; Friday, Nov. 29, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER About People You Know! | TALENT NKWN i liaron Hill Named To Edit Hi-Life à t / • Mr and Mr» Al Sherard »pent Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs Ray Lewi» and family. • Tlx- Tnl.-xt in luf.- »tuff ha» been elected fol till» term as fol low»: Editor, Tharon Hill; assist­ ant editor, Ruby Dobbin»; feature editor, Dorri» Currie; »port* edit­ or, Earl Jone»; bUNine»» manager, Bob Keith; advertising manager, Mabel Romanger; make-up, !>-da Klunek; advisor», Ml»» Clark and Mrs. Bugar. • Mrs Anna Dickey spent the week-end visiting Mrs Muy Lev- ette in A»hland. • Mr and Mr» o i. Atwell of Medford and Mr. and Mr». W. V. Klamuth Hutes journeyed to Falls Thanksgiving day and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mr«. Itoyal Bate». • The ladle» of the Methodist church met Thursday in M all day session at the home of Mrs spriKi-i Haeklat Tiny quilted on a quilt for Mrs. Hackler. • Mr and Mrs. Walter Smith ar­ rived In Talent Suixliiy morning from Saed, Mont., and visited relatives here • Mr and Mr» Frankie Denham' of Medford and Mr. and Mr« 1 George Connor were guest« of Mr. and Mrs Rudy Connor on Thanks­ giving day. • Mr» Irene Well« wa« able to return to her home from the hos­ pital In Ashland after a long illness. • Mr» Harry Lowe of Sama Val­ ley wa« a business caller here Wednesday. • Bill Hotchkiss angan enter­ tained at dinner Mr and Mrs John Webster. Mr and Mrs Ben Webster of Talent and Mr. »nd Mrs Floyd Goin and Mr and Mrs Harold Sloper and daughter Ro­ berta of Prospect, Thanksgiving day • Mr and Mrs Fred Hodapp of near Eagle Point called on friends in Talent Tuesday They were en­ route to Cnsa Grande, Ariz. to ■pend the winter. • Mr and Mrs Charles Collins moved from the Spitzer property to Medford Sunday. • Mr and Mr« Lyle Tame had aa their guests on Tharik«giving day Mr«. Sue Clayton and »on Faye, Mr« Anna Dickey and Rev­ erend Friedenburg. • Mr and Mn IP n Clark »pent the Thanksgiving holiday» with their daughter, M:«. Glen Brown, on Anderson creek. • Ml«» Clarice Home» of Ashland was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mr». Roy Eate«. • Mr. and Mr» Olmstead and «on Donald of Oak Ridge and Mi and Mia. R. F. Park» were dinner guentn on Thankagivtng day al the home of Mr. and Mr». Wayne Cowdrey. • Roy Coffman of Phcenix and Mr» Edith Cochran were married Monday They left Tuesday morn­ ing for Chiloquin to »pend a few day» with Mrs. Coffman'» »on. EI v I h Cochran, and family • Tlie Townsend club met Tues­ day evening at the city hail with many visitors from A »bland and surrounding country. A pot­ luck »upper wa« served. After the ■upper motion picture» pertaining to the Townsend plan were shown by Mr. Slngler. • Mi»» Betty Spencer la attend­ ing beauty school in Medford. —•—•— o'clock on the subject, "The The Job’« Daughter« of Job." Daughter« of Ashland will be guests of honor at thia service, The adult choir will «Ing an an* them. The Epworth and Wesley Leag­ ue« meet at 0:30 p. m. for wor­ ship. Thii» 1« «trictly a young peo­ ple« »ervice and all young people who have no other regular piact of wor«hip are welcome here The evening sermon is at 7:30 o'clock on the subject, "The Seek­ ing and Having Christ." The young people« choir will wing the anthem, "Just A» I Am” (A. Ru­ benstein). Prayer meeting and atudy of the book of Revelation Wednesday evening at 7:30. Methodist Episcopal Church Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m with Allen O. McGee, general superintendent, in charge. There is nothing quite so vital to the development of (Christian charac­ ter a« the study and appreciation of the Bible When the Bible really gets into one's mind and heart he is bound to be a better person. The morning sermon is at 11 SATURDAY AND MONDAY FOOD BARGAINS 19c 9c POST TOASTIES 5C LEMONS—Doz 19c MATCHES-6 boxes 13c SQUASH-lb 2c CORN-3 for 23c CAULIFLOWER 9c WELCH GRAPE JUICE Vegetables—3 Bu. 10c Quart 39C ORANGES-Each 1C AVACADOS 5c PE AS—3 for 23c Grapefruit—6 for 15c HONEY-5-lb. pail 32c Tender Sweet MARRIED to mv new AUTOMATIC GAS HOT WATER Smith Quality MILD X BLEACHER Del Rogue Pumpkin 9c Quart - IOC SWIFT HAMS-Lb. 18c Half Gallon 19C M hile They Last ROYAL CLUB FINE FOODS Royal Club Spinach—No. 2| tin, 2 for Royal Club Peaches—No. 2| tin, 2 for Royal Club Dainty Dimple Peas—No. 2’s, Ea 15C Royal Club Stringless Beans—No. 2’s, Ea 13C Royal Club Coffee 24C Royal Club Crab—leg meat 29c t The Public Is Invited TO ATTEND OPEN HOUSE All Day Saturday! PHONE GUARANTEED MEATS AT A SAVING! Eastern Bacon Home Cured COME IN AND TAKE A RIDE IN THE 1941 FORD! PHON IK EAST SIOE PLAZÄ1 22C lb. Ford Models on Display 25c IOC Meco String Beans—3 for Meco Catsup (by the piece) (NOVEMBER 30) New 13c $1.19 BANANAS— 3 pounds KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR-49’s POTATOES- 59 lbs. U. S. No. 2 CAMPBELL’S TOMATO SOUP—3 for l-trge Sunklst l)r. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar —•---- DIAL 7021—FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY LETTUCE—2 for Trinity Episcopal Church Holy Communion, 8 a. m. Church school, 9 30 a. m. Sermon and Holy Communion, 11 a. m Holy Communion, Wednesday, 9:30 a. m. Choir meeting, Friday, 7:30 p. tn. You are cordially invited to worship with us. Page 5 (By the piece) 19C lb. Sirloin Steaks 25c lb. P SMOKED PORK CHOPS SMOKED BEEF TONGUES CHILI WIENERS SAURKRAUT Pork Link Sausage 20c lb Smoked Link Sausage 28e lb "GET THE FACTS /.ND YOU'LL GET A FORI) Delicious Corned Beef—None Better. 18c to 25c pound. BEARE MOTOR »0 NORTH MAIN STREET PHONE 33nl Try it Today. *