w Page 10 SUPER DUCKS TO! 15 Juniors Awarded LADIES NIGHT College Cagers Dump to Medford Quint 70-16 Football Insignia PLAY SOCE HERE son's Fifteen members of MONDAY TO BE Here In Season Debut basketball received as ADDED TREAT ance the last Bend Wins Official . State Football Title The Oregon High School Activ­ ities association's trophy for the 1940 Oregon high school football championship went to the Bend Lava Bears after their 20 to 7 thumping of the Medford Tigers at Medford Saturday. The two teams were deadlocked 7-7 at the half-way mark but in the third period Joe Huston's Bears began to roll. Jim Byers dashed eight yards to break the tie and a pass from Eby to Nicors finished Bend’s scoring. Four thousand fans witnessed the contest. Friday and Saturday! The Cisco Kid Friday, Dec. fl, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER The Southern Oregon College of Education vaisity tNuttwtiNui team will oppose the University of Ore­ gon super Ducks, made up of Oregon players not good enough to make the U of O varsity and coached by John Dick and How­ ard Hobson, on the college court tonight, Friday, at 8:30 and Sat­ urday night at 8 o'clock. There will be no preliminary for to­ night's game but tomorrow night Lost River Dairy of Medford will probably meet the Little Sons. A small admission charge will be made for both games. Coach Jean Eberhart has been drilling his team in a faster break which will make them a higher scoring five. Tonight's probable starting Sons lineup will be Paul Lowery and Chuck DeAutremont at forward, George Bassman at center and Jake Usher and Gene Crites, guards. ------------•------------ Al Simp­ Junior high football squad letter awards at an ­ sembly gathering held in the school assembly hall recently. Players receiving th«* awards were Joe McElfresh, Barney Riggs. Dick Kerr. Marvin Gett- ling, Jack Gunter. Ward Croft, John Delsntan, Bill Barker and Richard DeMers, linemen, and Jay Samuelson, Fred Kannasto, Owen Griffith, Calvin Rosa, Paul Words­ worth, Neil Arant, backs A man­ ager’s letter was given to Dick Flaharty. After a poor start, the juniors hit their stride in mid-season when they downed the powerful Klamath Frosh 7-6 and trounced the Central Point reserves 20 to 0. They lost their first four games to larger opponents in Medford and Grants Pass The júniora scored 45 points to their oppon­ ents’ 64 to set a record since they had failed to score in two years. Jean Eberhart's 1940 team made its Inaugural appear­ on SOCE court Fri­ day night by rolling to a lop-sided 70 to 16 win over a makeshift Ix»t River Dairy team from Medford. Chuck DeAutremont sparked the Sons’ offense as he scored 20 points. Employing a fust break, the college hoopsters piled up a 31 to 12 half-time lead and held thrir opponents to but four points in th«« second half. In the preliminary, the Butte Falla high Loggers took a thrill- lug 41 to 40 win over the Uttle Sons. ANOTHER ladies night wrest­ ling card, with each feminine fan accompanied by an adult |>aid admission being admitted free, is in store for Medford armory fans Monday night, Dec. 9. when Pro­ moter Mack Lillard will present Red Lyons, the Joplin. Mo.. Ghost, against clever Jess»- James in the top main event Lyons, a good grappler, although inclined to be rough, will giv«> James a tough go before the match is over. Broccoli Bob Kruse, the old-tim­ er from Oswego, will mix with Billy Rayburn in the middle tus­ sle. Both men are smart wrestlers but Kruse likes to rough it up, especially if the going gets tough as it undoubtedly will with Ray­ burn as an opponent. Elton Owen, son of Promoter Herb Owen, who made a succeas- ful appearance about three weeks At a meeting of southern Ore­ Juniors Sign Four ago. comes back for his second gon fixitball coaches held here Medford appearance and will face Wednesday night, a conference Basketball Contests a newcomer from law Angeles, schedule was drawn up and Coach Ace Freeman, in the opener. Free­ Ixdghton Blake of the Ashland Al Simpson s Junior hikh bas­ man is billed as slightly rough but high Grizzlies has announced a ketball mentor, has definitely is capable of taking care of probable non-conference list of A schedule for the sale of Red Owen lined up four games for his 1940 himself. games for his 1941 team. Cross Christmas seals as announc ­ team. He has several letters out This match will get under way laikevlcw will open the season for other games and plans to an­ ed by the local chairman, Mrs. R. at 8:30 p. m. here, probably Sept 19. and the nounce ohers as they are signed. E. Walker, follows: ----------- «------------ . Dec. 7 and 9 at the post office following week will mark the The Juniors will host Roseburg opening of the conference against here on a big basketball jamboree by the American Legion Auxiliary. Dec. 10 and 11 at the post office Grants Paas here. This game will program Jan. 10 and will play dedicate the new Ashland turf Grants Pass there Monday, Jan. by the Hoodoo class of the Meth- odist church. gridiron. 13. DeC. 12 and 13 at the post office The Blue and Gold travels to The Grizzlies go to Klamath Roseburg for a return game Jan. by the Active club. Falls for conference play Oct 10 Dec. 14 and 16 at the post office 31 and will meet Grants Pass here and will oppose Coquille there, by the Rebekahs. Feb. 7. At an assembly gathering Fri- posibiy Oct 24. Dec. 17 and 18 at the JX»t office day afternoon, 17 players of Simpson announced that his Then comes the annual Medford- team will not participate in the by the Civic club. Leighton “ Blake's ‘ 1940 football Ashland classic there Nov 9, a Dec. 19 and 20 at the post office squad were awarded their white conference scrap, and Roseburg SOCE basketball program Dec. 13. ------------•------------ by the Eastern Star. "A”. For five of the players, it provides Ashland with Thanks Dec. 21 and 23 at the post office was the last high school football giving opposition Nov. 20. Kemnitzer Sees Butte by the VPW auxiliary. «award The seniors are Bob Wea­ Coach Blake also is trying to 7, 14 and 21 at Penney’s ver. Karl Warren, Dick Wester- line up games with Corvallis there Falls Outfit as *Tops’ by Dec. Job's Daughters berg. Jim Smith and John Berg­ and Dunsmuir and Yreka here Anyone having letters contain­ strom. Bob Bruill, business man­ ----------- •------------ Jack Kemnitzer, former SOCE ing contributions or unused seals ager, also is a senior. • Merrill Gunter left Wednesday varsity basketball star and now may send them to the sales booths Others receiving their letters for I*lttsburg, Calif , where he coach of the Butte Falls Loggers, according to Mrs. John Broady, were Bud Provost, Chet Fowler, plans to spend several weeks has his eye on a first class team publicity chairman. Albert Newbry, Clyde Garrett, • Mrs Leia Christenson of Siski- for the coming season. Already his team has downed the Little Sons • Mrs. George Miller and Mrs. Ivan Randles, Russell Hawk. you was an Ashland visitor Mon­ and travel to Chiloquin Saturday Allan Brower made a business Chuck Jandreau, Martin Herrin. day. Billy Elam. Don Warren. Ken Ca­ • M ni Roy l^eVander of Talent for a game with Chiloquin high. trip to Medford Tuesday. The teams will play a return • Fred Hurner recently returned ton, LaMar Ormond and Elwood visited here Tuesday at the home of Mrs W. W Robison game at Butte Falls Saturday, to his home in Carlton. Ore. fol­ Hedberg, equipment manager. The Grizzlies won four, tied one • Subscribe for The Miner today Dec. 14. lowing a visit here at the home The Jackson county B league of his daughter, Mrs. Emma and lost three games this season for an average of 571 in Blake's gets under way Jan. 10 with a full Westfall schedule to released later. • Harold Carlisle of Redding vis­ first year as head coach. A review of the season is as Kemnitzer has a squad of nine ited in Ashland Tuesday with DON’T FORGET follows: men headed by Eddie Ellis, all­ friends. TO SEND THE state and all-SOCE forward, and • Dr. M R. Britten of Grants Ashland 7, Lakeview 6 Inland Ellis, also all-tournament Pass visited with friends in Ash­ Ashland 0, Grants Paas 0. last year. Other lettermen return­ land Monday. Ashland 6, Klamath Falls 14. ing are John Kent, Bud Tungate, • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell Ashland 19. Myrtle Point 7 and Billy Rogers. The remainder of the Greensprings visited here Ashland 13, Coquille 18. of the squad is composed of Bob Monday with friends. Ashland 12. Yreka 6. Rogers, Glen Albert, Gordon • Mr and Mrs. Franklin Way­ Ashland 0, Medford 41. Moore and Jess Francis. Ashland 13. Roseburg 7. brant made a trip to Klamath ----------------- •---------------------------- A B league jamboree will be Falls Monday. held in the new Central Point • Jack Lawson made a business BUSINESS GROUP TO MEET high school gymnasium Friday trip to Hornbrook Tuesday. night, Dec. 13. when all teams • Mr and Mrs. M. P O’Harra The Federal Business a*a 1 Especially Invites You To Call During I I I I IYI3 OVIRWOSKIDT Do they .mart ■nd burn? Murine bring« quick relief. Try two drop« of Murine night and morning and whenever your “ irritated and reddened • WED & THUR • I 1 AMs 15C I Kiddies a Dime! CHEST COLDS For real, quick relief from distress of an aching chest cold and its cough­ ing—rub on Musterole, a wonder­ fully soothing “ counter - irritant ". Better than a mustardplatter to help break up painful local conges­ tion! Made in 3 strengths. MUS terq LF I I I • • CHRISTMAS OPENING I Tonight—7:30 to 9 o’CIock WHERE EVERY NEED FOR THE MOTORIST CAN BE OBTAINED— Gasoline Batteries Oil Prestone Tires and Tubes Accessories Exchange Parts Murine 1« alkaline—pure and gentle, economical, too. Try Murine today. Medford Armory EY es i AT 8:30 EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 8 ALL-NT AR MAIN EVENTS A Al A HOME-OWN Eli THEATRE “BEYOND THE MENTORS SET ’41 GRID SKED SACRAMENTO” AHS GRIDMEN GET LETTERS -Plus- LITHIA For Reservations Phone Brown’s, Medford 101 SOOTHES * CLEANSES . REFRESHES I <' 1 THE BARE FACT IS .. . WE NERVE THE COLDEST BEER IN TOWN! —Come On, Make Us Prove It! A TURING WHOLESALE GAS, OIL AND FUEL OILS! See the Best of All A-ONE DRAFT BEER 5c per glass Finest Quality Brew In Generous 6-0«. Glass! I 1941 PONTIAC TORPEDO LINE AMERICAN FINEST LOW-PRICED CAR! BOHEMIAN CLUB