TALENT NEWS Grange Plans Yule Party • Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Levander of the Griffin Creek Grange were guests of the Talent Grange Thursday night. Carl Jones was admitted to the Grange and ob­ ligated. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wea- gant and Mr and Mrs. Arthur Dillon, recently married, were pre­ sented gifts. The Grange plans on a Christmas gift exchange party The program for the evening was in the nature of a birthday. Fol­ lowing the program tables were Owiòtmas + Conch 21 imprinted $1.50 Deep, rich colors on quality stock make these card* out- standingly beautiful, Your friends will admire your choice when they receive them. Distinctive matching envelopes included in price. See our assortment today! PROMPT PRINTING SERVICE Southern Oregon MIIIED IfllrlLK Phone 8561 I •I •I I Ì I I decorated representing the four seasons of the year Pink and white ice c.vam and cake furnish­ ed the rerfeshnients for the eve­ ning. • Mrs Waybum Kenyon and children of Ashland spent Monday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Al Sherard. • Mrs. Kay Garland and Mrs. Ed Robison were shopping in Ash­ land Wednesday. • Mr and Mrs. Elmer Holmes of Hensler, S. D.. visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ben Clark Sunday. Clark and Mrs. Holmes are sis- ter*. • Mr and Mts. Virgil Polk of Weyerhaeuser called in Talent Saturday. • The community is grieved by the death of Mrs. Nancy Steward, who passed away Monday morn­ ing at the home of a friend in Medford. Mrs. Steward operated a greenhouse on the new highway south of town. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Litwiller Funeral home. In­ terment was made in the Stearns cemetery at Talent. • Ivah Blackwell of Ashland called on relatives in Talent Thursday afternoon • Mr. and Mrs. Bob Waterman and family of Phoenix have leased the ranch of Mrs. Blanch Hungate. Mrs. Hungate plans on leaving soon for easctem Oregon to spend the winter with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Boon. • Mr. and Mrs. Janies Babbs were called to the bedside of their daughter, Mrs. Clarence Long, who passed away at a local hos­ pital Friday morning. • On Wednesday the ladies of the Home Economics extension unit met in an all-day session at the home of Mrs. J. R. McCracken in Valley View. • Dale O'Harra of Ashland and Olive Hill and Mrs. George Conner made a trip to Glendale Sunday afternoon. • F. A. Tripp of Azalea. Ore., is visiting his son Neal and family this week. • Mrs. M. W. Maxwell returned home Monday from a two weeks spent in Los Angeles where she visited her sons. Art and Buzz Adams, and families. • The health unit held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Give Useful Gifts! PYREX WARE Will Please 40c and up CASSEROLES SIX CUSTARD CUPS in frames ...59c 20c up PIE PLATES FLAMEWARE PERCOLATORS $3.45 FLAMEWARE DOUBLE BOILER 2.45 ELECTRICAL GIFTS ARE PRACTICAL! 3 I 3 3 I 3 Friday, Dec. 13, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 TOASTERS CORN POPPER WAFFLE IRONS ELECTRIC IRONS $1.25 1.75 3.75 2.95 HAMMERS—SAW'S—SQUARES AND A HOST OF THINGS THAT WILL PLEASE ANYONE! ” Vz the 1,11V Boy IJvj a d Fishing < I VlzVl • Give Rod! I Hardy’sCash Hardware § COLD WEATHER IS FINE FOR WINTER SPORTS—BUT HARD ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE! Snow and ice are great *|>ort for play, but not for your automobile's radiator, battery or motor. Cold weather causes undue strain on your car and now is the season to be doubly sure that it is in good mechanical condition. Often an ignition tune-up will make your car start quickly, run smoothly! Diffi­ cult starts drain your battery, spoil winter driving pleasure. We are especially equipped to efficiently and quickly check and adjust Ignition systems, service your battery (or give you an exchange deal on a new one), repair leaking radiators the factory way, handle all motor and chassis repairs on both cars and trucks. You’ll like our mechanical service because it’s de­ pendable and our charges are reasonable. Drive in today! Mr*. Jay Terrill and did sewing and knitting fur the Red Croaa. • The art exhibit at the city hall sponsored by the Community club last Wednesday wax a successful affair. Many visitors viewed the varied and interesting exhibits. • Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Garvin who have been confined to their home on Gibson avenue of illness for the pas’ 10 days are able to be out again. • The bridge across Bear creek east of Talent that was closed to traffic for a couple ot weeks while undergoing repairs, was opened to traffic this week. • Mrs. Mary Works, known as Grandma W’orks, has the flu and is confined to her bed. • H. E. Morgan is confined to his home with the flu. • Riley Niswarner made a busi­ ness trip to Grants Pass Friday. • Mrs. Sue Clayton is confined to her bed and has been very ill for the past two weeks. She is 89 years old —--------- •------------- NEWS FROM Lincoln School By SCHOOL STUDENTS Uniformed personnel of the army, navy and marine corp* tra- vling during the holiday season will receive a Christinas present from American railroads in the form of reduced rates, according to F. 8. McGinnis, vice president in charge of passenger traffic for Southern Pacific company. Special roundtrip fares of one cent a mile in coaches between all points in the United States will j be available to any uniformed | member of the nation's military | forces traveling between Dec. 14 and January 14, inclusive, it was stated. Reduced tickets can te ob­ tained by presenting a furlough certificate. • Mr. and Mrs. Collin Moore arc the parents of a eon. Collin Larry, born Wednesday at the Commun­ ity hospital. Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Holy Communion, 8 a. in. Church school, 9:30 a. m. Sermon and morning prayer, 11 a m Holy Communion, Wednesday, 9:30 a. ni. Choir will meet Friday. 7:30 p. m. . You are cordially invited to worship with us DRY FIR IB IL ©X I.oug Burning Minimum Moot $3.75 per load ----------- •------------ • Mi* Roa* Tilley of Slakiyou j visited and shopped in Awhliuid Tuesday. • F F Whittle is ill at the Com munity hospital Dump Delivery Whittle Transfer Dial 3331 --------------------------- •--------------------------- Wesleyan Service Enjoys Pot-Luck The Wesleyan Service guild of the Methodist church met at the parsonage Tuesday evening with Mis Cora Bruce as hostess A pot­ luck dinner was served at 6:30 o'clock. The dinner table was dec­ orated with a beautiful center­ piece of silvered leaves of Oregon grape and silvered pine cones, with a miniature Santa and rein-. deer About the rooms were other Christmas decorations This was the regular monthly meeting of the group Mias Voda Brower, president, officiated dur­ ing the evening Devotions were conducted by Miss Velma Brower, assisted by three others. The study lesson was directed by Mrs Alice Willetts. Following the les­ son period there was considerable discussion as to ways and mean* of doing social work in the local community. Each rnembei hud a guest for the evening. As part of the Christmas decor­ ations in room six, the children made a sand table Nativity scene. The figures are carved of soap and the stable is of wood. The background shows the outline of Bethlehem with the star shining from above. The children of the sixth grade have a Christmas tree. They de­ cided to decorate it in yellow, vio­ let and silver. Gary Christlieb and Glen De Vore got the tree. It is a very nice tree. On Dec. 12, the sixth grade made block prints on linoleum. They are going to print them on paper to make Christmas cards for their mothers. -------------------------- • ...-------------------- The fourth grade attended a • Mr. and Mrs. Bob Van Vlect movie at the high school Wednes­ day, Dec 4. From the movie they Tuesday returned from a visit learned about the foices that have with relatives in Fresno. changed the crust of the earth. Some of those forces are water, IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE air and the mountain-making INSURANCE ADEQUATE? force which lifts land up high. Ellen Swingle entered the fourth See grade Monday. Dec. 9. She came from Bremerton, Wash. Last year she attended the Washington school in Ashland for a short time. The children of room seven did soap carving in the art class this week. Some very nice figures and PHONE 4721 animals were carved. • The pupils of room seven have METROPOLITAN LIFE been decorating their Christmas INSURANCE CO. tree. Several of the children cut down the tree and brought it to school. Juanita Howell, Wesley Peter­ son, Barbara Woods and Geraldine Newman have been absent from the second grade several days be­ cause of illness Edith Hile has just returned after a few days of il In ess The children of the second grade have been making ornaments for their Christmas tree. The children in room two have a Christmas tree Barbara Jean Donaca's father brought it It has paper chains, balls, bells, some rain and three little dolls on it. Bettie Davis had to move away, The children in her room are miss- ing her. Room one hasn’t had many chil- dren absent with the flu. One day eight children were out. That is J the most that have been absent. How to have a lUerry Xmas Trip TO CALIFORNIA Her«'« a simple recipe lor a real­ ly enjoyable holiday trip: STEVEN R. SCHUERMAN 1. Leave your faithful car tn the garage and save the wear and tear of a long winter drive. 2. Board a coxf, «team-heated Southern Pacific train. Relax and take it easy while the engineer drive* you swiftly and safely to your destination. cost« and we think you'll find that train travel is actually «Reap­ er than driving. S-P Arrive really retted—not worn out by a long tiring drive. The Friendly Southern Pociflc Southern Pacific offers you a wide variety of low fares to all points—-ou tale now. Compare See leeel I P afent er «etite J. A. OHMANDV Gee. Faee 4g*M. Ml Pectic Build leg. Por I lend. Oregon make it a W edgewood FOR • Mrs. W. E. Kerr recently re­ turned from a visit with her par­ ents In Cottage Grove. • Mr. and Mrs. James Gillespy Tuesday returned from a visit in Pasadena. • Marjorie House underwent an operation at the Community hos­ pital Tuesday. • Doris Danford of Seaside is visiting here for a few days with friends and relatives. • Jesse Smith underwent a major operation at the Community hos­ pital Monday. • Dick Petersen is temporarily employed in Hilt. • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jungwirth of Klamath Falls spent last week­ end here with relatives and friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Don Callahan vis- ited with relatives in Montague for several days this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Patterson who were married in Reno recent­ ly returned to their home here early in the week Mrs. Patterson Is the former Alice Walton of Medford. •/.v' 4 *• ••• i n WE MAKE J STORAGE I TANKS! j OAX STREET GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP »7 OAK STREET, ASHLAND Holiday Rail Fares Cut for Military Men PHONE 4586 XMAS! . : ' F A El. J ['• e I I -, / / 7 e. [f f h ? BUILT-IN GAS HEATER FOR WINTER COMFORT You can have this smart new Wedge­ wood at a $io saving by turning in your old stove now! With the Built-in Gas Circulating Heater, you'll enjoy mid­ summer warmth in mid-wincer . . . com- • fortably heated rooms at amazingly low cost. Advance Wedgewood features put your cooking “out front” in flavor . . . ahead in convenience . . . and always in the money in economy 1 INCLUDES: Top griddle. High-speed low-tem­ perature oven. Speed-plus-simmer burners. One giant burner Astogril rotor-disc broiler. Oven heat control. Stop-catch flat bar oven racks. Removable oven side brackets. Sectional speed top. All burners self-lighting. FULLY AUTOMATIC Wedgewood Model 5285 REGULAR PRICE $159.50 NOW ONLY $139.50 With Your Old Stove. (lamp fxtta) This offer good only until Xmas. UNCONDITIONAL 5-YEAR GUAR. ANTES of satisfactory operation. CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC UTILITIES CO.