Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, December 06, 1940, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, Dec. 6, 1940
Fur Cape Comes Into Vogue
With Hats and Muffs to Match
two big patch pockets, as decora­
tive as they are convenient. Last
but not least, it’s easy to make.
B’or the pinafore jumper of this
design (No. 1252-B) choose cordu-
roy, flannel, jersey or wool crepe.
For the plain little tailored blousa
(with short or long sleeves) chal­
lis, flannel, linen, flat crepe or
batiste are smart.
(See Reclprs Below)
Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1252-B Is de­
signed for sizes 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19 Cor­
responding bust measurements 29. 31, 33.
35 and 37. Size 13 (31) requires 2% yards
of 54-Inch material for jumper; 2 yards
of 39-Inch material without nap for long-
sleeved blouse.
1% yards for short-
sleeved blouse. Send order to:
Ä ~
Household News
11» New Montgomery Ave.
San Francisco
Enclose 15 cents for esch pattern.
Pattern No
Name .
Expected, and unexpected situa­ solve gelatin In hot mixture and
tions too, urise during the holiday bland in orange and lemon juices.
scusons. People drop In just to wish Chili until almost thickened, then
you a "Merry Christmas." Others add chopped prunes and all remain*
are invited for some specified time. fog Ingredients. Pour into one large
The night before Christmas you muy mold or Individual molds and chiU
want to have a "trimming the overnight.
Christmas tree” party. Or, your
Plum Pudding.
daughter may ask a few of her
(Serves 8)
chums in for a small party.
H cup milk
3‘A cups soft bread crumbs
Whether you expect to be on the
Vi pound suet (ground)
entertainment committee for a fam­
■A cup sugar
ily reunion, or just a hostess for a
frocks and the ever-voguish black
2 eggs (separated)
casual holiday gathering, it's a good
gown, the new fur capes make per­
% cup seedless rsisins
idea to put on your thinking cap
fectly stunning wraps. See the cape
and plan some easy-to-prepare mass
shown to the right for evidence of
Vk pound figs (cut fine)
its high-style appearance. This par­
Vfc cup citron (sUced thin)
Sandwich makings Dial the guests
ticular model is in gray. It can be
H teaspoon nutmeg
can put together themselves are al-
interpreted to your own liking in
Vs teaspoon cinnamon
ways a good choice for quick-party
such furs as krimmer, gray kidskin,
squirrel to wear with your gray out­
teaspoon mace
Fruit refrigerator cakes are the
fit«. If you favor the very smart
perfect •nlution for chief cooks who
/'''APES! Fur capei have come out new cereal tones, order this cape
Vi cup ppple cider
want to play the
in spectacular array thia win­ made up in beaver, golden seal,
Scald milk and pour over bread
rule of leisurely
ter. Some are wrist length, while mink, brown caracul or natural. All
without crumbs. Cool. Cream ground suet others go elbow deep. Among the these pelts yield gracefully to the
last minute culi­ in wurm bowl. Add sugar, cream "little furs” worn separately with cape silhouette.
nary responsibili­ together thoroughly, and add well- a cloth coat, cunning shoulder capes
Brown furs are particularly good
ties. They are beaten egg yolks. Combine these arc especially chic.
this season.
Stress Is placed on
practical, too two mixtures. Add cut fruits to­
To add to the romance of this in­ brown furs with black. Women of
from the stand­ gether with spices and salt Add triguing fur cape vogue come muffs discriminating taste are topping
point of using left­ cider. Lastly, fold in stiffly beaten to match, which together with hats their chic afternoon black dresses
over trulls that might be cluttering egg whites. Pour into well-greased of the same fur complete a very at­ and suits with capes of marten,
up the refrigerator, These deiica- pudding mold. Cover tightly and tractive ensemble.
mink, dyed fox and sealskin hats,
cies always have a glamorous "par­ steam for 6 hours. Serve with hard
Fur capes included in mid-winter capes and muffs. These handsome
ty" look and appeal to every sweet sauce.
collections are so versatile they in­ brown pelts look good with any cos­
tooth; but, best of all, they can be
Left-Over Cake Dcaaert
terpret the casual and sporty or the tume. whatever its color scheme.
made in jig time in the morning,
(Serves 8)
regal and stately. They qualify for Among the most attractive fashions
leaving the afternoons and early
Mi cup butter
not only smart daytime wear but of the season is the costume that
•venfogs free for "fun.”
1% cups sugar
tops a gay plaid wool dress (made
also for gala night occasions.
3 eggs
Peach Refrigerator Cake.
Your presence win add greatly to very simply with a seal wrist­
Vi cup maraschi­ the grandstand scene this season if length cape and a jaunty seal tur­
• Serves 8)
no cherries (cut you flaunt a dashing spectator sports ban to match—plus a muff of course.
1H cups (1 can) sweetened
; cape or leopard or ocelot fur. The
Ermine evening fur capes are
densed milk
V4 cup nut meats tremendous demand for these spot­ very young looking with their bright
Vs cup lemon juice
ted furs is so great that many deal­ red linings. Another fur luxury Is
1 cup canned sliced peaches (well
Vi cup crushed ers are finding it difficult to keep the sable cape, and mink rates ace
(drained) pine­ them in stock. The cape to the left high for evening capes and jackets
2 egg whites (stiffly beuten)
in the picture is typical of what's with muffs and other accessories to
24 chocolate wafers
1 tablespoon lemon juice
"the latest" in fur fashions for cas­ match.
Blend sweetened condensed milk
Left-over sponge or angel food cake ual daytime wear.
By way of a suggestion, if you
and lemon juice thoroughly, Stir
Speaking of the popular spotted are planning to have your last win­
until mixture thickens. Add sliced
Cream butter, add sugar slowly furs, stores are showing perfectly ter fur coat "done over," why not
peaches, which have been well
charming accessory collar, belt and have it made into a fashionable
drained. Beat egg whites until stiff and beat well. Add beaten egg yolks
muff "sets'* to wear with furless cape? Many women are doing just
and fold into mixture. Line narrow and blend thoroughly; then add
cloth coats or suits. Outdoor girls that. Of course if your budget per­
oblong pan with wax paper. Cover
find special appeal in the stunning mits buying a spic and span new
with fruit mixture. Add layer of apple and lemon juice. Fold in stiff­
capes made of raccoon with hats cape you couldn't make a better
wafers, alternating with the fruit
Line a shallow pan with thinly and muffs to match.
mixture, finishing with a layer of
With the smart wool daytime iReleased by Western Newspaper Union.)
wafers. Chill in refrigerator 6 hours,
or longer. To serve, turn out on layer of the filling; repeat until all
small platter and carefully remove filling is used, ending with a layer
of cake. Chill overnight. To serve,
wiix paper. Cut in slices, and serve
Long-Haired Fur-Felts
cut in slices and top with whipped
plain or with whipped cream.
Stage New ‘Comeback’
Refrigerator Fruit Cake.
Graham Cracker Dessert.
2VS cups graham cracker crumbs
Often a fashion that has dropped
(Serves 6)
(rolled fine)
out of the picture for many a sea­
H pound marshmallows (cut fine)
son stages a revival that makes old
*A cup sugar
lVb cups dates (cut fine)
fashion become new fashion. This
2 eggs
H cup nut meats (broken)
is especially true in the case of the
Vi cup milk
% cup thin cream
long-hair fur felt hat which is again
Mi cup Maraschino cherries (cut IVi cups graham cracker crumbs
becoming popular.
(rolled fine)
These big picturesque noncha­
Combine ingredients in order list­ 2 teaspoons baking powder
lant furry shaggy felts feature high
ed. Mix well. Press firmly into a Mi teaspoon salt
in the fashion “picture.” They come
tube pan lined with heavy wax pa­ 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
in fascinating colors and all they
per, buttered. Chill thoroughly in
Cream butter and add sugar grad­
need is a quill jauntily positioned
refrigerator over night, or longer. ually, while beating constantly. Sep­
and a deft turn here and there to
Slice and serve with whipped cream. arate eggs and add egg yolks which
the brim to give the dash required.
have been well-beaten.
Amusing, and chic to the utter­
Gingerbread Waffles.
graham cracker crumbs with the
most are the new little hats of rac­
baking powder and salt. Add this
1 cup molasses
mixture alternately with the milk to
■A cup butter
the butter and sugar mixture. Add
1 teaspoon soda
vanilla extract Beat egg whites
South American Clothes
“A cup sour milk
and fold in carefully. Bake in two
1 egg (beaten)
Influence New Fashions
well-greased layer-cake pans in a
2 cups cake flour
American costumes are in­
2 teasp. ginger
spiration for modern clothes. The
for approximately 25 minutes. Serve
% teaspoon salt
vidid colors and startling combina­
as a dessert, putting the two layers J
Heat molasses
If you are abreast with the times tions of color sound a gay note in
together and topping with whipped
In matter of modern fashion par­ contrast to the vogue for black that
boiling point. Remove from fire and cream.
"dinner shirt” is exactly has prevailed so long and is still
beat in the soda. Add sour milk,
what you will cal) the new dressy holding its own. The South Ameri­
beaten egg. and the flour which has
Better Baking.
blouse shown here which can be can trends also make lavish use of
been sifted with the ginger and salt
Quality in food is what Ameri­
worn to informal dine and dance braids, embroideries and fringe.
Mix well. Bake in hot waffle iron. > cans look for today. Not only
parties. This attractive dinner shirt
Serve with whipped cream and
must the ingredients be good, but
with waistband and pleated front is
dash of nutmeg.
they must be combined In the
fashioned of rose-colored silk triple Old Chinese Costumes
best way possible for perfect re­
Refrigerator Fruit Pudding.
sheer. It is a very much up-to-date
sults. Formerly, just the thought
Enter Fashion Picture
(Serves 8 to 10)
affair. It takes on a glitter-embroi­
is in a mood for borrow­
Mi pound prunes
dery accent across its yoke where
would frighten the inexperienced
1-lnch stick cinnamon
a horizontal floral motif is done in ing ideas from the rich costumes of
cook. Today, the most timid be­
6 whole cloves
sparkle-sparkle paillettes and tiny Chinese origin. Mandarin tunics,
ginner has little difficulty in fol­
V4 cup seeded raisins
beads. The sprightly black velvet dragons embroidered on yellow wool
lowing recipe directions.
Mi cup brown sugar
calot on the model’s pretty head dresses, sleek straight silhouettes,
Miss Howe's cookbook "Better
1 pkg. lemon flavored gelatin
gives chic accent to this charming pompadours lacquered smooth and
Baking” contains such recipes,
high, chrysanthemums for coiffure
% cup orange juice
and easy to understand,
adornment, all of which are enter­
2 tablespoons lemon juice
and easy to follow; and the re­
ing the winter fashion picture.
Mi cup dried flgs (cut fine)
sults will do the young cook
Dude Ranch Clothes Add
Mi cup citron (cut fine)
Mi cup almonds (cut fine)
'Dash’ to Sports Wear
Pastel Felts
You may secure your copy of
Soak prunes in sufficient water to
her cookbook by writing to "Bet­
A most charming fashion has been
Campus girls are thrilled with the
cow, utitil soft. Add cinnamon and
ter Baking.” in care of Eleanor
idea of dude ranch clothes for sport launched in a way of pastel felt
afoves and simmer until prunes are
Howe, 019 North Michigan Ave­
wear. They especially like plaid hats trimmed in flowers. The possi­
tender. Drain, and when cool, stone
nue, Chicago, Illinois, and enclos­
flannel shirts, studded belts and bilities are endless with promise of
and chop prunes. Add 1 cup of the
ing 10 cents in coin.
fringed suits for roughing it and the headgear that will flatter to ths
prune juice to raising and brown
latest is to wear riding boots to re­ point of achieving a new high in
sugar and heat to boiling point. Dis- (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) place galoshes.
glamour and allure.
• When you feel gany, headachy, logy
due to clogged-up bowels, do a» mjlliont
do —taka Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next
morning — thorough, comfortable relief,
helping you start the day full of your
normal energy and pep, feeling like a
million! Feen-A-Mint doesn’t disturb
your night's rest ar interfere with work the
next day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the chewing
gum laxative, fourtelf. It tastes good, it’s
handy and economical... a family supply
Consider Toor Hearers
Talk often, but never long. In
that case, if you do not please,
at least you are sure not to tirs
INA season when jumpers have
* jumped way out in front of any your hearers.—Lord Chesterfield.
other school style, this one stands
right at the head of its very smart
class. Why? Because it’s the
pinafore type, cut high and dart-
fitted, that juniors are mad about.
Because the skirt is made with
unpressed front fullness that looks
perfectly charming on slim little
figures. Because it’s adorned with
Tin of Sunshine
The idea that sunshine can be
canned, like beef or peas, seems
preposterous. But sunshine has
been bottled in Florida and taken
by plane to New York, where it
was released.
This is how it was done. The
•unshine was held in a lumines-
cent powder already in the bottle,
and frozen in liquid air. It was
then sealed and taken to New
York, where the glass tube was
thawed by being placed in wa­
ter. As the air melted, those
watching were astonished to see
Liking One's Task
the powder glow brilliantly and
The secret of happiness is not
throw off sufficient heat to fry a in doing what one likes, but in lik­
piece of fish.
ing what one has to do.—Hubbard.
Solid Sterling Silver Cross
To Make a Happier Christmas
Value not found elsewhere at this
outstandingly low price
Be among the first to own thia valuable and
beautifully designed Solid Sterling Silver Cress
(not plated) with 18-inch rhodium-finish chain.
Its hand-engraved effect in floral deiugn makes
you the envy of your friends and you can have
thia outstanding value for only 25 cents and two
labels from delicious Van Camp's Products.
Dinner Shirt
V*n (amps pork and
cOOv&.vvis .-civXviiivi
Van Camp's Inc
DaptW, B om N o . 144, New York, N.T.
I ■■ MdoSse 2\cWi ood two low. H m . S.M. W V«a C<w^*> Prtxfecft.
Nraw m W ■.*••<,«-< SM Bvtog SSnrCrw» («rfploM)« AWrWsdL
NAME_________________________________________________________ —
ADOKSS___________________________________________ .
QTY__________________________STATE__________________ .
Healing Time
as a harper lays his open palm
Time has laid his hand upon my upon his harp, to deaden its vibra­
heart gently, not smiting it; but tions.—Longfellow.
When a cough, due to a cold, drives you mad.
Smith Brothers Cough Drops usually give
soothing, pleasant relief. Black or Menthol— 5<.
Smith Bros. Cough Drops are the
drops containing VITAMIN A
in A (Carotene) raises the resistance of
mucous membranes of nose and to
cold infections, when lack of resist­
ance is due to Vitamin A deficiency.
Your Advertising Dollar
buys something more than space and circulation in
the columns of this newspaper. It buys space and
circulation plus the favorable consideration of our
readers for this newspaper and its advertising patrons.