t Friday, Dec. 13, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Pedestrian Fatalities One Of Chief Highway Mishaps Not long ago, two jM*drstrians sturtcd to cross n busy thorough- fuif in mi Oregon illy It Wim chirk, and un they left the curb, oik * noticed u car approaching, but ■till apparently half a block away I Hiciding they hud time to reach the center of the street before the car would reach the intersection, the pedestrians walked on, but be­ fore they hud taken more than four or five steps, the car win no close they realized their Ilves were in danger. They darted back toward the curb, but the driver of the car, seeing them at that mo­ ment, swung his car in the same direction In an attempt to avoid hitting them One win killed ami the other seriously Injured Tills accident Is typical of many |>edestrlan accidents in this state, according to Earl Snell, secretary of state and sponsor of the state­ wide program for traffic safety, who today announced results of a pedestrian study made recently by the traffic safety division of the state department. The study disclosed that cars moving at 25 miles an hour, cover ground five times as fast ai the average pedestrian under 35 years of age wulks, six times as fust as the pedestrian from 35 to 55 years of age and seven times us fast as the pedestrian over 55 yrars of approaching from their left, es­ pecially nt night,” Snell declared "Many persons simply do not real­ ize the difference In speed of an automobile ami the average walk­ er, if the car seems fairly well up the block, they proceed In the belief It is not near enough to constitute a hazard It was for the purpose of |s>intlng out the difference In the rate of travel that our study was made” In chcr king the walking pace of pedestrians, walkers were classi­ fied In three general age groups, those under 35. those between 35 and 55 ami those over 55 years of age Investigators checked the time it took these persons to walk across an intersection of a given width try means of a stop-watch By this means, the average walk­ ing rate, as expressed In feet cov­ ered jrer second, was determined Pedestrians were timed at inter­ sections controlled by traffic sig­ nals, nt uncontrolled Intersections and nt different times and on dif­ ferent days In the age group under 35. pe­ destrians took from II to 23 sec­ onds to cross a street, the average time for this group being 13 8 sec­ onds, The average time for the j age group 35 to 55 was slightly higher, 14 4 seconds while the time , for those over 55 years of age was several seconds higher, 19 1 'Tiic results of this study indi­ seconds Expressed in feet per sec­ cate clearly the danger pedestri­ ond. the first group walked at a ans incur when they start across pace of 7.17 feet per second, the a street when they can see a car middle group walked at a pace of GOING HOME TO HELP SANTA THIS CHRISTMAS? * * XXX CLYDE L. CATON O ABA0■ xoxoxoxokoxoxox II II Are jou pl.inning a trip home this holi­ day season 7 If you are, then NOW is the time to hair your brakes checked, your motor tuned up, your headlights adjusted, those dented fenders straight- ened out. Thrrr is Just time to check your car tor safety, for |M*rformancr ami for u > pm rance before that “big trip" and we will be glad to help you pre|»arr for u trouble-free drive, flash starUng on frigid mornings. We can cars for your cur from tires to battery, radiator to paint. Take time now to hr safe and sure over the holida.i a—you’ll I m - glad you did! (Our W raver Safety lame tests your brakes accurately and instantly, without charge—another of our modern services for motorists.) Phone 5311 CLYDE L.CATON GARAGE AT THE KI.AMAT1I JUNCTION (Siskiyou Boulevard und Indiana Street) Page 7 0.H7 feet per second while the older group proceeded at a pace of 5.18 feet per second Compared to the pace of a car going 25 miles an hour and cov­ Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister ering 366 fret per second, It was found that the car traveled five Sunday church school, with Al­ times as fast as the younger pe­ len O. McGee as general superin­ destrians, six times as fast as the tendent, meets at 9:45 a. m. each middle-aged group and seven Sunday Ln any church the Sunday times as fast as the older group. school is the vital spot. Here is The significance of these fig­ builded the youth of today, the ures, Snell pointed out. lies In the manhood of tomorrow. At 11 o'clock the adult choir revelation of the distance a car | will travel while a person on foot will give the Christmas cantata. is taking two or three steps For "King of Kings," by Daniel Pro- the oliler group, for example, the theroe. This Is a very beautiful study shows that while the aver­ and appropriate cantata for the age pedestrian was walking 15 Christmas season At 6:15 p. m the Epworth a. I feet, a car traveling at the speed of 25 miles an hour would cover Wesley leagues meet for worship At 7:30 o’clock will be the eve­ 108 feet In other' words, a car traveling at this speed would con­ ning sermon on the subject stitute a hazard to an elderly pe­ "Christ or Not." The young peo­ destrian starting across an inter­ ples choir will sing the anthem. section while • the car was still "Angels We Have Heard on High over 100 feet away The prayer meeting _ is held Jn view of the fact that approx­ imately three-fourths of the pedes­ Wednesday evening at 7:30 and trian fatalities in Oregon involve the lesson for next Wednesday elderly persons, the difference in evening is the eighth chapter of walking time of the two age the book of Revelation. groups also is significant, Snell said The difference of approxi­ mately six seconds in the walking pace of persons under 35 and those over 55 may well mean the difference between safety and danger on a busy thoroughfare, he declared. During the first 11 months of this year, a total of 120 pedes­ trians died In traffic accidents in this state. Eighty percent of these fatalities occurred at night and In about 60 percent of the accidents, the pedestrian involved was com­ mitting some such unsafe action as crossing the street between in­ tersections, walking on the wrong Savory, tempting, to make side of the highway, stepping out Chrintmae a grand surer»»» from between parked cars, start­ for the entire family! Our ing across the street when ap­ tsikery delicacies are the proaching cars too near for safety final touch to a fine meal. and improper walking at inter­ sections The secretary of state s office has started distribution of pedes­ trian protection cards, pointing out the dangers of unsafe walk­ ing and driving practices as they apply to the person on foot, and urging both drivers and pedestri­ ans to avoid those actions which may lead to traffic accidents. These cards are suitable for dis­ play as small posters, or may be passed out to individuals or placed in cars Distribution throughout the state is being effected by police chiefs, sheriffs, city officials, safe- , ty council members, service clubs and other groups interested in the . traffic safety campaign PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW As a further means of stressing FOR CHRISTMAS the need for safe driving and NPECIALS! walking practices during the hoii-1 day season, these various groups are cooperating with Snell's office in conducting local campaigns which include radio talks and speeches before various groups, pointing out the dangers and sug­ gesting ways of avoiding acci­ dents. A short movie trailer, featuring You will find the largest the voice of Secretary of State variety of home-baked Snell and showing the dangers of bakery goods in southern careless pedestrian practices dur­ ing the winter months, is now be­ Oregon at the ing shown in many Oregon thea­ ters Principal efforts of the state safety campaign during the month of December are directed toward 383 East Main—Phone 4051 I cutting down pedestrian accidents and preventing other traffic WE APPRECIATE I crashes common during the holi­ YOUR ORDERS day season, it was said. ------------- •------------- • Subscribe for The Miner today. Methodist Episcopal Church Fruit Cakes Stolen Kisses Santa Clauses Honey Cake Pepper Nuts Rolls--Any Variety Scotch Shortbread The Church Universal will hold Sunday services at 278 Idaho street, according to Philip Scribe, preacher From 10 to 11 a m. he will talk on "Behold, for paltry gain you have sold out the temple of the Lord Jesus Christ." "Come, I will not always cal) to the hearts of men." The public is Invited to attend. • Mrs. Charles Mack Sunday re­ turned to her home in Klamath Falls following a visit here at the home of her parents, Mt and Mrs. George Rose • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Purves .if Hilt visited here last week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Callahan • Mrs Gerald Donnigan of Rollo, Mo. arrived recently for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Orpha Milhoan. WHEEL TOYS DOLLS GAMES ★ TRAIN SETS SEALED-BEAM FOG LIGHTS and other Auto Accessories ASHLAND'S NEW TOYLAND! WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Taylor R. Williams, Authorized Dealer •< • .• a - I Furnishings for the Home Make Ideal Christmas Gifts —for All the Family Ashland Bakery Goods for Ashland People WE HAVE A FINE VARIETY*. INCLUDING OTTOMANS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS END TABLES SMOKING STANDS FLOOR AND TABLE LAMPS LITHIA BAKERY AND .MANY OTHER ITEMS! WICK’S FURNITURE 297 East Main Street KWWMi««HSjÍlN¡J¡K < APPLIANCES Please the Whole Family with Truly, they or« gifts for joyous living? You'll be delighted at the beauty of the new, mor« convenient, more economical ELECTRICAL GIFTS •Electrical gifts are among the most utilitar­ ian that Santa can bring to any home! Toasteis, coffee makers, radios, lamps, re­ frigerators, irons, curling irons, dozens of fine, useful gifts are being offered by your electrical dealers in a price range from a few dimes up. See them on your shopping tours and give a practical gift—an electrical gift! Ashland Light Department K “Your SERVICE Department” appliances YOUR ELECTRICAL DEALER is showing for Christmos. You couldn't select more appropriate, more though t- ful and more useful gifts, electric appliance display ELECTRICAL DEALER today! See the at YOUR Phone 8761