SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Dec. 6, 1940 LOSS BY FIRES GREAT ON FARMS Bq B en A mes W illiams SYNOPSIS I struck him down and then shot him, and he lay like a dead man. But one of the children, a little boy who loved George, bit the hand of the man who had shot. That man caught the boy. and he broke the child’s arm acror« his knee. The white men could not even catch the girls; so they came to Mary's father's house and profaned it. shouting and breaking things. The child with the broken arm was screaming, and the people were an­ gry- hJ.phiiiipj* Fires Are Preventable, Expert Asserts. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT sr— Mary knew that a man afraid is PIANOS «NV Wrrto dangerous. The people on the Is­ Ily PROF. J. R. RODGERS George McAuiland uas 38 years old land were strung tight with terror (Agriculture/ Xngiaeeriag Pegarfment. When he sailed from America to under­ ORDER YOUR PIANO ItY MAIL THE LAST PAIR at seeing the Venturer approach so Ummiil, uf MM* I take his post as a missionary tn the Fiji W« ship anywhere Frelaht i>rri»l«wp I'alry, Veradule, All the others had disappeared; nil been killed off. CHAPTER VII necessity of losing Mary if he left her 1229.000.000. Washington, Wai. 1444. but Jarambo stayed with Mary, now. George forced himself to ask her Droopey—Gosh! has it got down to be his wife. Mary accepted his When possible, farm buildings squatting on the platform, waiting Jarambo sent young men to carry to that? Are we really the only two clumsy proposal, and they left the ship should be in line at right angles to to Uve In her former home on the island. George away and that was done; her commands. She bade him watch left’ The scanty dress of the natives shucked so when the white men returned to and tell her when the Venturer an­ prevailing winds. With this ar­ DENTAL PLATE REPAIR Stoopey—Yep. George at first, but he soon became rangement there is less danger of reconciled to their customs. Mary dis­ the landing, he had been borne to chored. Droopey—Well, who won? HOUR SERVICE I b M oi IC sisi covered that Corkran. a sailor friend of 1 safety. ’1 the late afternoon Jarambo re­ Stoopey (sadly)—It's still a lie. I sparks being carried from one build­ Brixf at Mail Tear Fiatai George's, had descried ship to Uve on the Iloofs of major When they were gone. Jarambo ported that a boat from the Venturer guess you and I'll have to light it ing to another Island He had come there to help George 1er Repair-CREDIT ExtaulaR buildings should be of tire resistant and Mary if they needed him. Their ; and the other old men decided what was rowing toward the mouth of the out peaceful life was interrupted one day to do to these white men who had bay. It would be night. Jarambo material. Chimneys muy be cleaned Droopey—Hold on a minute . . D r . H arry S cmur , when a ship stopped in the harbor in search of pearls. They see the pearl hurt the child. So by and by many said, before the whaleboat came into we oughta think that over. If I of snot using a few bricks or rocks Alita « Blfcfc < A Miill'IO«» .• BOaHAN» O«l in a sack at the end of a long divers attacked and their schooner sunk of the strongest girls swam off to the the roads; and she told him to build win you're left till alone. * It you by a pira’e The pirates head their schooner, with flowers in their hair, a fire on the shore for a beacon win I'm all left all alone. There rope. Furnaces, stoves, and stove boat toward the bay near their village. And No Antidole pipes properly installed and Inspect­ at the landing place, and to help wouldn't be any fun in that George sends Mary inland for safety and laughing. Bobby What is the deadliest pol- walks down to the beach, alone and de­ ed regularly reduce a common "And it was night," Jarambo told them at the landing. Stoopey—It might be an excellent fenseless. to meet the unwelcome vis­ son known to man? When sudden dark descended, idea. That makes everything a to­ cause of fire. itors. Natives carry him back to Mary Mary, squatting at her feet. "In the Andy—I dunno; what do you dark, many canoes went quietly on Mary brought one of the whale oil tal loss. The complete end of a hours later, shot through the shoulder. A system of grounded conductors think? the water, and many young men. lamps and lighted the wick «nd set gives protection against lightning Bobby—Aviutlon: One drop 1 will < The white men on tha ship were it here by George's bed. Jarambo CHAPTER VI—Continued Carelessness in handling lamps and kill any ordinury human being. busy with our girls; and then we went to tend the beacon fire, and —7— lanterns, in disposing of ashes, in Mary asked one of the young men came aboard in the dark, the girls she was alone. storing and handling gasoline and Our Existence for Jarambo; but he shook his head, held them lovingly while our war She heard shod feet come up the kerosene and in*allowing rubbish to not looking at her. If George had clubs cracked their skulls." path toward the house; and she rose accumulate where it becomes a fire "That was a bad thing. Jaramoo.” and went from her husband's side Existence is not to lie measure^ not filled her thoughts, excluding all hazard accounts for many farm by mere durution. An oak ilvM else, she must have seen a tautness Mary said. through the big central room to the fires. He answered, "It is done.” He door. In darkness there she met a in centuries, generation after gen­ in these young men, as though they The U. S. Engineers report that eration of mortals the meanwhile were waiting, listening. But she said slowly, intoning an ancient tale: man. and thought him her uncle, total war, see? No more arguments, many serious rural fires have been pussing uwuy; but who would ex­ thought only of her husband; and "The white men came ir old times and cried: “Uncle Tom!” and went no more back talk, no more alli­ avoided because Udders were al change for the life of a plnnt, when in midafternoon he opened his and killed my woman, and my moth­ into his arms, clinging to him. But ances, no more trouble with any­ hand and water or fire extinguishers though protracted for ages, a sin­ eyes and looked at her, she spoke er, and my father, and my two sons. she knew as she kissed him and felt body. were readily available. Thia is a gle day of the existence of a liv­ in a quick tenderness, close beside Also they took my daughter, Be- his lips that this was not her uncle, Droopey—That would be terrible. safety measure that is always highly fore that, I was a man. Now I am and she pressed back, peering up ing, conscious, thinking man?— him. Stoopey—But it would be what we desirable. Cuird. at him. "Quiet, my dear,” she said. a man again." have-bcen working toward all along! When she could speak, her senses • • "You’re all right. We're safe. Qui­ "It's all right, Mary. Don't you clearing, she asked: “ Jarambo, did et Rest my dear.” know me? I'm Peter Corr." Before Droopey—No; the winner would He stared past her. stared straight the white man with the talking bird she could free herself, he kissed her still have his hate left. What would up at the thatch above them. She help you kill those men?” again, his beard rough against her he do with that? He answered, with a shrewd glint cheek and chin. thought he did not know be spoke. Stoopey (thoughtfully—That's the While feather picking, cannibal­ He said: “They were angry because in his eyes: “No one knows what a "Peter?" she cried. "Oh, I’m glad hard part A man would have to ism. and egg eating arc in part the white man will do about killing white no canoes met them. They smashed you’ve come!” Then she saw some­ hate somebody. It would be part of result of dietary deficiencies, over­ their boat against the rocks getting men. That white man with the bird one behind him. tall and slender, his nature after all these years. crowding is important among the ashore, and that made them more which talks was given sleep to drink, and she asked, trying to see in the Droopey—Yeah. But there'd be causes, according to H W Titus of Crromul.iion relieve« promptly be- angry. One was a red-headed man and he sleeps now. He did not see half light: "Who is it?” Then, see­ noURdy he could hate, except him­ the federal bureau of poultry nutri­ cuir.<- It goes right to the seat of the the ship come. He will not see it trouble to help loosen and expel with a red beard and red hair all ing more clearly: "Why. it’s Tom­ self. You couldn't hate yourself. tion. It has been found that feather germ laden phlegm, and old nature over his chest. They all had guns. go. Soon it was never here.” my!” Her voice broke, her eyes Stoopey—There would be nothing picking Is less likely to occur if the to soothe and heal raw, tender, in­ His eyes as he spoke looked down filled with happy weeping. "Why. I told them we didn’t want them else to do. And at this stage of diet contains about 20 per cent of flamed bronchial mucous mem­ at the schooner in the roads; and here, and the red-headed man put Tommy, how you've grown!” She hatreds it would be easy. branes. Tell your druggist to sell you barley or oats. a bottle of Creomulsion with the un­ • • his hand against me and pushed me Mary saw that some sort of sail was caught him. and he clung to her. "Cannibalism" is a term used by derstanding you must like the way it over backward. One of the others set on her, and that she now moved young arms tight around her neck, Droopey—There must be some quickly allays the cough or you are shot me before I could get up.” He > slowly toward the sea. hugging her hard. He did not speak, way out. Let’s compromise. Let's some poultrymen in referring to the to bave your money back. When the schooner was now out­ and she smiled to herself, thinking: call it oft. You and I as the last habit sometimes developed by chick­ looked at her with a deep shame at • ens of picking one another's toes, side the bay, a little skein of blue his own weakness. "I fainted, Mary, He's so glad to see me that he’s two survivors can then hate each combs, vents, feathers, and other smoke had begun to rise from her crying, doesn’t dare try to talk for like a woman.” for Coughs, Ches? Colds, Bronchitis other and be quite happy about it parts of the body Used in this sense, "You couldn't do anything against hatch. It became a black and grow­ fear we'll know. She asked: "How’s Stoopey (suspiciously)—How do I the term also includes feuther pick­ their guns, George. Now rest, dear.” ing cloud. Uncle Tom, Tommy?" know I could trust you? The first Love Is Sight She whispered: “ They're burning His eyes closed. “Like a wom­ But Tommy, without answering, thing I know you might soften up ing; it is however, more common Love is not blind. It is an extra to restrict its use to those cases an," he muttered again, and sighed, her!" only held her harder, and Peter and want to be friendly. eye which shows us what is most where blood is drawn. Jarambo brushed his hand, flat, asked urgently: "Mary, where's and slept. Droopey—There was a time when worthy of regard.—J. M. Barrie. In the morning George was strong­ . the palm down, across a rock/ He your father?” Cannibalism is of most frequent you wouldn’t have thought that a er, able to sit up with Mary to sup­ said again as he had said before: "Father's dead, Peter. He and bad idea. occurrence in overcrowded flocks, port him, her arms around him, his “That ship was never here!” Mother died before we got here.” Stoopey—I know, but this hate but it may be due to some as yet un­ The pillar of smoke rose slowly Then, in the doorway: "This is my shoulders leaning against her breast business has gone on so long it’s known deficiency of the diet because ADVISES The young men were gone when she above the schooner. Mary watched husband. George McAusland.” become a habit. I'm an addict the feeding of oats and barley ap­ woke; but later they returned, and it rise higher and higher between Peter stood by George's bed So are you. pears to be of some value in pre­ Mary saw a red gleam in their her and the blue saucer of the sea, "Husband?” he muttered. Droopey—Maybe you’re right. O. vention. The use of ruby-colored eyes, and their eyes would not meet her eyes following the tip of that "He's sick.” she said. K.! Stop worrying. If I give you window panes and ruby-colored elec­ ENTERING hers. She wondered, and her heart black cloud till like a pointing finger "He sure looks like it!” my word to keep hating you 100 per tric lamps in the noultry house is began to beat hard with a sort of it reached the saucer's rim, the hori­ , "And—he's been hurt." she admit­ cent I'll keep it. And I'll expect as often a simpler means of prevent­ premonition, but she was not afraid zon there, where the smoke-finger ted. looking back to see if Jarambo much from you. (Wearily) Say, ing cannibalism. of what would happen. She thought pointed, the square topgallant sails had come in with Peter and Tom­ what was everybody fighting for. Thoueende of young glrla entering wom- Egg eating is also likely to de­ enhood have found a "reel friend'' In that in some strange way she was of a full-rigged ship, the rest of her my, wondering how much just now anyhow? I forget. velop as a result of overcrowding; l.ydla E. Pinkham'« Vegetable Oom­ terrified by something already past; still below the horizon. to tell Peter. She asked again: Stoopey—A better world. Every­ however, the tendency to eat eggs pound to help them go "amlllnz thru" The canvas of those sails was reatleae, moody, nervoua apalla, and but she decided this was merely the "Where’s Uncle Tom?” body was determined to get it if it is markedly stimulated by a defi­ reUeve rrampa, headache, backache and reaction from her alarm of yester­ dark, blackened by 'be soot of Peter said slowly: “Your uncle's took the last man. emberraaaing fainting aprlla due to l-tnale ciency of calcium in the diet. functional Irregularltlae. Famoua for over day, now eased, and put the fear many fires. She was a whaler! The 1 dead, too, Mary.” She noticed that Droopey—And it damned near did! ^■0 yeara. WORTH THY1NUI Venturer, so ldng expected, was i he did not look at Tommy, seemed • • aside. “What has happened?” she asked. coming at last to Gilead. careful not to. Stoopey (looking around)—Well, Somewhere along the mountain far His eyes flickered with something She was curiously not moved by anyhow, we're near that new order, curiously like dismay; and he looked away a voice sounded in a long cry, | this intelligence, as though she were that new setup. Clear Vision at his companion, then at Mary and nearer another, and then others. ' immune just now to grief. She only Soundness of intellect is clear­ Droopey—Boy, you can have it! again, without replying. She insist­ The sound spread like ripples in a j said: “Dead?” ness of vision. Danger of colds in the poultry Capital gone, the economic system's pond, flowing down the mountain­ ed: “Is the ship still there?"' Peter wiped his brow with his gone, the bankers are gone, the crit­ flock will be lessened by keeping She realized that he was confused side, reaching them and going on. hand, looking down at George. He ics are gone, barriers are gone, fron­ the birds free from worms. Colds by some strange sense of guilt; and Jarambo at her feet looked up and said: "Yes. And my father's sick tiers are gone . . and worms often run hand in everything.' her pulse pounded in her wrist. She spoke. aboard the Venturer, Mary. I think hand, since worms lower body "Your man wakes,” he said, and he’s going to die. Dick said your looked back at George. He was resistance. Stoopey (his eyes falling on some­ asleep, so for the moment he no watched her warily. "He calls you.” father knew something about doc­ thing in the wreckage) — Look. Watch the droppings and ex­ She turned to go to George, but toring. He asked, in a curiously boy­ There’s part of a broadcasting set longer needed her. She said firmly amine the intestinal tract of birds, 's she paused again and said, after a ish perplexity: "What are we go­ to the young men: dressed for eating. If worms are over there. With just you and I left “Take me to Jarambo. Or bring moment, in careful explanation: ing to do?” • found, treat the flock with indi­ it's going to be awfully lonesome. You'll like the way It »nape you be. k to the “Jarambo, the ship that comes there Jarambo to me.” She said: "We haven't any medi­ We could put it together and still vidual worm capsules. A num­ teelln* of ''ratin' to So" lltneea and Internal After a moment, one of them is my father’s." She could not re­ cines here. We’ve had a lot of peo­ have the radio. ber of satisfactory worm expel- deanltneae. Nut a miracle worker, but tf temporary rotutlpotlon la cauelng Indlsee- turned and darted off through the member the native word for "un­ ple sick and dying on the island.” lers are now available on the Droopey—What! and listen to Oon. headache«. llalleMneae. Garfield ten forest. The other spoke, bidding cle" if there was one. "My man “I'll go send the boat back, send EACH OTHER! market. will certainly "do wonders." rat« SAMPltl her come. Presently ahead of her and I will go away in her." She them word your father's dead,” Pe­ ISc Me at druSatoree After treatment, thoroughly (He shoots Stoopey, who doesn't she heard a call go down the moun­ looked down at him and saw his ter said. clennse and disinfect the poultry For Prompt Relief seem to care much.) eyes waver, "Better we go,” she tain, summoning Jarambo. • • • house. Remove and burn ail drop­ She nodded, and his footsteps de­ "My man will die parted toward the landing. Soon Jarambo spoke at her elbow said gently, She pings or scatter them in a far­ IS THERE NO LIMIT vr L without ■ffliFIrall here.” and she turned. turned tc the boy. Him at least she away field. Also keep the birds "God Bless America" is a pretty opietrs or quinine He muttered: "Ship sees smoke.” could help, just by loving him. "My, The old man met her eyes and confined for 38 hours. fine patriotic number, and it has be­ GARFIELD She understood that he was sullen I’m glad to see you. Tommy! I'm waited. She had never been afraid Birds with colds should be pro­ come the American song of the cri­ HIADACHI POWDER of him, but she was afraid of Ja­ with fear that the ship now ap­ so sorry about Uncle Tom.” She sis, but something should be done tected against drafts and over­ 10c 25c rambo now. There was that in his proaching would punish the Island­ kissed him again. crowding, and fed a balanced ra­ doctor if ho.idac ho• pwr• i • t' to protect it in the clinches. Night eyes she had never seen there, a ers for the killing done last night, Tommy spoke carefully, knuckling club comics sing it immediately fol­ tion. blaze like a leaping fire, a drunk and she told him, reassuringly, his eyes. "I haven’t cried before, lowing pretty raw interludes, mas­ WNU-13 48 40 fury, a reckless intoxication. But pointing to the burning schooner, Mary, till I saw you.” ters of ceremony call for it after this was not the drunkenness of rum. using his own words: “That ship "I know, dear. But It helps, their most risque moments, and, be­ Makes for Interest Nevertheless he was drunk with was never here.” doesn't it? You’ll feel better now.” lieve it or not, in one Broadway Uncertainty is what gives life its Mary told Jarambo: “My man She asked, groping to find a need in something. She looked at him in­ picture and vaudeville house a fat, interest. tently; and suddenly her head rose. must be carried to the house, We him which she could fill: "Do you coarse, faded female blues shoutcr Average per capita consumption of go to him now.” She said: want to talk about it?" swings into it with a comedian, after fruits and vegetables in America is When they came to the lodge deep "Jarambo, tell me.” “I saw it happen,” he said. "I they have both been giving a club­ at least two to three times greater He said, under his breath: "Long in the forest where they had hidden was in the crosstrees with a glass." George, she found that he had His tone nuzzled her, stiff and re­ smoker atmosphere to the proceed­ than 20 years ago, and maybe six to time we were men.” ings. And with an enormous Amer­ ten times that of 40 years ago, ac­ waked fretful and hot with fever. She waited. strained. "Peter’s boat was right ican flag as their backdrop! It may cording to officials of the Great At­ She spoke quickly to old Itaui. there . . .” They heard Peter re­ He spoke explicitly, from the be­ be too much to expect them to see lantic & Pacific Tea company. This ginning. When the schooner an­ "We shall lake him home.” May Warn of Disordered turning. and the boy stopped, bit off anything wrong about it, but isn't it greater domestic consumption is at­ Mary went ahead, to make his bed the word, watching the door where chored, George's insistence kept the Kidney Action time the audience started throwing tributed to modern refrigeration and canoes ashore; but presently a boat ready. In the house she saw that after a moment Peter appeared, Modem life with Ila hurry and worry. improved transportation. things? , Irregular habit«. Improper eating ana put off from the vessel with three rough hands had been here rummag­ Mary wondered why. She asked Pe- drinking—Ita rlak of eapoeurn and Infec­ white men in it. Those white men ing; saw her own garments pulled ter: tion—thrown heavy atraln on the work WITHOUT GAS MASKS of the kidney«. They are apt to become did not know the landing place, and out and strewn around; saw all her "Will you and Tommy stay with over-taxed and fall to Alter eirrae arid "Hitler and Molotov Talk for they went toward the beach, but possessions in disorder. and other Impurities from the llte-tivina George while I change my clothes?" Three Hours.”—Headline. Old stumps can be burned out with blood. they saw that the surf there was She had come swiftly down the "Sure. You look pretty tired. Go You may «offer nagging backache, And they promised there would the use of saltpeter. First, put a impracticable, so they came along trail, and she had time to remove to bed, why don't you? I'll keep an headache, dicalneaa, getting up nlghta, be no gas warfare this time! hole two Inches in diameter deep leg palna, «welling—feel conatantly the shore and they shouted, and the more obvious traces of their in­ eye on him.” • e e tired, nervoua, all worn out. Other algna into the stump with a drill or hot some of the children went out of vasion before George, muttering in of khlnoy or bladder disorder are aome- "Oh, I’m not sleepy!” She left Elmer Twitchell saw a friend of iron. Drop two ounces of saltpeter tlmea burning, «canty or too frequent the jungle to the landing place, and a half delirium, was brought home. them in George's room, crossed to urination. then some of the girls. When the On his own bed, he sighed and her own room in the other end of his going downtown the other night into this hole and fill to the top with Try Doan'» Pill«. Dnon'i help the kidney« to paaa of! harmful eareaa body white men saw the girls they tried seemed to sink and grow small and the house, came back with a lamp with his wife, his wife's mother and water. Plug up the hole entrance waate. They have hed more than half a to land, and their boat was broken weak and helpless; and he slept. to light it from the burning wick his wife’s two sisters. “Under con­ and leave until the liquid has been century of public approval. Are recom­ absorbed into the wood. Then fill mended by grateful uaera everywhere. against the ledge; but they climbed Mary covered him, and Jarambo here. Tommy had disappeared. She voy,” he muttered. e e • Ailt your neighbor! the hole with paraffin or fuel oil and ashore. They were angry because of came to her side. She thought the asked: “Where’s Tommy?” set on fire. If enough of the chem ­ Mr. Green and Mr. Lewis want a the loss of the boat, and when old man clung to her as though for "Outside somewhere,” Peter said labor peace no matter who gets hurl ical nas been used, the fire should George came down the path and protection from the punishment of I , briefly. burn until the stump la consumed. at it. spoke to themt one of the men i his sins; but no one else came near. I I (TO HE CONTINUED) I 2 Overcrowding Has Effect On Poultry Cannibalism Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On CREOMULSION YOUNG GIRLS WOMANHOOD Worm-Free Chicks Safer From Colds 4tupsof«gJ'as’ GARFIELD TEA Sale of Fruit, Vegetables Doubles in Twenty Years Nadine Backache Burn Out Stumps D oans P ills