Friday, Dec. 27, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Äe« Vears [RENDEZVOUS] Page 3 Fragrant Flowers Bloom Again To Enhance Winter Ensembles CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT By CHERIE NICHOLAS HOTEL 44 z \NLY a year, my dear,” ' ' he pleaded. “Twelve months to prove that I’m a new man for myself, for the world and, above all, for you.” That was last New Year’s Eve, the day Joe walked out NEW YEAR PARTIEN MENT HAVE PLENTY OF ZIP «See Recipe * Below) Celebruting Uic advent of a new I moderate oven (350 degrees) tor 35 year I* excuse enough for a party to 40 minute *. in any crowd. Whether it' * young­ Mixed Naiad. * ster or the "oldster *" that guther * (Serve 10 to 12) to see the old year out, the new 1 large head lettuce year in, the party must have plenty 2 cups * carrot (shredded) of novelty and "get-up-and-go"— 3 cup * red skinned apples (diced) new game *, new 2 cups red * grape (halved and music, new re­ seeded) *. freshment U m », 3 tablespoons onion (minced) and something to French dressing drink I* a re Separate leaves of lettuce, wash quirerncntl and dry thoroughly. Tear into Drink n toast pieces Place in large salad bowl to the new year with carrots, apples, grapes and on­ with a piping hot ion. Add French dressing and mix punch; while the very lightly, using fork * for the * wind of winter mixing. howl and fling sheet * of snow against French Dressing. the window *, a hot, tangy drink will * (Make 1H cups) cheer your guest * (both young and H clove garlic (grated) old!) and It start * them on the 4 lump * sugar homeward trip warmed from within. 1 tablespoon salt "Hawaiian Hot Cup" I* a drink 1 tablespoon paprika that i* new a * the brand new year. 1 cup salad oil Serve it steaming hot in small cups, Mi cup lemon juice or vinegar with crisp cracker * and wedge * of Grate garlic on lump sugar. Com­ chreae to accompany it. bine with remaining ingredient *, Hot Spiced Cider and Holiday pour Into fruit jar, and shaku until Mulled Grape Juice, served with well blended. Ginger Cookie * or Doughnuts, make Hot Npi< rd Cider. simple and aatlsfying refreshment * * (Serve 20 to 25) for a crowd, and crisp, buttery pop­ 1 gallon cider corn or salted nut * are good to nib­ 2 cups brown sug­ ble on while the entertainment I* ar under way. 3 stick * cinnamon If you'd like to start the evening 12 whole clove * with a bullet meal, here' * a menu 2 teaspoon * all you and your guest * will like. ■pice berries Tuna Curry on Chinese Noodle * Combine ingre­ Mixed Salad With French Dressing dient * in sauce Hot French or Italian Bread pan. Simmer for Orange Ginger Bread 10 to 15 minute *. With Whipped Cream Strain and serve hot in small cup *. Coffee Holiday Mulled Grape Juice. Tuna Curry. * (Serve 10 to 12) (Serves 10 to 12) 5'4 cup * grape juice fl tablespoon * butter 2 Vi cup * water H cup flour Mi cup sugar 1 teaspoon curry powder H teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon salt 12 whole clove * 2 stick * cinnamon 1 qun't milk 3 cups tuna (coarsely flaked) H teaspoon orange rind (grated) W cup mushroom * M teaspoon lemon rind (grated) Mushroom liquor Combine ingredient * in sauce pan. fl hard cooked egg * (sliced) Bring slowly to a boil. Strain. Serve Melt butter, add flour and season­ hot. *. ing and stir until smooth Add Hawaiian Hot Cup. milk gradually and cook, stirring * (Serve 10 to 12) constantly, until sauce ia smooth 2 cups kumquat * and thick. Add remaining ingredi­ (sliced) * ent Serve hot on Chinc»e noodles, 1 cup sugar and if desired, sprinkle with shred­ 5 cup * canned un­ ded, salted almond *. sweetened Ha­ waiian pineap­ Orange Gingerbread. ple juice (Serves 15) 4 tablespoons of % cup shortening lime juice 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoon * of 4 teaspoons orange rind (grated) lemon juice 2 eggs (beaten) Place sliced kumquats in bowl 3H cups flour ■nd mix well with the sugar. Let 1 teaspoon soda stand for 1 hour. Heat pineapple teaspoons baking powder juice piping hot but do not boil. W teaspoon salt Pour over sugar and kumquats and 1 teaspoon cinnamon stir until sugar I* dissolved. Add 2 teaspoons ginger lime and lemon juice, and serve at 1 teaspoon nutmeg once. 1 cup molasses (Released t-y Western Newspaper Union.) 1 cup sour milk Cream shortening and add sugar gradually. Add orang * rind, and beaten egg * Mix well. Sift to­ HOUSEHOLD HINTS gether the flour, soda, baking pow­ der, salt and spices. Add to first When cooking oatmeal, cornmeal, mixture alternately with milk and molasses. Place batter in 2 greased rice or anything likely to stick to 8-inch square pans and bake in a the pan, just before^erving remove from the fire, cover tightly and let stand five minutes. The steam will loosen the mixture from the bottom flave You Made Your New and the pan will be easy to wash. Year's Resolution *? • • • I hope thnt in your list of reso­ Try peanut butter frosting for cov­ * lution for the new year, there ering white or spice cakes. Add are a few concerning good food one-third of a cup of peanut butter and interesting meal *. For In­ to your regular uncooked white stance, why not resolve to serve frosting. Blend in the peanut but­ a home-made hot bread once a ter well before icing the cake. Dec­ week? And resolve to keep the orated with a few roasted peanuts. family cookie jar filled to the • • • brim? And resolve to try at least Pineapples may be used for hold­ one new cake or pie a week? ing salads or desserts. Use pine­ To make it easy, and to keep apples of uniform size. Cut them your own Interest alive, *end for in halves lengthwise and using a my cook book "Better Baking." fork, scrape out the pulp. (It may You'll find it’s fun to try the be used later.) Wash and chill the * recipe for Mountain Muffins, *. case Stuff them with fruit, melon Honey Drop Biscuits, Hot Cinna­ * ball or berries. mon Roil *, and Boston Brown • • • Bread. And the family will bless Try making edible place card * for you when you serve them Lemon children’s parties. A simple one Sunny Silver Pief may be made by cutting out card * To get the cook book, just send of cooking dough 1 by 2 inches in 10 cent * in coin to "Better Bak­ size. Bake them carefully and then ing," care of Eleanor Howe, 910 write the name of each guest on North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, his card with thin icing squeezed *. TUinoi through a pastry tube. Avalon Hotel, W5O7-5th Ave., 8pok *n Al! outalde rooms, reatful and doaa, by the day, week or month. * Rato reasonable. of prison u free man. Margie met him at the big iron gate, a puzzled ■nd frightened boy wearing an ill- fitting suit. His debt was paid. Twelve worried months Margie had waited, praying each night that, wherever he might be, her Joe was safe on the narrow path. And now his year's probation was up. The clock struck eleven thirty and Margie turned on the radio. Back east, in New York, it was already I 1941. She should have arranged to ! meet Joe there; it would all be over I now! At eleven forty five her heart beat furiously. “Please, God," she prayed. "Make him come to me at mid­ night! ” Suddenly she heard a furious clamor in the hallway. Then a knock, nervous and sharp. * Th knob turned, and suddenly she saw Joe, hi * eye * wide and hi * face dead white. "Margie!” he cried "Hide me quick. The cop * are after me but I didn't do anything . . . Honest!" “But Joe!" she answered. “Why should you hide, then?" “Please, honey, don't argue!" His hands wfcre trembling. While the midnight bell * tolled outside, Margie rushed him to the A DURING beaux, broth- unused closet off the hall. Then she ** ers. uncles and hus­ bands please take notice. According to latest fashion news that gracious, lovely- lady custom of wearing fra­ “dress up" a sports ensemble. grant flowers in her hair, pinned to When it comes to the masterpiece her bodice or adorning her fur coat of flower accessories, see the ador­ at the game has been revived. able lei formed of blue cornflower * If you long to add happiness and festooned about the slender young midwinter joys to the one you love throat and pretty shoulder * of the best, and of course you do, send lassie pictured in the oval inset her flowers. Should an unkind fate Small wonder is it that flower neck­ take you out of town on the day of laces such as this one inspired by her coming out party or on the the picturesque Hawaiian leis. are night of the college dance she had coveted by every fashionwise so­ counted on attending, simply wire phisticate who woulj add more fem­ her flowers and friend florist will inine allure to her young charm *. do the rest Be sure to order this adorable flow- If she is a sophisticated beauty, er lei made with a side clip of While the bell* tolled outside, ; send her a stunning new oriental pink camellias which as you see ■he rushed him into the closet. headdress of fragrant carnation * and by the picture, adds a rapturous went calmly back to the living room rose petals. The appearance creat­ note. A necklace of tiny orchids ed by the black wool evening coat or gardenias would be an equally and sat down. A second later they came, two with lavish embroidery pictured to glamorous choice. To fiii her heart the right in the illustration is great­ full to overflowing with joy, give burly Irishmen. "—A young fellow just come in ly enhanced by a matching bouquet her a matching flower bracelet. I pinned on the evening bag. This trend to flowers bespeaks a here?" one asked. Perhaps she is a swing addict or new motivating thought in the minds “Ah, er. yes," Margie began. * waltzes. In this (if designers. They are playing up Then, resolved: "You'll find him a girl who adore event you will be sure to win her “style" in costume flower arrange­ in the closet." heart if you send her a glamorous ments that will prove as flattering "Ye’ll have to come along, too, romantic headdress of rubrum lil­ and versatile and just as dramatic young lady!" the copper said. And ies to wear to the holiday party as most sumptuous jewels or other a few minute * later they were driv- down on her social calendar. A accessory items. For example, | ing to the police station. Joe, be­ , matching bracelet of blossoms to there is the present fad of pinning side her, was silent wear with her airy-fairy dress of sil- fresh flowers on your muff or to "I'm sorry, Joe,” she offered. ! ver striped tulle as shown to the the cuff of your glove. Diadems of "But I couldn't marry a dishonest left in the group would be very wel- flowers make lovely coiffure adorn­ man " ? come. ment, while red, white and blue He didn't answer. The center figure above aptly flowers sound the patriotic note. At the station they were whisked shows how well-placed flowers can (Released by Western Newspaper Union. * into a small room. It was strangely quiet Margie thought. In a corner two men were whispering and sud­ denly one of them walked over to I her chair. "Know what ye've done, young I lady?" he ashed ominously. Overshoes don't change much "I've done nothing,” she replied, from year to year. They just be­ thoroughly indignant come a little neater looking, a lit­ "Yes ye have!” he insisted. A tle more streamlined and a bit more faint smile crept into the corners decorative. But this year the prin­ of his Irish mouth. “Ye’ve got yer- cipal news is that the makers of ga­ self a husband!" loshes have finally realized that Suddenly the room was filled with many women wear low-heeled shoes laughter and the next thing Margie during the winter months. knew Joe was kissing her again So this season you will find even and again. When she finally looked the velvet carriage shoes trimmed around they were alone. with black bunny fur, available in “Oh. Joe,” she sighed, "then you three heel heights—low, Cuban and really haven’t done anything high. These are extremely smart wrong?" worn with a velvet trimmed cloth “Of course not, dear!” he an­ coat or one of fur. swered. "I'm a detective new— The familiar all-rubber galoshes have been for the last six months are also made in the three heel since I helped the cops smash a sizes this year, and the toes are burglar ring." given a boxy look. You'll find a “But Joe," she moaned, "to think black on black contrast in these, that I refused to hide you back at with shiny rubber applied in a pat­ the apartment. I—I’m not worthy, tern over the arch, and in a panel i Joe." around the toes, and on the heels. “Don’t worry about that, Margie!” There are low overshoes that look | he replied. "I’m not a crook my­ self, any more, and I wouldn’t want For good skiing weather here's a 1 like grown-up rubbers. These are to marry one!” sports set which will keep you snug styled to cover the entire shoe, but Out In the captain's office a far­ and make you look charming all at stop below the ankle. In order to away radio brought the sound of rev­ the same time. It is a real piece of make these look like shoes they are elry. Marg looked at her watch. It artistry in every detail. The baby­ given a smart suede finish and was one o'clock in the morning now; bonnet. mittens and sweater are trimmed with shiny rubber for a in the Rock, mountains they were trimmed with rows of heavy cable suede and patent look. I stitch, accented with rows of color­ welcoming the new year. Knit them in "Honey,” she said, "let's pretend ful embroidery. sturdy, white knitting worsted for we live in Denver.” warmth and long wear. Tne em­ "And why?” asked Joe. “Because it’s New Year’s Eve broidery gives high-color to the en­ there now, and you've just come tire combination. The buttons re­ Leave it to the smart young set peat the coloring of the embroidery. back to me!" to do the unusual. At the moment they are wearing their fur or cloth Novel Coiffures Traced coats to look like capes. Here' * their A Resolution technique. They turn the ileevea To Oriental Influences Resolved, to live with all my If you have kept step with the mil­ in if coat is of soft wool or if this might k'Aile I do lit’*. Resolved, linery parade your coiffure is con­ it not feasible they throw the coat never to lose one moment of time, cealed under draped fabric contri­ about their shoulders nonchalantly to improve it il» th * most profit­ * vances that form part of the brim. entirely ignorning that it ha able way I possibly can. Resolved, sleeves. Hairdresses worn under draped tur ­ never to do anything which I It is a practical gesture, for with ban should fit snugly down over the should despise or think meanly * now back of the head to the very nape the tailored jacketed wool suit of in another. Resolved, never to of the neck. These new and fash­ io fashionable it gives not only a do anything out of revenge. Re­ ionable turbans trace their inspira­ "new" look to add the fur-cape solved, never to do anything which tion to Oriental Influences. The touch, but worn in this easy man­ 1 should be afraid of if it were smartest completely conceal the ner there is comfort without a cum­ the last hour of my life. bersome “feel.” hair. -JONATHAN EDIT ARDS. Knit Suit Overshoes Have High, Low Heels Coats Can Serve As Warm Capes fllousc-Jumper for Schoolgir I Is Smart I I / IF YOUR daughter is just about ‘ ready for a new jumper, and several new blouses to go with ii then make them up with this new design (No. 1282-B) and she'll be perfectly delighted with the result. This jumper is dart-fitted to create a smallness of waist that school girls covet and are not likely to possess, and the skirt has smart front fullness, with two convenient patch pockets to park car fare and hankies. The tailored blouse has a becoming sports collar, and can be made with long or short sleeves. Corduroy, velveteen, flannel and wool plaid are smart for the jump­ er. Make the blouse of linen, flat crepe, challis or pique. Both are easy to do, even for beginners. • • • Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1282-B is de signed for sizes 6. 8. 10. 12 and 14 years Size 8 requires 1?, yards of 54-lnch ma terial tor jumper, Ilk yards of 3B-tnct material for long-sleeved blouse; 1R yards for short-sleeved. Send order to SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT 149 New Montgomery Ave. San Francisco Calif Enclose 15 cents for each pattern. Pattern Nn.................. Size.......... Name ............................................. .. Address .......................................................... DON’T BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE-RELIEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAV • When you feel gassy, headachy, logy duo to clogged-up bowels, do as millions do—take Keen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning — thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day full of your normal energy and pep, feeling tike a million! Feen-A-Mint doesn’t disturb your night's rest or interfere with vfprk the next day. Tty Feen-A-Mint, th * chewing gum laxative, yourselC I: tastes good, it’s handy and economical... a family supply rlEN-A-MINTioi WNU—13 52—40 Great and Small In the world’s audience hall, the simple blade of grass sits on the same carpet with the sunbeams, and the stars of midnight.— Tagore. Watch Your Kidneys/, Help Them Cleans« t be Blood of Harmful Body Waste Your kidneys are constantly Altering waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometime * lag in their work—do not act a * Nature intended—fail to re­ move impuritiae that, if retained, may Claon the system and upset the whole dy machinery. * Symptom may bo nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dlddaose. getting up nights, swelling, ptsBnesn under the eyse—a fooling of nerveen anxiety and loos of pep and strength. Other signa of kidney er bladder die­ order are sometimes burning, scanty ar too frequent urination. Thera should be no doubt that prompt treatment i* wiser than neglect. l«e Doan's PiUs. Doan's have been winning new friends for more than forty years. They have a nation-wide Ian. Are recommended by gratofu th. oountry over. Ark your naig D oans P ills