* Friday, Dec. 6, 1040 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER 1 Quamm*, Enzie Wright, Richard i Williams, Frank Graves, Wllliarr Gran, william Dutro, Waldt Holmberg, A H Samuelson, Frank I Bemhelsel, O. Bernheisel and Ar Gilberg. flans were made fo. BELLVIEW NEWM • Mrs. Vincent Ijinini who has thur the Christmas party to be heio I been quite ill with flu is some at the club house Tuesday after better. Bellview (»rangers noon, Dec. 17. Foiowing the bust • Mrs. Greenhaw is preparing ness meeting refreshments wei hot lunches for the school children served. Enjoy until a qualified WPA worker can • A son arrived Friday at th< • The Pell view Grange met ut be secured. home of Mr. and Mrs Taylor. Dr 6:30 o'clock Tuesday evening for a • Mr and Mrs. Richard Joy were Jones of Yreka was on the cast turkey dinner with ail the trim- dinner guests at the i Ionici Elhart during the absence of Dr. Schlap nilngs, the losers of the attend­ home in Ashland Bunduy evening. pi, who with his wife was in San ance contest feeding the winning • a party was civM Friday af­ Francisco for several days. side A large crowd was present ternoon honoring Mrs. James Met­ • Mrs. Fred Lehman and son and II R f'.iitci presided Talka calfe on her birthday anniversary. went home from the Hilt hospital were given by Edwin Dunn und Mrs Modern and Mrs. Olson were Saturday afternoon. Both are do­ Victor York. The dinner was such hostesses The afternoon was ing well. a success that the members voted spent in playing games. Mrs O • Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Black and to have another contest to run for G. Ayers won the door prize children were shopping in Med­ three months with the men Those enjoying the purly included ford Saturday. uguinst the women, the losing side the honored guest and hostesses, • Sam Dunaway Jr. spent the to give a dinner the first Tuesday Mrs. O, G. Ayers, Mrs Jesse week-end with Tony Machado, fel­ in Mai ch A 11 ' i the dinner the Walker, Mrs. Joe Walker, Mrs low member of the Yreka football Orange held the regular business Clark Kesler, Mrs. Harry Flynn, squad, in th«- Bay region where meeting. Mrs. Ralph Hoad ley, Mrs Richard they attended a football game as • Miss Dorothea Rector was op- Black and Miss Mary Walker guests of the 20-30 club, a re­ crated on for appendicitis ut the Mrs. Metcalfe received a number ward we'l earned by their splen­ did playing. Community hospital Monday eve­ of beautiful handkerchiefs ning. latst reporta she was doing • Mr. and Mrs. Willis Byrd and • Mr and Mrs W A. Gran and Mr. Byrd's two sisters, Mis L. T son Billy spent Sunday at Cave nicely. • Mis. J. W. Rosen epent last Hill of Talent and Mrs Fegurth of Junction, Ore., visiting relatives Friday in Medford vlaltlng with Ashland, left Thursday morning • Mr and Mrs Richard Williams her son and family, Mr. and Mi» for Oklahoma to visit their bro­ and family were in Medford Sat­ ther, John Byrd, who has been ill urday evening Joe Rosen. Held over from last week: • Mr. and Mis. James Metcalfe for some time. and daughter Alice were u. er • Ted Huff, who has been ill for • The I-adies club met Thursday guests Bunday ot their ilaughi r some time, will remain in the Kla­ afternoon at the club house with and son-in law, Mt. and Mre. Al- math Falls hospital an additional Mrs T. Quamme hostess Others week, due to iruection. present were were Mesdames M J Bai- fred Randles. • Mrs. D. F. Rcynolde and aon • Mrs. Edgar McIntosh of Dis icy, Planka, , Ed Adams, Frank " Bray. Kenneth Donald went to Dunsmuir Tuesday Angeles is visl'ing ut the ton e of Ward. Walter to spend the week with Mr. and her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. Brown, Madge Nebeker. Arthur Gilbe rg, Arthur Nelson, John Kal- Mre. Melvin Conley. Mrs. Conley and Mrs. Albert C. Joy. • Carl iH’lmar of Dorris is spend­ vet. W Holmberg, Frank Ohlund. wan Winds Reynolds. • Mr. und Mis. Archie Kincaid ing this week at the home of his Harry De Jamett. Fred Haynes, Lloyd Luper, Ray Elliott and Rus­ s|M-nt Bun lay afternoon with Mr. sister, Mrs. Ted Huff. • Mr. Edwards, who is ill with sell Harris. First prize at bridge and Mi» Henry Btanrud was won by Mrs M J. Bailey and • Mr. und Mrs. Murk True were flu. is improving Refresh­ transacting business in Medford • The Upper Valley Community low by Mrs Planka. club will meet next Wednesday ments were served. Monday. • Mrs Wade Wallis and Mrs. with Mrs Homes. Mrs. Reynolds Mark True assisted with the tea and Mrs George Helms planning given ut the Presbyterian church the program. All members are by the Missionary society Friday asked to came dressed as kiddles evening. Patricia Bell helped with tut there will be a tree and treats tor everyone Mrs. Charles May, the serving. • Murle Walker visited with Mr. Mrs Edwin Dunn and Mrs. James and Mrs. Henry Blenrud Bunday Chamberlain Will act ns hostesses • The Home Extension unit will evening. • Jack Williams hus been con­ meet Frif ppwdar ■puclaStH whe make netMnf kut keklne pewder —under cuperviaien • I • ■p«ri akemialc el notienel ___________ repute lien.__________ MILLIONS OF POUNDS HAVE SEEN USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT THtlkmô prefer it ! Dial 7021—Free Delivery! SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS / FLOUR—Drifted Snow 49’s SALAD DRESSING—Miracle Whip, quart SHORTENING—Swift’s Pearl, 4 pounds SUGAR—10 pounds White Satin Lettuce Sc Oranges—each 1C BEANS Sc 4 pounds Green Peppers—lb 10c POST TOASTIES Vegetables—3 Bu. 10c Avocados—each Sc Tender Sweet Bananas—lb SC CORN-3 for 23C OREGON— Cauliflower Italian Broccoli 10c Milk—3 for 19c 12c Coffee—pound - 25c BRING 1’8 YOUR PROCTOR A GAMBLE COUPONS! Oxydol - - - 19C Ivory— 2 for - lie Medium Size Any Kind Except Sanka Grapefruit— 6 for 15c 4 POUNDS Sweet Potatoes 13C ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas—No. 2’s, Ea Royal Club Spinach Royal Club Peaches Royal Club Catsup Royal Club Whole Kernel Corn Meco String Beans 3 for Meco Peas 3 for ISC 14c 17c ISC 13C