Friday, Doc. 6, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Paae 9 “MY 5 CHILDREN Fun for the Whole Family By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP and I use ADLERIKA when need­ ed; have kept it on hand for 20 years.” (C. C.-Mass.) ADLERIKA with its 3 laxative and 5 carminative ingredients is just right for gat and laxy bowels. Get ADLER1K A today. AT YOUR DRUG STORE Wisdom a Coin Wisdom is the true and un­ alloyed coin, for which we ought to exchange all things; for this, and with this, everything is in reality bought and sold—fortitude, temperance, and justice; and, in a word, true virtue subsists with wisdom.—Plato. ACHING-SORE STIFF MUSCLES For PROMPT relief-rub on Mus- terolet Massage with this wonderful “ countejurhitant " actually brings fresh warm blood to aching muscles to help break up painful local con­ gestion. He tier than a mustard plattert Made in 8 strengths; By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA —Pinto Eats Like a Goat Before One’s Conscience The hardest of all ordeals for an honest man is to stand arraigned at the bar of his own conscience. He knows more than the keenest, the most vindictive enemy could urge for a verdict of guilty. ANOTHER BIG ADVANTAGE FOR YOU IN By C. M. PAYNE S’MATTER POP—All Quiet, Except Army Captured AEH.HEH! 1ERE I AM -RQM TUA FOI AN HE CAN'T PINID Mt SLOWER- BURNING CAMELS THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS GIVES YOU NOT The Opportunist MESCAL IKE CQOVH é ® By J. MILLAR WATT BUT ALSO LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other of the largest- selling cigarettes tes­ ted—less than any of BOOK MARKER them—according to Inde­ pendent scientific tests of the smoke itself .. zi