Friday, Dec. 13, 1940 -------------- -—.—r SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 10 SOCE Varsity Drops Pair to Super-Ducks In Week-End Battles B y Saturday! JACK BENTLEY ’PENSENESS gripped the men of Friday and A Battery B Monday as it was learned that a drawing would be held to determine those who would stay in »ver the Christmas holidays, it was necessary to have one corporal and five privates to stay and do routine duties around camp. Seven men already had vol­ unteered to stay. There hardly w*as a sound as Captain Delsman held the hat up for Corporal Andrews to draw the first name. Paul Akins, a member brings heart-tags of the Battery for two years, had 1^ and laughs the honor (?) of being the first to i> be called. Relief began to show oil the faces of the men as George Engel's name was drawn out of the hat. Leonard Negle's. who has vT, just been transferred out of the Vancouver Barracks hospital where he underwent a major op­ eration. was the third name drawn. At this time with only one more name to be drawn there were more smiles appearing around the With room. Edgar Bailey, one of the new members of the Battery, was Jane DARWELL the next private to be drawn out Robert CONWAY of the list. Arthur Struve was the Elyse KNOX fifth and last name to come from the hat. There was a wild shout from practically everyone whose name was not drawn. pit» The only ones who were not showing wild signs of enthusiasm were the corporals. It was neces­ I sary for one corporal to stay in camp. Corp. Rc’.land E. Andrews, In his si«tt who has been a member of the D(*j«r*si Battery for eight years, was se­ Ibtitir«! lected as the corporal who will be in charge of quarters and also will take a turn as camp gate guard. Before the drawing was held the enlisted men took a vote and de­ cided that everyone who would go home would chip in >1.50 apiece and split the money up among the men who are staying in camp. Several of the men whose names were drawn have found men who are going to take their places. Howard Lockwood is taking Ed­ gar Bailey’s place. George Peach­ ey has volunteered to take Leon­ ard Negle's place and Donald Crouch will take George Engel’s place. Others may find men who will take their places. Besides those who were drawn, seven men already had volunteer­ ed to stay. They are Privates Clar­ ence Childers. — - - Wayne Brown, James Potter. Kenneth Evans, Erwin Hilberg. Victor Sondneal and Gerald Vogt. Corporal Andrews will have to stay only five days after which he will be free to go home if he so desires. The flu epidemic which has been working its way through camp for the last two weeks is almost over. Over four-fifths of the Battery were either marked duty or to quarters in Battery street Mon­ day. Another week should see ev­ eryone back to duty or quarters. Battery B's basketball squad has been practicing whenever op­ portunity presents itself. Accord­ ing to some of the members of the I team they won't have any diffi­ culty at all in copping the Astoria Independent league pennant. How­ in the exotic ever, Astoria is one of the best China Seas ... basketball towns in the state and it is likely that the team- will run into some stiff competition. More new promotions were made over the week-end as Corp. Harold Russell was elevated to sergeant; Corp. James Coomes to Sergeant; Prvt. Jess Barton to corporal; Pvt. First Class Ernest Fieguth to corporal, and Prvt. First Class Vernon Riggert to Victor McLaglen corporal. Most of the schools have re Jon Hall sumed classes and are running un Frances Fanner der regular schedules again, Al though there are some absences Olympe Bradna from the classes notes are kept so that when the full class does re­ turn they will be able to catch up on the side. BMW‘ IUIITHER5 GENE AUTRY • WED & THUR • MID-WEEK SPECIAL! AdultelSc The Southern Oregon College of Education varsity hoop team lost a pair of games over the week-end to the University of Oregon Super Ducks. also known as the Rangers The visitors took the Friday night contest 35 to 32 and won over the Sons again Saturday night to th '1 tune of 46 to 38. — The Rangers led 15 to 12 at the half of the Friday tilt which saw Leonard Gard of the Ducks lead all scorers with 12 points Bill Borcher. his teammate, was sec- ond high with nine and George Bassnian and Jake Fisher of the Sons tied with seven each. The Sons were outplayed all around in the Saturday affair with the Rangers' height a telling fac- tor. Borcher rang up two points for SOCE when he cast off in the wrong basket. Only once, with It minutes of the final period to go, did the Sons lead the scoring. Fisher was high with 13 points and Sandness of Oregon was next with 12. In the Saturday preliminary. Lost River of Medford took the measure of the Little Sons 43 to 40. Quarterback Banquet Draws 300 to Program BUTTE FALLS WINS Butte Falls high school Log­ gers, 1931» class B county cham­ pions. took n 27-26 win over Chilo­ quin Panthers at Chiloquin Satur­ day night Chiloquin led through­ out the contest and was ahead 14- 12 at halftime. The two trams meet at Butte Fulls Saturday, the registration and fin­ Dec. 14 THK last wrestling cas'd of the requires gerprinting year will he presented at Med­ this country. of all non-citizens in • S A. Peters Jr. of Gardner, ford armory Monday night, Dec, | Aliens who have not yet regis­ Ore visited with friends and rela- 16, when Promoter Mack lJllard tered in the Ashland area may tives in Ashland Monday lie is will offer four bouts and all la­ up at the local poatoffice, be­ I serving on the Federal Jury in dies accompanied by an adult paid sign fore that date, and Postmaster Medford admisison will be admitted free John Fuller has asked registrants'| of charge. in applying soon as Headlining the all-star card will cooperation because usual holiday be a battle between a pair of I possible mail rush deluges employes with foughnecks when Oswego Bob extra duties. Kt use faces Red Lyons in the one |. AU aliens 14 years of age or hour top main event. Both men older who have not compieteli are of the bully type in the ring final papera naturalization and a free-for-all can be expected must register, for and parents or A HOME OWNED THEATRE before hostilities cease. guardians of alien children under Phone 7561 Jesse James meets Billy Ray­ 14 years must register them, ac­ bum in the third go. This mutch cording provisions of the law should be a classic since both are There is to no charge for registration. exceptionally fast and scientific. • Ernie Pilusc, the popular Kla­ math Falls barbeque king, clashes with Ace Freeman of Los Angeles in the second bout. Freeman was billed last Monday as slightly rough but he failed to go dirty 4 50 costs this week were assessed against ‘ ’ Raymond H Beers by Justice of the Peace M T Burns as the re­ sult of Beers allowing his dogs Blake's Barbarians, reserve to run unlicensed One <»f the ani­ Ashland high baskettiaU squad, mals is suspected of killing sheep with dropped their season opener to and its owner had been warned by state police to keep it tied Phoenix high at Phoenix Wednes­ Andy • day night. 26 to 18. The Barbar­ FINED FOR RACKET ians are coached by Leighton Arlen Robert Blackwell was fined Blake, football coach and assist­ ant basketball mentor. Reserves >1 50 and >2 50 costs in city police AI-SO NF.UM seeing action against Phoenix court this week on charges of were Mansfield, Randles, Russell disturbing the peace resulting and Young, forwards; Sears and from persistent horn blowing in Bergstrom, centers; Willis, Fin­ front of a local business establish­ ment at an early hour. nell, Cook and LeBlanc. guards ----------- •----------- The Barbarians meet Talent in ,i double header at Talent tonight Friday, and Central Point there Dec. 20. At Central Point Al Simp­ son's Junior high five will meet the Pointer reserves in the prelim­ FOR SALE New and used desks, inary. filing cabinets, swivel chairs and The Barbarians play Phoenix in safes. Medford Office Equip­ high a return game at the Junior ment Co., 32 North Grape street, gym Wednesday, Dec. 18. with Medford. (48U 1 KRUSE-LYONS G0',,^26¿¡!n“1I!>a‘\ 1 For Alien Registry MONDAY EVE TO Thursday, The day after Chiistmas Dec. 26 will be final date for registry of aliens in the TOP ACTION BILL of United States according to terms the alien registry law which LITHIA Friday, Saturday • BASKETBALL Boris Karloff • More than 300 members of the Ashland Quarterbacks club and Barbarians To guests enjoyed an elaborate and well prepared pot-luck dinner in Cagers the junior high gym Monday night and applauded a snappy and plea­ sant program which followed. The occasion honored members of the Ashland high school football team, the junior high squad members and the girls' drill team and their coaches and director. During the program the Charles A. White trophy for the most in­ spirational football performance* of the season was presented to Bob Weaver, senior halfback. Henry Enders, served as master of ceremonies for the evening and Supt. Theo J. Norby led the flag salute while Quarterback Pres. J. H Hardy and V. D. (Bert) Miller also took part. Coaches l^eighton Blake. Al Simpson and Gerald Gas tinea u were introduced, as was the drill team director, Mis9 June Brasted The banquet was declared one of the most successful such af- fairs ever held here. ----------- •------------ • Clyde Caton and Walter Schei- dereiter made a fishing trip to Applegate Sunday. Approximately 30 men are re­ • Robert Dodge Tuesday return- porting nightly for basketball ed from a business trip to San practice at Medford high with but Francisco. five lettermen returning for Russ • Mrs S J. Bailey Tuesday re­ Acheson to form the nucleus of turned from a several days visit in his club. Acheson, starting his third year Portland. at the helm of the Tigers' hoop • Mrs. Joseph Kerr Tuesday re- squad, will have one of the largest turned from a visit with relatives squads in years with Mickey Mil­ ler, Fred *Gunnette, Harold Faw­ in Idaho. cett, Hugh Williams and Bill Reed • Horace Mitchell of Klamath the returning lettermen. Falls is visiting here for a few Prospects are not too bright, days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. according to word from the Med­ S. S. Mitchell. ford managerial staff, with the squad looking slow and slightly • Harry McNair and Archie i Good clumsy. made a business trip to Ti'ail The Tigers open against Weed Wednesday. tonigit. • Mrs. George Goodwin and Mrs. HOME DESTROYED HERE Lloyd Miller of Hilt visited with Ashland friends Wednesday. A seven-room house owned by • Dr. Arthur Taylor made a bu*- John Norby at 10 Fox street Mon­ iness trip to Klamath Falls Wed­ day night was completely destroy­ nesday. ed by flames of unknown origin. • The Rev. J. R. Turnbull made Mr. and Mrs. John V. Lee. who re­ a business trip to Portland this sided in the burned structure, week. were absent at the time of the ----------- •------------ fire. The loss, valued at $.3000, NANNIE ANNA STEWART was covered by insurance I^ack of Funeral services for Nannie An­ water at the suburban location na Stewart, 59, who died Dec. 8, prevented city firemen from ex­ were held at 1:30 p. m. Dec 11 at tinguishing the flames. the Litwiiler Funeral Home with the Rev Bertrand Peterson offi- • Mr. and Mrs. T. L. O’Harra dating. Interment at Steams cem- and Milo O’Harra returned from Portland Tuesday xhere they have etery in Talent. --------- •------------ been visiting with friends • Subscribe for The Miner today. I • Subscribe for The Miner today. Talent 3-DAY SPECIAL: SUITS Plain DRESSES Plain COATS CLEANED AND PRESSED CASH AND CARRY Kiddle« a Dime! Or Mix Them Up-Three for $1.00 SATURDXr, MONDAY ADD TUESDAY ONLY! DECEMBER 14, 1« and 17 163 EAST MAIN STREET CLEANED S THE LEATHER PUSHERS” Meet Tonite Medford Tornado Drills 30 Hoopmen $ T A INI © A K “BEFORE I HANG” Devine Richard Sunday, Monday and Tuesday • WANT ADS • United States Department of the Interior, General Land Office, O. arid C. Administration, Port- lam' Oregon Sealed bids, marked ou x d "Bid for Timber", and ad- dreaacd to the Chief Forester, O. I ■Ml C Admlnistra'ion, 410 Cun tom House, Portland, Oregon, will be received until 10:30 A. M . Pa­ cific Time, Jan 7, 1941, for the purchase of timber upon tracts hereinafter described; each bid must state the amount per M. feet B M , which will be offered for each species and the total consid­ eration which will be paid for the timber. No bid for less than the appraised value will be consider­ ed. Each Nd must be submitted in duplicate and be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a ccitlhed check in favor of the Chief For­ ester of the O. and C. Administra­ tion. The deposit of any success­ ful bidder will be credited on the contract. Payment in full at the time of filing the contract is re­ quired in sales amounting to >2.- 500 or less For copies of the form of proposal, form of contract and bond, terms of payment, amount of deposit required with bid, amount of bond required with con­ tract and other information, appli­ cation should be made to the ad- drew shown above. In Jackson County: T 37 8., R 3 W . Sec. 15. all merchantable timber designat­ ed for cutting on NE%8E% and a fractional portion 110 acres more or less) in W'.SKt, NEQ, estimated for the purpose of this sale to be 508 M. feet Ponderosa Pine. No Nd f<# less than >3 00 per M., or a total purchase price of >1,524.00, will be considered Only trees stamped USOC to be cut. The right to waive technical defects and to reject any and all bids is reserved. Dated at Port­ land, Oregon, this 29th day of No­ vember, 1940. W. H. Horning, (Thief Forester, O and C Adminis­ tration. 12-6 “THE LADY IN QUESTION” Rita Hayworth Brian Aherne ALNO NKWN AND SELECTED SHORTS Wednesday and Thursday Everyone 10c AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 3 AIX-NTAll MAIN KVKNTM Medford Armory For Reservations Phone Brown’s, Medford 101