Friday, Dec. 13, 1940 i SOUTHERN OREGON MINER I About People You Know! | BELLVIEW NKWH Extension Unit Holds Meet * • 'Hie Extension Unit met last Friday in an all day session, with poultry cooking the main topic. Mu Cheater Applegate and Mra Janies Metcalfe were the hostess- cm . A turkey dinner wum served ut noon After the business meeting, a gift exchange wu» enjoyed Mix Walter Hash )a chairman of the unit. Mm. Kobcl, in charge of the flower arrangement, had decorat­ ed the table« and room» In iui artistic manner. Hostesses for the next meeting, Jan. 3, are .Mra. Walter Da via and Mra. la-wls Pankey. The topic will be Simple I>c»Mcrt No. 2. • Mix Ben Chriatlieb and M in Murk True will ussist with the Presbyterian bazaar to be held at the gas coni|>any office Saturday • Mra. Vincent 1-anlni who han been quite ill with flu ia acme bet­ ter but »till confined to her home • Mr» Archie Kincaid and daugh- ’er Eunice visited with Mr» Kin­ caid'» mother, Mra. Clair Taylor of Ashland, hurt Sunday, • Mr». Joe Wade and non Bert left for Vista, Calif , about two weeks ago where they plan »¡«end­ ing several week» for the benefit of Bert's health. • Mr». It D. Reynolds and »on I km who have been »pending the punt week with Mr and Mr» Melvin Conley at Dunsmuir arriv­ ed home Sunday. Mr» Reynolds is feeling much better. • Mrs K E Bell and Patricia who have been sick are both bet­ ter. although still confined to their home • I E Deadmond and Joe Ma- son and aon were hunting in Kla math county Friday and Saturday • Ted Huff was brought home from the Hillside hospital in Kla­ math Falls last Friday and is re­ covering from a major operation • George Yockel and Elmer Byrd left Sunday for Burlingame, Calif with a truck load of Christmas trees They plan to me gone until about Dec. 24. • Mr. and Mrs I. K. Deadmond were dinner guests of Mrs Dot Williams and family Sunday. • Susan Sykes who ia teacimip school at Shady Cove spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs Grace Sykes • Milton Hamilton retume«! Mon­ day night from a trip to Loo An­ geles. I» • Dorotha Rector returned to her home Monday from the Com­ munity hospital where she had undergone an appendectomy • Miss Jane McCoy of Ashland 1» spending thia week with Bellview friends • Mr and Mrs Ed McNeil spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mra Ed Grimm. • Mr and Mrs Ted Huff went to Klamath Fails Tuesday for Mr Huff to receive medical treatment and came back through Dorris and brought Mr and Mrs. Carl Dels- A QUART EACH DAY Betty Always Wins! She's got that extra «tome­ thing that it taken to put It over. Ponnibly »he get» that »parkllng brilliance from drinking MILK! < Yvonne Chriatlieb uh majorette Betty Dunn and Veda Williams, drill team, Bob Dunn and i>ah Anderson. football boya, and Nor­ man Christlieb, an orchestra mem ber, all were guests at the clul dinner. • Bellview P-TA will meet on t' afternoon of Dec. 20 The Christ mas program will be given by th pupils and after the program tl P-TA will give treats to all th« children. mar home with them for a visit. Mr Deiamar is Mr» Huff’s brother. / • G. W Jones spent a few days recently at the Walter Hash home Mr. Jones I» Mrs Hash's father. • Mrs Huppy Davis of Ashland has been employed to prepare hot lunches at the school for the next several weeks There arc about 50 pupils who will have the benefit of the hot lunches which are »¡Mtn- 1 sored by the Bellview P-TA. • Forest Emery is quite ill and under h doctor's care. • Mrs Roy Crow entertained the TH! “WANTED ' GIFT Embroidery club last Tuesday at her home. All member» were pre­ sent except Mr» Edwin Dunn who is ill with flu • Mi»» Helen Dunn who had the Richard Hudnut, Coty misfortune of falling and injuring wrist is some better. Evening in Paris and • Mr and Mrs Murk True were in Medford on business Wednes­ Yardley’s Gift Sets day • Mrs. Bert Peachey is ill with the flu at her home • Walter Conley of Chico visited last week with his brother, Claud r ( Conley, and family • Mrs Key», who has spent the Percllne Dresser Sets past few month» with Mr and Mra. Claude Conley, has gone to Burbank. Calif to visit with friends until after the holidays * • The Upper Valley Community club met Wednesday afternoon with 22 members present Mrs J i Perfumes and Colognes E (lowland presided in the ah- j sence of Mrs Floyd Hamford Coty, Yardley’s, Hudnut’s Members voted to continue the Evening in Paris and mystery box and to have the an­ nual New Year dinner, to be serv­ ■«entheric ed at 6:30 o'clock Wednesday eve­ ning. Jan 1 Families of the club members and Bellview Grange are invited. Each family is asked to bring well filled baskets After the business meeting the ladies en­ joyed a gift exchange. The Jan J ELECTRIC RAZORS uary meeting will be a talk on | BHAVCMASTER. KOLIJ4 AND health and the program commit- | tee includes Mrs W R Brantley. ; REMINGTON-RAND Mrs Emil Gassrnan and Mrs Her- | man Helm. • Mr and Mrs B H. Chriatlieb Richard Joy. Ed Dun*, and Fred Homes attended the Downtown Quarterbacks club dinner at Jun- | tor high school Monday evening • GIVE' A ★ KODAK ★ 1 < i ☆ $1 to $10 $1.50 to $20 50c to $5 ☆ ☆ EAST SIDE PHARMACY Page 5 Dial 7021—Free Delivery! SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS BACON BACKJ per pound PICNIC HAMS- -per pound ORANGES—by the case, any size BROOMS—good four-sewed - - Lettuce Sc Oranges—each 1C lSe 17c $2.1? 29c BRING UH YOLK PROCTOR A GAMBLE COUPONS! CRISCO 3 pounds - - 49c sc Italian Broccoli 12c Coffee—pound - 25c Vegetables—3 Bu. 10c Bananas—lb Sc Matches—carton * 15c SC Grapefruit— 6 for 15c POST TOASTIES Jell-o sc Sweet Potatoes 19c Bleacher—quarts 10c Avocados—each Any Kind Except Sank» S POUNDS MILD-EX— 1 1 — .• •s B " tke PERFECT 3 £ It bring« Joy mid »er vice to ihr receiver for year« to come. We offer fine jewelry gift» in u wide range of prices and are aure you will find the gift you want in our »election. SETS OF SILVERWARE....... $6 to $75 CLOCKS................................. $1.25 to $25 WATCHES—American and Swiss.............................. $1.98 to $150 Quality Leather Goods . . . Fountain Pens and Pencils . . . Glassware, clear and colored . . . complete stock of beautiful Rings for all the family . . . Solid Gold and Filled Necklaces . . . Watch, Tie and Key Chains . . . Brace­ lets . . Emblem Pins . . . Watch Bands . . . miscellaneous selection of Silverware such as Tea Sets, Flower and Fruit Bowls, Vegetable Dishes, Salt and Pepper Shakers, Candlesticks and Sandwich Trays . . . CLOVER LEAF I WIUI.^ V DAIRY Phone 8782 272 East Main Street ÈrÌNl UPiWt BPiW SWAN’S DOWN DIAMOND A No. 2— EASTERN HAKDWHEAT FLOUR $1.69 Made by SwanMlown Cake Flour Company £ £ £ £ £ 1 2 £ £ Whole Kernel Corn lie Klex Washing Pwdr 9c ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Grapefruit Juice—No. 2 2 Royal Club Orange Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| Royal Club Peaches—No. No. 2| Royal Club Coffee—pound tin Meco String Beans Meco Catsup—per bottle 5 for 15C 17c 24c 5 for 25c 10c ARiWl jPiWt ke.'SS Be;Mt BX; m I W;Wt JR; «NMMMM MNNMMM NM N«BM KM SEE OUR MANY GIFT SUGGESTIONS! FREE TURKEY! STRICTLY FIRST QUALITY GUARANTEED! 8 HAMS Short Shank Tenderized Skinned HA1.F HOLE These Hams are top quality and not to be confused with “regular” or inferior Hams! WITH EACH WESTINGHOUSE I I •1 § Buy Your ELECTRICA 1 GIFTS from nn Electrical Dealer! ROASTER SET £ Between Now and Christmas Eve Ye«, a fine turkey FREE with each roaster set sold until ChrlHtma« eve . . . nee these cooking marvel« that will prepare the entire meal at one time—and at Having« of effort and ex|M*n«e! See them now at JORDAN ELECTRIC I HO East Main Street t Phone 50.51 £ Fancy Spring Leg o’ Lamb Roasts, pound 22c Shoulder of Lamb for Roasting or Stewing, pound 15c Sirloin Steaks, pound 25c Pork Leg Roasts, half or whole, pound 18c Pork Shoulder Steaks, pound i7y2c