Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, December 06, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, Dec. 6, 1940
Page 2
G eneral Vultee
Plant Resumes Warplane Output
fOBODY knows better than I
1 how many willing helpers
good old Sunlit has. Hundreds of
you have written me thut you huve
made gifts from directions in this
column und in SEWING Hooka I,
2. 3, 4, nnd 5. Book fl is now ready
and un it goes into the rnuil I wunt
you nil to know that I have a very
real feeling of friendship for you
who find joy in making things with
MM Faroa
WASHINGTON—No military se­
cret is more closely guarded than a
sensational new robot airplane now­
being tried out secretly by the navy !
in both Hawaii and Langley field.
Four-Poster Doll Bed
For Santa to Bring
«M row
Washington. D. C.
It is being said with increasing rep- ,
etition and insistence that a democ- 1
racy can't fight a dictatorship with- i
out creating a dictatorship in itself. '
It is not true but, like so much other j
Navy experts have been working sloganeering, things constantly re- •
for more than 10 years to develop a peated have a way of getting them­
reliable “pilotless" plane operated selves accepted even without much
by radio control. Observers who debate, especially if they have some
have witnessed some of the latest truth or an appearance of truth.
It is true that complete involve­
tests, pronounce the device as near
miraculous. A robot bomber takes ment in major war requires in­
off, discharges its bombs over a dis­ creased centralized power in gov­
tant target, returns to base and ernment and temporary surrender
lands without being touched by a of some civil right, but what is thus
necessary falls far short of a do­
human hand.
mestic dictatorship.
The distance of the target is cal­
What this country did in industrial
culated in advance, and when the
mobilization for our last war was
robot reaches it a device automat­
so effective that most warring na­
ically releases the bombs
tions have copied the general plan
urally the aiming is largely a mat-
with their own variations--especial-
ter of chance, but in the tests a num-
ly, Germany. Woodrow Wilson got
ber of direct hits were scored, The
about what he asked for, but the
cruising radius of the robots is lim­
statutory dictatorial powers he used
ited only by fuei supply and the
were very slender.
radio frequency range.
As far as industry was concerned,
While most effective at short dis- the whole structure was built on two
tances, the robot can be used for powers—one was the power to com­
Returning to work after a 12-day strike al the Vultee Aircraft plant,
long-range bombing in conjunction mandeer factories, the other was the at Downey, Calif., workers are shown engaged in production of an army
with piloted planes or by a so-called prescribed "priority lists"—state­ trainer. The workers won raises and signed a lil-month no-strike clause-.
system of "relay control.” that is. ments of government needs for the Before getting back to the plant each cmpl 0 c was given as careful an
by radio stations along the line of products of industry which the ad­ examination and re-check as he was subjected to before he was hired.
ministration decided must be filled
So closely is the invention guarded before any other orders. Comman­
that navy officers have been warned deering differed very little from the
that any talk about it will be con­ peacetime power of eminent domain
sidered a violation of the Espionage —if the government needs a proper­
act, and make them subject to court ty and the owner is unwilling to
martial and dismissal.
sell, the administration takes it over
and the courts determine what is
“just compensation” to be paid to
the owner.
There was a hidden brickbat in
It was not the use of these pow-
that sharp warning issued by Assist­
| ers. but their existence and the
ant War Secretary Robert Patterson
, threat of them that enabled the gov-
that no one has an "inside track”
1 ernment to get what it wanted. In
in the awarding of army defense
almost all cases, a mere request with
no threat or use of power was all
What the mild-mannered former that w-as needed. In time of war.
V. S. Circuit court judge didn't say in this country nearly all of busi-
was that he is planning to insert a ness is eager to do its part.
little clause in every army contract
But as in all such community ef­
requiring contractors to swear they forts, there is always a little "chisel­
paid no commissions or any other ing fringe” of slackers who try to
fees to obtain the order. Penalty for take advantage of the burdens borne
doing so is cancellation of the con­ by their more unwilling competition.
Both td make the combined effort ef­
Under the law Patterson is legally fective and to protect the patriotic
responsible for the entire industrial from the greedy, it is advisable
mobilization program and passes on sometimes to get tough with this
Torrential rains caused much havoc and heavy damage throughout
every large army contract
The gentry and it is necessary to be
boasts of certain lobbyists and high- able to do so.
Texas, where many concrete roads and bridges were destroyed. After
pressure promoters that they can get
Except for the railroads and a sitting in a tree for 12 hours awaiting rescue, Jerry Zaskoea. of Sealey,
army orders through “inside influ­ telegraph company, which rested on Texas, was rescued by searchers who had been combing the flooded dis­
ence" are. therefore, a direct reflec­ a different basis, outright comman­ trict. The picture shows Jerry being rescued from a tree.
tion on him. He doesn't like it one deering was used only once. That
bit and has no intention of putting statement once before made in this
up with it
column has been challenged. It is
Some of the "influence” operators correct The case was that of the
have even told officials of cities they Smith and Wesson Manufacturing
could deliver defense projects which company for refusal to accept an
had already been located elsewhere award of the national war labor
by the war department for strategic board.
There was no press censorship ex­
cept the willingness of the entire
press voluntarily to comply with
Inside story of the expected Whitt suggestions of the administration
House visit of Crown Princess Juli­ There was a tight control of exports,
ana of The Netherlands is that she as there is now. Food supply was
and Mrs Roosevelt have kept up a pretty thoroughly regulated by a
correspondence ever since the prin­ control of profits rather than of
cess arrived in Canada six months prices and of a licensing system
ago with her two baby daughters. governing distribution.
The visit to Washington might
That was as near as this country
have come sooner, but the princess came to dictatorship in the greatest
put it off because she didn't relish military and industrial effort ever
a round of extravagant entertain­ made up to that time. It is as near
ment She wants to avoid being as is necessary now.
• • •
dined and wined while her own peo­
ple. now under German domination,
are living on rationed food.
William Allen White, who is chair
The princess, with her two chil­ man of the Committee to Aid Brit­
dren. has been living in a rented ain, thinks congress should pass
house in Ottawa.
Her busband. some kind of a resolution announc­
Prince Bernhard, is in London as ing which side we are on in the
aide-de-camp to Queen Wilhelmina, I present world conflict—not a dec­
and her brother is reported to be in laration of war.
a German concentration camp.
There isn’t much doubt which side
In Ottawa, the princess has nbt we are on in our hearts. Actions
entertained, has amused herself by speak louder than words. By our
walking and playing tennis. She will actions, as the President has said,
be a White House guest for two days, we are sending Britain all the aid
beginning December 18.
we can just now—unless we decide
to finance her war. Short of a dec­
• • •
laration of war sjch a declaration of
sympathy seems unnecessary and,
The man responsible for the light at first glance, not very important.
John E. Lawton, 21-year-old Everett, Mass., plumber’s helper, shak­
sentence given the eight divinity col-I
On the other hand, many people ing hands with Maj. Gen. James K. Woodruff, at the armory in Boston,
lege students who refused to register
for the draft was not the New York in this country fear the direction in after winning the signal honor of being the first man in the U. 8. to be
court, but Attorney General Robert which we are headed as a path lead­ accepted for the army under the selective service program of IMO. He
ing straight to war. They are for passed the stern physical examination with flying colors.
aid to Britain—with two important
The young men, who were stu­ qualifications. First that we do not
dents of Union Theological seminary, weaken our own defensive prepara­
were about to receive a three-year tions, second, that we do not do
sentence. But as a result of Jack­ such things as will make war inev­
son’s intervention, they got a year itable.
and a day.
In this state of affairs and un-
Jackson polled the judges in ad­ certainty about public opinion and
vance of the decision and found they in this fog of misinformation or no
were all in favor of a long, stiff ( information about just what is in­
sentence. Partly for humanitarian | volved in this question, I doubt if
reasons, and partly because he Mr. White’s idea about a congres­
didn't want the boys to become mar­ sional resolution is as unimportant
tyrs who would arouse wide popular as it seems. There is yet time and
objection to the law, Jackson in­ there is not yet any such hysteria
structed U. S. Attorney Cahill to ask as would prevent a full and fairly
for a short sentence.
free debate.
The students now may get out in
Congress is closer to the senti­
even less than a year. The short ment of this country than any sam­
sentence makes them eligible for pling poll or any other branch of
White House reprieve, whereas with government can possibly be. If our
a longer sentence, the President present course of conduct and the
would not have felt free to intervene. purposes of Mr. White's people are,
• • •
in fact, leading unnecessarily toward
war, the debate on such a resolu­
Mrs. Roosevelt isn't the only White tion would reveal both that fact and
House devotee of square dancing. the popular judgment on it.
Another enthusiast is handsome
For all these reasons, while this
young Jimmy Rowe, White House column doesn't agree with what it
Somewhere in Africa . . . These British soldiers are shown occupying
secretary, who belongs to a club thinks Mr. White’s committee stands
staging square dances once a week. for, it does agree with his recent the ruined Italian fort which was captured by the western forces of
Jimmy’s favorite is the "cowboy suggestion that congress be con­ Great Britain while fighting Mussolini's army in Africa. A fierce shelling
reduced the fort to so much rubble. This official photograph was ap­
sulted in the way he describes.
proved by the British censors.
Rescue Texas Flood \ ioti in
Plumber's Helper Nation’s First Draftee
Desert Fort Now in British Hands
Wayne Chatfield Taylor, of Chi-
I cage. buckles ¿own to work In Wash­
ington after being sworn in an under­
secretary of commerce, succeeding
Edward Noble.
Injured in Riot
your hands. Your letters keep me
posted ubout the things you wunt
to know. Hcfurbirthing old furni­
ture, curtuinlng difficult windows,
new slip covers, rug nnd putch
work designs, lump shades, dress­
ing tublcs, smocking, gift und ba­
zaar novelties—you hnve asked for
these und they are in the new Book
6. It ulso contains u description
of the other booklets in this series.
• • •
And her« la soinrthlng that la not In any
of these booklets
Thia tiny four poster
doll bed will be juat ths thing for Santa
to leave beside some one's big bed on
Christmas Eve
After the cigar boa.
spool» atvl clothes plna are glued together
and rmiiiK led you wIII have a grand lima
making the bedding, pillow and coverlet.
Send order to:
Drawer IS
Bedlord IIIUs
10 cents
New York
for each
Name ......................... • •...................
Address .......................................................
*<There’i a Good Reason^
You’re Constipated!
Comdr. W. M. Dillon. U. 8. naval
attache to the embassy In Mexico,
beaten In riot of Atmaianlsls as
Henry Wallace, vice president-elect,
arrived in Mexico City.
Here From Orient
When there's something wrong
with you. the first rule Is: get at
the cauw. It you are constipated,
don't endure It first and "cure" It
afterward Find out what's giving
you the trouble.
Chances are It's simple If you
eat the super-refined foods moat
people do: meat, white bread,
potatoes. It'S likely you don't get
enough "bulk."And'bulk''dueauT
mean a lot of food. It's a kind of
food that Isn't consumed in the
body, but leaves a soft "bulky”
mass In the Intestines and helps
a bowel movement.
If tills is your trouble, you
should eat a natural "bulk” pro­
ducing food-such a one as the
crunchy, toasted, ready-to-eat
cereal, Kellogg's All-Bran. Eat It
often, drink plenty of water, and
"Join the Regulars." All-Bran is
made by Kellogg's In BatUe Creek.
If your condition is chronic, it to
. wise to consult a physician.
e ,
Majesty in Simplicity
There is u majesty in simplicity
which is far above the quantities
of wit.—Pope.
T0 ¿Ai
• AUVt
won eaors
Prolonging Trouble
Dwelling on troubles doesn't help
L to remove them.—B. C. Forbes.
Is your child a
More than 200 American evacuees
from the Orient arrived in San Fran­
cisco on the "President Pierce.”
These youngsters f-om Hong Kong
and Shanghai were aboard.
Escape Nazi Bomb
It tan t always “nervrw" that makes a child
bite Ills nails Often It's Itncauro of a
reason few mothers suspect—WoltMSl
If. along with nail biting, there are alone
of uneasy stomach, finicky appetite. Jd-
geUng. rmtlewi airop . . . tuks heed! Thaaa
may be the symptoms of round u-orme; a
nasty infection that can caiuo real dtatnsw
known rnmodr tn America for eipelllns
rouno worms, ft has boon need by millions or
mothers, for over a century, ami is backed
by the most modern scientific study.
JAYNE'S VERM IFUGE has great abil­
ity to drive out large round worms, yet It
tastes good and acta gently. JAYNE'S does
not contain santonin. If there are no worms
fl works merelu ae a mild luaaltee. Ask for
JAYNK'S VEK-Mf-FUGEatanydrugstore
FREE: Valuable medical book. ' Worms
Living Inaide You." Write to Dept.MKL
Dr. D. Jay no A Son. a VluatH., I’hUadeiphia.
"All the Traffic
Would Bear"
Mrs. Ann Haltrecht and her non,
(shown on arrival in New York)
who had narrow escape in their Eng­
lish home when a bomb pierced the
cot in which the boy was sleeping,
continued through the floor, and ex­
ploded In the basement.
• There was a time in America
when there were no get prices.
Each merchant charged what
he thought "the traffic would
bear.” Advertising came to
the rescue of the consumer.
Tt led the way to the estab­
lished prices you pay when
you buy anything today.