Friday, Dec. 20, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Commissioner George Allen again' heads the "Mile-O-Dim»»” pro- g»*im At national headquarters in New York,’Morgan and Colonel D I Walker Wear, assistant national chairman, are completing final de­ All America ix rvaponding to have been appoint»-»! ami are com­ tails of the concerted nation-wide drive. the call, “Help th«* Yuungzter' pleting their organizations In ter Joseph M Schenk of l-os An­ Aiomul Your Own Comer" and to ord time, Morgan declared. Muni­ i 1 i .i in < Im National I Menu cipal and nelghlMirhoral commit­ geles, again will serve in the cam­ Agtilnxt Infantile I'umlyxlM " tees are rapidly being formed All paign as vice-chairman of the From Went Virginia to I'uget these arc departments of a vast, national committee for th»- cele­ Hound, through the epidemic belt unified plan of "total defense" bration of the President's birth­ day The Motion Picture Theatres where 10.000 ltoyn and girl» and against Infantile paralysis women und men were stricken In nearly every community committee is heade»! by Nicholas during the year, citizens arc ral­ forces are being marshalled for the : M Schenck, of New York, presi­ lying for the moat intenaivc at "March of Dime»" ami committees dent of l-oew’s, inc. Women of the nation are pre­ tack ever launched iiguliiNl the arc drawing up plans for the gala 1 crippling invader. celebrations to be held Jan 30, paring to participate on a scale President Roosevelt’s 59t,h birth­ never before attempted in every Keith Morgan, national chalt city, town and village of America, man of the Committee for the day anniversary "home parties" will be held to Celebration of the President's Hundreds of thousanus of birth­ raise funds for the campaign. Birthday, announced today that a day greeting carrt the tion boxes will srsin be distribut­ 4H state chairmen ed, Morgan said The “March of Dimes of the The governors and governors­ elect of ull states, the chief exe< u- Air," headed by ICddie Cantor, star Dr. Claude E. Kay re, Vicar tives of Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto of screen, radio and stage, this Rico, the Virgin Islands and the year will attract the most bril­ high commissioner for the Philip liant list of celebrities since the Holy Communion. A a m pines all have pledged their sup war ugainst infantile paralysis Church uchool, 9:30 a m port to the campaign Women's began. Hermon and morning prayer, 11 groups, business, lulxir, railroad Grantland Rice. writer and a. m. executives, in fact every branch widely recognized sports author­ Midnight Chriotmus Service of Americun life Is ready to do Its ity. Is planning a full program for Christmas Eve. Tuesday, Dec. the Sport» council which he heads 24 part. 11 30 p m. the midnight in Washington, D. C., former Christmas service will be held Hundreds of county chairmen The choir has prepared splendid Christmas music and Iroctor Ravi»* will preach a sermon on the Meaning of Christmas," after which the Holy Communion will be celebrated. The public is cordially Invited to this service. Holy Communion Christmas morning at 9:30. —•------------- I • Mrs larlu Wilson left Wednes­ day for Klamath Falls for a holi­ day visit with her daughter, Mrs Walter Bradley. • Jess«- Smith who recently un­ derwent a major operation at the Community hospital is much Im­ proved and was Wednesday moved Wherr thè familv gathers to- SPECIAL! Manicure, to the Uthia hotel. gether ut und Finger jour amarle«! self wlth n nrw • Allan King of Fort Lewis is W»rr . . . all THREE wave. A visi! lo our «bop will visiting here at the home of his for ciMivince jrou of larth thè rffi- parents, Mr and Mrs J W King only ciem-y und thè economy of our King, who recently suffered an (orne to Ashlund beauty servire. Our atylista w III attack of pneumonia, is here on indlvldmdire u charming wave Hotel Beauty Shop a 30-day furlough for complete serv­ for vou . . . espressive of thè • Floy Young, a student at Uni­ ice . . . phone 1311 holiday »pirli of fun and gulrty. versity of Washington, is spending the holidays here at the home of Mr and Mrs C. R Bowman Groups for ‘Total Defense’ Against Polio Being Formed. • Mrs. Harry Hurs* left Thur» day for Portland where she will J»»in her parents and other rela­ tives in a family reunion • Mrs Dan Payne left Wednes­ day for a visit with relatives in !»» Angeles and Han Francisco. ( m . W't z I I I I s • Robert Yeo of Grants Pass vis­ ited here last week-end with rel­ atives and friends • Jack Pierson of Merlin visited here last week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. afld Mrs. Fred Pierson. APPLIANCES M Truly, they ore gifts gift J for joyous living? livina! '1 You'll be delighted at the beauty of the new, more convenient, more economical appliances YOUR ELECTRICAL DEALER is showing for Christmas. You couldn't * El* (4 • Mrs David Peterson returned to her home In Marshfield follow­ ing a visit here at the home of her sister, Mrs Bessie Cook • Mr and Mrs Wayne Heard are the parents of a son bom Sunday at the Community hospital V Trinity Episcopal Church ßecuitq. Page 7 select more appropriate, more thought­ k b fccopco^ ful and electric more useful appliance gifts. display at See the YOUR ELECTRICAL DEALER today? smkih met. KaswafÄSfÄSif Christmas Showing of America’s Finest Low-Priced Car Brink 1941 PONTIAC WINES The Outstanding Buy of the Year! Pontiacs Start at $999 DELIVERED HERE! | DRIVE A CLEAN CAR DURIN( ■ THE COMING HOLIDAYS— Besides the regular equipment, note the EXTRA equipment: Bumper Guards, Metal Spring Cov­ ers, Dual Windshield Wipers, Dual Tail Lamps, Dual Horns, Outside Door Locks on both front doors, Lifetime Oil Cleaner, Parking Lamps. Arm Rests, Leather Scuff Pads on Doors, Mud and Stone Shields (no muddy headlights), Automatic Choke, Triple-Sealed Hydraulic Brakes and many other features making this the most complete car offered on today’s market! All models are refreshingly new and all include many new developments, especially in front end appearance and body refinements, which serve to make Torpedo Styling more appealing than ever. Each machine comes equipped with the 90 horsepower six-cylinder engine, but you may have for $25 additional the improved 103 horsepower dual carburetor eight-cylinder in any body type. ANY Washed Greased Your ear thoroughly washed anil vacuum cleaned and completely lubricated with famous Marfak oils and greases. A real automotive bargain! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO BEHOLD THE BEAUTY STEP INTO LUXURY CHOOSE YOUR OWN ENGINE LOOK BENEATH THE BODY NOW TAKE THE WHEEL! Get Our Prices On ; ACCESSORIES * BATTERIES U.S. TIRES AND TUBES ANTI-FREEZES * HEATERS A FULL LINE OF CARS ON DISPLAY UNTIL 9 P.M. DECEMBER 21,1940 Reed and Young’s Texaco Service CLAYCOMB MOTOR COMPANY 71 East Main Htrwt Phone 4501 I PONTIAC SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 4011