Friday, Nov. 29, 1940 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 OUR DEMOCRACY------- byM.» Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND. OREGON Leonard N. Hall Entered aa second-class matter February 15, 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland. Oregon, under the act of March 3,1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) KEEPING AMERICA WELL ★ ★ Editor and Publisher ★ ONE YEAR........... >1 50 SIX MONTHS........ 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) TELEPHONE 8561 REED AND GORÖAS WIPED OUT YELLOW FEVER. IS NULLPOX KILLED OH MARRED BY SISKIYOU HIGHWAY DEDICATION CEREMONIES SERVED AN IMPORTANT PURPOSE! Formal opening of the new Siskiyou mountain highway Tuesday, although not attended by a great many individuals from southern Oregon, was an important occasion. “Why waste a lot of time and words over the thing?” was the query of stay-at-homes, who missed the pnint 'me dedication ceremonies were not import­ ant in themselves but tne purpose they served was important to all of us, for the primary value of the occasion was its ability to tell the world that at long last the mountain bottleneck has been completely eliminated and no longer will motorists have to twist and turn their way over a tortuous road. The great amount of publicity attendant upon the opening program will be of inestimable value in re­ claiming the heavy tourist travel through this area which belongs here, and the large part in this effort played by the Ashland Chamber of Commerce—both in promoting and carrying out the idea—should re­ ceive the grateful appreciation of all of us. * * ★ THE DIES COMMITTEE CARRIES ON WITH ITS PUBLICITY’ HUNT! When Representative Martin Dies, chairman of the Dies committee investigating subversive activities in the United States, accused the Federal Bureau of Investigation of inefficiency and use of outmoded methods, the ambitious Texan weakened his own case. Newspaper readers will not soon forget the elab­ orate and politically inspired anti-administration charges hurled by the Dies committee, which sought to maintain a front-page position through a long series of sensational and uncorroborated accusations. There seemed to have been a noticeable coincidence between Dies’ anti-subversive vehemence and pending authori­ zation of additional funds for the committee’s continuance. Although most Americans are deeply concerned over evidence of sabotage and other subversive activ­ ities on the part of foreign nations, Dies’ policy of yelling “Wolf!” at opportune moments (timed so as to gain maximum attention in the press and radio) somewhat defeats its own purpose. For many will suspect—and perhaps rightly—that the congressman has become enamored of his importance and is prosti­ tuting current dislike for dictator nations. Already the committee chairman is slurring the nation’s secret police—the G-Men—and bragging about how much better he is doing the work of saving America. Either Dies is overwhelmed by his own importance or he deliberately is sabotaging public opinion for political gain. We still have unshaken confidence in the ability of the FBI to cope with subversives and sabotage in America without the self-appraised assistance of Martin Dies and his publicity-hungry stooges, who once accused Shirley Temple of being a dangerous communist! ★ ★ ★ DRAFT EVADERS DESERVE THE SCORN WITH WHICH THEY ARE REGARDED! Conscientious objectors—for the most part stu­ dents of religion or men of the cloth—are cropping into the news for refusing to register for conscription. Though their actions can be explained, the draft evaders do not endear themselves to their fellow citizens. Religious or conscientious objection to will of the majority goes deep into human relationships. For the man who refuses to bear arms for his country passes on the burden of protecting America—and of protect­ ing the objector’s religious freedom—to those who are able to synchronize their religious beliefs with their patriotism, their scruples with their obligations. A man must suffer great mental confusion if he is WHY A PRE-ARRANGED FUNERAL PLAN? THIRTEENTH—You may have no one to attend to the details after you are gone.. It is doubly important that you arranged to have your funeral cared for aa you wish without embarrassment to friends. A call at our office will bring a full explanation without obli­ gation. ' THOUSANDS TILL THE FAMILY DOCTOR, SET YOU FREE” “THE TRUTH WILL HUMAN BENEFACTOR, "SOLD* VACCINATION 4 TO THE LAND. SUT DREAD SCOURGES STILL REMAIN. IN FI6HT/N6 THEM OUR DOCTORS ARE AIDED AV .’ (G reat foundations . FINDING CAUSES AND CURES. [L ife (We Never Close) Phone 4541 insurance medical EXAMINATIONS AND STATISTICS, HELPING PREVENTIVE MEDICINE grandsons, Jack and Dale Wil­ liams. • 'Die Bellview extension unit meets Friday, Dec. 6, with the subject, “Poultry Cooking," to be discussed and demonstrated by Mrs Applegate and Mrs Met­ calfe Mrs Montgomery and Mis Hush will demonstrate dessert making and all members who have not been solicited for fissi are asked to bring dessert. J I « | WK