Friday, Dec. 13, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 6 E.YI'RESNES THANKS I OUR DEMOCRACY Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Str-et ASHLAND. OREGON ★ Entered as second-class matter February 15. 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. ★ TELEPHONE 8561 “THE TRUTH WILL r -AND STILL GROWING Leonard N. Hall Editor and Publisher ★ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR........ $150 80c SIX MONTHS (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) SET YOU FREE" 1782 ALEXANDER HAMILTON... THE FIRST BANK . .. I A HANDFUL OF DEPOSITORS. TODAY- 15.000 BANKS HAVE 45.000,000 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS ALONE. IT HZ FIRST U.S. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BEGAN IN THE POSTMASTER APPOINTMENT HERE PHILADELPHIA IN 1759. TODAY- AMERICA HAS 306 IS STRICTLY DEMOCRATIC BUSINESS! COMPANIES, ALL REGULATED Perhaps since the beginning of postoffices, or at BY STATE LAW, AND 124 least since the invention of political patronage, the MILLION POLICIES appointment of postmasterships has plunged commun­ IN FORCE ■ ities into bitter feuds and divided cities against themselves. IT HE FIRST /* HMMY-MORE THAN Just let a postmaster appointment come up in the ELECTRIC LIGHT * 23 MILLION HOMES most placid, peace-loving town in the country and * HAVE ELECTRICITY. BULB GLOWED boom! Into thin air goes community harmony and in­ FOR EDISON THE USE OF nocent bystanders run for their storm cellars. 1 CURRENT IS UP IN 1879. L Ashland, of course, is no exception and last week 75% IN 7 YEARS when word got out that the county democratic central committee had endorsed Bert Miller as successor to Postmaster John Fuller, who has indicated a desire to resign, tongues started wagging, personal grudges were aired and vapid criticisms filled the air. As near as The Miner ever was able to determine, postmaster appointments are traditional rewards for party faithfulness. Whether democratic or republican [T he AIRPLANE..THE FIRST administration, the postmaster’s belief always coin­ [T he motorcar .. ONE TO FLY, 1903. cided with the party in power, and his selection from FOUR REGISTERED IOOO A MONTH MADE HERE IN 1895. NOW, AND among his fellow partisans was made as the result of 30 MILLION TODAY. INCREASING EVERY DAY. his prominence in or influence with the local political organization. On such a basis, we can see no justification for criticism of the county central committee’s recommen­ are sent to Alcatraz. As far as the residents of San dation of Bert Miller, for surely he has been one of the Francisco are concerned, they could be no farther most sincere democrats and hardest workers in the from the barred walls, for all practical protection from community. Bert has earned the endorsement of the escapes, if the island were a hundred miles out to sea. central committee and there is no reason for criticism, Perhaps their esthetic sense of niceties is offended by especially by republicans who will have nothing to say sight of the rock—that is. on days when the bay at­ about the appointment anyway and who would never, mosphere is clear enough so one can see across the if their party had won the presidential election, toler­ street—or perhaps, too, San Francisco’s boosters ate advice or criticism from the democrats. would rather not be reminded of the less happy side of life. ★ ★ ★ And as for the prisoners, the only real "horror” on BACKSLIDING MATANUSKANS PROVE the rock is the utter hopelessness of escape tries, to UNWORTHY OF GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE! which convicts naturally are rebellious. If they believ­ Now it seems that some Matanuska settlers are ed in paying their debts to society they wouldn’t be in demanding that the government cancel their debts for Alcatraz. farms in the Alaskan settlement project. Some even ★ ★ ★ refuse to make $5 "token payments” as an indication of sincerity and the manager of the Alaska Rural Re­ A GENUINE ACT OF BRILLIANT HEROISM HAS GONE UNREWARDED! habilitation corporation has threatened eviction. The rebellious settlers are reported to be buying People never seem to like their heroics close to new cars, attending movies and otherwise living com­ home. Brave deeds are much more impressive if remov­ fortably but are making no effort to repay the $4000 ed to story books or theater screens, or are flashed to $5000 stake the government gave them. And, of across the continent. And southern Oregon seems to be course, a political hero has risen to the hour, a terri­ no exception. torial legislator who tells them to resist eviction and Some weeks ago two Medford men were swept out "prove whether they are American citizens or peons.” tc sea in a skiff which was overturned at dusk as it Some people will think the politician is careless in was pounced on by huge breakers along the lower coast his handling of words and should have asked them to of Oregon. Nearly two hours later one was rescued by prove whether they are honorable Americans or dis­ a pair of strong-hearted men from Brookings who very gustingly unappreciative no-goods from the dust bowl likely qualified, by their deed, for Carnegie medals. who, once their bellies are filled, forget a beneficent Picture the scene: Two hysterical wives who saw government that rescued them from hunger and want their husbands swept away by current and wave and and established them in a new land of promise. heard their cries for help; the dark night closing in on Coddling of the unworthy always sets up a vicious the restless, swelling ocean; the roar of the ever- circle that becomes burdensome to honest taxpayers treacherous surf sucking at the beach. Calls for help and a curse to deserving unfortunate. bringing two experienced boatmen—Archie McVay and Victor Anderson—down to the scene of tragedy. ★ ★ ★ Knowing not whether one or bpth the fishermen al­ TALK OF MOVING ALCATRAZ PRISON ready had been drowned, unable to see their overturned ANOTHER OUTBURST OF SOB STUFF? craft in the black night and with no audible cries to Members of a congressional investigating commit­ guide them, they without hesitation pushed a skiff into tee soon will make a trip to Alcatraz prison in San the surf only to have the giant combers overturn it. Francisco bay and on their decision may rest the With courageous determination they fought the small future of "the Rock”. There is considerable talk of a boat back into the sea, this time with success resulting desire to have the prison island moved from the bay from skill and strength alone . . . out into the heaving because, as one critic comments, “I think it is a great swells they oared, guided only by their knowledge of injustice, both to the prisoners and the citizens of San tides and wind . . . out, more than a mile they searched Francisco, to have this place of horror on a rock on and after muscles ached from steady pulling, chilled San Francisco’s doorstep.” through by water and night wind, they came upon the Just why the prison, which houses the nation’s overturned boat and pulled in the lone survivor who incorrigibles, should be described as a "place of hor­ clung to it and life. ror" will not be readily apparent to the average law- Ashore they brought the man, nearly frozen and abiding citizen who understands with good reason that half drowned. To his rescuers alone he owed his life only those prisoners who have well earned their spurs and hospital care soon had him normal again. The rescuers returned to their homes wet and ex­ hausted after having risked their lives searching for a man they had never seen before, nor have they seen WHY A PRE-ARRANGED FUNERAL PLAN? since. FIFTEENTH Unless arranged for definitely and fin­ And, ingratitude of ingratitudes, to this day no one ally, your funeral may be fraught with cares and em- ! barrassments from which we are sure you would be I las bothered to give them thanks or write them a card glad to provide relief if possible. ' of appreciation. Which makes the heroism of Archie McVay and Victor Anderson all the more genuine, for they went without thought of reward and they received LITWILLER none. FUNERAL HOME However, people of the coast country who under (We Never Close) stand the power of the sea know what an unselfish Phone 4541 deed was done that night; they know how two men C.M.LitwiUer risked their lives to save another and they are ashamed that gratitude is so scarce in the world. To the Editor: I want to thank you for the flm support you an«i your newspaper accorded the National Guard re­ cruiting campaign before ami dur­ ing mobilization of the Forty- First division in Septembei Your splendid co-operation was of great service at that important time, and now that we are en­ gaged in an intensive training program in the field, I am taking thia first opportunity I have hud to express, on behalf of the tllvi sion, our hearty appreciation for your assistance. With best wishes, I am cordial l\ youra, , GEORGE A WHITE. Major Genera). II. S Army. • • Roland Schelderelter spent last week-end in Crescent City. • Elton Petri recently returmxl from a visit with friends In Riddle. < >i a • Bobby t'olvlg spent last week end visiting with her mother In Klamath Kails IT'S NO WONDER! ljutent report* from Home are that two men ware suspended from the Fascist party for refus­ ing to stand for II Duce’e war communiques One can hardly blame them though It must gel rather monotonous standing to at tention every 15 minutes to hear that "the army advance«! 10 miles backwards." Bob John today son. • l»r and Mia Harvey Wood« made n trip l<» Baleni thia week where Dr Woods attended a state board of health meeting DEPENDABLE NON-< ’AN<'EI.LAIILE, NON- FKO-RATAItLE llridth uiul Accident Insurance Also Life, Automobile Mid Fire Insurance M. T. BURNS On tin* Piaaa PEAC E . . . AND SECURITY! The season I* here when |w*acr ami security are glorified by a holy hollflny . . . ami In a pnw-tlenl way, security I* our business—security for the niaterlul |M>»se