Friday, Dec. 13, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 RUTH WYETH SPEARS nJ. Ph ¡lüpf' a widow woman." the old man said. “She made me claim him or she She did not sleep that night. Sit­ wouldn’t marry me. I was young, George McAusland was 38 years old REVOLT FROM A RADIO Wh-n sailed from America >o under­ ting by George's bed. she had time wanted a woman any price at all; Elmer Twitchell is suffering from take his post as a missionary in the Fiji to put all these new things in order and for all I knew then. Peter’d Islands. A crime he had committed In what la coming to be known as a fit of excitement had shattered all his in her mind Uncle Tom dead. Cap­ make a man and a good son for "radio chills." He confidence in himself He felt forced to tain Corr ill. dying, perhaps dead me. I gave him and you alike al­ avoid pretty Mary Doncaster, who board­ is beginning to ed the ship at Honolulu. She was en even now. Peter, with that vein of ways. Richard; but you’re a man, shiver at the very route to visit her parents, who were mis­ malicious humor in him still, that and he's not. I knew that sure, sight of a radio. sionaries on Gilead Island Mary was attracted by George's attempts to avoid trick of teasing her in ways that after his first time at sea. The sea "Yes," admitted Peter was uncomfortable winnows a man. Richard; blows the her. One day George accidentally fell hurt. Elmer today, overboard Mary uifhesltattngly dove into about her uncle's death, as though chaff away and shows you what he the sea to rescue George, who falls in "I’m afraid of the love with her When the boat approached he felt some doubts of his own con­ is underneath. It didn’t need that darned tiling. It her home on Gilead Island, they learned duct on that occasion. Tommy hat­ business of Tbm Hanlme to show me used to be fairly that Mary's parents had both died. 1 knew peaceful; at least there was nothing George volunteered to take charge of ed him. That was clear. Tommy the inwardness of Peter. the mission and asked Mary to be his blamed him; but Tommy was before. I wasn’t fooled,” he said. about it to intimidate me. It was wife She accepted his clumsy proposal, young, his emotions likely to over­ "So I cast him out. It's all in my just a piece of furniture between the and they left the ship to live in her for­ mer home on the island. The scanty rule his judgment Probably Peter will. Dick. Lawyer Ashburn’s got it piano and the vestibule, or a table dress of the natives shocked George at deserved no blame at all. at home. A dollar to Peter that ornament with cigar ashes all first, but he soon became reconciled to But Mary thought most of all of was never mine, and the rest to you their customs Mary discovered that around it. Corkran. a sailor friend of George s, had Richard, somewhere outside the bay that was always my own son.” • • come there to help George and Mary if in the Venturer, probably watch­ Richard's pulse-beat choked him. they needed hr n. Their peaceful life “1 may not have been overfond of Just as she Captain Corr's eyes were closed was interrupted one day when a ship ing his father die. it. but I considered it a good friend. stopped in the harbor in search of watched beside George here. She now; but the old man said softly: It was a bit obstreperous at times pearls. They see the pearl divers at­ tacked and their schooner sunk by a would see him in the morning; and but never savage. It was even safe “ I could always brag about you, pirate ship. The pirates head their boat she was at once eager and uneasy, for women and children to handle.'* toward the bay near their village. George remembering that letter of which he Dick.” Here Elpter looked nervously sends Mary inland for safety and walks He seemed to smile, but he did down to the beach, alone and defense­ had made a jest. She had found it around and shed a few tears. less. to meet the unwelcome visitors. in a book called "The Complete Let­ not speak again. He did not know when his father died, till Isaiah Natives carry him back to Mary hours later, shot through the shoulder Na­ ter Writer." It was headed: . "A came at last to peer over his shoul­ “The breakfast food, hair oil. tives killed the pirates that night and Young Man Seeks the Acquaintance chocolate bar and gasoline talks set their boat afire. The boat was still of a Lady he Loves." She had der and to say: burning when the long-awaited whaler, were annoying at times, but they “He’s gone.” thought it beautiful, had copied it, the Venturer, arrived. Richard looked down, and he saw never made my hair stand on end," using Richard's name and her own, continued Mr. Twitchell. "And the in a sort of make-believe, never this was true. His father was dead. minute I neard some radio voice He was Captain now. meaning it tc be seen by anyone. CHAPTER VII—Centinucd He rose. He went on deck. He say: This is the Peter Pipp Almond And in school next day, she was Program* I didn't have to duck or They sat together in the big reading it secretly behind the screen saw their position, said to Mat have a battle for civilization hurled Forbes: of her geography when Peter room, near enough George to hear "Mr. Forbes, my father is dead, Smack into my lap! any movement he might make, or rei »'hed over her shoulder and • • Keep her off and on. I'll be busy snai ed it away. any sound. Mary said: “I’m sorry “ A few words about a tooth pow­ After school was out she begged for a while.” about Cap’n Corr. Peter." der weren't a prelude to all the He returned below. He went into “He’s dying.” he told her. “Pm Peter to give the letter back to her; ghastly details of a bombing raid. the cabin and closed the door. Alone pretty sure of that” He added: but he refused, insisting that he About the worst I had to fear from “Richard has been mate since your would deliver it to Richard, for there, tender as a woman, he shaved the radio in the old days was some his father ’ s dead face, and dressed whom it was intended. Mary prayed uncle was killed. I’m second, and Hackensack Lady Duo or the voice Mat Forbes came aft to take my him not to, and secretly hoped he him in seemly garments. While he of the man who urges radio fans to was alone with his father he had watch their innards and buy the Key place. If Father dies. Richard will considered the problem which the be captain." to Vigor & Vim for >1.50 before it old man’s revelation presented, goes to >2 25. She thought this was a curious been no chance to ask There had • • thing for Peter to say. He seemed Captain Corr whether Peter knew to feel that his father’s prospective “ 1 could even ignore my radio and the truth about himself; but Richard death was merely incidental to Rich­ assume it was out of order and per­ was sure he did not. Richard even ard's advancement Thinking fectly harmless thought Peter need never know. Tommy, she suggested: 'Tell But them days is When they reached New Bedford, he about Uncle Tom.” gone. It's now a might go first to lawyer Ashburn constant menace. Peter hesitated. "Why, I did and arrange for the destruction of I have a feeling it you,” he said, after a moment the will—since he himself would be can snap, snarl “I mean—all about it” she urged, the only loser—and then he and Pe­ and bite me." and smiled. “If we don't talk we’ll ter could share alike as legal heirs. • • go to sleep, Peter." He fixed on this intention; but if Elmer was “Well, it was a bowhead," Peter the secret were to be kept, Isaiah plainly all upset. "It’s become a reluctantly explained. “We were on and Hiram must be warned to si­ thing of blitzkriegs and bombs and Japan. This was a lone bull. We lence. So he told them crisply that bullets. I'd just as so<;n have a all lowered, but we had a long pull; they were to forget what they had tank in the room. In fact. I'd rather and we spread out and when he heard. have a tank, provided it was wired came up to blow it was your uncle’s They assented. Hiram with a word, for just the baseball scores and rac­ boat was nearest The whale was Isaiah more volubly. ing results. between him and me, Richard off to • e George for much of the night had the wind’ard. I put for the whale, been restless and muttering in delir­ “Having a radio is almost the and so did your uncle’s boat; but he ium; but toward morning he fell so same as going to war. It's worse beat me by a little.” deeply asleep that Mary leaned over in a lot of ways. In a war there are “With you so near!” she whis­ him to make sure he was still periods when you are too far back pered ruefully. “Couldn’t you do breathing. to know what's going on up front.” anything?" • • She was sticky hot, and the “I wasn't close enough to do any­ At this point Mr. Twitchell put on thought of the swimming pool that thing," Peter asserted, arguing as was cool and solitary. She took a a gas mask, grabbed a gun and much with himself as with her. "The towel and went down the path. The started crawling across the floor whale smashed them, and then he Venturer was moving into the bay; toward his radio set, using the olher started looking for more trouble.” “Foor kid! You were a great but there was time to be fresh and furniture for cover, "This is about "Did you kill him?” little girl, Mary—’’ clean before Richard came ashore. time the wife tunes in on one of “No, I stayed to pick up the men.” She slipped out of her clothes and those programs,” he whispered, “I don’t see that there was any­ would. Maybe Richard would read swam lazily, like a seal, as often Elmer had plainly gone nuts. • • « thing you could ha.'e done, Peter.” it and come to her and take her in under water as not. Jarambo came seeking her to say the Venturer had "Blast it, there wasn’t!” he cried. his arms! THAT'S MANHATTAN But next day Peter brought her anchored and a boat was approach­ Hi.— "I was too tar away.” She nodded, shivering faintly at Richard's scrawled answer: “Dear ing. She told him to go meet them Let the bird students dery this something in the man. ‘They were Mary, don’t be a little fool. Wait and help them land. When he was one: During the wrecking of the till you grow up. Dick." gone, she came out of the water, she Ninth avenue elevated, the welders’ both killed? Did you get them?” She had cried then, and hated “No. They sank.” He added: him; yet except for that cruel note dressed and turned toward the land­ torches sent showers cf yellow sparks to the street. Pigeons flew “Richard got an iron into him half he had always been, in a gruff, shy ing place. She emerged from the jungle to the scene in flocks and pecked an hour after, killed him.” way, nice to her. which cloaked the path in time to at each ••kernel’’ until they became “Richard?” She spoke her thought, She was glad she would see him see Richard catch the rope Jaram­ disillusioned. I saw it. not reflecting that he might think her in the morning. bo dropped to him; and a moment —Yankee Clipper. word an implied criticism, "He's The Captain's cabin on the Ven­ later, as the whaleboat lifted on the • • • very brave, isn’t he?” turer was on the starboard side, The cards some of those small Peter laughed angrily. "Dick opening off the common room aft, swell, he stepped nimbly ashore. countries are getting in the Eu­ Mary had forgotten how tall Rich ­ hasn’t brains enough to be afraid into which the companionway de­ ropean new deal arp coming when he ought to,” he said. “If you scended. While Mary kept her vigil ard was; how tall and bronzed and from the bottom of the pact. dark. He carried a gun under his call that being brave! You always ashore. Richard Corr sat there all • • • arm, and he wore a cap too small thought a lot of Richard!” The General Society of Mayflower that night watching his father die. for him. His shirt was open, his She smiled a little. ”1 certainly It was clear to Richard that no med­ lean hips tight in trousers that Descendants is out to preserve the did! Of course, he never knew I icines now could help his father; yet seemed too scant for his powerful colonial flavor of Plymouth, Mass existed; but I used to worship him when he heard the boat alongside, thighs. He came striding up the One home of a Pilgrim father, it is from a distance.” he went to the foot of the companion path and she waited without mov­ charged, has now become a hot-dog stand. First thing we know some­ He chuckled. “Remember that to meet Ephraim Doncaster. ing, watching the way his feet letter you wrote him when you were But only Mat Forbes descended. seemed to grip the ground, the body will be trying to cart off a young one?” “Mr. Doncaster’s dead. Mr. Corr,” swelling muscles above his knees Plymouth Rock to make an outdoor Her cheeks burned. “I didn’t write he said. “And so is Mrs. Doncaster. as he climbed. She thought, half grill. • • • it to him! It wasn’t meant for him. Your brother sent word their daugh­ smiling, how often two people thus ZAZZING UP THE WAR It was just an old letter I read in a ter Mary is there.” drew together without speaking, The bishop of Chelmford proposes Richard dropped his eyes, seemed each trying to decide when to call that the doleful notes of the air siren book, a love letter, and I thought it was sweet, so I copied it! You to consider this; but actually he was a word of greeting, or to lift a hand. be abandoned and that the air raid knew perfectly well it wasn’t meant only conscious of the fact that his She said: "I’ve had a swim, it signal be a gay "cockadoodledoo, to father was dying, and that Mat and was so hot.” for Richard, Peter Corr!" sound the note of defiance and cour­ Peter touched her hand, leaning every man aboard looked to him age.” It's the best suggestion of He said: “Felt good. I’ll bet.” near her. "Poor kid! You ware a now for command and leadership. How about patterning She offered him her hand. His the war. great little girl, Mary. You know, Hiram Minick and Isaiah Cappies, after the musical auto horn. Imagine was hard and heavy and firm. She carpenter and cooper, oldsters who you’ve grown up mighty beautiful.” the effect on Nazi fliers to be greeted He leaned back again. "It’s al­ had sailed with Captain Corr for asked for his father; and he said: with “Arrah Go On, You’re Only “ He died about daylight. ” ways griped me to hear Richard many a voyage and who loved him, Fooling.” “I’m sorry.” read that letter of yours to people were here in the common room shar­ • • • He nodded. “Yes, he died.” SONG AFTER SEVEN and laugh about it. I know it wasn’t ing his vigil, standing by; and Hi­ The sun shone boldly. The Ven­ ram crossed now to look in at the Night is a mother any joke to you!” turer, dingy, graceless, bluff of bow She whispered in a sort of terror: sick man. Richard asked Mat: Climbing the stairs, “My brother didn’t come back and stern, with draggled sails half­ “Does he read it to people?” Locking day’s door furled, lay to her short anchor in He chuckled. “Oh, yes, lie kept it. himself?" On sorrows and cares, "No, he and Tommy stayed the bay. He’s got it now somewhere, proba Drying hot tears, Richard said: “Peter sent word ashore.” Healing new scars, bly.” "Well, there’s nothing could be your folks were dead too. You been She rose hurriedly, blindly escap­ Quieting fears, here all alone, have you? l»a Lighting blue stars. ing so he would not know her hurt. done anyway,” Richard decided. “Not alone,” she said. "My hus­ Ira Corr spoke, Isaiah and old Hi­ —Gladys McKee. “I’ll see how George is,” she said, • • • and took the lamp and went to the ram heard him, and came to the band’s with me. V.’e took Father’s cabin door; but Captain Corr looked and Mother’s place.” other room. The roof of the Capitol at Wash­ “Husband?” She saw his pupils ington is being repaired. It seems George was asleep, but she stood only at his son. He asked: widen like a cat’s. “Who’s he?” “Where’s Peter?" beside him for a while, deeply shak­ there is an amusing theory that con­ «« 'Ashore, Father. We’re at Gil­ She smiled at the sudden ques­ gressmen should be protected from en, wishing to be alone. It seemed incredible that Richard could have ead. He’s gone to get help for you.” tion. “He's George McAusland, a wind, rain and snow. • • • “I’m past help, Dick,” he said. missionary, a State of Maine man. made a jest of her letter. Some of He was on the Sunset. We came the absurd phrases which once had “You’ll be Cap'n by morning.” Italy has a secret weapon. Richard had never lied to this old from Honolulu together. He’s fine. seemed to her so beautiful returned But it can’t get It out of reverse. to torment her. "I have ventured to man. “I’ll do the best I can, then,” You’ll like each other.” He looked around as though try­ disclose my excessive passion ...” he said humbly. A Chinese laundryman was the "Look out for Peter.” ing to discover the answer to some first man inducted into the draft “Oh, do not slight a passion so obscure enigma. “Where is he?” he army from New York. He was a ”1’11 take care of him.” ardent . . “The tyran* love!” "I mean, look out for him,” Cap­ asked. "Where's Peter and Tom­ hand laundryman. This should dis­ She was hot with shame. The let­ ter was silly, of course. She knew tain Corr repeated, in clear warn­ my? Where are the natives? What’s pose of the idea that everybody that now; but it had seemed to her ing. “You’re mine, but he’s not, wrong here?” thinks this is a war of machinery. Dick. Not my son. His mother was then like a wonderful poem . . . (TO BE CONTINUED) SYNOPSIS In addition tn the firit 8, n.x>k n 1« ready tor mailing. It k> full of naw Idea» for making now things for the home. 1 am pretty excited about II and hope you Uke It and uae It again and again ju»t a» ao many of you have written me that you have used the other» Thia new Hook • contain» a deacrlption of each of the other live booklets of the series. Send order to: CHAPTER VIII • • • I MRS. RUTH WYETII SPEARS Drawer 10 Bedford Hills New York Enclose 10 cents for Book 0. Name ................................ •................... Address *T'HREE wire cout hangers, two * old bath towels, some tine wire hair pins and needle and thread made this cunning woolly lamb. All the directions are in the sketch. The wire hungers are bent and bound together with hair pins to make the foundutiu... A bull of soft cloth is fastened inside the loop that forms the head, and is covered with n square of the towel­ ing bound and sewn us shown. The rest of the body is all padded and shaped by winding and sewing four inch strips of the toweling, as shown. Knowing Adversity I account it a part of unhappi­ ness not to know adversity. I Judge you to be miserable because you hove not been miserable. There is no one more unhappy than he who never felt adversity. ............................. ................... Progressive Indians Between the years 18-11 and 1852, the Cherokee Indians living in and uround Tahlequah, Indian territo­ ry, now a part of Oklahoma, es­ tablished n national newspaper, a Masonic lodge, mule nnd female seminaries that tuught three for­ eign languugcs, French, Greek and Latin, and three temperance or­ ganizations, one of which was called the Cherokee Cold Water Army.—Collier’s. 4 Your Opinion Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that it is whi< h deter­ mines, or rather indicates, his fate.—Henry David Thoreau. » Best for Juice You can Me and taste the “extras” in California oranges! The juice is deeper in color-finer in flavor—richer in vitamins and minerals. They are the sttdltsi Navels. Easy to peel, slice and section for fresh salads and desserts. Ideal to eat out of hand between meals or at bedtime. Those stamped “Sunkiat” on the skin are the finest from over 14,000 cooperating growers. 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