKING IT LAR6ED06.ANP I WAVM& HAMMER A FOOT AWAY FROM FATHER'« HEAD HERO FOR 1M0 Here’s to Billy Friesell, A wonderman so strong That he can make an error And frankly say "I’m wrong." • • • Polite Commissioner Valentine of New York is completing plans to mobilize 111.500 policemen for emer­ gency defense. Everything will be okay up to the time some defense general asks a cop how to reach a certain destination. But we would hat«, to be in a war and have to look tor a policeman. w GLUYAS WILLIAMS 0 “Hit consin's in U h third race.'* UNFORTUNATELY, Ft I ER 5 ARE WEP4EP FIRMLY IN POCKET, FATHER QUEST FOR PLIERS OF LAU6HTER ANP, ANNOUNCES THEY WHILE FATHER WAITS. NAVIN» TO DIS­ SEEM TO HAYE EXPLAINS Nt HAD MOUNT TO HELP BET THEM OUT DIS APPEARED FORGOTTEN HE'D PUT THEM IN HIS POCKET MAKES CONTACT AT LAST, AND ¿ETS RE- AFTER LONG SEARCH, BURSTS INTO «ALES 1« «ENT OFF, SO FATHER CAN FIM­ df ----------- ---------------- ISH BEFORE HIOWF F ALL, AMP DEPART* WITH SCREW DRIVÖ IN OTHER P0CKBT