SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Dec. 20, 1940 Paae 9 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT » IT FARMS FOR SALE “OUT IN GOD'S COUNTRY” BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN <$>N THE LOT/RED" AND •WHiaKERS" BECAME ft JT OF ALL CREAT PALS WI1M'SKOOKlf, ALSO - *PEt>S FRIENDS. CM ; 6KOOKIE : I RET SA A UNDERSVAM' ES/ERVTK in ' k •UW'5 GAIO TC> KA JUST < LIKE ' WHISKERS*' DOE 6 £ LOOK - IS AT (MÂT GWtXT’' ( bwlPK’ you e^T ' I WILL. . PAPtyitC" Y M y HAL HOPSON THE COWBOX' AMD HONE STAR, WAS THE ONE WHOM HE ADMlftED MOST ANU WANTED io emulate W ho • ncraa, I c!»nrr a everything. Fineat water, 1 springe. 2 creeks. Blanding timber. 1,000 cord people. 20 minutes to Seattle. VOLSKY I’ EVER«. No. 212 Uoyg Bldg, Seattle then one dav /R ed " and ' wmi & kers * went to HOTEL THE ME MALARIE TENT TO VISIT ALTA ANO WERE, AMAZED AT WHAT TME y 5AV/ - Avalon Hotel, W501-5th Ave., Spokane Al! outside roonrut, restful and clean, by the day, week or month. Rat«« reasonable. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR HOUR SERVICI ìb Melt Cases Brii* •! Mail Tair Plata* fot Repair-CREDIT Extended D r . H arry S emler , DtsiUti .'•»/I K V, *L©ft • >•* » VORRI5ON • kiHUMO ORI ” ,1 . J • I'k’.. /■'AT »'.Ji L- LA LA PALOOZA —The Detective Should Have Brought Hi* Umbrella -■>-Z ed uwe-iAM- By RUBE GOLDBERG A Generous Disposition “Friend,” said Plodding Pete, "I want to a»k you a favor.” “I haven't time to listen to you,” said the pedestrian. “I suppose you’re expectin’ me to ask you for money.” “You needn’t I’m broke.” "Well. Jes' to show dat I'm a good feller an’ don’t carry nn ill- will. jes' wait here till I panhandle up an’ down de block a couple o’ times an’ I’ll lend you some.” For Busy Shoppers Frank /ay Markay Syndicate. Inc. S’MATTER POP—Soldier Under Cover—Soldier Ketched! By C. M. PAYNE Winning popular approval with busy Christmas shoppers are the two handsome gift packages of Camel cigarettes featured by local dealers. The regular Camel car­ ton—10 packs of ”20’*”—comes in a colorful, holiday dress. Equally striking is the gay Camel package of 4 “flat fifties.” Both packages contain 200 ciga­ rettes—are easy gifts to get, per­ fect to receive.—Adv. Wighty Minds Ideas go booming through the world louder than cannon. Thoughts are mightier than ar­ mies. Principles have achieved more victories than horsemen or chariots.—Paxton. The Better Way to Correct Constipation MESCAL IKE But That Wa* When Pa Wasn’t Trying «y a u huntley POP—Too Much By J. MILLAR WATT One way to treat constipation 1« to endure it first and "cure" it afterward. The other way is to avoid having it by getting at It« cause. So why not save yourself those dull headachy days, plug the Inevitable trip« to the medi­ cine chest, if you can do It by a simple common-sense “ounce of prevention”? If your trouble, like that of millions, is due to lack of “bulk” In the diet, "the better way" is to eat Kellogg's All-Bran. This crunchy, toasted, ready-to-eat cereal has just the "bulk” you need. If you eat It regularly »-tjad drink plenty of water-you can not only get regular but keep regular, day after day and month after month! All-Bran Is made by Kellogg’s In Battle Creek. If your condition Is chronic, it is wise to consult a physician. Man’s Worth Every man is worth just so much as the things are worth about which he busies himself.— Marcus Aurelius. SCOLDS quickty ule. LIQUID TABLETS SALVE NOH OtOH cough oaor* One Remedy • Against the superiority of anoth­ er there is no remedy but love.— Goethe. (Released tn Th» Hell gsiidlot». la» » ATTENTION GETTER Miserable with backache ? HEN kidneys function badly and you suffer a nagging backache,1 with dizziness, burning, scanty or too freauent urination and getting up at night; when you feel tired, nervous^ all upset ... use Doan's Pills. Dean's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom­ mended the country over. Ask yow, neighbor! W WISHES DADDY WOULD PAY SOME ATTENTION TO HIM. TRIES TO AMUSE HIMSELF WITH PILLOW THAT HAG SUPPED OUT 0F CHAIR AND THEN POPPING OUT TO SURPRISE DADDY BUT DADDY IS NEVER LOOK­ ING AT RIGHT TIME IT'S KINO OF FUN HIDING BEHIND IT D oan spills TRIES CIOWNING BY WEARIN6 (T At A HAT, BUT DADDY WON'T WATCH WNU—13_____________ 51—40 I AkT/WAY IT'S FUN SWINGING IT AROUND WELL .TWAT MADE DADDY PAY ATTIK IN THE AIR-UNTIL IT SUPS OUT OF TION TO HIM, THOUGH NOT JUST HIS HAND. CATCHING DADDY ON TH* THE WAY Ht HOPED L *1PE UP te HEAD ______________ r..I / mODERMZE Whether you’re planning • party or remodeling « room you should ftlltw the eeiverttiementt ... to learn what’s new... and cheaper... and better. And the place to find out about new things is right here in this newspaper. Its columns era filled with important messages which you should read regularly.