SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 HEI.I.V1EW NEWS Couple Wed In Reno • Miss Mama Byrd and John Ar­ nold made a trip to Reno. Nev. Monday, where they were married by a justice of the peace They were accompanied there by John's mother, Mrs. Albert Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold are leaving after Christmas for their new home in Marshfield where he is employed. The newlyweds both are well known here, haring attended the Bellview and Dead Indian schools. Later attending Ashland Junior and Senior high schools. • The Bellview school was closed last Thursday and Friday because of the flu epidemic. It reopened Monday. • Clarice Brantley spent last TTiursday night with Inez Yockel. • Miss Marie Walker was in Kia- math county on business last week. • Mrs. Archie Kincaid and Mrs. Arthur Hamaker were Medford visitors Saturday. • Ml3 Wade Wallis and Mrs. Mark True are helping with the Christmas play at the Presbyter­ ian church Friday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Mark True were Medford visitors Friday. • Mrs Henry Stenrud entertain­ ed a group of friends Thursday in Late Shoppers— You Can’t Go Wrong With CAMERAS Cameras and photo albums make ideal, thoughtful gifts that are a source of unend­ ing pleasure to recipients . . . if you still have an incompleted gift list, be sure to see our large var- iety of cameras, albums, gifts and photo accessories in a price range from less than. $1 and up. We also have a full line ol movie equipment and film! Bushnell STUDIO 293 East Main Phone 4271 honor of the 79th birthday anni­ versary of her mother. Mi’s Sor­ enson Those enjoying the happy event with Mrs Sorenson were Mrs. Alice Gowland. Mrs Addie Pankey, Mrs Clara Kincaid. Mrs Ella True. Mrs. Bertha Wallis. Miss Marie Walker. Mrs Walter Davis. Mrs Haines and the hostess. At the close of the afternoon re­ freshments were served and the honoree received a number of gifts. During the Friendship Circle hour Mrs. Sorenson received ra­ diograms from friends and rela­ tives in Washington. Oregon. Cali­ fornia. Colorado and her old home state. Minnesota. • Mr. mid Mrs. John Heilnieyer plan to leave Saturday for Wamic, Ore., where they will visit for a week or 10 days with Mr. Heil- meyer's brother George and fam­ ily and his sister. Mrs Della Wing • Mrs Alice Anderson, who has been visiting for the past several weeks with her niece. Mrs W. H. Turner, returned to her home at Newport last week. • Emil Gattman, who has been quite ill, is somewhat improved but still confined to his home. • Mrs. William Turner and daughter Ruby and Mrs D W. Myers were shopping in Medford Saturday. • Mr and Mrs Henry Stenrud and Mrs. Someson were Medford visitors Monday. • Mrs. Johnstone who has been operating the Bellview service sta­ tion and store for the past several months has given up her l«*ase and gone to Vista. Calif, to join her husband. J. H. Williams is op­ erating the station temporarily • Mr and Mrs Robert Rosen­ baum from Willow Ranch. Calif spent the week-end with Mrs. Mr and Rosenbaum's parents, Mr. Mrs Walter Hash • Miss Janell Dankworth who is attending the Catholic academy in Medford spent the week-end with her parents in Bellview • Edgar Rector had the misfor­ tune of injuring one of his feet while working at Flurry's mill last week and has been unable to work. • Earl Hamilton and W O. Mar­ tin made a business trip to ti eno Tuesday. • Mr and Mrs Gates King from San Francisco arrived last week for a visit with his mother, M ! s Malinda King, and Mrs King will spend some time with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, at Yreka • Mrs. Allen D Miller of Seattle arrived Wednesday to spend the holidays with her parents. Mr and Mrs R E. Bell. • The Bellview Grange met Tues­ day evening. After the business meeting a play was presented. "The Old Fashioned Home Com­ ing. ■' Mrs. Delia Inlow and Mrs Bertha W’allis had the leading parts, assisted by a large number of Grange members. A gift ex­ change was enjoyed and a Christ­ mas tree with treats for all who were there and during the social hour a shower was given Mr and Mrs John Arnold. They received a number of gifts. Hos»s and host­ esses for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis. Mr. and Mrs J. E. Gowland, Mr. and Mrs. Les- ter De Shazer and Mrs. Ruth Dews, who served refreshments at the close of the evening. TALENT NEWS Schools Will Give Program • The school pi esen Is its annual program Friday morning at 10 o'clock, consisting of Christmas music, both vocal mid instrument­ al. The grade school, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades, under the leadership of Mrs Nellie Powell, will present a series of Christmas numbers mid a candlelight procession. The school orchestra and high school mixed chorus under direction of Mr Meyers, presents several mu­ sical numbers carrying out the Christinas theme. Included is a song by the group. Following the program Santa Claus will present the children with candy • Due to illness with the flu in the Skeeters logging crew, work has been indefinitely postponed. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins of Medford were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tryon Sunday • Mrs. Charles Long was a Med­ ford shopper Monday • Mr. and Mrs Ted Guetzlaff and small daughter of Ashland called on friends here Tuesday afternoon. • Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey and two children. Carl and Shirley, visited relatives in Central Point Sunday afternoon. • Mrs Blanch Hungate left Wed­ nesday morning for eastern Ore­ gon. Mrs. Hungate's brother Ches­ ter arrived Monday evening from Fox Valley and she will return home with him to spend the win­ ter Mr. and Mrs. Bob Waterman of Phoenix have leased her place until spring. • Miss Marian Gould of Medford who is teaching school at Merrill, spent the week-end with Miss Edith Clark. • The Community club held its last meeting of the year ’Vednes- day afternoon at the city hall There was a good attendance. • The Girl Scouts have been busy this week hemming Ixiby sheets to •end to England. Thin in being Cron*. done for the lied Cross. • Mr and Mrs O. Carver re­ ceived word that their son Demi has been confined in the Fort Ix’wis hospital for the past four weeks. • J Hendrickson was a business caller in Medford Monday morn­ ing AUTIVIANS MWAI* GIFTS Members of the Ashland Active club Thursday noon, in a special Christmas meeting held in the Plaza cafe, exchanged gifts and otherwise observed the coming holiday, according to Sec. John Murphy. • PRESENT YULE PROGRAM Tlu* Ashland Music Study club Tuesday night presented a pro­ gram of Christmas music in the Methodist church The program was preceded by a brief business session Besides music. the Rev. C. A Brostrorn gave it talk “Handel and His Compositions. • • Mrs Vincent latnini who has been quite ill is able to be out • Mrs. Martha Bryant of Friant. Calif recently visited here at the home of Mr and Mrs Phil Bry- ant • || i and Mrs Lee Merriman of Prospect visited here hist week­ end at the home of Mr mid Mis H. B Carter / J Friday, Dec. 20, 1940 United State« including mid Alaska Aulil-s-irl Qiiirlntii lu UNIllsLilll iMUlKIll IN I». ¡..4.. — ..-I ..4 1»^ Registered at BYIJ --------- j One student from Ashland Is now registered at the Brigham Young university in Provo, Utah, according tn a survey of student registration recently completed by John K. Ilayrs, registrar. That student is Cherie Rasmussen There are 12 students registered from the entile Htate of Oregon These 12 help to make up it total registration of 3350 students at­ tending the university nt the pre­ sent time These come from all parts of the world, 47 from for­ eign nations, 551 front states out­ side <>f Utah. 1745 from Utah, mid seven from territories Hawaii • Subscribe for The Miner today. DRY FIR Long Burning Minimum Sool ,75 per Io Dump Deliver) le Tra Olid »331 Gifts for the home are enjoyed by every member of the family, every day in the year! And yon IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE INSURANCE ADEQUATE? make your dollars do double duty ... as Christ­ See mas joy and year-around utility! We have dozens STEVEN R of useful, practical gifts for the home you'll want to see. so come in and look around! I’HONE 4721 J» IP»«. S>OI§><âÊ & S©IH1S METROPOLITAN UFF. INSURANCE CO. Phone M77I 125 Eis»! Main Street TEU SANTA YOU WANT A NEW W edgewood for xmas . »20 trade-in allowance on YOUR OLD STOVE! Take advantage of this amazing offer now. You get more for your old stove ... and with a new Wedgewood Gas Range, advanced cooking features that save you food, fuel, time and labor. This offer good until Xmas only. Trade-in now! YOU’LL FIND WEDGEWOOD MODEL 5185 ... FEATURING TOP GRIDDLE for HOT CARD, HAMBURGERS You'll want this new Wedgewood with the built-in Top Griddle. Ideal for hotcakes, hamburgers, other frying purposes ... or for keeping foods hot Grease drains into side and griddle slips out for easy washing too! * All the other famous Wedgewood fea­ tures that make cooking a new easy art! FULLY AUTOMATIC. FORCHR1STMAS AT BROADY’S DRUGS! We can supply your every gift wish with delightful new and attractive gifts for every member of the family— gifts that range in price from a few cents to several dollars . . . and all of them gifts that will be welcomed and apprec iated by young and old! Men’s Shave Sets ☆ Electric Razors Pipes ☆ Tobaccos & Shaving Mirrors Perfumes ☆ Colognes ☆ Toilet Sets Gift Box Candy and Chocolates AMITY LEATHER GOODS Billfold Sets—Utility Cases Key Tainers—Tobacco Pouches REGULAR $13630 NOW »116so WITH YOUR OLD STOVE.... Lamp Extra.... 3 Wedgewood Trade-in Allowance Good Only Until Xmas UNCONDITIONAL 5-YEAR GUARANTEE oj satisfactory operation COOKS YOUR FOOD.... HEATS YOUR ROOM burns your trash SOtf to $5 This beautiful Wedgewood model burns your trash and heats LADIES’ COLORED BILLFOLDS $1 your rooms as well as cooks delicious food—a three-purpose range in one! Myrtlewood Gift Novelties ☆ Toys Sheaffer Peans and Pencils ☆ Lighters Gift Soaps ☆ Stationery ☆ Compacts AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER GIFTS! O this F iatuim Speed-plus-simmer burner» Super-speed giant burner. Aitogril rotor-disc broiler. Oven heat control. Stop-catch flat bar oven rack». Removable oven side brack­ ets. Sectional speed top. All burners self-lighting. FULLY AUTOMATIC REGULAR $15950 NOW $139 50 WITH YOUR OLD STOVE (Lamp Extra) BROADY BROS. DRUGS 275 East Main Street Phone 52«I CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC UTILITIES CO Model 5022BK