Page 8 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER JUNIORS START LYONS, CHICK HOOP PRACTICE TO TOP ARMORY Practice has been under way CARD MONDAY all week for the Junior highs edition of their 1940-41 basketball squad with 20 men reporting nightly for scrimmage under the watchful eye of Coach Al Simpson. Simpson announced that he will h.«ve two d.itinct teams this year with 10 men to each squad. One group will be composed only of seventh and eighth graders and will play various grade school teams and resetve teams of other junior high schools. This team will be coached by Leonard Warren. The other 10 men will make up the regular junior high varsity. Those who are out for practice are Winfield Roberson, Fred Kan- nasto, Jim Bartelt, Barney Riggs. Delbert Landing. Jack Waybrant, Bud Graham. Kenneth Thompson. Owen Griffith. Bob OHarra, Claud Garrett. Fred Wilson, Vic­ tor Lantis, Jay Samuelson, Dick Kerr, Arthur Coulter, Ray Kan- nasto. Jimmie Jandreau, Joe Lam­ bert and Dominie Provost. I Medford-Bend ’Title’ Game Scheduled For 2 o’clock Saturday Medford high school's crashing Tornado football machine might have to perform against the Bend l^ava Bears on the Medford turf Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock without the services of Ike Orr. Orr suffered a bruised calf in the tirst half of the game with The Dalles Thanksgiving day and Coach Bill Bowerman says the injury is not responding to treat­ ment. Cliff Jones, reserve full­ back, also might not see service because of a sprained ankle so Bowerman has pulled second- srlring end l«ouie Ban from the line for the probable first-team berth. Other than Jones and Orr. Bowerman reports his charges are in good shape for the "champion­ ship" clash with Bend. Besides making an effort to capture the Oregon High School Activities association's recogni­ tion as state football king. Med­ ford will be trying to erase the humiliating 19 to 6 drubbing by Bend earlier in the season. It was the Tornado's only loss in their 1940 campaign. known as the Joplin Ghost, re­ turns to Medford armory Monday night, Dec. 2, after a lengthy ab­ sence and will oppose Cowboy Dude Chick in the top main event of Promoter Mack Lillard's ladles’ night card. Each lady accompan­ ied by an adult paid admission will be admitted free. Sgt. Bob Kennaston of Gold Hill, also away from the southern Oregon mat wars for some time, comes back to face Jesse James in the middle go. This match should be a humdinger since James is about the best there is in the legitimate field and Kennas­ ton is no slouch as a toughie. Billy Rayburn, the classy Geor­ gia Peach, tackles a roughneck in Bulldog Jackson in the opener. This match will go to the mat at 8:30 p. m. Grizzlies Add Six Games To Hoop List Friday and Saturday! Liberty Magazine’s Sensational Story “I MARRIED A NAZI” Friday, Nov. 29, 1940 Six basketball games have been ing thumbs-down on such an 11th- added to the already loaded Ash­ hotir scheme. land high hoop schedule. Mac Hi If the time has arrived of Milton-Freewater will make its when two contenders, by first trip to Ashland to meet the beating eiu-h other once, run Grizzlies on Jan. 11. The visitors cop the «tate ‘’championship" boast a strong team and figure to from a team with a |>erfrct give Gerry Gastineau's Ashland­ season, then Hindsight is go­ ers a run for their money. ing to demand a playoff be­ The Grizzlies go to Lakeview; tween Oregon, Oregon State Feb. 21 and 22 for a pair of clash-. IJED LYONS, the Joplin (¡hont who will wreath* on es with the Honkers. the ladle« night program at A trip into the Willamette val­ Medford armory Mondav eve­ ley is planned for the week follow­ ning. Dec. 7. Mark Lillard will ing Christmas and Buddy Ben­ present his UHiial three-star nett's Chemawa Indians, formerly card beginning at 8:30 p. ni. coached by Gastineau, have al­ ready been signed for two games in addition to those at Albany. Other letters,are out for games on this trip. Thirty-one aspirants have an­ swered Gastineau's initial prac­ tice call and more are expected to be out soon. Big Jamie Smith, last year's regular center, is on the 111 shelf with a bad foot but is ex­ By I TOIJ) YOU SO pected out early next week. Gastineau reports the club looks fair so Jar but it is too early to tell what to expect of the 1940-41 A LTHOUGH Hindsight is loyal AT 8:30 EVERY to Ashland to the point of edition of the Grizzlies. being prejudiced Outfitted with new uniforms, instinctively MONDAY NIGHT they will open the season against against the Medford fans' attitude Bend's Lava Bears here Dec. 13 toward rivals, still I Told You So believes even Medford should get and 14. 3 ALL STAR MAIN EVENTS ----------- •------------ what's coming to it. BELLMEW MAN ENLISTS But this department is willing Walter Seitz of Bellview has to be quoted as saying that does enlisted in the United States army not include a claim to the state rather than await call from the football ‘'championship" even if draft board. He registered for con­ the Black Tornado does defeat scription at Tionesta, Calif., but Bend in the Pear city tomorrow. For Reservations later enlisted for a three-year Doubtless Medford has an unusu­ hitch with the 29th US Engineers ally good team, has earned its Phone Brown's, Medford 101 at Portland. By enlisting, Seitz spurs in convincing fashion and a was able to choose his branch of defeat of Bend would be an ac­ the service. complishment and a result to be prayed for, but what about La IS YOUR PRESENT LIFE ■ EXAMINER COMING Grande ? INSURANCE ADEQUATE? A traveling examiner of operat­ The eastern Oregon squad com­ ors and chauffeurs is scheduled to pleted a nine-game season unde­ See be on duty at the Ashland city feated and untied and beat the hall from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Fri­ team that beat Bend that beat STEVEN IL day, Dec. 6 All those wishing Medford, that beat The Dalles, permits or licenses to drive cars etc. All four challenging outfits should get in touch with the ex­ suffered one defeat each during regular season, and La Grande aminer at that time. was the only school to keep its PHONE 4721 Come let us reason together. record perfect. So naturally if the e THE HAPPY PRESENT FOR four schools with imperfect rec­ METKOPOIJTAN LIFE THE SEASON is a subscription ords could arrange a play-off INSURANCE CO. to the Townsend Weekly. 26 cop­ with the champ, they still would ies for one dollar. See Philip at have a chance at state honors. We Hotel Columbia. (48p) don't blame La Grande for turn- HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS: Medford Armory SCHUERMAN ON OUR STAGE! SUNDAY EVENING at 9:15 p. m. A Adults Kiddie« a Dime! Aï*rtr» ■ A QUART EACH DAY ★ Betty Always Wins! She’s got that extra some­ thing that it takes to put it over. Pomibly she gets that sparkling brilliance from drinking MILK! Special Effects Ruth Luy Dancers CLOVER LEAF DAIRY Phone 6732 REGULAR PRICES! coast A HOME OWNED TIIEA I KE Phone 7."»<11 Friday, Saturday Leonard Patterson, coach of the Jacksonville six-man state cham­ pions (in fact and not just fancy), is doubly happy. Not only is he master-mind of the best half­ dozen grid machine In Oregon (winning his title game Q2-6 at Monroe) but also is father of a fine daughter named Patricia El­ len. Coach I*atterson has been both busy and successful on al) fronts this season. • WANT ADS« FOR SALE New and used desks, filing cabinets, swivel chairs and safes. Medford Office Equip ment Co., 32 North Grape street. Medford._____________ (48tf)i NOTICE Kilt Pt'HI.K V I KIN De|>artment of the Interior. U. S, Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Oct. 19, 1940. NOTICE is hereby given that, as directed by tne Commissioner of the General Ijrnd Office, under the second proviso of Sec 24M, R. S.. as amended by Sec. 14 of the Act of June 28. 1!»34 i 4S Stat . 1269), pursuant to the application of Ben C. Gerwick. Serial No 022432, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not less than J2.00 per acre, at 10:30 o’clock a. m„ on the 20th day of December, next, at thia office, the following tract of land: SW '. NW H. NW 1, ■W '. 8ec. 8. T 39 S, R. 2 E., W. M , containing 80 acres. This tract is ordered into the market on a showing that the greater portion thereof is mount­ ainous or too rough for cultivation The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding Th«* perton making the highest bid will tie re­ quired to immediately pay the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are ad­ vised to file their claims, or objec­ tions. on or before the time desig­ nated for sale. GEORGE FINIJCY, Register 44-48 “THE MUMMY’S HAND” with Dick Foran Peggy Moran “THE TEXAS STAGE COACH” with Charles Starrett Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “SCATTER­ BRAINS” with Judy Canova Alan Mowbray Ruth Donelly Wednesday and Thursday ON THE STAGE! All the (ilamor of a HOLLYWOOD PREMIER AND ON THE SCREEN! “GLAMOR FOR SALE” HOTEL MANX POWELL STREET AT UNION SQUARE SAN FRANCISCO TO EVfRYTHINz. GI om ! BOHEMIAN CLUB AL BROWER, Proprietor