Friday, Dec. 20, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Elks Plan Charity Dance for Christmas About People You Know! ] • Mi and M in Jean I lusting« visitul Sunday in Phoenix at the iKMDC "I Mr Mid Mm Andy SteVMM • Everett Nance arrived Sunday from Bantu Monica where he is attending school for a visit ben* at the home of bl« parents, Mr. and M in It. D. Nance • John Billings of Klamath Falla visited here lust week-end ut the home of tile parents, Mr and M in Ralph Billing« • M in Elsie Churchman of I zin Angeles visited here for several days tills week ut the home of her Bister, Mis W C. Mitchell • Dominic Favero of llllt was an A h I i I uii U visitor Monday. • Mr and M in . Gates King of Sun Francisco visited here foi several days this week at the home of Mrs Miilindu I • Bobby Colvlg made a trip to Klumuth Falla Tuesday for a visit with relative«. • Remember the big Uhi istmas gift Nate 1« on at the East Side Pharmacy. • A C. Ninlnger left Tuesday on a business trip io Redmond, Ore • Mr. und Mrs Clyde Dean of Portland -re visiting hers this week wltii Burris Dean who has been a putleiit at the Community hospital. • Mr and Mrs R ohm Tilley of Siskiyou were shopping and visit­ ing with friends In Ashland Mon- day. • Mr and Mrs I. G Morthiaml of Medford viaited here Sunday at the home of Mr. und Mrs. W. G. Sander. • Huth Ford visited In Yreku last week-end with relatives und friends. • Betty Grace Robbins of Sama Valley visited here lust week-end with friends. Cottage • Paul liarmsen of Grove visited here fol several days thia week with relatives and friends. • Floyd Pulmun of Eugene visit- ed here Sunday with his daugh­ ter, Shirley and his son, 1 >avin- Mentation a choir composed of 30 selected voice« sang traditional carols. The following program was pre­ sented : Processional, Joy to the World Verse choir Christmas story, Luke 2 8-14. Hark the Herald Angela Sing Gifts to the Christ Child (1) Shepherd. (2) the Three Kings, (3) caroilers; (4) doctor and nurse. (5) school boy and girl; (6) farmer and family, (7) musi­ cian and artist, (8) cripple. (8) soldier, aviator and sailor; (10) refugees, (11) Hawaiian; (12) miner, fisherman and logger; (13) children, (14) athletes; (15) busl- neaa man and rich lady, (16) beggary (17) Mexicans; (18) In­ dians, (19) cowboys. Carols used during the presen­ tation of gifts (1 1 The Fl mt Noel; (2) Away in a Manger; (3) We Three Kings, (41 <> Come Al) Ye Faithful; (5)0 Little Town of Bethlehem; (6) It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. (7) Silent Night. Receasional -Joy to the World Dear Santa: Would you bring me a set of glass dishes and a bicycle? Thank you Your Uttle friend, Edith Krouse, (age 7) First grade, Uncoln school. Dear Santa: I want a bicycle a blue one and you can bring me anything else you want. Please bring my little sister a tricycle Your little friend, Yvonne Black ( age til First grade, IJncoln school. Dear Santa: 1 want a car big enough to ride in and an accordion I can | play. Your friend. Donald Gregory