Friday, Dec 20. 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 10 LIN IN GERS GET JOB M, C. Lininger and Son thia week were awarded contract for gravel at Kerby on their low bid of $14,670 by the state highway commission Rock crushing ma­ chinery will be moved to the Red­ Ashland basketball fans will be wood highway location from the treated to more college ball to- t Ashland plant. morrow night, Saturday, when the I • Southern Oregon College of Edu­ FLV GETS HAMS Because flu was cutting too cation quintet faces the Multno­ deep inroads into Ashland Radio mah College Chiefs from Portland club membership, a proposed OB the SOCE floor Multnomah Christmas party, for Dee 23 has College is formerly Oregon Insti­ tute of Technology. been called off. 1-axt year the Chiefs won seven and lost three games, winning the Northwest Junior college cham­ pionship and losing out to Mon­ mouth in the playoff for a trip to the national AAU tournament. Coach Paul H. Cushing has six returning lettermen for a nucleus of his 1940-41 squad and has an­ nounced his probable starting lineup as Bob Boss and Jack Shel­ ley, forwards; Norman Wetther, center; and Harold Ito and Bud Friday and Saturday! Selllken, guards. Coach Eberhart of the Sons is at a loss to an­ nounce his starting five since ill­ ness and lack of practice time has hampered his squad since win­ ning two over Albany College last Äthelewon* week-end. COLLEGE FIVES WILL PLAY HERE AMAZE A MINUTE SCIENTIFACTS ** BY ARNOLD D angerous P arachutes / B olivian aviators have FOUND PARACHUTES ALMOST useless . M uch ofthe coun ­ try BEING AT IZ^OOO FEET, THE AIR IS SO RARE THAT A PARACHUTE DESCENDS AT DANGEROUS SPEEDS- C ancer has been DEVELOPED IN FISH BY CROSS BREEDING, J AS A PART OF THE STUDY OF THE OSEASi E lectrical sight eyes , ano NOT FAILURE IN THE OPTICAL NERVES, ARE CAUSING BLINDNESS, SIGHT HAS BEEN RE­ STORED THROUGH ELECTRICAL STIMULA­ TION TO THE NERVE ENDS W here • BASKETBALL Si'orrs laist Week Bend 30 at Ashland 40. Bend 22 at Ashland 32. Albany 28 at SOCE 51. Albany 28, SOCE 45 (at Central Point). Medford 18 at Weed 28 Medford 47. Little Sons 32 (at Central Point). Klamath Falls 61 at Yreka 1S. Klamath Falls 28 at Dunsmuir 18. MARCH • BAXTER BARRYMORE llONtl . 'THE ROAD to GLORY rtJNE LANG- GREGORY RATOffF A C*n»v'y Fom r,ctvf* Wor.. GRiAHI TODAY. Central Point 12 at Grants Pass 40. BRACE OF WINS IS SOCE DEBUT Games This Week-End: Dec. 20 SOCE vs. Rubensteins at Medford. Dec. 20—Little Sons at Medford high. Dec. 21 Multnomah College at SOCE. Dec. 21—Roseburg at Klamath Falls. ------------ •------------- • Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bums and children of Antioch. Calif arrived here Thursday for a visit during the holidays at the home of Mr. , and Mrs. M T. Bums. ----------Plu* Busy? Han this Christmas rush got you going? Then you'll certainly appre­ ciate our quick lunches, our snappy sundw iches —they tide you over like a four-course meal, and only take a jiffy. Come in today! JEAN ROGERS ROBERT STERLING TEO NORTH WNU Pete’s Lunch EARL D. (PETE) NUTTER m SUN® MON »TUE The Southern Oregon College of Education hoop squad took a pair | of Oregon Collegiate conference I victories over Don Faber’s Albany College Buccaneers over the last week-end. The Sons scored first | in the Friday night clash and were never behind, leading 29-18 at halftime. The final tally favored Sons 54 to 28. Jake Fisher and Chuck DeAu- tremont tied for high honrs Friday night with 12 each and Peterson,' Albany guard who played with a : stiff knee, was his club's high scorer with eight. Saturday night's game was played at Central Point dedicating the new gymnasium there. When the smoke of battle had cleared away SOCE was ahead 45 to 28 Fisher again was big guns for' the Sons with 13 and was closely followed by Koch vf Albany who gathered 12 counters. Albany started out-to make a ball game of it and was leading 9 to 7 midway In the first period but dropped behind 15 to 11 at the halfway mark and was trailing 28 to 15 after 30 minutes. Medford high's Tornado blew it­ self to a 47 to 32 conquest of the Little Sons in the Saturday night! preliminary. ------------ •------------- • Mr. and Mrs Roy Salo and ' children left Wednesday for Min-1 nesota for a holiday visit with j relatives. O Mr and Mrs. P S Provost left Thursday for San Francisco where they will join their daugh- ' ter. Slyvia, for the holidays. • Walter Hash of Dead Indian was a business visitor Wednesday, i • Mrs Minnie Gearhart of Kla­ math Falls visited here early In the week with her sister. Mrs Viola Miller. • Dom Provost made a ousiness trip to Klamath Falls Thursday. * MICHEL HELOT Ht b| ist iictapiriblt •criti irfliti’ )• Harmonicas 50c to $3.50 New Strings 50c to $1.50 set Music Folio 75c to $2.00 Mutes................ 75c Popular Music 3 for $1.00 Twirling Batons Chromium Plated $2.25 to $3.00 Trumpets, Violins, Clarinets, Trombones Wet Feet? gargle • WED & THUR • LISTERINE with TYRONE POWER Régulai* Prices Will Prevail Ashland (> rizziies To Meet Battery Quint Here Next Friday Jerry Gaatineau'a Ashland high basketball team successfully op- 1 ened its current season Friday and . Saturday nights with a pair of non-conference wins over the highly-touted Bend l-ava Bears Friday night, on the SOCE floor, the first half wan a nip-and-tuck affair with both teams looking ragged and miasing several shots Bend was ahead 13 to 11 at the end of the first half but the talk Coach Gastineau gave in the dressing room must have produc- 1 ed some fire for soon the Ashland boys went to work, Jondreou’a ' foul lied the score and a basket I by Weaver put the Grizzlies in the lead and from there on out Bend didn't have a chance Bill Eby of Bend led all scorers With 15 points and Weaver am' Jandreau tied with 13 each Snturdiiv night Buddy Piovont sank a field goal that put hi: team in the lead early In the game and the Grizzlies were the masters from then on The fins' I score favored Ashland 31 to 22 i Again Kby was high with 12 markers and Jandreau and Smith tallied 10 each Halftime wort i favored Gastlneau's club 18 to 10 • • Mrs Earl Leever made a bus! I ness trip to Palm Spring« late last week, returning to Ashland j Wednesday. • Mrs Ed Cary of Santa Cru: | and Mrs Thomas Gorman of San , Francisco were he—* early in the I week for the funeral of their j father. G. H. Crowson. • Mr and Mrs DeVon Wray made a business trip to Medford ; Wednesday. • Otis Elliott <>f Baker Is visiting friends in Ashland for several ! days • William M Briggs returned I Wednesday from a business trip ' to Palm Springs. Hs wax accom­ panied by his son. Bill. Who has been attending school in southern California and will spend the holi­ days !><■:<■ Idle this week-end, the Ashland high Grizzlies will dash with But­ tery B, Ashland unit of the 249th Coast Artillery, at the Junior high gym Filday night, D m IT Tim gate receipts, less expenses, will be used for th«* Buttery mesa fund benefit and all Ashland basketisill fans arc urged to attend 171«* Battery, «'hampions of their regiment at Cump Clatsop, is composed mostly of ex -Ashland high slats and boaet such names in Ashland hoop history as Char­ ley Warren, Ken Schilling. Walt lx*e. Ardie Warren, Tiny Jones George Bullion, Bob Stricklami and Harold Baughman. The Battery only last week dropped a thrilling game to the Astoria Coaches by one point af­ ter three overtime periods The game between Milton-Free­ water and Ashland, originally scheduled for Jun II, has been canceled by the upstaters an«l Coach Jerry Gastineau stated that he will not try t<> fill the date since Ashland's annual hoop jam­ boree will I m * held Jun 10 when the Grizzlies face the Grunts Pass Cavemen Plans still an* underway for a trip into th«* Willamette valley during the Christinns holidays when th«* Grizzlies meet Albany high once and Chemawa. f«irmrrly coached by Gastineau, in two en­ counters There also Is a jMissibil- ity Ashland will go to Ben«! for a pair of games. If early-season scores mean anything, the Southern Oregon high school basketball conference might well sit up and take notice of the Klamath Falls Pelicans. Last Friday night the Pelicans ran wild tn beating Yreka 61 to 13 in which 15 of Coach Dwight ----------------------- •----------------------- French's boys took part. The next night Dunsmuir fell before the Klamathites 28 to 18. French, in his 16th year at the helm of Klamath Falls basket ball, has three returning lettermen FOR SALK New and used desks filing cabinets, swivel chairs and . They are Marion Reginato, Eu­ safes. Medford Office Equip­ gene Love and Bob Erlandson Al­ ment Co., 32 North Grape street. together, 14 men round out the Medford (4Stf) Pelican roster. Tomorrow, Saturday night, the United States Department of Pelicans face the rangy Roseburg the Interior, General I-and Office, five at Klamath Falls O. and C. Administration, Port­ land, Oregon. Sealed bids, marked • Don Halfhill, a student at On outside "Bid for Timber", and ad­ gon State college, arrived here dressed to the Chief Forester, O. this week for the Christmas holi­ and C. Administration, 410 Cus­ tom House, Portland, Oregon, w ill I days. be received until 10:30 A M . Pa cific Time, Jan. 7. 1941, for the j purchase of timber upon tracts WORKED hereinafter described; each bid MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY must state the amount per M. feet J B M , which will be offered for , ! each species and the total conaid | , eration which will be paid for the . | timber. No bld for less than the I i appraised value will Lx consider- , STIS OVIRWORKIDT Do they «mart ■ ed. Each bid must be submitted in ! ■nd burn? Munne bring« quick relief. Try two drop« of Murine night and ! duplicate and be accompanied by a : morning and whenever your Eye» are ■ deposit in the form of a certified I irritated and reddened or feel tired. I check in favor of the Chief For- | ester of the O. and C. Administra­ tion. The deposit of any success- I ful bidder will be credited oil the contract. Payment in full at the | time of filing the contract is re­ Murine is alkaline—pure and gentle, quired in sales amounting to $2.- economical, too. Try Murine today. 500 or less. For copies of the form of proposal, form of contract and bond, terms of payment, amount 1 of deposit required with bid, , amount of bond required with con­ tract and other information, appll- ■ ■i should be made to the ad­ SOOTHES - CLEANS« - REFRESHES dress shown above In Jackson ! ( «unity: T 37 fl . R. 3 W , Sec. 15. all merchantable timber designat­ ed for cutting on NELSE1» and a fractional portion (10 acres more or less) in W'-¿SE *4 NE 1,, estimated for the purpose of this sale to be 508 M. feet Ponderosa firn- No bi«l for less than $3 00 per M., or a total purchase pri “ of $1,524.00, will be considei Only trees stamped USOC to cut. The right to waive techi defects and to reject any an. bids is reserved. Dated at Port­ land, Oregon, this 29th day of No­ Bluebird Records vember. 1940. W. H. Horning, 35c Chief Forester, O and C Adminis­ tration. 12-6 -• • WANT ADS • EYES! SOOTHE EYES % Christmas Qifts! ■IflifiCMli bruikt t« fall “MARK OF ZORRO” Klamath Cagers Run Wild in Scoring Spree GRIZZLIES PAIR WINS OVER BEND Prompt action may 'orestall trouble Wet feet . . . cold feet . . . drafts . . . and fatigue, may lower body resistance so that colds develop and germs in the throat get the upper hand. After such exposures, why not help Nature to combat such germs on tissue surfaces by gargling promptly and frequently with Listerine Antiseptic. Tests showed | that regular users of Listerine Anti-| septic had fewer colds and milder colds than non-users. Lambert Pharmacal Co., St. Louit, Mo. i Victor Records .50c e • Mr and Mrs J H Henry left Tuesday for Pasadena where they plan to spend the winter. LITHIA A HOME OWNED THEATRE I’hone 7561 Friday, Saturday “THAT GANG OF MINE” with The East Side Kids “THE DURANGO KID” with Charles Starrett AI-SO NEWS Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “ANGELS OVER BROADWAY” with * Rita Hayworth Douglas Fairbanks AI-SO NEWS AND SELECTED SHORTS FREE SHOW for the Kiddies CHRISTMAS MORNING 10:30 o’clock •( THE BARE FACT IS . . . Red Seal Records 75c Victor Record Player Pack now $9.95 -• s Was $17.20 Record Player Par k includes small Phonograph which plays records through your radio; four 12-inch "Heart of Symphony” records and one large record album! I? V WE SERVE THE COLDEST BEER IN TOWN! £ V*. & —Come On, Make U h Prove It! 7W—3 A-UNE DRAFT BEER ATURING 5c per glass Finest tjuullty Brew In Generous 6-0«. Glans! ■LH ART'S • - BOOK AND MUSIC STORE BOHEMIAN CLU AL BROWER, Proprietor